The GREEN Program

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

The Green Team

Anyone who comes back from this amazing program will give you a laundry list filled with memories of amazing sites, friendships and knowledge. The staff on site and coordination within the GREEN program are fantastic. The learning environment doesn’t stop at the classroom and the passion the locals have for renewables is inspiring. Before this program I didn’t know what I wanted my career to be and had never traveled to another country alone before. Now I’ve been to 12 different countries and my career is something I can truly say I’m happy with and excited to see where it takes me. The experiences I’ve had with this group of people, staff and student alike, will be something I’ll never forget.

What would you improve about this program?
Have an option for more adventurous people to stay longer and do a backpacking trip in the highlands or another part f the country we don’t get to see on Program. Really allows the connection with nature to seep in. Also have an extended program (summer) where the student can’t continue a project with the Midgard or Reykjavik University for research ir something along those lines.
Response from The GREEN Program

Hi Amanda - thanks for sharing your feedback with the team! That is definitely something we have taken into consideration, since we are always trying to grow and refine the program. We hope you'll join us again in the future!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Program

The GREEN Program in Iceland was awesome. So many action packed days filled with adventure, sustainable energy, and great people. I loved every second of it and would love to do another one! My time in Iceland included a glacier walk, local pool time, traditional food, fun game nights, and snorkeling in a glacial river. There were so many fun things on this trip, it's hard to name them all. They have programs in Hawaii, Japan, Peru, and elsewhere, all of which I'd like to go to!

What would you improve about this program?
No improvements necessary!
Response from The GREEN Program

Hi Shannon - thanks for sharing a review for the program! We're so glad you loved Iceland, and we hope you'll be traveling with us again in the future.

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Yes, I recommend this program

GREEN: Summer in Iceland

Having only been out of the country once before (to Canada, within 2 hours from the border) I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from Iceland. What I found though was the experience of a lifetime! Never have I seen such amazing sights, learned so much in 10 days, or met such incredible people. The highlights of the trip for me include hiking to a hot spring, touring several hydroelectric power plants, meeting people who share my interest in and obsession with sustainability, and embracing a culture vastly different from my own. I highly recommend this trip to anyone who is ready for an adventure. Be warned that the weather is cold (yes even in summer) and very rainy. The hikes were sometimes long and with 19 hours of sunlight, so were the days. But, if you’re ready to experience something new and put yourself outside of your comfort zone while seeing the most beautiful scenes in the world, then this is the trip for you!

What would you improve about this program?
More specifications on the type of rain pants and other kinds of clothes would’ve been helpful but I was fairly unprepared and still stayed warm for the most part!
Response from The GREEN Program

Hi Olivia - thanks for sharing a review for the program! We have definitely taken your feedback into consideration to make sure students are fully aware of what they will need to pack for programs. We're glad you stayed warm, and we hope you'll join us for another program in the future!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Happy Island -Fukushima

Trying to describe the Green Program's education program in Japan is hard to do. You experience Japan from a personal one on one perspective with the locals. You learn about the culture first hand. There is no other way to learn about the resilience of the people of Japan and Fukushima than on the ground talking with them. I was able to see where the disaster occurred and was able to attempt to understand the disaster. The kindness and respect given is unlike any other place on Earth.

Response from The GREEN Program

Hi Jacob - thanks for leaving a review for the program! We are so glad you had such a positive experience, and we hope you'll join us again soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Renewable Energy & Sustainability

The Green Program is an experience that I would recommend to anyone and everyone wanting to learn and grow while travelling in a completely new way. It combines aspects of the industry being studied while also getting to experience the culture and diversity of the country not normally available when travelled in a regular manner. Iceland is the most beautiful place and The Green Program made is that much more amazing. It sparked more interest in the field of sustainability as a further career pursuit and helped me find my passion.

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked to see more funding options, scholarships or even conversion rate coverage for students applying from Canada.
Response from The GREEN Program

Hi Emma - thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to share a review. We have definitely taken this into consideration, and your feedback helps support this. We hope you had a wonderful time in Iceland, and we hope to see you on another program in the future!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Choice I Ever Made!

Okay this is gonna be cheesy but it's from the heart lol

Before the Green Program, I always dreamed of traveling one day but it seemed impossible since I barely traveled outside of my hometown.

Not only did The Green Program provide me a golden ticket to make my dreams come true but they gave me every resource to become successful not only in the workforce but in life. This program gave me a beautiful perspective of people and the environment everywhere. They gave me the confidence I needed and now I feel 100% capable of traveling anywhere in the world and to places I thought were once impossible.

Thank you to The Green Program for the memories and the amazing experiences. Thank you for making my dream a reality!

What would you improve about this program?
Possibly more scholarship opportunities but I know they are already working on that.
Response from The GREEN Program

Hi Shelby - thanks for leaving us a review! We are so glad you had such a positive experience in Peru. Hopefully we will see you on another program soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Study Renewable Energy & Sustainability in Iceland

My experience on the GREEN program was amazing and one I will never forget. I met so many wonderful people and got to learn a lot about sustainability while also experiencing the Icelandic culture and doing adventurous things that I could only imagine. I think it was the perfect blend of educational and fun.

Ultimately my experience led me to continuing toward my goal of a sustainable career by coming back to Iceland and completing my masters here. Had I not gone on the GREEN program, I would not be where I am today.

I highly recommend the program to anyone interested in sustainability.

What would you improve about this program?
I think the program can be improved by having a larger outreach and by minimizing the costs. The staff at GREEN headquarters are doing a great job of trying to tackle these issues by having their alumni as ambassadors on their campuses to reach out to a larger audience. I also think that the recent launch of the scholarships will allow more students to be able to go on these incredible adventures and learn a lot. I think continuing to tackle the barriers of cost and outreach will help to improve the program!
Response from The GREEN Program

Hi Caroline - thanks for sharing your feedback and leaving a review. Our team definitely has taken this into consideration, as we do our best to grow the program and continue to evolve. We hope you'll be joining us again for another program in the future!

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Yes, I recommend this program

TGP Iceland

This trip definitely provided me with some of the best days of my life, it was truly a life-changing experience. Firstly, because Iceland is such a breath-taking and incredible country. The support for sustainability and renewable energy in the country is noticeable and is something I hope to find everywhere in the near future. Secondly, because the adventures we went on were not only fun but at times, they could be challenging and pushed you to keep going even when you weren't sure if you could! Additionally, the classroom was engaging, and the material that was learned was completely relevant to the trip and was useful information that can be applied to future endeavors. I loved TGP and hope that I can go on another adventure with them sometime in the near future!

What would you improve about this program?
Surprisingly, there was some downtime throughout the program, and oftentimes, this downtime was useful, but sometimes I feel that it could have been used to explore more. This is the only thing I can think of that would improve the program, though, it was an incredible experience!
Response from The GREEN Program

Hi Tymber - thanks for joining us on the program! We are so glad you had an amazing experience, and our team has definitely taken in your feedback for consideration. We hope to see you on another program in the future!

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Yes, I recommend this program

An Amazing Experience in Iceland

The GREEN Program is the perfect mix of exploration and adventure/education and promotion of renewable energy. On the program we hiked mountains and glaciers, drove through the rocky countryside in superjeeps, and learned about geothermal, hydroelectric, and biofuel energy sources. The trip guides were some of the nicest and most down to Earth people I have ever met! They took us to some of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Words and pictures cannot do Iceland justice, it is something you must see and do for yourself. The food we were served and the places we stayed were excellent! Some of my favorite memories were hiking to a hot spring on top of a mountain and watching the Northern Lights while relaxing in a hot tub outside in the freezing cold. The GREEN Program was an amazing adventure and an excellent first trip abroad for me. I am more passionate about working in the renewable energy field after taking this trip and I recommend it to anyone.

What would you improve about this program?
I wish we had spent a little more time in Reykjavik, but what we did spend was fun! Keep it up GREEN!
Response from The GREEN Program

Hi Joseph - thanks for leaving us a review and sharing your feedback! We do our best to improve and grow the program through student feedback, and yours has been taken into consideration by the team. Thanks for joining us, and we hope to see you again soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

A Profoundly Moving Human Experience

My time spent in Iceland with The GREEN Program remains the best 10 days of international travel, industry experience, expert lectures, and bucket-list exploring I've ever experienced. Having been all over the world, Iceland holds a unique location for learning about renewable energy from the source (Mother Nature). The Program provides the framework to get you out of your comfort zone (mentally and physically), join a group of forward-thinking young leaders, and present viable solution to today's pressing environmental and social issues set forth by the UN's SDGs. With this unique twist on learning, you build unity through team work, breadth through the choice to pick your research topic, and skills through public speaking and leadership. This program is the reason I am in the career I am today as a Sustainability Specialist. It gave me the strength to endure through hardships, the perseverance to never quit, and the fortitude to last in a demanding, changing field. And all of this in 8 days! The GREEN Program is more than academics and amazing bucket-list adventures. It is a program designed to "wake you up", get you into the mindset of a being a "global citizen", and leaves you with a profound sense of worth, accomplishment, and impact.

What would you improve about this program?
This program can be improved by being accessible to more students. To learn more about TGP's Scholarship Fund, check out The Sustainability Nexus in Philadelphia.
Response from The GREEN Program

Hi Joe - thanks for leaving a review about your program, and always being a fantastic supporter of TGP. We hope to see you on another program soon!

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