EDU Africa

Program Reviews

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Gender Advocacy

I learn quite a lot, most especially on gender-racism, how difficult it is to navigate gender roles after preclonial eras.
Interestingly many African countries experience similar gender related issues. Coming from a Country ranked sixth in the Global Gender Gap Report of 2021, While the gender wage gap in Namibia is less prominent than that of many other countries, the distribution of wealth is immensely unequal. it was quite informative to have attended this program.
I recommend that we should get rid of These beliefs that contribute to a culture of gender inequality, which often proliferates inequalities in the workplace and perpetuates traditional gender roles.

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Informative, and most engaging experience

This was a great way to share some of my historic, cultural and ethnic knowledge which I have acquired through my upbringing, environment and academic learning to the exchange program.

My experiences through this virtual exchange program has been an eye opener as I have also been able see other peoples views on certain topics to which I wouldn't have if I wasn't part of it, for example the last exchange I was a part of was based on gender advocacy, and I got to understand a cis/het males worldview.

  • New information
  • Building communication skills
  • Creating new connections
  • None
  • None
  • None
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Yes, I recommend this program

Virtual South Africa Artist-in-Residence

An outstanding virtual artist-in-residence program created an opportunity for 58 of our Upper School students to learn new digital art techniques, challenge their world views through ongoing interactions with a young visual storyteller from Soweto, and develop their own visual styles through experimentation with the power of text and image over the course of two months. Although we're quite eager to return to in-person travel opportunities, those trips involve far smaller groups of participants, so this virtual engagement -- enhanced by the use of Flipgrid educational technology -- permitted us to involve greater numbers of students in the engagement while establishing a relationship with artist Njabulo Hlophe that continued to grow and enrich all parties involved over the weeks.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Our preference would certainly be to work with a smaller group of students -- probably just one class of 15 students -- which would ease the scheduling challenges encountered when working with large numbers of students in separate classes, all while dealing with a seven-hour time difference.
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The Influence of Music in Ghana: Past and Present

My World Music Drumming class did a customized Virtual Exchange with EDU Africa where we heard three different presentations from Ghanaian musicians over the course of a few weeks during class. Each speaker presented a different aspect of Ghanaian music and illustrated how traditional music is connected to contemporary music that people listen to today. My students were fascinated by some of the cultural traditions they spoke about, such as a baby-naming ceremony, and how music is an important part of everyday life in Ghana. These speakers brought to life in my classroom what my students previously thought of as a far-away place, as they shared stories, videos, and live musical performances. Several students shared that through hearing these speakers, they now have a new understanding and appreciation for a place they had never thought much about before.

This was my first experience working with EDU Africa. I thoroughly enjoyed working with them to create this virtual exchange that was customized to my music course with a focus on global diversity. I plan to work with them again next semester to build upon this experience for my students.

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Rwanda Through Film and Literature

EDUAfrica arranged for my students to work with Tribeca recognized director Kivu Ruhorahoza and actor/activist Mark Gwamaka of Aegis Trust/Kigali Genocide Memorial (also starring in Kinyarwanda) as well as Rwandan students. We were incredibly fortunate to have had the personal interaction with fascinating, talented, intellectual professionals who provided a wealth of information and even trusted us with their own personal stories. I was profoundly moved by the honest and thought-provoking conversations. This is the third time I've worked with EDUAfrica and they have always delivered stellar quality programs that I am privileged to take part in.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I got to hear honest answers to questions from an internationally recognized film director who made himself vulnerable by sharing his personal experience of the genocide against the Tutsi.
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Most Engaging and Inspiring Online Program I've Ever Done!

I was part of the 'Social Transformation through Art & Activism in South Africa' virtual exchange program. We were given a great overview of South Africa's history and the opportunity to listen to the different stories of people who experienced the atrocities of Apartheid firsthand, which was such a privilege. Furthermore, there was a range of workshops, from learning various greetings in the local language, trying out gumboot dancing, writing poetry... to learning about the social impacts of conservation and graffiti murals, which broadened my perspective on what counts as effective 'activism'. The host of the sessions was so engaging, the South African students taking part readily gave such valuable insights into the topics we covered, and I was really struck by the sense of purpose all of the contributors approached their work with. It was a truly inspiring week!

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Brilliant opportunity to learn more social justice issues in South Africa

I participated in the virtual programme 'Social Transformation through Art and Activism in South Africa'. It was very well organised and I was able to learn about social justice issues in South Africa directly from local artists, activists and academics. Rather than focusing on just one for of art, we learnt about art activism through various forms of expression, a personal favourite being the gumboot dance! It was a wonderful experience and I learnt a lot about how my own culture and identity had been influenced through the arts. I would strongly recommend this program to anyone looking to broaden their horizons, meet new people and gain a more global perspective.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
A major highlight was being able to hear from Lionel Davis, a visual artist, who was a prominent figure in the anti-apartheid movement. He was incarcerated for seven years on Robben Island with Nelson Mandela. It was certainly a unique experience!
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Socially Impactful Engineering Design in a Virtual Space: South Africa


This program was developed by EDU Africa and one of our Professors at the University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering. We have gone to South Africa the past few years but were unable to go in 2021. EDU Africa created a life-changing program for our students focusing on socially empathic Engineering design and how engineers can create social change. We had US students interact with South Africa students and the overall program was an amazing opportunity to gain global understanding virtually. We were so happy with the results and so excited that we worked with EDU Africa. Desiree Haakonsen is an excellent international educator, facilitator, and program manager.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Hearing from a former political prisoner in South Africa talk about his time in Robbin Island and his journey. It was so surprising to see his peacefulness and his joy for art, and life.
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Virtual Study Away to South Africa

When we discovered the "virtual" experiences that EDU Africa offered, we were eager to try this opportunity! We integrated this program into a graduate Museum Education and Interpretation class and met with educators from three museums in Cape Town. EDU Africa staff were exceptional in organizing these meetings and in helping to create projects that our students could do from abroad! Our class focus was on social justice issues, and students really appreciated hearing the important work of museum staff in South Africa.

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Excellent Virtual Exchanges

EDU Africa is an amazing organization. Its staff is so dedicated to providing students with the ultimate African experience. Although we had to postpone our in person study abroad program, the four virtual exchanges we had were incredible. The sessions were well-planned, informative, and interactive. Seeing community college students in rural North Carolina interact with people in South Africa was so wonderful. Hearing from Christo Brand and Lionel Davis was witnessing living history. Highly recommend.

What was your funniest moment?
The students reacting to one of the South African storytellers eating a 'smiley.'