Plan My Gap Year

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

My Experience in Bali, Indonesia with Pmgy

Staying in a Balinese town was amazing, everyone was so friendly, and I always felt safe. The volunteer house was beautiful, the main level had a covered kitchen area and picnic tables for everyone to sit and eat. The pool was beautiful, there was 4 levels with rooms and space to relax. The family that lives at the volunteer house are absolutely amazing and make every meal! Everyone was put Into groups based on what program you are in. I was in a group of six and each day there was a schedule of two activities for us. I had a lot more free time then I thought I would so I’m glad I brought a book and journal to record my experiences.
I recommend taking jam, peanut butter or something for toast. Also something to put on white rice!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice is, don’t over pack, just bring essentials and some clothes because you can wash them yourself or take them to the Laundromat 3 minutes away from the volunteer house.
Go there with an open mind, be willing to learn about their culture and always be respectful of others.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Journey of a lifetime

PMGY Ghana has been my favorite adventure so far. I Traveled to Ghana in May of 2019 alone at 21, It was scary but rewarding to all ends. I participated in the Medical program hoping to gain experience from the hospitals and from day one i was allowed to get hands on. An outreach program was set up and we tested a local school group for malaria. I spent 30 days in the country with the most amazing staff and a great group of volunteers that I can now call lifelong friends. Thorough every challenge I faced in the country the support of the staff was there, the nightly activities are so much fun from dance parties with the local kiddos, learning to balance objects on your head, game night , etc. The food adjustments was the hardest thing I faced, The food is all good but proportions are smaller than usual and if you are staying for a long time the meal change on a daily basis but not weekly so be prepared for that. Everything else was transparent in the handbook so read that clearly! Take the leap to ghana!

What would you improve about this program?
Anything that you would want changed with the program is just ghanian culture like the food or water shortages etc and shouldn't be changed or couldn't.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Disabled Children Project

Living in Ghana has been the most incredible experience of my life. One I will never forget.

I planned on going to Ghana for two months but after two weeks I knew I wanted to stay. With assistance from the UK team they made everything so easy and I ended up staying for five months (If I had the money I would have stayed another 5!)

As soon as I got there I felt so welcome. The staff make you feel like part of the family and they go above and beyond to do everything they can for you. Especially Flo, Dennis, Ruby, Rosemary and Mercy.

I felt confident enough to travel to and from placement on my own. Working at Kumasi Children’s home was amazing. I loved being able to make a small difference in the children’s lives everyday.

I would recommend this trip to everyone. Go into it with an open mind, embrace the culture and the differences, talk to people, try the food and learn the language.

I feel so lucky to have had this experience. Ghana made my heart so full and I miss it every day. I had so many opportunities and made friends for life.
I can’t wait to go back.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice is to try everything. Try the food, speak the language get to know the locals. Everyone is so friendly so don’t be shy.
Embrace the cultural differences and enjoy every day.
There are also things you might find overwhelming or hard to accept such as the everyday struggles people face. But you also have to remember you can’t help everyone. So do what you can, small things like shopping local can make a big difference to people.
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Yes, I recommend this program


If you're wondering whether you should take part in a PMGY Program, then wonder no more, just do it. While I was looking through different websites and a ton of possibilities for what to do in my gap year, PMGY stood out from the others because of all the good reviews I had read, saying that it was a great company, well worth the money you pay for their programs. Of course, I was still a little skeptical, but after contacting them directly and eliminating any worries I had, I knew that they had a great costumer service and that I would be fine when I departed to Bali, Indonesia, where I would be taking part in the Wildlife and Childcare programs for 8 weeks. Before departure, most of the questions you may have will be answered in the in-depth volunteer handbook they send you after you book a program with them. It is a long guide, covering everything from pre-departure preparation, to packing tips, and in-country experience, including about all the programs offered in that country. When I finally got to my chosen location, Bali, the drivers were waiting for me at the airport, just as it was mentioned in both the volunteer handbook and the pre-departure webinar. In terms of in-country support, it couldn't be better in my opinion. The family you stay with is incredibly nice and welcomes you as if you were part of their family as well. Th new in-country coordinators, Jo and Manouk, for Bali arrived the day right after I arrived, and I am glad to say that they never felt like coordinators, but instead like great friends who were always willing to help you. They organized games, movie nights, karaoke, and everything else, from day trips to night outs. We even had a Disney Quiz night, and a Disney week. So, if you're ever worried about something just go to your coordinators and they will do the best they can to help you out. That's the other great thing, you spend so much time with your coordinators, and other volunteers, and after just 2 weeks, or even 1, you already know each other much better than you would ever expect. In my case, I can say that I have made friends for life during my time there, and I am already planning other trips with them.
When it comes to programs, I had the chance to participate in two of them. In wildlife, there was a lot of manual labor involved, we cut down trees, we fed the animals, we built toys and cages for them, and we cleaned, a lot. For childcare, you play with the children, you teach English to the older ones and you help the staff from both Bumblebee and Lotus, the two childcare locations, feed the kids and dressing up the smaller ones as well. It's a great experience and that's all I can say about it. You only work from Mondays to Thursdays, so there is many opportunities to get to know the rest of Indonesia, including some trips organized by PMGY themselves.
To sum up, if you're questioning whether to do it or not, because you're too young or old compared to everyone else, trust me, you won't regret going. I was 17 at the time of my program, back in October of 2018, while mostly everyone else was 20 or above, and I never felt excluded. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Go into the program with an open-mind. Many things will happen differently compared to what you're probably used to, but you will get used to it, and eventually it'll just become part of your day. For example, everyone in Bali would walk around barefoot, even on the street, and when going to the market. Back home, I would never even consider doing such thing, but in Bali I did.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best 3 weeks

I can't even begin to explain the incredible time I had in Bali with PMGY. Everything was amazing; the team looking after me. I couldn't fault them in any way. I was always made to feel safe and welcome, and could find the support needed. The accommodation was lovely, always clean and there was always yummy meals to eat. I found the handbook very helpful especially before my departure, particularly the packing list. I was on the medical project, I loved going to the hospital and volunteering there. However at times I found myself lacking things to do due to the project being mainly an observational role, I understood this when applying although thought there would be more participation. This didn't take away from my experience and my favourite thing was being able to see a natural birth.
I would defiantly recommend going on the trips and exploring Bali in your free time. I originally booked to go on the Gili T and Ubud trips, but due to the earthquake while I was there unfortunately the Gili trip was cancelled. I really enjoyed the Ubud it was filled with fun activities and a great chance to go on one of the famous Bali swings.
My advice for future volunteers would be to enjoy every minute! This was my first time solo traveling and I love it so much I’ve been looking at projects in other countries.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I was to go back to Bali the one thing I might change would be the project I picked. I enjoyed the medical project and it added to part of my degree, however it was an observational role (I knew this beforehand) and I would’ve loved a project I could get more stuck into.
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Yes, I recommend this program

PMGY Sri Lanka Medical Programme

PMGY Sri Lanka, was by far the best experience ever. I have done a programme with PMGY before and that inspired me to go on this one. I have taken part in other similar company programmes but PMGY do it right and is by far the best value for your money. Everything is very simple from booking your place to getting to Sri Lanka. Before you leave, the website offers all the basic info you would need and along the way you will get emails from the team in Sri Lanka helping you every step of the way, to decision making and any questions you might have. Once you have applied you receive an information handbook with every thing you need to know from visa info with step by step guides on how acquire one and also about location, projects and other general information (even what you should back and country background information). The volunteer house is amazing, with a pool and roof top terrace, all meals are included and is local cuisine (absolutely delicious btw). Rooms are shared and allocated by gender, the volunteer house is a great way to make friends and for those who are afraid because of travel, PMGY Sri Lanka have their very own tuk tuk services. These tuk tuks will take you to and from projects, the beach, supermarket...essentially anywhere you would need to go.

I did the medical project and worked in the government hospital and had an amazing time, we got to experience many different departments in the hospital, including A&E, paediatrics, labour room (female only) and surgery. The position was mostly observational, but I can only recommend that you ask questions and ASK to be shown around and what is going around you. But you have to appreciate that it’s a hospital and they will be busy, you need to put in the effort to ask and they will happily show you around and teach you the ropes.

I also did the Maldives trip, honestly if you can I would defo recommend, you will never be able to go in your life for the price of £350.....NEVER!! But if that doesn’t float your boat, a lot of the other volunteers ended up going away for the weekend to other areas in Sri Lanka like Kandy, Ella,etc. If you are ever stuck with what to do there is an amazing team of people like Meena and Bea who will happily help you with anything you need help with and also with travel ideas. It’s an experience you don’t want to miss, I recommend that anyone who is thinking of doing it should definitely do.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I could do this again, I would go for longer and explore other volunteering projects and other areas in Sri Lanka.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Experience!

I volunteered in Ghana for three weeks. And I wish I could've stayed much longer! The locals in the community and especially at the volunteer house were beyond welcoming. The volunteer house was comfortable and clean. It began to feel like home very quickly. The PMGY workers provided a family-like environment. They encouraged discussions about anything and everything. If something confused you or made you feel uncomfortable someone was always there to talk to you about it.
Placement was usually early in the morning and usually you could leave whenever you were ready to. The kids at the orphanage were adorable and full of smiles. At times it was exhausting and difficult to know the kids didn't have a family, but being able to give them basic attention was satisfying. I quickly fell in love with them and sincerely wanted to adopt all of them. I also went to the school and helped in a classroom for a few days. The students were eager to learn and loved playing with the volunteers.
The weekends were for relaxing, free time, or going on the PMGY weekend trips. I did both Mole and Cape Coast and I recommend both of them. It was a neat way to see different parts of Ghana.
Ghanaian culture is completely different than American culture and it was very refreshing. Going into the trip with an open mindset is the best thing to do. The way they view time, humor, basic conversations and life overall can be surprising, but as you adjust it's easy to fall in love with their way of life.
Overall, it was a mind opening experience that I will never forget!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be completely open minded! Remember that Ghanaian culture is different and no particular culture is superior. Don't act out on something that bothers or surprises you in a dramatic way. That would be like someone coming to your country or house and acting as if you lived a horrible life.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Sri Lanka Turtle Conservation and Childcare Project

This past week I returned home from my program with PMGY. I initially started with a two week program but that wasn’t enough and I added an extra week to work with children. Everything couldn’t have gone any better. Pickup from the airport was nice as our leader knew who I was! Reading the volunteer handbook was extremely helpful in what to prepare along with what to expect. It doesn’t capture how truly beautiful Sri Lanka is. The projects were Monday-Friday unless there was a bank holiday going on in Sri Lanka. During the Turtle Project there are different things that have to be done. You cut up sardines to feed to the larger fish, move sand so the eggs can hatch properly, sometimes you get to see them hatch(this is luck and dependent on when the turtle eggs were buried)! There is also painting the walls to decorate to look like turtles with information regarding the different types! The feeding is absolutely the best part. There are super tiny baby turtles, regular sized turtles and massive ones! They all are unique and have their own names! I also did the Childcare Project, this one is different in the sense you get to teach the girls something. That part is rewarding, they also love to dance and listen to music! They’re just little kids who want to have fun however they can. The accommodation in Sri Lanka for the turtle and childcare project was perfect. Ashika made it feel like home and is the absolute perfect person for these conservation projects. The house had a swimming pool, a rooftop, food was made everyday and there was a list of what we would eat each day. They can make accommodations for vegans and vegetarians you’ve just got to let Ashika know! You’ll find that many people there have been or are vegans! It didn’t matter where you went in Sri Lanka, say on your own or with some friends over the weekend, there are many people who can help you find your way or learn the best ways to come back. Ashika and Manoj were always readily available and excited to help out. The energy in Sri Lanka is one to match from everyone. If you’re thinking of trying this out I highly recommend it. There is very little advice I can give to truly help you prepare for this amazing experience, you may find this is what you want to do for the rest of your life as I have. I was only there three weeks! Join PMGY it is something you will always remember and won’t be able to wait to do again.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Sri Lanka Turtle Conservation and Childcare Project

This past week I returned home from my program with PMGY. I initially started with a two week program but that wasn’t enough and I added an extra week to work with children. Everything couldn’t have gone any better. Pickup from the airport was nice as our leader knew who I was! Reading the volunteer handbook was extremely helpful in what to prepare along with what to expect. It doesn’t capture how truly beautiful Sri Lanka is. The projects were Monday-Friday unless there was a bank holiday going on in Sri Lanka. During the Turtle Project there are different things that have to be done. You cut up sardines to feed to the larger fish, move sand so the eggs can hatch properly, sometimes you get to see them hatch(this is luck and dependent on when the turtle eggs were buried)! There is also painting the walls to decorate to look like turtles with information regarding the different types! The feeding is absolutely the best part. There are super tiny baby turtles, regular sized turtles and massive ones! They all are unique and have their own names! I also did the Childcare Project, this one is different in the sense you get to teach the girls something. That part is rewarding, they also love to dance and listen to music! They’re just little kids who want to have fun however they can. The accommodation in Sri Lanka for the turtle and childcare project was perfect. Ashika made it feel like home and is the absolute perfect person for these conservation projects. The house had a swimming pool, a rooftop, food was made everyday and there was a list of what we would eat each day. They can make accommodations for vegans and vegetarians you’ve just got to let Ashika know! You’ll find that many people there have been or are vegans! It didn’t matter where you went in Sri Lanka, say on your own or with some friends over the weekend, there are many people who can help you find your way or learn the best ways to come back. Ashika and Manoj were always readily available and excited to help out. The energy in Sri Lanka is one to match from everyone. If you’re thinking of trying this out I highly recommend it. There is very little advice I can give to truly help you prepare for this amazing experience, you may find this is what you want to do for the rest of your life as I have. I was only there three weeks! Join PMGY it is something you will always remember and can't wait to do again.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing I can think that would be extra helpful to the program would be having more people who are able to speak both Sinhala and English to make communication a little bit easier. That isn't to say that the communication was awful, it was far from it actually! Just when doing projects or trying to go somewhere if the volunteers were able to have multiple people walk through the Sinhala - English translation!
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Yes, I recommend this program

3 Weeks just wasn’t enough!

3 weeks just wasn’t enough, if I had it my way I would have stayed for 3 months!! I always find it hard to explain how the trip was because as amazing as it was, it breaks my heart seeing how most families live. It really does put into perspective how lucky we really are.

The PMGY team in Ghana are absolutely wonderful... even Dennis who only says a few words😂

My advice for future volunteers, If you want to go out and help people and make a difference this programme and organisation is for you! If you want a party trip to get drunk every night, Benidorm or Ibiza is for you. Grab every experience you can whilst being out there, at the end of the day, you paid money to HELP and that is what is expected of you when you go out there.

What would you improve about this program?
The program itself, I think it should start venturing out into more countries!