SAI Programs

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Studying abroad in a pandemic!

Many people wouldn't choose to go abroad in a pandemic, but SAI makes it all worth it. I have no regrets about my choice and I wish I could do it all over again. This was my second time studying abroad with SAI and they never fail to make you feel comfortable, prepared, and excited. I was happy with my classes, living amenities, and location. It was truly an experience of a lifetime that wouldn't be possible without the amazing staff at SAI. I would highly recommend studying abroad and most importantly, studying abroad with SAI.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I ate my first oyster and spit it right back out! Yuck!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Study abroad through SAI!

I was very satisfied with my decision to study abroad through SAI. They were always available and prompt in helping out or answering questions. Because of covid, my experience was very unique in that some experiences were limited or not offered, but even still, SAI did a fine job at offering fun activities. I wouldn't change my experience for the world. SAI also hosts a variety of students from different universities and countries which is awesome in providing full cultural exposure. Daniela, Luca, and Elizabeth were all very kind and friendly as well.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
The weirdest food I ate while abroad was beef tartare which is raw beef that was included in my aperitivo... definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone being that I'm usually a well-done type of meat eater haha.
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Yes, I recommend this program

If I could go back, I wouldn't change anything!!

This program was the perfect fit for me in every way. First, SAI. I loved SAI so much, I ended up becoming a student ambassador for their program after I came home! SAI provides students with every resource they need to be successful abroad. I had access to real people right in Florence who were always ready to help me at any moment. More than that, the classes, trips, and experiences offered by SAI were perfect opportunities to explore our city. This program was with me from start to finish and I'll never forget all that SAI did for me!

Secondly, Florence. This city is one of the most popular study abroad locations for a reason! Florence has history, art, food, culture, night life, and really everything you could want in a study abroad. The City is small enough to be walkable, but large enough to feel excited by. The train station provides easy access to anywhere in Italy (or Europe for that matter) and the Florence airport makes it easy to fly out of country too! Florentines are friendly and willing to lend a hand if you get lost, don't speak Italian, or just need some advice about where to eat dinner. When I talk about my study abroad with students who studied in other cities, Florence always reign supreme. This city is vibrant, rich in history, teeming with energy, and waiting for you to discover it. I truly believe that every person should experience Florence at least once in their lifetime!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Branch outside of the tourist areas!! I cannot stress this enough! Florence is a beautiful City with so much history, and there are many incredible sites to see. Unfortunately, many travelers get caught up in the tourist highlights. If you're just passing through, of course it makes sense to spend your entire trip in the Piazza del Duomo. But for those of you staying a few weeks or a few months, please please please branch out. There's plenty more beyond the Ponte Vecchio. Visit the Sunday market at Santo Spirito. Take the tram to Parco delle Cascine or visit the studio of Florentine street artist, Clet. There's so much more to see in this incredible City than just the tourist traps. I know too many people in my program who ended the semester not really knowing the truth of Florence. They spent every weekend traveling. They worried so much about "hitting the highlights," that they missed all of the incredible discoveries right on the streets of their own city. So, please, put down your guide book, forget about the tourist map, and just go get lost in Florence. I swear to you, it will be the best thing you've ever done!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Wishing I could do it again!

Florence, unknowingly, was the perfect place for me-- the art, the city size, the feeling, the atmosphere. I dream daily about the food (particularly gluten-free pastries), the peaceful river at night, happening upon street musicians, and my big, beautiful apartment windows.SAI was also very helpful and provided a great program. They set up our housing, health insurance, different events and excursions (book-making workshop, cooking class, day trips to Siena, Lucca, etc.). Even in the chaos and unknowns of the beginning of the pandemic, the on-site staff was sweet, competent, and as helpful as they could be. They made the arrival process easy and made sure we were introduced to our new city through an orientation and a magnificent dinner in a palace on our first night. Having gotten cut short because of corona, I sometimes think about going abroad again and I think I would want to experience the full thing, because it seems like it would've been fantastic beyond my wildest imagination (even more than it already was).

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don't try to be Italian, you're not going to pass as a local no matter what. Now don't take this to mean you should be obnoxious Americans or not try to learn and respect the local culture. I say this because I tried way too hard to pack clothing that I thought would look Italian and I ended up with a bunch of clothing I didn't wear because it was too fancy and not something I wanted to put on everyday. You'll save yourself stress/time/money if you are realistic about what you'll wear. Definitely do bring a couple of nicer outfits though, because while you won't look Italian, you might feel weird just wearing leggings everyday (it is not something people there do). If you go in the Spring, be aware that the first month or two is actually pretty cold and you will want more than one sweater/sweatpants to wear around your apartment.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best two weeks abroad!

Although my semester got cut short to two weeks, I had the best time in Milan! From the beginning, SAI and the onsite staff in Milan were supportive, welcoming, and knowledgeable on topics of visas to best pizza restaurants. Within the short time I was abroad, I met and made friendships with many other students in my program and locals that attended my University. SAI and Cattolica were supportive throughout the semester of online courses and provided resources to immerse ourselves in Italian culture virtually. The courses I took at UCSC were relevant to my major and were unique compared to traditional lectures since each week we toured a business or museum relating to the topic.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I encourage all students to take the Italian language course. I had very little prior experience with Italian, however, I was able to communicate at the grocery store and cafes with locals in Italian!
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Yes, I recommend this program


I have no regrets about choosing this program and would be quick to recommend it to a friend. SAI offered great support and amenities. My apartment was fully stocked with everything I needed. Kitchen gear, linens, etc. and maintenance requests were always met promptly. Expect living differences based on culture and routines. Wifi can be spotty. The location of my apartment was well thought out and close to my university and metro. I attended the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in their study abroad building which was in the middle of the city. I wasn't fully aware that it was the study abroad sect of the school, so my classes were not with local students. Most of my classes were with young adults from the States. My professors were engaging and kind. I enjoyed all of my courses, from political science to art history.
SAI's Barcelona office / team was amazing and I felt safe and comfortable with the staff. They were our friends and immediate support system. We took a weekend trip to Sevilla and activities were provided almost every week (like cooking classes, hikes, and museum visits). I also was able to volunteer at a local school and work with third graders in their art class. Volunteer opportunities are always available to go along with your courses. SAI encourages each student to be independent and explore on their own but is there for any need, at every step of the way. From the application process to our farewell, I trusted SAI with all of my questions and concerns. I made fantastic friends and memories and my study abroad experience was truly so great due to SAI.

What was your funniest moment?
The SAI staff hosted a hike up to "The Bunkers" which is a mountain top view of the city and coast and the whole time we giggled and shared stories. This was a great opportunity to make friends and feel like a local.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My progam is amazing!

I had an amazing time! I would have ever thought that I would be able to hace the expirence of going abroad. A big plus was that it was really affordable! The people, the sites, and all the extra little things I did made this so amazing. I was very nervous just like anyone else would be, but once I got there and was comfortable with my new home. I did amazing. Even if studying for school is not your thing check out their internship programs. My roommate did that and had a blast! Barcelona will forever be a small part of home!

What was your funniest moment?
I think it would have to be when my friends and I went to Venice, Italy on a 3 day weekend!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best two months of my life!!

Studying abroad with SAI is the best decision that I've ever made. SAI helped me throughout the entire process, from pre-departure, while in Rome, having to come home in the middle of the semester due to COVID-19, and afterward. SAI provides you with a ton of resources to make the process of applying for visas, booking flights, and obtaining a permit to stay as easy as possible. While in Rome, SAI gave us many opportunities to get to know the other students in the program and learn more about the city and country that we were staying in. The amount of students was perfect because there was a small enough group to where we all knew each other's faces but a large enough group to where we could meet new people and have different friend groups. COVID-19 put a huge amount of stress on the students in the program, but the on-site staff helped us through the entire process by providing assistance in arranging flights and reassuring us and giving us kind words throughout the entire process. SAI made the difficult (but responsible and correct) decision to send all students home when some universities did not make the decision for themselves. When I arrived home, SAI staff reached out to make sure that I had settled back into life in the United States and worked to provide us with as much of a refund from the time that we had to leave early. I loved every moment that I got to spend in Rome and without SAI I would not have been able to enjoy my experience as much as I did.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-racking moment was when I first arrived in Rome. Rome is a huge city and the airport was so big. I instantly felt at ease when an SAI staff member greeted me outside of the terminal and led me to where I ended up meeting the most amazing people who would change my life forever!
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Yes, I recommend this program


My experience studying at UPF with SAI in Barcelona was incredible. I would choose it over and over again.

UPF - UPF is the top ranked school in Spain, so the classes were definitely challenging, but in a good way. I didn't feel like I was wasting my time with school, I really was learning important information. It is also a very historic and culturally Catalan school, so it was perfect for getting the local experience I wanted!! Beautiful and peaceful campus just a 10 minute walk away from Barceloneta (the beach). Be prepared to do school work, but also have really cool professors and learn a lot. Totally worth it.

BARCELONA - I'm probably biased but I think this is the best city to study abroad in. Absolutely beautiful, so much to do, awesome night and day life, and super easy to travel out of / access the airport for weekend trips.

SAI - SAI was the best decision I could have made. They were SO accommodating, quick to respond, and settled any worries I had going into it. The apartments we were assigned were really nice and fantastic location. SAI gave the perfect amount of independence but also security and excursion opportunities. The staff were all so welcoming, easy to talk to, and made you feel right at home. They also planned great events and were fun to hang out with!! We went to Monterserrat, had a flamenco dancing workshop, ceramics workshop, Catalan cooking night, weekend trip to Seville, and more ... the staff made all of the excursions so great!! I really felt like I got a local experience in Barcelona and that was my main goal for studying abroad. So much of the local experience I was given was from SAI excursions and their Global Leadership Certification, where I had the opportunity to earn an additional certification through making a presentation on a subject related to Spain, write a thesis statement, meet with the advisors, attend academic seminars, and volunteer weekly at a local school to help teach the kids English. Overall incredible experience!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
human castles on UPF Campus - a Catalan tradition!
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Yes, I recommend this program

A once in a lifetime opportunity

My experience in Barcelona with SAI was one I would not trade for the world. SAI acted as a second family to me and helped make the somewhat scary transition from the US to Europe feel natural. They were there every step of the way when I was sick, confused, lost; they were always there to hold my hand and help me no matter the time of day. I recommend this program to anyone studying abroad because I never thought I would have such a positive experience, and I wouldn't change it for the world! SAI also helped me meet tons of students from around the globe with their opportunities to travel in groups and nightly activities such as my favorite- cooking class!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-racking moment I have had abroad was when I visited the Swiss Alps and skii'd for the very first time!