Love Volunteers

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Much More Than Some Teaching Gig

Many of them share one bathroom. They have one fire which they share to cook with it. And their only pair of shoes is the one the school provided for them. The obstacles so many of these kids face are extremely heartbreaking. With this program I was able to truly make a difference. As an assistant teacher I was able to impact them and help them realize their full potential while at the same time having lots of fun with each and every one of them.

What would you improve about this program?
The only way I see this program improving is if there were more volunteers willing to contribute their time and energy to this cause for these children more than deserve it.
Response from Love Volunteers

Hi Tauheed,
Thanks so much for your invaluable contribution to this needy program. As you mention, we desperately need more volunteers to contribute and help the children of Bangladesh.
We love your title "So much more than a teaching gig". Indeed volunteering provides experience but is so much more than work experience, it involves travel but is so much more than tourism and it involves giving but is so much more than just a donation.
Thanks again for being an fantastic volunteer.
The Team @ Love Volunteers

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Yes, I recommend this program

Women's Empowerment Project in Morocco with Love Volunteers

I really got a first hand authentic experience of Morocco through working with women in the NGO VFA. I was very impressed of how they worked and how much I had to learn about their work and program. I was assigned to tranlsate a lot of documents pertaining to the women's rights situation in Morocco. I was also able to teach English at the NGO. This allowed me to work in the judicial literacy program the NGO had.
I also came up with the initiative to organize women's empowerment workshop.
I stayed with a nice host family which made my stay absolutely indicative of the family dynmics in Morocco. We celebrated a lot of things with my host. I had the great chance to attend the end of Ramadan and party with my host. I was also happy to have chosen to go with Love Volunteers because they offered me a lot of support and their team in Rabat made my stay unforgetable.
I would highly recommand this program for anyone seeking to immerse themselves into the Moroccan culture and looking for an amazing experience in a beautiful country as Morocco

Response from Love Volunteers

Hi Victoria,
Thanks for taking the time to write this great review. We especially appreciate you mentioning how you used your initiative and how rewarding your Home Stay experience was.
We often get similar feedback from our volunteers and there's a direct correlation between how flexible and open-minded people are and how much they enjoy the placement.
Thanks again for being a fab. volunteer!
The Team @ Love Volunteers

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Yes, I recommend this program

Orphanage Volunteering

It was one of the best decisions in my life to go to Ghana for Volunteering. I will never forget this experience. I've received so much love from all the people there. I feel in the love with the kids there, i think anyone will do! I can totally recommend you going there. This is something you will carry in your heart a lifetime.

Beside all the medical preparation beforehand I can recommend you to go there with an open mind and heart and it will be the best time in your Life.
Everyone is so helpful and caring that you will feel like you are visiting family! :)

Response from Love Volunteers

Hi Johanna,
What a fabulous person you are and an absolutely wonderful volunteer - thanks!
We simply couldn't agree more with your comment:
"Beside all the ... preparation beforehand I can recommend you to go there with an open mind and heart and it will be the best time in your Life."
This is the best advice future volunteers can take on-board.
Thanks again and we hope to have you back on the team again sometime.
The Team @ Love Volunteers

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Fantastic month in Kenya

I've spend one month in Nairobi, Kenya working as an English language teacher. The whole experience was fantastic and very eye-opening! The local partner staff was very nice and supportive. I could especially mention the team leader -- I haven't seen such an enthusiastic and energetic person before! My school wasn't far away from my placement so it was easy and safe to travel. Food was great, very simple and nutritious. African people are very friendly and easy going. I fell in love with Africa!

Response from Love Volunteers

Hi Raminta,
What a pleasure to hear of the joy you had volunteering in Kenya. Volunteers like you put such smiles on the beautiful faces of the children they are there to support.
Thanks also for giving credit to the absolutely amazing local team without whom we and our volunteers couldn't contribute to these communities. They are extremely committed, experienced and just down-right awesome people.
Thanks for being a part of this program.
The Team @ Love Volunteers

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Yes, I recommend this program

I didn't want to leave!

My volunteering experience with the media project was beyond words. The wonderful woman who runs the organisation, Theary, was an absolute treasure. She took a lot of time to explain how the nitty gritty of how NGOs operate, and would take me with her to everything from conferences and meetings to her family friend's wedding. Needless to say that thanks to her I saw so many different sides of the real Cambodia. On top of that, the work was really fulfilling. The days were long, so you felt your time is being used well and you can really see the effects of the effort you put into it.

What would you improve about this program?
It would be great if air conditioning was included in the price.
Response from Love Volunteers

Hi Grace,
Thanks for your review and for giving credit to the wonderful program coordinators who work tirelessly and passionately to improve the lives of those less fortunate.
Thanks again,
The Team @ Love Volunteers

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Yes, I recommend this program

Malawi: Rural teaching and community work

Malawi October 2014 - March 2015
This was my second volunteer project in Africa, the first being in Uganda in 2012, but my first with Love Volunteers. LV were very supportive particularly pre-planning information, good value for money and I would certainly use them again without hesitation.
I had never taught before going to Uganda: I used to be an engineer in the oil and gas construction industry, so to be a teacher in Africa was a real career change for me - and much more satisfying.
I was working at a rural community centre to the SW of the capital Lilongwe, the nearest town being Mitundu. Getting there involved two local mini busses and a lastly a bicycle taxi, or motorbike if I was lucky, to the centre.
The centre, called "Abundant Life" was the creation of my host Moses Njobvu, and was still under construction when I arrived. It serves as a community centre for the surrounding villages where young children, approx 5-8yrs, are taught basic English and bible studies by a handful of dedicated local villagers, most of whom were unpaid. A very important feature is a daily feeding program where on average 100 children are given soya and maize porridge for lunch, which for many may be their only meal that day. There is a small vegetable garden providing additional food and a little income.
I worked teaching the alphabet, words, numbers, shapes, colours etc to the children to give them a basic introduction to the English language. Early schooling is invaluable to rural village kids if their education is ever going to progress so giving them at least the start in life that they would otherwise never have. I also helped with the daily feeding program, dishing up the porridge and making sure everyone was fed. But I Ioved playing with the children; they have such a sense of fun and find enjoyment in simple games, singing and dancing, and not just the children-the adults as well.
Twice a week I would teach science in a village primary school to 9-10yrs and 11-12yrs children. This was a government school but even so teaching materials were minimal, although they did have desk and chairs to sit on. The kids were so enthusiastic to learn and fun to teach that the experience was hugely enjoyable.
As well as teaching I would spend time visiting vulnerable people in the community with Numeri Banda, the Abundant Life community officer. Together we would see what their needs were and what support A.L. could give. This was enormously rewarding because it gave me a unique insight into the realities of rural life which I consider a real privilege.
The buildings at the centre are not yet finished, cooking is done outside on an open fire, water fetched from a bore hole, there is no electricity. There are no desks or chairs for the kids; they sit on the concrete floors. No books, or writing materials that we would take for granted. If there is no money one month either the teachers don't get paid or the kids go without food. That is the harsh reality.
Abundant Life Centre is totally self supporting: there are no big donor organizations or rich patrons in the background providing unlimited funds, it relies totally on the voluntary donations raised through the tireless fundraising efforts of Moses, and of course the LV volunteer program.
I stayed with Moses and his lovely wife, Betty, their two beautiful daughters and delightful young son. I was welcomed into their home from day one as part of the family, sharing not only their food but also their lives. They accepted me and showed me kindness that is indescribable: to them I was uncle Tim.
I have been shown extraordinary kindness, love and compassion; I have witnessed poor people struggle with uncomplaining dignity and the innocence and joy of children but importantly I have experienced tolerance and acceptance like never before. The entire experience of my volunteer program has been life changing, my outlook on life has changed; I have learnt patience, tolerance and humility.
Tim Wright (England) 2015

Response from Love Volunteers

Hi Tim,
We are extremely grateful for your kind praise and also for the amazing impact you had on the program in Malawi.
We're glad you mentioned the difficulties our local partners have with funding. We often have people ask if it's possible to volunteer for free or to be paid for their time and we try to explain that it's impossible for the local team to provide free accommodation, meals and support to volunteers when, as you mention, they can barely afford to support the local people.
Your comment makes this abundantly clear:
"If there is no money one month either the teachers don't get paid or the kids go without food. That is the harsh reality."

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Yes, I recommend this program

Working With Children in Uganda

We are 19 years old and from America. We felt called to do something that would really make a difference and after a lot of research we stumbled upon Love Volunteers. We feel so blessed that we found them because they were extremely helpful with every step of our journey. They were so kind and patient, and answered anything we asked. We were placed in Kidron Valley Ministries in Jinja. Kidron consisted of an orphanage, a school, and a clinic all on the same grounds. Everyday we were able to walk to Kidron and help at all three parts. Our daily tasks consisted of things like: bathing, feeding, and playing with orphans, coloring, talking to, and playing with school children, and doing whatever the clinic needed help with. This experience was the greatest of our lives and we couldn't feel more blessed that we were able to meet these amazing people. Our host family was wonderful and did everything they could to make us feel welcome. We already can't wait to go back.

What would you improve about this program?
I am not sure that I can think of anything that needs improved to be honest. We had no trouble at all, and loved the whole program.
Response from Love Volunteers

Hi Delaney and Jordan,
We're humbled by your comments. We can't do what we do in these countries without amazing volunteers like you!
Come back and join us again soon.
The Team @ Love Volunteers

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Love Thailand

I’ve never wanted to travel, nor had the feeling of “wanderlust”. I was only moderately interested in Thailand, but incredibly passionate about gaining teaching experience with younger children. I just so happened to stumble upon Love Volunteers, which helped set me up with their local in-country partner, and their AMAZING teaching program. Traveling out of country for the first time, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the partner organization and Love Volunteers was there for me every step of the way! I had went into this program alone, and am now coming out with friends from all over the world. The coordinators of this program really care about you, and really want you to enjoy your placement, as well as love Thailand as much as they do! They are always ready and willing to help, and will have the brightest smile when you stop by and say hi. I really cannot praise these coordinators, or the local partner organization highly enough. My experience as a teacher has been nothing short of rewarding. The teachers and the students here are absolutely beautiful in mind, body, and spirit. I was a bit nervous walking into a classroom, with no experience, but these past two weeks have taught me how to become an effective teacher, with the help of some feedback from the students and teachers. I was able to learn how to classroom manage, lesson plan, and connect to my students even though there was a language barrier. These people are some of the happiest, generous, and humble people I have met, and have truly made an impact on my life. I would recommend this program to anyone, and everyone, just because, not only do you make a difference, but you come back as a better person as well.

Response from Love Volunteers

Hi Brittany,
Wow, we absolutely love seeing reviews like yours where the volunteer has given their all - and got it all back and more!
There's nothing to add except THANKS! Thanks for being an awesome Love Volunteer.
The Team @ Love Volunteers

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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching English to Buddhist Monks in Chiang Mai

These 4 weeks of volunteering in a temple were above and beyond all my expectations. I feel that I’ve been fortunate to take part in a very meaningful project. Additionally, I’m grateful to have left my imprint on novice monks whom I taught and who taught me just as much. My daily visits in the temple made me feel like a member of this huge family of Buddhism, and that is something that no tourist experiences.
In addition, this month was a lot more than just teaching; I’ve had the opportunity to learn about a whole new culture through its language, traditions, tastes, and sceneries. The fact that volunteers have the weekends off allowed me to travel around Chiang Mai and take tours outside of the city. It created even more experiences and memories that I’ll never forget.
For everyone who is looking for an interesting way of traveling, I would recommend that they join one of the projects and get ready for a mind-opening experience.

Response from Love Volunteers

Hi Elior,
This is exactly what volunteering abroad is all about! Thanks so much for being an awesome volunteer and for taking the time to share your experience to help future volunteers.
We'd love to have you back on the team again in the future.
The Team @ Love Volunteers

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Yes, I recommend this program

Sri Lanka medical volunteer

This experience exceeded any expectation I had to begin with. I decided last minute that I wanted to participate in this program and I was very quickly accommodated for. When I arrived I was warmly greeted and properly introduced to the work that I would be participating in. I was taken to my home stay where I was introduced to the family I would be living with for 2 week. They were extremely friendly, accepting and welcoming as I entered into their home. The food prepared for me was delicious, their helpfulness was impeccable and I never felt unsafe or uncomfortable in any situation. I frequently got a phone call from the coordinator checking up on me to see how my day was and to assess if there were any problems that needed solving. I felt like I was treated respectfully and I never came across any issues. Living with a local family I was able to engulf myself in the culture and everyday routines and rituals that they followed. They made me feel as If I was apart of their family. I feel fortunate to have been placed with such a kind, giving, and heartwarming family.
I partook in a few different placements during my stay. For the first week I participated in maternity clinics, a dental clinic, home visits, and the school for the blind and deaf. The second week I was placed in the intensive care unit (ICU) at a provincial general hospital. I was taken to my site and picked up afterwards; so I never felt lost or overwhelmed with directing myself around a new city. Each placement had friendly staff that allowed me to observe, assist and learn. I was thoroughly taught about the healthcare system in Sri Lanka and the medical care available. I feel as if all of my goals were obtained from this trip. This once in a lifetime opportunity provided me with more than I could have asked for.

Response from Love Volunteers

Hi Sara,
It's great to hear that you had a fabulous volunteer experience in Sri Lanka. We're so pleased to have been able to help you achieve this goal.
We hope this isn't "a once in a lifetime opportunity"; we'd love to have you back on the team again sometime :-)
The Team @ Love Volunteers