
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

TEFL in Suwon, South Korea

The first 5 weeks have been brilliant so far! Korean culture is really interesting, the people are really friendly, and, with a bit of effort from your side, the language barrier never poses too much of a problem. (This of course isn't a problem in schools as you usually have an assistent teacher, and there plenty of bars frequented by other expats whom you can meet). Hilariously, my name happens also happens to mean 'knife' in Korean, which has led to some funny looks, especially from the kids. So far so good. Looking forward to the rest of my adventure.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching Experience

My teaching experience and life here in Korea has been nothing short of incredible. Korea is a beautiful country that mixes both the traditional with the modern. In addition, I've really grown in the classroom and I've fallen in love with teaching English as a second language. The elementary students I see and teach every day have had such a positive impact on my life. I wake up each day thankful for my job.

Furthermore, Korea has provided me a great opportunity to travel, both domestically and internationally. I've been able to travel to cities all over Korea and I've been able to see temples, beaches, mountains, islands, and the list goes on and on. Additionally, I love the outdoors and as I found out quickly upon arrival, Korea is the country to be in if you want to hike and experience nature.

One of the greatest memories I have here in Korea came from a getaway weekend vacation with friends I met here. We woke up on a Saturday morning and decided to head to a city which we knew little about. Upon arrival in Gwangju we dropped our things off at the hostel and then wandered the city, visiting different parks and attractions. I had such a great time with my friends and I'm very thankful for that weekend. The thing that really stood out to me was the accessibility of travel across the entire country. My friends and I really didn't have much of an itinerary, but we were able to head to a city across the country for a nice getaway and easily find things to do and see. The weekend was full of new experiences, laughs, and adventure.

Finally, the last story I would like to share came from a normally routine train ride home from Seoul. I was heading back to Suwon after a language exchange in Seoul and after purchasing my train ticket I promptly made my way to the train. I sat down in my seat and within a few minutes three ajummas, who were obviously very close friends, came to sit in their seats which were directly next to me and in front of me. The two other friends that were sitting directly in front of me decided to swivel their chairs so they could face their friend who was sitting beside me. Now, I had unintentionally joined these ajummas train "party". The four of us began speaking through broken English and Korean as we made our way for Suwon. The women began eating, which seemed like a four course meal, all the while sharing ever single portion with me. It was such a great experience for me! The women were so kind and this is an experience that will stick with me for a long time.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Adventures in Korea!

I've had an excellent time in Korea so far. I've seen some beautiful sights, met some amazing people and learned a lot about myself in the process. Teaching has been a challenging but enjoyable experience. I've had a great network of support from my school, my peers and my recruiter which has made my transition from Canada to Korea so much easier!

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Yes, I recommend this program


Cycling along the han river was a amazing. Just bring able to cycle for miles and miles along beautiful scenery was a unique experience for me. I was able to watch planes flying low to gimpo airport and wave to all the people passing by. Also being able to stop for drinks a snacks before carrying on. And taking a break while overlooking the river.

What would you improve about this program?
More communication with the korean teachers at the school before arriving.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My first month in Korea

I have been in Korea for just over one month now, and I absolutely love it. From the social scene to my working day.

Whilst I was in the UK, my emails were answered within the hour, regardless of the 8-hour time difference and any questions I had were answered.

Before and upon my arrival everything was so well organised and I had no problems whatsoever during the move from the UK to Korea.

I've settled in so well and it's down to the efficiency of English Work, my employers and my co-workers.

Moving country is particularly stressful but English Work made the transition as easy as possible.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Recruiter services

I was placed in Yongin by recruiter Michael Kim, who was very helpful, supportive, and even after we were done, we still kept in touch. He has even helped me after I left Korea. Great recruiter!

About my experience, it was amazing! I would advice anyone coming to Korea to come with an open mind and heart, and great things will happen.