Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

The best course ever

I’m currently teaching English in the countryside of São Paulo in Brazil.
I’ve just taken the one hundred seventh hour TEFL course. I can absolutely recommend ITTT for anybody who already teach and who wants to improve your skills as a teacher. This is the course you are going to need if you would like to teach abroad or online.
Now I have more knowledge for planning my lessons and new activities. I enjoyed everything about the course, but my favorite one was ESA methodology.
As a result, my students are enjoying learning English. So, GO FOR IT!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
The best thing about this course is the ESA methodology. Now I have more knowledge for planning my lessons and new activities.
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Yes, I recommend this program

ITTT was a great choice

I've been wanted to get a TESOL diploma for years, and finally found the time during the pandemic isolation period. It was exhilarating, challenging, and most of the time fun. I really looked forward to getting up every morning and diving into the latest unit. I feel confident that I would be able to start teaching in a classroom (although will be frightening at first, of course) quite successfully after all I've learned during the course. Someday soon I hope to be able put this knowledge to use either in person or online. Recommended highly.

What was your funniest moment?
Also the saddest moment. When I looked through all the various topics we would be covering and realizing that I somehow passed all my English courses all through the years in public school but didn't remember hardly anything about the various parts of speech and how to explain them. I'm a voracious reader rarely have to refer to a dictionary, but the technical descriptions of what the words & phrases actually were (conjunctions, future present continuous, modal verbs, prepositions, gerunds (!?) etc. etc.) had completely disappeared from my brain. I basically started from scratch and am much the better for it.
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Yes, I recommend this program

ITTT 170 hour TEFL / TEO Course

I've recently completed the ITTT 120 hour TEFL course and their 50 hour Teaching English Online course. I found each of the courses contained relatable content, and having the same / similar layout made it easy to navigate. The course material was extensive and covered all relevant aspects related to teaching English. I especially enjoyed the TEO course, as this where I hope to get employment in the future. I would highly recommend these courses to anyone with some spare time, and wanting to try something new. I've never taught before, but believe it will be a fun way to meet people from different cultures than my own.

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120_hour TEFL/TESOL course with ITTT

This was the first time I have attended an online course in this format and wondered how effective it would be. It was very effective and therefore. The quality was outstanding and the flexibility was very participant_frirndly. I would definitely be interested in attending other online courses and looking for the next first opportunity to attend another one.l started to develop academic skills, I have improved my communication skills and writing.It's a great experience and I am happy that I decided to enrol for a 120_ hour TEFL/TESOL course.

Picture of Melanie Hamilton-Smith 2021
Yes, I recommend this program

Harder than you think; better than you think!

I chose ITTT because I have a US Bachelor's and Master's degree, but many of the overseas teaching courses wanted a TEFL certification. It wasn't the cheapest program, and I'm happy I paid the extra for it. To me, though some of the terms were different, I don't really differentiate between British English and American English. To me, English is English. So while I had to spend a little extra time absorbing some of the different terms - the explanations and concepts were the same. The links they provided were excellent. I didn't need any support because I'm a good learner and simply reviewed again what I'd missed on previous tests. I also downloaded and printed each chapter to make a workbook that I can take with me. It's a good course.

What was your funniest moment?
When I realized the my lesson planning was all messed up and that I had never actually used more than a straight arrow plan - sorta sad, and funny all at once.
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Yes, I recommend this program


Above all, I am thankful I choose this course. The content is relevant and beneficial. If I had a question, a tutor would respond within one day, usually sooner. The course provides numerous resources, materials, and ideas towards lesson planning that are beneficial. The video component is a great addition as it helped answer questions I had or provided a useful illustration. I have not applied for a job yet. However, after completing the 120-course, additional material was provided to aid the job hunt. Some units are longer, and some are shorter, but some topics have more information.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Grammar/tense system: I created a spreadsheet with all the applied rules, another designated to the forms and examples for each tense and studied from it.
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Yes, I recommend this program

ITTT Very Competent

I just finished my first 120-hour course with ITTT. I've been an English and Reading teacher in the US for 30 years, and I learned an enormous amount on how to present and teach English to students not familiar with the language. The course materials and videos were great.

I took an online course and look forward to taking my next two courses, one that covers teaching businessmen and another that addresses teaching children.

I plan on combining knowledge of teaching in the classroom with online.

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Yes, I recommend this program

120-hours + BE and TEYL

I completed the basic course of 120 plus the Business English and Teach English to Young Learners courses.
I found them all well structured, giving you a very good background.
You will be equipped with a deep well of language knowledge and teaching skills ranging from lesson planning to classroom management and beyond.
At the end of each unit there are exercises which you can practise before taking the test to move on to the next unit.
I highly recommend taking this course if you want to teach abroad.
I think I will also enrol in the 250-hour diploma course.

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Yes, I recommend this program

120-hour cerificate

Amazing course! super complete, dynamic and professional. It covers every possible scenario of teaching, problems you might encounter, types of students, different teaching methods, etc. It gives you great up-to-date tools to provide outstanding teaching.
I truly believe that the course covers absolutely everything you need to know about teaching. I would totally recommend it to people looking for superb on-line training. I was impressed by how well explained everything was and how every single detail was covered. Although there were many things that I had already studied, the ITTT course showed me a different perspective to it, it gave me new and fresh ideas on how to teach the difficult areas of the English language.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Nothing! I truly believe that the course covers absolutely everything you need to know about teaching.
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Yes, I recommend this program

ITTT 120-hr TEFL course

I have just completed the 120-hour course. The site is user-friendly and the course is quite comprehensive. You will observe that the units were written by experts. The exams really test your understanding and the summative task is challenging and somehow makes you proud once done. There are a lot of cheaper alternatives to ITTT but this is legit and accredited world-wide, so it's worth every penny. I'll certainly become more confident in teaching English. Overall, I am satisfied with my TEFL course at ITTT.