Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Experience of a lifetime!

Following graduation, I was looking for conservation experience in-the-field. GVI has always been on my radar as one of the best organisations for that kind of work, and after graduating it was a no-brainer for me to head out on one of their programmes. I volunteered with GVI as a Research Fellow for two months, at their GVI Limpopo base in South Africa. For eight weeks, I held a daily schedule of fieldwork research, stimulating workshops and beautiful animal encounters - it was incredible. The team at GVI Limpopo are the best mentors you could ask for to show you the ropes of the African bush. Experts in the field, they have a wealth of knowledge to pass on, and every minute was a learning experience.

I was really interested in the career prospects that GVI offers too. Aside from the considerable experience gained from the programme, the online modules and qualifications that GVI provides are impressive, and will help to improve anybody’s career skill-set. I’m looking forward to applying my GVI programme towards job applications in the coming future.

GVI Limpopo helped expand my perspective of conservation, from the lessons learned in-the-field, to the conversations and interactions I had with people from all over the world. The programme enhanced my understanding of conservation issues, as multi-faceted projects. I hope that the experience I gained will help me to make a better impact in a career in conservation.

The programme was one of the greatest experiences of my life. From the people, the place, the wildlife and the projects it was an unforgettable two months. I’d 100% recommend it, and I’m already looking at my next GVI programme.

  • Unforgettable wildlife encounters
  • Life-long friends
  • The African bush is your office
  • Only 6 months MAX
  • Load-shedding
Response from GVI

Hi Raj!

Your experience sounds magical! Thank you for your in-depth review and for choosing GVI from the beginning. I'm so pleased that you felt supported throughout your time with us. It's truly amazing to hear how you've developed through your program. All the best for the upcoming applications!

Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)

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Yes, I recommend this program

Elephant conservation in Chiang Mai

I joined a GVI project in Chiang Mai concerned with elephant conservation. I was impressed that the community was at the heart of the project and the links between volunteers and locals went deep. The volunteers were knowledgeable about elephant behaviour and welfare and were collecting useful data. I learned some of the local language and culture whilst there. Accommodation was with families in the village set in the hills near the National Parks to the west of Chiang Mai. A life-changing experience!

  • Impact on community
  • Culturally sensitive
  • Learning
  • Flights from UK - long journey
Response from GVI

Hi Mike!

Thank you for your review! Keeping the community at heart during these programs is extremely important and I'm pleased that the programs reflect this. It's also amazing to hear that you fully immersed yourself in the culture and had such a life-changing experience. I hope you will join us again in the future!

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Experience in Ghana!

I highly recommend GVI Ghana for anyone looking for a volunteering program to get involved with! In my 2 week program in Ghana I had a fantastic time meeting new people (both in the local community and with other volunteers), sightseeing around Ghana and spending time on projects helping out in local schools. There were a wide variety of programs available which the staff were happy to provide guidance on, and they all had a strong focus on sustainability. I was also pleasantly surprised by how much free time we were given and all the activities that were organised by staff members and the facilities were much nicer and more established than expected! Definitely no regrets signing up- the only downside is the constant sweating from the heat!

  • Helpful staff
  • Fun group activities
  • Immersion into local community
  • Heat! Very sweaty
  • Food, could sometimes lack vegetables (but was delicious!)
  • Adapting to Ghanian culture (eg everyone running late) could sometimes be challenging
Response from GVI

Hi Emily!

It's lovely to hear that you did some sightseeing. Besides the heat, I'm glad you had a great experience and connected with the volunteers and the locals. Thank you so much for your review.

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)

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Yes, I recommend this program

An Incredible Time

During my recent trip to Costa Rica I had the pleasure of interacting with three of GVI’s finest. The experience began with a friendly welcome at the airport and the following two weeks were increasingly wonderful. The whole time I felt safe in the country. From first aid assistance to communications in Spanish, all the bases were covered. The first week was a rewarding five days of sweat and smiles. GVI ensured everyone was happy and healthy while we worked on the project. The second week… where do I start. The most blissful week I can recall. The activities, people, and sights were incredible. All in all, these two weeks were undoubtedly amazing and life altering. Thank you GVI.

  • Great energy
  • A safe was to adventure in the country
  • Giving back to the community
Response from GVI

Hi Sarah!

I love that you felt supported throughout your experience and that it was so impactful. I'm also glad that you enjoyed the activities and got to connect with the people around you! Thank you for taking the time to give us such a lovely review.

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)

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Yes, I recommend this program

GVI Ghana

As my end date drew closer I realised that I did not at all feel ‘done’ here, after seeing my project start to actually impact the children I was teaching, I felt it would be too soon to leave. And, without question, the other contributing factors to my extension was the people I had met here and the like-minded nature of all the participants, being truly motivated by impacting the community in the best way they could, whether it be in environmental projects, education, or women’s empowerment, is something so inspiring to be amongst- they are people I likely would never have met had I not been in Ghana and were such an added bonus to my experience here. I was also involved in other projects such as Menstrual Health Management, teaching French as well as computer lessons for young girls.

  • Community development / Womens empowerment
  • Excursions and trips
  • Meeting new people
  • Heat
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Yes, I recommend this program

Healthcare Volunteering Program Phang Nga

I spent the best month of my life volunteering for the healthcare program in Phang Nga, Thailand. The staff and the way that the base was run was superb - I felt well supported during my program! It was hard work but so rewarding, and I will carry the connections I made with the community and fellow volunteers with me forever. Whilst the weeks were super busy doing community work, weekends involved travelling around southern Thailand with my new friends. It was the perfect combination of hard work, personal development and lots of fun. I would recommend to anyone looking for a challenge and an experience of a lifetime.

  • Program Organisation
  • Impact
  • Connections
  • No air conditioning
Response from GVI

Hi Holly!

It's wonderful to hear that you had such a great experience and felt truly supported by staff throughout your time with us! Even though you found it challenging, I'm glad that you also found the work rewarding which truly highlights the value of such programs. I'm also pleased you were able to explore Thailand in your free time! Thank you s much for your review and the impact made during your program!

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)

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Yes, I recommend this program

Women’s empowerment volunteer

I volunteered at GVI Ghana for 4 weeks on the women’s empowerment programme, and it was the most amazing experience- I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. There is a wide variety in the lessons and projects provided that you can get stuck in to- my favourites being gender based violence, menstrual health, and fit Ed - and within each of those you have the ability to help plan and deliver the classes. The team have a great relationship with the schools, and we work on other projects with them such as painting and beach cleans with the kids. The kids are amazing and definitely are one of the things that made my time there what it was- and I know many others felt the same. Gvi Ghana itself is incredible in its focus on making sure it's impact led, and above all else that all the work done is ethical. From day 1 there is a strong focus on the ethics of the work you’re doing which I believe is so so important, and is definitely something that stuck with me. Beyond your projects, you can spend free time on base which is a beautiful place to live; in Kokrobite which has many social places like Big Millys, Kokrobite gardens and an incredible beach; or there are organised trips every other weekend. These were such a highlight of the experience and you become immersed in the history and culture of Ghana, as well as getting to see some beautiful sights! I went to Volta and we hiked mountains, swam in waterfalls, saw monkeys, drank palm wine... it was the best weekend!! There are also weekend trips to Cape coast to see the historic slave castles, and to Ada. The staff are incredible- shoutout to Will for (sometimes) making everyone laugh, to Naa for her delicious cooking, to Joanna for her beautiful jewellery and much needed laundry service, and most of all to Matt for making GVI Ghana what it is. The base pets are the cutest little things as well (I was very close to putting them in my bag and taking them home)! The overall experience genuinely was amazing, I'm planning to go back already and I would urge anyone to go, you will not regret it. For me it was the best decision I ever made and I would do it a million times over again.

  • The rich culture
  • Beautiful place to live
  • Impactful work
  • The heat - you will sweat a lot
  • It’s hard work- be prepared!
Response from GVI

Hi Joanna!

Wow, your experience sounds absolutely incredible! It's amazing to hear that you had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects and connected so well with the kids. It's also great to hear that you had a chance to immerse yourself in the local culture and history. Thank you so much for your lovely review and the impact you had during your program!

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)

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Yes, I recommend this program

Gvi Ghana

I loved my time at GVI Ghana but it definitely was difficult! You'll experience a lot of different things culturally but in the end it is very rewarding! Projects are hard sometimes just because of cultural differences and the work that we do here is sustainable so do not expect to see results/impacts even though you are making one! I would advise you come here with a very open mind and be expecting to grow mentally, physically + emotionally! And on a not so serious note be ready to sweat like a lot! Overall if you are passionate, dedicated and flexible I would absolutely recommend GVI Ghana to you! Also the staff and community will welcome you with open arms and make you feel right at home!

Response from GVI

Hi Kyleigh!

It sounds like you had a transformative experience. It's wonderful to know that the staff and community made you feel welcome, the warm embrace and support from the people around you can truly make a difference! Thank you so much for your review and advice for all future participants.

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)

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Yes, I recommend this program

GVI Ghana Womens Empowerment

My GVI Ghana experience has truly been phenomenal. The community in Ghana is one of the kindest I've had the pleasure to work in. Thank you for this life-changing opportunity.

I would recommend to anyone who is looking for a volunteering/internship in women’s empowerment courses.

The base and facilities at GVI Ghana are fantastic and the staff are so welcoming.

You will meet some incredible people out here, those in the community and those working with GVI Ghana too, you’ll make friends for life!

  • Culture
  • Volunteering impact
  • Career impact
  • Weather can be quiet hot
Response from GVI

Hi Lay!

Your experience sounds lovely. I'm so glad you felt so welcomed and liked the facilities on base. It's also great to hear that you made some friendships! Thank you so much for your review and I hope that you join us on base again soon.

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)

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Yes, I recommend this program

The best 6 weeks at GVI Ghana

My experience at GVI Ghana has been life changing for me. I have been able to partake in once in a lifetime opportunities on the trips we have taken and made friendships I know will be long lasting. Most importantly for me however is the level of personal growth I have experienced, and I know I have changed a lot as I go back into my life at home. I came to Ghana after I finished my masters program and was at a loss where to go and what to do next. Being out here and working with the amazing staff and other participants with the aim of helping the community has helped me understand what I deem important and helped me understand what I want to do next moving forward into my career. Throughout the course of my six week stay in Ghana I had to overcome challenges that I had not faced previously which allowed me to gain skills leading to a notable increase in my confidence. This change I have witnessed in myself is possibly the most important thing I have taken away from my time at GVI Ghana. It has given me a level of self assurance about taking on upcoming challenges when I get a job that I did not have before coming here and am confident I wouldn't have gained without this time. If you are nervous about taking a risk and coming to GVI Ghana I wholeheartedly recommend taking the leap of faith, I was extremely anxious before coming but now I can't imagine not having gained the knowledge and friendships I have. I will be forever thankful to GVI Ghana for the best six weeks of my life and I hope other people are able to experience it too.

  • Amazing staff and participants
  • Excursions
  • Opportunity for personal growth
  • Very hot, bring a fan
  • Mosquito bites are going to happen
  • You will want to extend the longer
Response from GVI

Hi Georgia!

Thank you so much for your review. It sounds like your experience was amazing! It's especially inspiring to hear that your experience also helped you grow personally, allowing you to gain confidence and a clearer understanding of your career goals. Thank you again for taking the leap of faith and for the impact you made during your experience.

All the best,
Tiffany (GVI Outreach Team)