Multiple Locations +2
  • China
    • Beijing
    • Shanghai
    • Harbin
  • Taiwan
    • Taipei
Academic Year, Fall, J-Term, Spring, Summer
Subject Areas
Anthropology Asian American Studies Asian Studies Business Communications Cultural Studies Design East Asian Studies Economics Field Studies Finance Global Studies History Humanities International Business International Relations Journalism Language Studies Liberal Arts Linguistics Literature Marketing Political Science Psychology Public Health Public Policy Public Relations Social Sciences Sociology +19
Need-based funding, Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans, LGBTQIA+ funding, BIPOC funding
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level
Apartment Dormitory


Price Details
The CET program fee covers tuition, housing with a Chinese roommate, activities and excursions (including an overnight excursion), weekday lunches, medical insurance, visa fees and course materials/textbooks.

The program fee does not include transportation to/from the program and meals (other than those mentioned above).

Still wondering how to budget for your time abroad? CET offers scholarships, and CET staff is happy to provide advice on keeping discretionary purchases to a minimum (i.e., they can tell you where to get cheap eats).
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Classes Visa
Mar 27, 2024
May 06, 2024
29 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

CET Greater China Programs offer intensive language and internship options in four locations. Looking for a full-time language pledge to immerse yourself in Chinese language and culture? CET Beijing or CET Harbin might be for you! Want to intern internationally while taking electives and improving your Chinese skills? Check out CET Shanghai or CET Taiwan! No matter which program you choose, you will have excellent faculty, staff support, and opportunities to learn and grow outside the classroom.

Video and Photos

Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

CET believes in making study abroad accessible to students of all races, religions, origins, abilities, gender identities, and sexual orientations. We’ve gathered experiences from BIPOC students to share as resources such as the Identity Abroad pages, Perspective Pieces, and Identity Abroad Support Networks. We are also dedicated to becoming a more anti-racist organization by transforming our workplace, programs, and industry with our Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) Action Plan.

LGBTQIA+ Support

CET supports and welcomes students of all identities on our programs. We provide program-specific information under the cultural climate section of our Identity Abroad webpages for LGBTQ individuals in each of our program locations.

Neurodivergent Support

CET makes every effort to offer accommodations comparable to that of the students’ home institution. Disclosing early helps us to make proper preparations. The accommodations offered at each program can be found on each program location's Identity Abroad page. These pages can provide a good idea about what classes are like in terms of workload and class time. Initiating one-on-one conversations with Student Service Coordinators can also help inform students' decisions and determine if a program will be a good fit.

Accessibility Support

CET makes every effort to offer accommodations comparable to that of the students’ home institution. The levels of accessibility, from wheelchair accessibility to extra time on exams, are under each program location’s Identity Abroad page. Initiating one-on-one conversations with Student Service Coordinators can help inform students' decisions and determine if a program will be a good fit.



CET is an environmentally conscientious organization at our headquarters in DC and programs all around the world. In each of our centers, we adopt local measures to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to sustainable practices. As part of our ongoing efforts towards sustainability, we’ve partnered with Cool Effect, a nonprofit focused on reducing carbon emissions through scientifically-proven, hand-selected carbon projects worldwide. For each trip taken by one of our staff members, travelers, or students, we donate to support three carbon projects chosen by staff volunteers every year.

Ethical Impact

When we set up a program overseas, we become a part of that local community. And as a community member, we are responsible for contributing to local initiatives in meaningful ways. Our website lists some local philanthropic organizations that help us fulfill this responsibility—they host our students, and we support their missions.

Program Highlights

  • Chinese language classes
  • One-on-one sessions for targeted learning
  • Full-time language pledge or Internship for optional credit
  • Local roommates
  • Out-of-classroom assignments & learning

Popular Programs

Students on Great Wall

CET Beijing is an intensive language program for college students of all levels. Grow your conversation skills with a full-time language pledge, local roommate, and extra-curricular activities, all in addition to Chinese language courses taught by our experienced faculty.

CET Shanghai

CET Shanghai offers a wide range of elective options, as well as the opportunity to pursue an internship abroad! Your local roommate and language course(s) will help you learn more of the language, whether you are new to Chinese or more advanced.

Students in Taroko Gorge

This program gives you access to the best parts of study abroad—intensive, customized language classes, internship opportunities in Chinese and English-speaking environments, and a location that balances life in the city with quick getaways to nature.

Students at landmark in Harbin

Are you an advanced Chinese language learner with several semesters under your belt looking for an immersive experience? CET Harbin may be perfect for you! Grow your language skills in one-on-one tutorials and through out-of-class activities with local roommates.

Program Reviews

4.73 Rating
based on 154 reviews
  • 5 rating 75.32%
  • 4 rating 23.38%
  • 3 rating 0.65%
  • 2 rating 0.65%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.55
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.4
  • Housing 4.35
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 81 - 88 of 154 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

An Unforgettable Experience

Before I chose to go to CET Taiwan, I was really anxious since it was my first time abroad and I was even considering backing out. However, I am extremely happy I went because it ended up being a life-changing experience! I am currently on one of my last weeks in Taipei and I almost feel tears welling up in my eyes as I type this because I am going to miss Taiwan so much! T^T One thing you need to know about CET Taiwan is that it is a mixture of CET + ICLP + Internship. ICLP is a world renowned intensive Chinese Language School so if you are looking to improve your speaking ability, this is THE place to be! There are diplomats and Phd students from all over the world that travel here to learn Chinese. The teachers are amazing and super motivating. You are not strictly tied to grades so it won't be a rote memorization experience. Teachers grade you on progress and since you often have great teachers, it almost makes you want to try your hardest!

On the CET side, I loved the support we had. Chunling and Andrew are the most amazing human beings to walk upon this planet. (not an exaggeration) They were essentially the glue that held our sanity together amongst all of the school/internship stress we had. They really go out of their way to make help us feel at home and are there for our highest and lowest points. Without them, this review could have a complete 180 turn tbh. Internship depends on the company you are interning for. My experience was okay but if there are any improvements to be had, I would love it if we could look for internships on our own! The CET excursions are much better than ICLP's, so I highly suggest you go to all of them! I have never regretted coming out.

On the ICLP side, the workload is heavy, but doable. You go to school 5 days a week for about 3-4 hours a day in the morning. The ICLP trips are honestly dreadful, there's just so many people and sometimes it is poorly run. The good thing is, you can always split from the group when you get tired so I suggest you go since CET helps pay for these excursions!
The first two weeks of the program is orientation and just trips here and there. And classes begin after that. At the end of the program, you have to do a 5 minute talk which basically gives you an opportunity to show your improvement and the teachers will try their best to help you prepare you for that. There is a language pledge inside the building and I think that's about it! You also get an ICLP language partner (a local you can communicate with). Some of my classmates didn't meet with their's much but most of my unforgettable experiences are from the local excursions I had with my partner.

For internship (for the summer program at least) you need 80 hours. Personally I think you should work more in the beginning so you can get these hours out of the way. The workload gets heavier as the weeks progress. Internship course is decent, not much more to say! It is what it is, an internship.

You will probably come to Taiwan scared af but I guarantee that you will leave feeling very fulfilled. There is so much delicious, affordable food, wonderful night markets, and some of the kindest people you will ever meet. Everyone is really forgiving and patient so if you want to learn and test out your chinese, this is the place to be! It is also extremely safe which was a culture shock bc I was always so paranoid at night in the US. You can also get more on my blog, valerieenguyen.wordpress.com (or just .com)

What would you improve about this program?
Give an option beforehand to choose specific housing based on our preferences
(for example, I would be willing to live further from the city if it meant being able to have my own room)
Give us the opportunity to find an internship on the side! There are many well known international companies that have offices in Taipei so this would've been a really good chance to work with companies we are familiar with, but on a global scale.
35 people found this review helpful.
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No, I don't recommend this program

Think hard before you choose this program

I am sorry, but this review will be a little negative. I've been on intensive summer language programs before, and I have always had wonderful experiences. However, this program (though there were some good parts) was not what I wanted. This program was so stressful that all of my classmates want to leave (that's literally awful). If you choose this program, be ready to be in class until 5 PM everyday and then have 5-7 hours of homework every night.

What would you improve about this program?
Change the class schedule. If we got out earlier, then the homework would not be such a burden. However, waking up everyday to do homework, going to class (often skipping meals), getting out at 5 only to eat a little dinner and immediately start homework and then sleep at 2 every night in order to finish your homework is very exhausting.
42 people found this review helpful.
Response from CET Academic Programs

Hi Ellie, Thanks for your feedback. We know that the CET Harbin program, especially in the summer, is academically challenging. We're sorry that the program's rigor did not meet the expectations you had for your summer abroad. If you'd like to discuss your experience and specific feedback further with someone at CET, please feel free to reach out at cet@cetacademicprograms.com. -Shelley Jessee, Director of Marketing, CET

Yes, I recommend this program

Greatly Improved Chinese

I recommend this program to anyone looking for a challenging but rewarding immersive language experience. Looking back on my first day in the program, my Chinese rapidly improved, to the point where I feel comfortable enough to discuss anything with anyone! The CNU campus is a very welcoming area, and the people of Beijing are always gracious. For me the best aspect was the enthusiasm and effort exhibited by our teachers. I genuinelly believe they cared about us and our wellbeing during this program.

What would you improve about this program?
About halfway through the semester our level's academic and exam structure unexpectedly changed, as well a few changes in teachers. This may have been specific to this class and this semester, but the lack of stability at that time made things more stressful than they needed to be. This also seemed stressful for the teachers as well. However, they knew we we're having difficulties and so the next week was lighter.
44 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Making the Best of Beijing CET

The Beijing CET program is not only a language program, but by default a cultural program as well. Why? Because all teachers are Chinese, and most of them have never taught abroad. Being taught Mandarin Chinese by a fully native faculty is very insightful and useful in getting insider perspectives on topics discussed in class ranging from politics to the arts, to environmental protection. Many of the opinions you hear will challenge your own, and this is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART of being in China; to hear these contrasting opinions and to try to understand why they exist, rather than simply listening and then immediately providing your own opinion before reaching that understanding. Suggestions for having a great time in China:
1. Travel alone as often as possible, interact with Chinese people. You will make countless friends, business connections, collaborators(for artists), and people that can make your life much more rich and informed.
2. On a similar note, do not spend most of your time with your classmates, it will not be worth it, no matter how fun it seems. If you wanted easy camaraderie based on a mutual home-country/culture, why did you come to China?
3. Indulge Chinese people while you are here: forget about your own practices, your pet peeves, your habits, learn all of these anew from the Chinese people around you and you will gain an entirely new understanding of East-Asian thought-process and life. If you do not, you will find yourself at odds with Chinese people at every turn, and will end up living in a foreign cultural sphere within China.
To Sum it Up: This program was wonderful, but it won't be that way on its own.
Beijing CET is a platform, so use it to go far and delve deep into China, in my opinion, the best place in the world for a lone traveler!

What would you improve about this program?
It's an extremely difficult task, but I believe separation from fellow foreign classmates needs to be more encouraged, or rather, interaction with Chinese people and/or Chinese roommates more effectively yet gracefully promoted. The negative effects of foreigner/classmate group weekly hangouts are far too serious in my opinion. In these group settings, such as going out together on weekends, many people start speaking English because they do not understand or are unhappy with their ability to express themselves, whereas when with only Chinese people, this problem would not be had. Additionally, these settings inhibit them from learning anything about Chinese way of life, instead they live as they would at home, but in China. If I come up with any worthwhile ideas regarding how to push Chinese-foreign interactions along better in the future, I will contact CET with the suggestion. Thanks.
49 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Good Experience! 不错

I really enjoyed my time at CET this past spring. I am finishing my gap year after graduating high school/ starting college and I am so thrilled to have used my time at CET to learn an entirely new language. The Capital Normal University (CNU) campus in West Beijing where CET is based is very convenient and of course living in the country of the language you're studying improves your level faster than any other method. Immersion is the way to go if you want your language level to improve immensely and CET exudes that idea in more ways than one. The program and staff are excited to be here teaching Chinese and there are countless activities, excursions, and outings available through the program itself and friends met while here. I loved my time this spring so much I'm doing their summer program, too.

37 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


CET Beijing Intensive language program allowed me to improve my Chinese at a incredible pace. At some points it felt like I was not improving at all- but when I called my friends (also Chinese majors) back home or had a full conversation with a stranger in Chinese, I knew that my Chinese language level was constantly improving. The professors and environment that CET exposed me to has made me feel comfortable with the language, to the point that when I came back to America I still found myself saying "谢谢", "好", "对", and other simple phrases to my friends, family, and strangers. Another example of how CET allowed me to be more comfortable with Chinese is that some words I think of first in Chinese. The language environment was a unique experience that every single person benefited from. I think my favorite part of the program was that it allowed me to slowly find my personality in Chinese, for example, I loved being able to make jokes with my friends and roommate. The program classes were not as intensive as I thought they would be (probably due to the lower level I was placed in), but that did give me a chance to explore Beijing and other parts of China.

What would you improve about this program?
My friends in the program and I have discussed an additional class that would allow us to study "elementary things" that a lot of us don't know. A class or extra worksheets/information that focuses on colors, shapes, fruits, vegetables, tools, and more everyday items would be beneficial to all students. While you learn some of these things through your day to day experience at CET, you are only exposed to those items you are around in China.

I personally wish I would have been placed higher, but there we pros and cons to staying in my placement.

As for the language pledge, which I loved, There should be less of a threat of "you'll be kicked out" and more emphasis on taking students in and having a discussion reminding them why the language pledge is important for themselves and other people around them.
32 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Challenging but amazing

This is the place to go if you want to improve your Mandarin! The language pledge is particularly challenging but it’s really the best way to jump start your learning. In addition, the teachers and program leads are amazing — they are strict but will help you with anything you need. The class/homework load make for busy schedules but there is still time to get to know the people on the program and the city. Great people, great program.

33 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great experience with CET in Shanghai!

I studied abroad through CET Shanghai in Fall 2017. I had an amazing experience, learning a lot about the language and culture and truly growing as a person through my time there. There were three main aspects that I really loved about the program, being the language, internship, and local roommates.

My Chinese language skills grew immensely throughout my time abroad. I honestly don't think there's any better way to learn a language than to actually be immersed in the culture and have to speak it daily, which is exactly what I got in Shanghai. Though it was difficult at times, especially when you needed help or guidance from locals who spoke no English, I feel confident that my language would not be where it is without going to Shanghai.

The internship experience that I got through CET was amazing. I could not have asked for a better placement. My internship provided me with amazing responsibility, skill-growth, and networking opportunities. I'm still in touch with my supervisor and definitely think I could use him and other people I met through the internship in the future for job searches. Though I had an amazing experience with the internship, I must admit not everyone had quite the same experience, and it's definitely important to make sure your internship is a good fit for you once you get there.

The final aspect of CET Shanghai that I found awesome was the local roommates. My roommate (and pretty much every roommate in the program) was absolutely amazing. She was so sweet and totally let me see a side of China that I would not have seen otherwise. All of the roommates in the program were amazing and I think it definitely helped me to assimilate and enjoy my experience.

I was extremely happy with my time in CET and could not have asked for a better abroad experience. However, it is important to say that it was difficult at times. The culture in China is very different than in the US, and though you can find outlets, at some points I definitely felt like an outsider. CET does a great job supporting you, but it's important to go into the program with an open mind and an understanding that living in China is not easy and definitely takes a great deal of maturity and acceptance of the culture around you. That being said, I think it's totally doable for anyone with that mindset and is a great opportunity to learn about the world and about yourself.

What would you improve about this program?
I do wish there was more opportunity to travel. Having class 5 days a week helped me to learn a lot, but it didn't provide much opportunity for exploration across Asia. If you're going definitely try to use your weekends efficiently to travel throughout China, but there honestly just wasn't a lot of time many of the weekends.
34 people found this review helpful.

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