  • England
    • Harlaxton
Fall, Spring, Summer

Program Details

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What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Classes Meals Transportation Travel Insurance Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare SIM cards Visa
Jul 13, 2023
Mar 26, 2023
14 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Come join students and faculty from the University of Evansville and other institutions at Harlaxton College! Live and study in a manor house in the countryside of England for a unique, magical, life-changing study abroad experience in a semester or summer.

Our programs always include a diverse curriculum, set 1-2 years in advance. In the semesters, the central British Studies course, taught by local faculty, provides a historical and cultural foundation for all students. Other courses in the semester and summer in a variety of disciplines allow you to make progress toward general education or your major.

Internships, field excursions, honors options, local connections, and weekend travel give you further cultural, personal, and academic opportunities at Harlaxton. Learn, grow, and experience the world with Harlaxton as your home!

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Program Highlights

  • Live, work, and study in a Manor House in the countryside of England!
  • Discover the country and culture of the UK through our British Studies curriculum.
  • Explore the world through a wide array of travel opportunities.
  • Connect with the local community through our meet a family, meet a student, and service programs.
  • Gain academic and/or internship experience toward your degree and career.

Program Reviews

4.88 Rating
based on 17 reviews
  • 5 rating 94.12%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 5.88%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.4
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 4.95
  • Housing 4.85
  • Safety 5
Showing 9 - 16 of 17 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Best Four Months of my Life

Harlaxton is such a unique experience for everyone that describing it is almost impossible to put into words. I was lucky enough to travel Europe for four months with some of my closest friends, but even better than that I was introduced to people who became my family during my time abroad. The manor is incredible, and the feeling of coming home to it after a weekend away is breathtaking. Because of Harlaxton, I've had the opportunity to travel to 15 different countries and countless cities. I've been able to experience things that many people only dream about. I think about my time abroad all the time and how it helped shape me into the person I am today. I can't wait to take a trip back to the manor!

55 people found this review helpful.
Response from Harlaxton College

Thank you so much for the wonderful thoughts on Harlaxton study abroad. We are so glad that your time abroad with us helped shape you as a person and we can't wait to see how the future unfolds!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Harlaxton Summer 2018

There's no real way to describe just how immersive and fun this summer session was. The academics were suitably challenging for a 5-week frame and allowed plenty of time for weekend trips across western Europe, trips that were of incredible fiscal and cultural worth due to England's close proximity to the likes of Dublin, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, and so many other easily reachable locations. Living in an English manor house never hurt either, as the quarters and overall grounds were absolutely stunning. Overall, I couldn't recommend a place with better history, academics, and people than Harlaxton College.

What would you improve about this program?
Maybe lower tuition for a month just a bit, but then again it was worth just about every penny.
29 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life in a Castle

Harlaxton College is an absolute dream... After week one, I was already calling it home. Every bit of the experience was amazing—the manor, the weekend travel trips, & the courses. Making friends here was simple and I am sure they will last a lifetime. This experience also allowed me to learn a lot about myself... I now know I am capable of navigating myself through foreign countries and outgoing enough to spend an extended period of time away from home and my family. I plan to go back as soon as I can!

27 people found this review helpful.
Response from Harlaxton College

Harlaxton always welcomes you back home! We are so happy that your experience was amazing and we are waiting to welcome you back to the Manor and your forever home in England.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Harlaxton SU18

There’s something magical about Harlaxton. Not only the manor but everything about the program. The house competitions and the people it forced me to meet people I never would have been able to talk to. I loved my time at Harlaxton and I now couldn’t imagine what my life would have been without it. It’s amazing and you’ll love every second. There are going to be times you can’t do anything but homework and papers but those are going to be times worth the experience of living in this beautiful manor.

What would you improve about this program?
There could be more organization when it comes to school travel. I also think there could be more defined ways of holding people accountable for things like not going to events or not participating.
29 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Harlaxton Summer

Going into the summer my mind was set on one thing, and it was Harlaxton. I heard stories about the manor and staff but I wanted to form my own opinion of the new chapter I was about to embark on. Harlaxton taught me a lot about myself and a lot about life. We got to experience Europe during times of joy and during times of hardship. We got to experience fun social times while still doing schoolwork and furthering our education. Overall Harlaxton brought strangers into my life that are now close friends, it taught me how to travel and enjoy myself, and overall it taught me to go out of my comfort to experience new things. This made my study abroad experience so much more meaningful than I ever imagined.

30 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Home Sweet Harlaxton

Words cannot begin to describe the magical, wonderful, life-changing experience that is Harlaxton. Before I left, I was so afraid that I had built up this perfect scenario and that when I got there I'd be left, underwhelmed and disappointed. Rather, I ended up disappointed to how limited my initial expectations were. I know that I sound like one of those students that goes abroad and comes back touting about how they are a different person, but it is so true. Harlaxton is amazing in that it isn't just a study abroad program, but a live abroad person. When you go to England with Harlaxton, you get such a unique experience, one that not only lets you study in a foreign country, but also about the foreign country. With the British Studies course, you get to immerse yourself in all aspects of Great Britain and Ireland, historically, socially, and physically. You get to build lifelong friendships, learn about new cultures, and leave with a second home and a second life.

People say “home is where the heart is,” and according to Dorothy “there’s no place like home”. But what happens when your heart is stuck in two places and given the chance to click your ruby slippers together you don’t actually know where they would take you? I’m so lucky to have two homes- one that raised me, and one that taught me independence, adventure, and how to be me. To quote Harry Potter, “I’m not going home, not really” because I now have two homes… and the ability to make the world my home.

29 people found this review helpful.
Response from Harlaxton College

Harlaxton is your home and we welcome you to come back always. Knowing that the manor is there to welcome you warmly should make clicking those ruby slippers a little easier!

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C. M. B.
Yes, I recommend this program

Harlaxton is a great first-choice for studying abroad

At first I was drawn to this program because of the beauty of Harlaxton manor, but the Harlaxton experience is so much more than a pretty building. Harlaxton College is a great first choice for studying abroad due to its American-style dorms, classes, and being surrounded by other American students. The college offers free local culture trips and even has optional school-planned trips which are great for if you don’t want to deal with the struggles of travel planning. Of course, independent travel is another option and I would recommend you try at least one trip independently planned.

While I felt British Studies is time consuming and demanding, it is worth it because I was able to have a deeper understanding of the places I visited throughout the semester. The British Studies professors are all great and more than willing to help if you need any.

Between House competitions, the bistro, nature trails, and other activities and common rooms available it is nearly impossible to become bored at Harlaxton. Also, I found the food to be pretty good. Vegan, lactose free, and vegetarian options are available if you make it known before you come here. Make sure to be involved in House Competitions as they are really fun and a great way to hang out with different people. Some of my favorite memories at Harlaxton were at the House competitions.

What would you improve about this program?
Overall I was very happy with the program and their is very little I would change. Not so much an improvement, but remember that Harlaxton is in a rural area so a train ticket is required to go to London/other cities. Also, I found that it can be harder to make friends here if you come alone or from a lesser-known partner school. Many people who go to Harlaxton come with large groups of close friends from their own university.
30 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great for American students!

This school is as the other review states the British campus of UE. The housing is either in the Manor, a little cramp but beautiful, or the carriage house, slightly bigger rooms but still nice (I stayed in the latter).

Most of the shopping is in nearby Grantham and the school provides shuttling there and back all day, if you happen to miss the shuttle, there's usually a taxi service working with Harlaxton to provide slightly cheaper fares. Grantham has a farmers market every weekend that is very pleasant to walk through. It's only a cheap 2 hour train ride to London.

The surrounding grounds are also beautiful and have a great history, the area served many important uses during WWI as practice trenches and an airfield nearby.

The school does offer trips organized by them for easy less stressful traveling or you can make new friends and strike out on your own. They have a travel office open to everyone to help with making plans.

What would you improve about this program?
More chances to engage with the community, or another nearby British college where we meet British students.
39 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

18-24ish for students (typical college-age)