  • Germany
Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Summer
Need-based funding, Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level
Apartment Host Family
Apr 08, 2024
Apr 24, 2024
20 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

In Luneburg, a beautiful, historical city dating back more than a thousand years, USAC students study intensive elementary, intermediate, and advanced German language. The USAC program is located at the Leuphana University Luneburg (formerly University of Luneburg), where you can participate in university activities and clubs and become acquainted with local students.

You can also take elective courses, taught in English or German, in subjects such as political science, anthropology, economics, and speech communication, and qualified students can apply for a work-study grant or for an internship at a local business. Field trips to regional sites of interest, for example to Hamburg, Schwerin, and Lubeck, are included in the program, giving you opportunities to learn more about the country, the history of the area, and the German people.

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Diversity & Inclusion

LGBTQIA+ Support

There are LGBTQIA+ friends, colleagues, and allies throughout the world. However, cultural understanding of gender identity and sexuality does vary from country to country. USAC has compiled a lot of resources to help you through that learning process.

Accessibility Support

USAC is dedicated to working closely with students with disabilities to ensure the best study abroad experience possible. You may request reasonable accommodations after your initial application is complete. We routinely receive requests for scheduling, material, and environmental accommodations for the classroom setting, which may include assistive technology, scribes and readers, printed material, and interpretation.



Environmentally-conscious students choose USAC because many of our programs are held in some of the most sustainable countries in the world. There are options to take coursework in sustainability and the environment, as well as field trips and studies where students can leave a lasting impact on their host country.

Program Highlights

  • Live in a vibrant university town and a beautiful medieval setting just 30 minutes away from Hamburg
  • Join in a wide range of extracurricular activities on and off campus and take advantage of the study and bus pass which is included in the program fee
  • Feel at home with the help of local students and language partners
  • Enjoy field trips and the tour of Berlin, where you can explore its history and exciting and diverse cultural life
  • Renewable Resources students (graduate and undergraduate) interested in study abroad should consider direct enrollment courses at Leuphana through USAC

Program Reviews

4.80 Rating
based on 35 reviews
  • 5 rating 88.57%
  • 4 rating 8.57%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 2.86%
  • Academics 4.2
  • Support 4.6
  • Fun 4.4
  • Housing 4.55
  • Safety 5
Showing 25 - 32 of 35 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

USAC Lüneburg

I had a great time in Lüneburg! Lüneburg is a small town near Hamburg with a beautiful old down town. I met so many cool people (most from the us though ;) ) I did not have as much contact with germans because I lived and studied only with students from usac. I wished i had met more germans. The courses were good, i learned so much about european culture and history.

What would you improve about this program?
I did not like that USAC was unable to provide enough housing offers in time. Many of us had to change housing after a few weeks. I would not chose USAC housing again.
66 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My year in Germany

I really loved this program. When signing up for the program, I listed that I preferred to live on campus. I originally wanted this option because I thought it would be easiest, and because for those of us who aren't morning people it's faster! I do not regret this decision at all! I lived, literally, across the street from the school and it was really nice, especially when there was 2 feet of snow!

My day started, I woke up and went to German class, followed by 2 other classes. It was really nice because I was finished with my school days pretty early in the day. After class, my classmates and I would go eat in the Mensa with other international students and some German students as well. We would then do whatever else needed. I went to Pennymarkt, which is a local grocery store, to get food normally two or three times a week. It's really close to the university, probably about a 4 minute walk, at the most, so extremely convenient. We had classes only Monday through Thursday, Fridays were reserved for tests, which wasn't every week.
Wednesday nights we typically went out to the city and went to the bars and clubs with other international students. I'm not too sure why, but Wednesdays were the days that we noticed lots of the Germans out as well! It was really fun and became a tradition in our group.
The only downside of living on campus, is getting home after going out all night. The first semester I was lucky enough to become really good friends with someone who I would always walk home with, but during the spring semester I typically either rode my bike home, or walked alone (which I don't entirely recommend). Lüneburg is a very safe city. I never feared walking alone at night, like I do here in America.

This truly is a great program and I recommend it to every person in the German department at my University. It's in a small enough town to where you are forced to speak German, but is also only 30 minutes away from Hamburg, where you can go shopping, visit the Reeperbahn and even see HSV play!

What would you improve about this program?
If there was one thing about this program that I would change, it might be to integrate us better with the other students at this university. We had our own classrooms in a certain building, so any meeting of the German students we had to do on our own. We did, however, have the opportunity to have Tandem Partners, where we would meet with German students and speak for approximately 30 minutes in only German and 30 minutes only in English.
68 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Affordable, Educational, Immersive

Lüneburg is a beautiful town with tons of medieval charm. It's small, but has easy access to larger cities like Hannover and Hamburg. One of my favorite things about this program is that student IDs give you access to the regional train within Lower Saxony for free - just watch out which train you catch to Lübeck because if you take the wrong one, you'll get a pretty hefty fine.

The classes were intense and involved a good amount of work outside of class. Not exactly what you want when you study abroad, but my German improved so much as a result. The professors were great and the classes small enough for a good amount of one-on-one time.

The buddy system is helpful - it's an easy way to befriend a local and get a little more cultural insight. I still occasionally speak with my buddy. We also met other international students (mostly USAC), which I didn't expect since I went for a summer session. The staff made us aware of on-campus activities and student organizations we could join as well.

The group I went with is still friends and we try to schedule reunions.

What would you improve about this program?
Orientation is a bit long. More breaks would be helpful. Also clearer explanations on public transportation/train system to avoid confusion/getting fined.
70 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Three and a Half Months of No Regrets

Every day in Germany was a different experience. Nothing ever remained the same or was boring. I will never forget the moments where I thought I understood the culture from the classes I took, and yet was proven wrong when being surrounded by it (the best example being when I forgot one has to buy plastic bags when grocery shopping). They may have been slightly humiliating, but I adapted; I learned. And that is the point of studying abroad: to step out of the comfort zone of the home country and witness a whole new world. That way, the outcome is a well-rounded individual, with more than a year's worth of stories to tell to family and friends when returning home. I myself have traveled throughout Germany, including Berlin, as well as outside with a trip to Rome and Stockholm. I came, I saw, but most importantly; I grew with knowledge. At first, studying abroad was a large step for someone like me, with very little travel experience. In the end, it became an adventure that I would gladly relive and experience over and over.

What would you improve about this program?
As I reflect back on my experience, it is hard to determine how the program itself could improve, for there are many positive aspects of it. However, one improvement I would mention is the load of homework potentially given to students. When saying that, I would like to make a brief note that I am not saying the homework load was "absolutely horrendous;" yet there have been days or weeks where I had no choice but to stay inside and work from the end of class until I went to bed. It is understandable that the classes and coursework are vital, especially when studying the language. However, it is better to go throughout the city and practice that language, and experience culture, instead of reading lessons and doing worksheets.
70 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Moments of my Life

Studying abroad in Luneburg, Germany was honestly the best experience of my life. I'm sure you hear people saying that about studying abroad all the time. But this city and the people were amazing. From the culture, to the food, to the people and the location. It was so fun and I learned so much. I learned a second language and a different way of life. I definitely would suggest it to anyone who is thinking of going abroad!

What would you improve about this program?
Intermingling the USAC students more with the students of the university and native speakers.
67 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

What a Great Experience

I felt like I learned an immense amount while I was in the program both from daily living and interaction within the community and academically. The instructors were excellent and accommodating, always willing to work with students individually to make sure that everyone was learning. We had tests an quizzes frequently and the academics were rigorous, but not unreasonable. The community in Luneburg is amazing and I honestly had a hard time leaving.

What would you improve about this program?
I would change the housing arrangements so that they were more standardized for the students. Some people loved their situation, but some of them were awful.
69 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Schönes Lüneburg!

Luneburg is a gorgeous city! For a person who is travelling out of the country for the first time or who is uneasy about being in a big city will adjust comfortably here. It is one of the few cities in Germany that remained untouched during WWII which makes this city very special. It has that cookie cutter village feel, and the people are very friendly. It is located very close to Hamburg, and with your transportation pass you can travel as often as you want as well as other Niedersachsen cities. This program offers you a German buddy to show you the ins and outs of the city/culture. I was extremely thankful to have my German buddy and to this day we still keep in touch. The time I spent in Germany has greatly improved my German because I got to practice it everyday. Twice out of the semester the program gave us long weekends, which allowed us to travel to different cities. My friends and I visited Amsterdam, Munich, Cologne and Dusseldorf. Included in the program fee is a week trip to Berlin! We had a tour guide and we got to see all the important historical sites. This had to have been one of the biggest highlights of the trip for me. There is so much to do and see in Berlin. One tip I would give to students would be to pack less, even though you think you will need a lot this is far from the truth. What you bring is what you haul. Having to haul your suitcases through the city which was paved with cobblestones was a nightmare! I wish I would have packed less. Overall this program is fantastic! The opportunity to not only see a different country but to experience the culture is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have made friends and memories to last a lifetime. I am always reminiscing about the great times I experienced in Germany. I would highly recommend this program to any college student.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing I would change about this program is the site of my apartment. It was directly on campus. Since Lüneburg is such a small city, the buses stop running in the evening. So when I came home from another city or a friends place I would have to take a 30 minute walk back home which was a hassle considering I would have to do it quite freqently.
67 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Brilliant Experience

Lüneburg was the perfect town for an American to sstudy abroad in. With the population just under 100k, it is small enough that you can see everything, yet large enough that you're not stuck in the same section for the whole time. It is also near enough to Hamburg, if one would like to get lost in a larger city.

The university staff is quite willing to help with anything you need. Contance, my German language teacher, was excellent, as were most of my other professors. I cannot say enough how perfect the program was as a whole.

What would you improve about this program?
I would have it so that the Americans took a German semester there instead of it lining up with an American University's semester.
58 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi Diana, no you do not need a bachelors degree to go on one of our programs, a majority of them are actually for undergrads. Here are the general requirements to study abroad on a USAC program: USAC welcomes students from any US college or university who: Are at least 18 years old at the time of application and who will be enrolled in a university degree-seeking program while they are abroad...