Study Information Technology Abroad

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Information Technology Study Abroad Programs

ACU Brisbane
7 reviews
Australian Catholic University

Study Abroad at ACU

Choose to study at ACU for one or two semesters and you'll be fully...
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Study Information Technology Abroad


As computers become a more and more important part of everyday life, IT is growing as a field of study around the world. Information technology serves as the backbone for pretty much all aspects of the modern world. It’s a crucial part of almost everything, from healthcare to education to retail to engineering. If you've chosen to study IT, however, you already know how diverse and important this field is becoming. IT is a developing and pressing field across the world, which makes studying abroad a great choice for students looking to take an active role in changing life around them!

So why study abroad? Studying abroad is a life-changing experience. It will inspire you and broaden your perspective on the world. There’s a ton of evidence that people become more creative, flexible, adept at problem solving and just plain happier if they are exposed to different cultures through travel (#BecauseScience). And if you’re worried about falling behind in your extensive major requirements, don’t fret! There are many renowned IT programs across the world so you can explore new places and get motivated for your studies back home!

Popular Destinations

There are technology programs at universities across the world, so you have many options to choose from if you would like to study IT abroad. Regardless of where you choose to study, you'll be exposed to interesting new technological developments that you wouldn't see studying in the United States. In Europe, there are high-caliber IT programs in England, France, Switzerland, and even Poland. Consider the University of Cambridge or Oxford - two of the top universities in the world - if you're really interested in taking cutting edge courses. Other great options in Europe are the Efrei Engineering School of Information and Digital Technologies, the University of Wroclaw, or ETH Zurich. In these more unique locales you'll have plenty of time to immerse yourself in the local culture and explore your surroundings.

Silicon valley isn’t the only tech hub in the world. Bangalore is the fastest growing tech community in the world, and draws technically minded folks from all over India. There are also IT opportunities elsewhere in Asia, including in Singapore and Tokyo. Asia is definitely a hub of groundbreaking technology, so it will be very exciting to be a part of this community. Getting that far afield will certainly be a unique study abroad experience, but it will be both a challenge and an adventure to study somewhere completely unlike your hometown.

Costs & Funding

Scholarships for Studying IT

Worried you can't afford study abroad and your next laptop upgrade? We got you covered! Check out these scholarships that can help you study IT abroad:

What People Are Saying

CIEE College Study Abroad in Amsterdam, Netherlands

CIEE Amsterdam was amazing. I had such an incredible time. Everything I needed, CIEE took care of. I have a gluten allergy and was really anxious about how this would be handled on the trip. CIEE was...
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Study Abroad | UniSC Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

I enjoyed my study abroad expierence very much over here and would highly recommend it. I joined the UniSC rugby league team and that was super fun, it was a great way to be social and find a sense of...
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CEA CAPA Education Abroad in Madrid, Spain

I spent the fall of my junior year abroad in Madrid, Spain, and it was the best decision I had made for myself. Through CEA CAPA Programming and Housing assignments, I met some of the best people I...
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Lucia Isa

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