  • South Korea
    • Seoul
    • Gwangju
    • Busan
52+ weeks

Program Details

Job Type


Salary / Benefits
• $1,800 to $2,400 USD per month
• Free housing
• Medical insurance and pension
• Airfare Reimbursement
• Paid vacation
• Severance Pay
• Settlement allowance (EPIK & SMOE)

Aug 13, 2018
Aug 14, 2017
45 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Reach To Teach has over 40 years of ESL teaching and recruitment experience with offices in the South Korea, USA, and Taiwan. We understand the business and care about our teachers. The schools and programs we represent are among the best in the business. We provide our teachers with an upfront and honest perspective, because were all teachers at one time as well. We will prepare you to live and work abroad for a year, while always offering support as well.

Reach To Teach the only American official recruiter for the EPIK & SMOE program. The EPIK & SMOE programs in Korea offer a unique experience to gain valuable ESL teaching experience in public schools with start dates in August and February.

We also work with a number of private schools from Seoul to Busan and everywhere in between. We have private schools openings every month, so it's always a good time to apply!

Program Reviews

4.81 Rating
based on 58 reviews
  • 5 rating 82.76%
  • 4 rating 15.52%
  • 3 rating 1.72%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Benefits 4.75
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.65
  • Facilities 4.8
  • Safety 4.85
Showing 49 - 56 of 58 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

So far, so good.

Overall, my experience has been great so far. The staff at my school is very helpful, and the EPIK orientation was very useful. I had a smooth transition from new arrival in Korea to English teacher, and I enjoy teaching.

My only suggestion for improvement is more activities from DMOE (or the relevant Office of Education for your city) for English teachers. It'll help us get to know each other in social settings better. I've only been in Korea for about 2 weeks, so perhaps there are more events to come.

53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Fall 2011 EPIK

My overall experience with EPIK is a positive one. From when I landed in the airport to the release of orientation the EPIK people took care of us.

Although it was not paid orientation they provided unlimited food for breakfeast, lunch, and dinner plus snacks during the day for 10 days. They provided helpful classes to help prepare us for what was to come in the future. I thought some of the classes could've been a little bit more exciting, like Korean History and Text Books. They also provided room and boarding and any transportation that was needed. EPIK did prepare us for much as possible of what it would be like once we actually got to our cities/schools.

I would recommend the EPIK program to anyone if they asked.

54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Liking Korea So Far

I have been in Korea for about 2 months now and so far I am really enjoying my time here. I met a lot of great people at orientation and so far we have gone to Busan and Muuido, been hiking, gone to clubs, seen temples, and so much more. It's really been a great learning experience and an excellent chance to submerge myself into a new culture. I love my students, they are totally sweet and I haven't had many discipline problems. My co-teachers help me out a lot with everything from setting up a bank account and getting a cell phone, to helping me pay my bills online and order furniture. My apartment was kind of dirty and I had little furniture when I first arrived, but after a good cleaning and some minor purchases the place looks and feels like home now. Although I have had a great experience, it is important to note that everyone will be in a different situation. I have heard people venting their frustrations about having difficult co teachers and about having issues with their apartments. This is the honest reality of coming to a new country and I would be setting people up for disappointment if I said things were wonderful all the time or that it isn't a bit lonely now and then. The good news is that after orientation, you meet a lot of great people and you build a strong support system with one another. People always seem willing to help each other and so far I haven't heard of anyone encountering any issues that couldn't be dealt with. If you are adventurous or just wanting to try something new, I highly suggest taking a gamble and coming to Korea. It will change your life.

52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

life in seoul

ive been in South Korea for about 2 months now and would definitely say Im in what they call the honeymoon phase. I love the food, the social scene, the people. I love the convenience of the public transport (Im from South Africa. We have no public transport worth mentioning). I love having the fastest internet in the world and that everything I could want for is easily available (well. Besides biltong).

Most of all, I love my job. Id never taught before arriving in Korea so I was very nervous about whether Id enjoy it or be any good at it. But I felt that EPIK really catered to that during orientation. Their lectures, apart from being a great place to make all my friends in this strange new - massive- city, were also really helpful education-wise. Furthermore, my coteachers have been very understanding of the fact that Im an inexperienced teacher and appreciate it when I work hard to improve.

As for enjoying it... I can have the worst day, struggling to get my students to stop talking and pay attention, and all they have to do is say "Hiiiyeeee, Teacher!" when they see me in the corridors to make my day. Korean kids are indisputably the cutest in the world.

51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


The EPIK program has been both wonderful and professional in helping native English teachers make a transition to Korea. The program itself is well run. This was quite evident during orientation where pick-up services, class training, and activities were fun, engaging, and interesting. After orientation, EPIK was also kind and gracious enough to send us to our respected cities and help us settle in. The school, co-teachers, and teaching environment have exceeded my expectations. Not only are teachers professional, but they also are helpful in making sure native English teachers are adjusting to K orean life. I can honestly it has been three weeks since I have arrived in Korea and I am still enjoying my Korean life and teaching position..

51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The recruiters guided me to success!

Reach to Teach has gotten me to this wonderful program in South Korea. Even though I was worried at time, the recruiter, Gillian, eased me by answering my question in time and with clarity. I felt comfortable every step of the process.

51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Loving Living and Teaching with EPIK in South Korea

Life in Korea is fantastic. It is also similar to my expectations as my recruiter, Reach to Teach gave an honest, open account of what life may be like teaching in Korea. The fact that Reach to Teach prepared you for ups and downs, culture shock and different teaching situations made settling in much easier. Throughout the recruitment process I felt that all my questions were answered and I was kep up to date on the progress of my application. Upon arrival in Korea is was lovely to be met by a smiling Reach to Teach face and have follow up emails to check everything was ok a few weeks down the line. I highly recommend teaching in Korea and using Reach to Teach to get you here.

53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Reach to Teach

Since Reach to Teach is a recruiter and not a Hogwon itself, it's hard to rate things like social life or facilities since those aspects have more to do with the school than with the recruiter itself. The Reach to Teach staff was incredibly helpful in the application/visa/hiring process. They secured me a decent salary considering I hadn't taught before. I found them professional and available throughout. Once in Seoul, I didn't have a lot of contact with them, but I also didn't really try to. They do hold events around town occasionally.

53 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Regarding the dog, I think that this would be specific to the countries immigration and visa laws. I would imagine there is some paperwork that needs to be done to bring any pet to a new country. However, I am sure it is possible. South Korea has tons of dogs for sale. I had a friend who adopted a dog during her time there and then returned home to the US with her South Korean dog.

It depends on the apartment you end up in, I have many friends with small cats and dogs so generally yes, but not all apartments will allow it.

Hi Kayla, It looks like EPIK requires a 20-hour in-class TEFL component along with a 100-hour TEFL certification.