  • Ghana
    • Kumasi
2 to 24 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Guesthouse Hostel
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30) Large Group (31+)
Travel Type
Budget Solo Women


Starting Price
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
Sep 07, 2023
Sep 04, 2023
87 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Volunteer in Ghana with Plan My Gap Year – an award-winning, international volunteer abroad organisation with programs based in Kumasi, Ghana. PMGY provides safe, trusted and affordable programs overseas, with a wide range of volunteer projects in Ghana, including Childcare • English Teaching • Medical & Mental Health opportunities.

PMGY Ghana is located in the historic city of Kumasi, in the central Ashanti Region. The Ghana volunteer programs start on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of every month. Our projects in Ghana run across the year and participants can join us from 2-24 weeks. Volunteers in Ghana are provided with an extensive pre-departure support service, airport pick-up, orientation, meals, accommodation and local support.

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Ethical Impact

Plan My Gap Year is committed to providing ethical volunteer opportunities that truly benefit the local communities. We have personally vetted all of our Volunteer Programs in every destination. We support a small network of Volunteer Programs abroad that we have specifically chosen due to their efforts being sustainable for our volunteers and the local communities alike. We work closely with each of our local teams to ensure we are assessing and adapting to ensure quality experiences for all involved.

For this reason, PMGY does not provide volunteer opportunities in orphanages in any of our locations. Research and studies have shown that visiting and volunteering in orphanages has the potential to generate an industry that separates children from their families. In turn, putting children at increased risk of neglect and abuse. Therefore, we do not support these institutions with our volunteer network.

Instead, we focus on offering alternative childcare volunteer opportunities whereby children come to and from the placement setting each day. In other words, our local teams collaborate with childcare projects which do not offer any form of residential care. These are safe, responsible, and vetted projects, where participants continue to provide valued assistance supporting local staff.

Program Highlights

  • Most Affordable – PMGY’s programs are accessible to everyone who wants to make a difference, through low fees and high-impact projects.
  • Best Support – Our international and local teams provide extensive around the clock services to assist you every step of your PMGY adventure.
  • Safety Prioritised – With safety a PMGY number-1 priority, we have taken all necessary precautions to ensure our programs are as safe and structured as possible.
  • Extraordinary Experiences – With PMGY, you have the opportunity to truly immerse yourself in amazing cultural and travel experiences, ensuring you leave with unforgettable memories.
  • Friendships for Life – Your PMGY experience not only opens up a doorway for new experiences and exciting memories, but also life-long friendships when meeting new people from around the world.

Popular Programs


Brighten up the lives of vulnerable children in Ghana and make a vital and important contribution to their daily lives.


Help young children develop the skills that will help improve their future job prospects. Teach a variety of subjects such as English, Maths and Art.


A fantastic opportunity to gain experience and insight into the health care system. Learn from local staff and get involved in supporting them.


Designed for those currently studying mental health or psychology, this is an opportunity to gain insight and awareness within a hospital based setting.


Spend a life-changing 6, 9 or 12 weeks of volunteering across the world’s second-biggest continent in Ghana, fascinating Tanzania & epic South Africa!

Program Reviews

4.94 Rating
based on 127 reviews
  • 5 rating 94.49%
  • 4 rating 5.51%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.85
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.85
  • Value 4.75
  • Safety 4.95
  • Program Selection 5
  • Pre-departure Help 5
  • In-program Support 5
  • Impact on Student 5
  • Value 5
Showing 73 - 80 of 127 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Ghana 2017

Being in the orphange as placement was so eye opening as to how a developing country deals with a very large problem within the community. There was not a single day I didnt enjoy being at placement, I loved every second from arriving to leaving!
The local staff at the PGMY house are God's gift to this earth, everyone will go out of their way to make you feel happy, at home and comfortable in your enviroment. Every staff member within the house is amazing and always so happy and cheery. I cant thank them enough because they have given up their lives for us and that is such a commitment 24/7 365 days a year they are there for you come rain or shine they will do anything to make you happy.
Being in Ghana I have felt so safe because everyone works and lives as one big family, everything is protected and everyone looks out for each other even strangers look out for eachother.
This trip has changed me so much as a person and I would recommend this trip to anyone, any age, and travel experiance. But only if they can handle the heat of the sun and of the food!
These 4 weeks have have felt like a week, from day one I felt at home. Looking forward to my next trip out to my PMGY Ghana family!

What would you improve about this program?
The only improvement that could be made personally is the size of the tro tros as they are really small if you are over 6 foot. But there is nothing I would change about Seth and his team!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Ghana 2017

Ghana 2017 ❤
Returned home with the fullest of hearts and most incredible memories after the best adventure in Ghana with PMGY. Although there were times which were challenging, even heart-breaking, I was so fortunate to be surrounded by the absolute best group of people and any hard day always ended in laughter.
Ghana is the most beautiful country, full of culture and natural wonders. Sitting under a waterfall or being charged at by an elephant, moments like those are once in a lifetime, heart stopping, jaw dropping experiences that will stay with me forever and the biggest thanks to Seth for taking us on the best weekend to Mole so we could encounter sooo many cool things!! The native people are so friendly, everybody wants to be your friend and give you their number. If ever lost or in trouble, there were so many people that wanted to help and there was never a moment I felt unsafe.
My trip was made by the life changing teaching project I was working on. I’ve fallen in love with Divine International School and the amazing students and staff I had the privilege of meeting and working with (Madame Florence being one of the most incredible women I have ever met) and not a day will pass when I won’t think about those children, who were so full of light and energy in the face of adversity. A highlight of the entire trip was teaching a class of 10 year olds ‘Oh When the Saints’, a song I sang with my friends at Primary school and hearing them sing it around school, put their own native dance to it, even turn it into a skipping song!! The abundance of joy the children had was mesmerizing. Many lived in the slums that could be seen outside of my classroom window, were without a parent, or both parents and lived in absolute poverty - no bed to sleep on, many came to school without having eaten any food that day, children as young as 9 working on the streets to pay school fees, yet in the classroom singing and dancing it would be hard to believe these children lived a life of any pain or suffering. The sponsorship programme that we have started to formulate will hopefully enable some of these wonderful children, who are in most need of support, to keep attending the school, to give them a safe place to be a child who loves to sing, dance and play and equip them with the necessary qualifications and education to leave school with better, fuller prospects for their future.
Thanks to my time in Ghana I have such an extended appreciation for life, how fortunate we are to have been born into a society of free education, health care and security, our sewage runs underground, our taps run with safe water, power cuts are a rarity. We mourn the loss of a child dying and celebrate births free of fear the baby may not live past the age of 2. There is so much hope for countries like Ghana, abundant in natural resources, with large workforces and a population longing for prosperity and with my whole heart I hope that one day children will have lives as provided for as ours in the developed world.
The biggest thanks ever to Seth for being the coolest bro, keeping us safe and going above and beyond for me when I most needed it and to the other volunteers. To go to a completely different part of the world and meet the coolest people who I feel like I’ve known forever, was unreal and I’m gonna miss them all and this amazing experience, so so much

What would you improve about this program?
I absolutely loved my time in Ghana and literally wouldn't have changed it for the world, there are just a couple of things I think could be improved based on a few things I noticed and others were suggesting.

Perhaps arrange transport to the projects that is easier to access. The journey to all of the projects was incredibly tiring and took a long time, whilst I never missed a day on project many others had days off largely due to how hard it was to get there (changing trotro's 3 times, waiting for taxis etc). Also this can work out at quite expensive, especially when we were charged more than natives and could do very little about it! I would have spent a lot more time at the orphanage in the evening if i was easier to get there!

There was sometimes not enough food! I know this may seem silly when we had so much compared to others but the programme cost is not cheap and sometimes for breakfast the bread was mouldy and often we weren't full after lunch. We spoke to our in country coordinator about this and she said she would try and change this so it may be rectified!!

I may also be interested in a bit of a breakdown in cost, I would love to go back to Ghana with PMGY again and again, the cost is just an obstacle.
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Yes, I recommend this program

PMGY Ghana- March 2017

I spent 2 weeks in Ghana with PMGY taking part in a combination of the teaching and the orphanage programme in Kumasi. 2 weeks have never gone so quickly! I worked primarily in boys block at the orphanage with the young babies which was one of the best experiences of my life, taking care of the boys, playing with them and helping with jobs in the orphanage. When at the school I spent time in the older children's classes, helping by marking books and providing support to the teachers by helping with tasks. On the last day at projects the group of volunteers I was out in Ghana with organised a sports day for the children and I have never seen children so happy. It was an incredible day but just emphasises the need for support from volunteers in these projects to help provide this kind of experience for the children. I loved every second of the volunteering but the one thing that I wished I could change was the scale of the issues that these children have to deal with every day from not being able to pay to go to school to growing up without the unconditional love of family. This being said the projects were very positive in making changes to the people's lives in question with the orphanage providing care to 105 children that otherwise would be homeless and the school educating children with the hope of giving them a better life with an education and employment.
Throughout my time in Ghana I couldn't have asked for more support from the PMGY team that lived in the volunteer house. Anything that we needed was only 1 phone call away. We also got the chance to really get emerced in the culture as there was always a member of the team that accompanied us to nights out or weekend trips including a trip to the Kumasi cultural centre and trips out to the local bars where we were shown dance moves and listened to Ghanaian music. We also spent many nights sat chatting outside with both Seth and Florence where we could voice any issues or ask any questions but also get to know everyone and make friends that will last forever. These people are some of the best I have ever met.
The culture in Ghana is one that takes over completely with everyone welcoming you to the country with open arms and huge smiles that leave you feeling like you belong in the society. This was especially true with members of the staff at the projects but even on the street everyone would say hello and ask how you were. Even when we were out at night or walking through busy areas in public I never felt threatened or unsafe as if you were ever confused someone would always help you if you asked.
I would recommend PMGY Ghana to anyone as an incredible experience that truly will change your life. I have made friendships that will last forever but more than that you get the chance to become part of an incredible family that do such great things every day in an effort to improve the lives of people in the local area. For that I am so grateful to PMGY and everyone that made the experience what it was. I can't put into words how amazing it was and I encourage anyone who is considering doing something like this to book that flight. You will love every second.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Ghana ❤

My time in Ghana has come to an end and two weeks seemed like such a long time at first but it has flown by and I honestly don't know where the 2 weeks have gone. I wish I could stay for longer. My time in Ghana has been life changing, so inspirational and also educational as well. Seeing the cutrul differences and the lifestyle is never what I imagined. You always have expectations of things but my time in Ghana has changed those expectations completely. The pmgy team are incredible, so friendly, caring and always, always there for you when you need them. I couldn't of felt more welcome if they tried. Before coming to Ghana I felt a little worried for my safety as you hear stories about some countries in Africa not being safe, I have not felt un safe at all during my time in Ghana, the majority of people are very welcoming and kind and friendly. For my placement I done the orphanage programme and I wouldn't have changed that for a second. My time I spent with the children will stay with me forever, to just see their smiles on their faces made my heart melt and I couldn't of asked for anything more. Helping the children and just making them smile for a few seconds makes a whole difference and you don't realise that until you have done that and been here. Knowing the children at the orphanage don't have parents and that is most of their lives now just being there is so upsetting but to know you can still make them smiles makes it all worth it. I also went to the school which I loved also. The children are always so welcoming and so excited to see us. I had so much fun with them. I would completely tell anyone who is thinking of doing something like this to definitely do it and don't hesistate! I would recommend pmgy to anyone who wants to do volunteer work 100%! Thank you for having me, I wouldn't of wanted to spend it any other way or with any different people. Also the other volunteers have been great, friendly and we have all got on so well and it completely feels like another family. Even when we're not at project we're still always having fun! I will always remember my time here in Ghana and most definitely come back! ❤

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Yes, I recommend this program


I participated in PMGY Ghana staying in Kumasi for 4 weeks. I loved the experience I had! Everyone in Ghana is very friendly. When I was going over I was previously worried about my safety but when I was there I had no concerns and felt as safe as you would in your home country. Kumasi itself is quite a big city with lots of markets and hustle and bustle. I found it very helpful to learn some simply saying to get around the town and be polite. But basically everyone speaks English. The staff at PMGY programmer were extradionary and took very good care of me. Florence and Seth being the two main staff were kind and always able to accommodate things for you. I always felt comfortable asking them questions and being at home with them. The staff definitely have a big impact on your time in the country and I think Seth and Florence turned my experience from great to wonderful. I did the mental health placement and the orphanage programme. I am fourth year pyschology back home and the practical experience at placement is an opportunity you wouldn't get at home. Although sometimes the mental health placement can be slow you won't be able to get the opportunity in your home country to be in that position. The orphanage was beautiful one thing I liked about it was that it was open all day as I know some other programmes volunteers are taken there after the children finish school. But the orphanage in Ghana is brilliant as there is children to work with at all hours of the day. Both programmes you have to give little pushes and hints to staff so that you can get more involved as they are not always used to volunteers. Overall my experience in Ghana was one I will remember forever and I have made friends over there that will last a lifetime.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Orphanage project

I've spent 3 weeks in Ghana doing the orphanage project with PMGY. The trip exceeded my expectations and everyone was so welcoming. What I loved the most was how laid back things were, the culture, the projects and life in general. There was still structure which was good as I like to be organised.

The project itself has taught me so much. Working with the children in the orphanage has filled my heart completely. I cannot describe how much love I felt everyday from the children. Any negative worries or feelings were always forgotten about when 10 children were calling your name, hanging onto you and running up to you to give you a hug. I am so truly humbled after this project. And I feel that my life has changed forever in the way I view things. I know to appreciate everything I have because I've seen now first hand how happy people are when they don't have very much.

The orphanage staff were at times challenging, and the mothers weren't always the most welcoming. But this made me want to be there everyday even more to give the children love and affection they craved. During my time at the orphanage I spent donation money on taking the children swimming, fixing the slide and painting it, buying everyone ice cream and booking an operation for a child to have his hernia removed. All of the above felt so rewarding.

I feel so lucky to have been blessed with the opportunity of this trip by PMGY. I think it's absolutely amazing what the company does and the support you receive. I had people joking to me before coming to Ghana - don't get kidnapped & be safe. I couldn't have felt safer. There were times I thought wow in the uk I would never do this, or in the uk you couldn't walk in busy places without someone trying to steal your bag. In Ghana it's so safe and everyone is so kind.

The house itself was the perfect home to live in to experience the Ghanaian culture with a few western luxuries. The powercuts were part of the experience and lifestyle and although at the time I wish the power was on, I'm grateful to have experienced how people live there. Seth, Florence, Christie & Kwame were all so helpful. Seth was always there to answer any question within seconds. Bringing us home ice creams, taking us to see the village children to hand out clothes & showing us the compound houses they lived in, random trips to KFC and sitting with us in the evenings. He was so professional as well as a friend you could talk to about your day. Everyday he'd ask us all how placement was, and help us if we had any concerns. As for Florence she's amazing and works so hard. She would make sure the house and our rooms were clean and that we felt at home. We went out on many occasions with flo or with her directions. She was so much fun and on my last night made it so special by getting up and dancing with everyone at daddymens bar.

I could go on forever about how amazing the whole experience has been. PMGY are truly an amazing company and have thought about every answer to any question you may possibly have. All the information I needed before my trip was in the handbook and any advice I needed was always answered quickly.

I would recommend PMGY ghana to anyone and encourage them to book. I can't wait to carry on exploring different countries through PMGY.

Thank you Seth and Flo for making my time so memorable, forever thankful!

What would you improve about this program?
I wish there had been more volunteers for my first 2 weeks. But I know it's because of the time of year I came out. My last week was so fun being in a big social group of people.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteering in an orphanage in Ghana

My experience in Ghana has been amazing and one I will never forget, and I’m so grateful that I was able to have the opportunity to volunteer at the orphanage in Kumasi.

Volunteering at the orphanage was really interesting and I’m so happy I did it. Though at times it was quite challenging due to the different treatment of children in Ghana compared to England, I was able to make a real connection with some of the children and become really close with them over the six-week period I was there. It was so rewarding seeing those kids, who normally were quite shy at the beginning, become more and more confident and comfortable around me as my trip progressed. It was also so great seeing certain children develop as a character whilst I was there. It was the most rewarding experience, and I will miss the kids so much.

The support I got whilst staying in Ghana from going through the company PMGY exceeded my expectations. The staff and the co-ordinators who lived at the volunteer house were all so supportive and so welcoming, I became to feel so at home. I knew that if I ever had an issue or a problem I could go and speak to Seth or Florence about it, and that’s something you’d never get if you volunteered in a foreign country independently, and I’m so thankful for all the support they gave.

Ghana is a great country and I hope to return! I always felt safe and secure, and always comfortable in my surroundings. There was a real community feel amongst people in Ghana, which I really admired, and people were so friendly and always willing to help.

I loved living in the volunteer house because it was such a social aspect of the trip, and it was lovely to go home after volunteering and talk about your day with all the other people you live with. It also makes it so much more fun living with people around your age, I had such a good time and made some really good friends that I know ill stay in touch with.

I had such an amazing experience, and it truly was one of the best things I have ever done, and I know it’ll be something I’ll treasure forever.

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Wonderful Time

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge all of the people who made my experience in Ghana such a memorable one.
When one travels, one does not know what to expect.
Though this is part of the thrill, it can also be a source of uncertainty.
I was impressed by the kindness and camaraderie amongst the Ghanaian people, and felt this same sense of friendliness directed my way.
The same can certainly be said for the staff of PMGY.
I feel that Seth does an outstanding job of being attentive to the needs of volunteers.
I felt safe in Ghana, and felt that if there were to be any sort of emergency, that Seth and his staff would have known exactly what to do.

There are challenges in Ghana, as there are in every country. Some infrastructural issues make living in a place such as this an adjustment. I presume, however, that most volunteers expect this ahead of time.
Other than infrastructural challenges, the weather and, at times, transportation, can be of concern. I would suggest that future volunteers prepare themselves for the hottest climate they can imagine! Though transportation can feel hectic at times, I did experience very few issues in this area.
Again, these are issues that volunteers should be ready for and expect.

I did my best to do some teaching at the school- and to inform students of infrastructural issues and how to improve them. Jobs are key, because a functioning economy provides a government with means to provide for its people.

The school and orphanage can both be challenging environments, but there is plenty of room for fun.
The orphanage provides an open, flexible environment with significant opportunity to positively impact children.
I spent most time at the school. At first, I found it to be a slight adjustment, discovering my role and a balance between observation and participation. Over the course of a few weeks, however, I befriended Grace, who works with the youngest kids, Florence, and Peter, an absolutely outstanding teacher.
I feel proud and accomplished from my time at the school. I taught 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students, as well as 2nd grade, and in the nursery. I took the kids to gym for some exercise. Unsurprisingly, this was their favorite part of the day.
As a final note on the school, I would like to point out that the hiring of Florence at PMGY will provide a resource for the challenge of transitioning to trying to contribute here.
Most volunteers have had nothing but praise for her.

I would like to end this recommendation by pointing out the unmistakable joy that one observes and experiences in Ghana, both from the children and the local people.
PMGY has done a wonderful job establishing a post in Ghana- their staff is communicative and helpful- and they have created a place where foreigners can feel at home.

What would you improve about this program?
Please see above.
42 people found this review helpful.

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