  • Costa Rica
2 to 4 weeks
Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans
Health & Safety

Program Details

Age Min.
Summer Winter
Guesthouse Host Family Hostel
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30) Large Group (31+)


Starting Price
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
May 28, 2024
Dec 04, 2020
18 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Enter the lush and diverse landscape of Costa Rica, and embrace “pura vida”: the pure life. This epic adventure takes you through the rich highland jungles of the cloud forest to the culturally diverse Caribbean seaside beaches. This cross-country journey includes zip-lining, night safaris, a 2-day white-water rafting trip, and incredible wildlife such as sloths, jaguars, and dart frogs. Push your comfort zone while living on a jungle farm and immersing yourself in the numerous and vibrant cultures of southeastern Costa Rica, all while leaving a positive impact on the communities you visit.

Combine your trip with Nicaragua and save $400! (21 Days)

This program is currently not being promoted on Go Overseas by its provider. Check with GIVE Volunteers for the most up-to-date information regarding the status of this program.

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GIVE's mission is to inspire growth, empower global citizens, and ignite sustainable change worldwide. To truly inspire growth and achieve sustainable travel internationally, GIVE has adopted the Asset-based community development (ABCD) model, a set of proven best practices in sustainable development that mobilizes a community’s assets and resources as the basis for development. Furthermore, through providing hands-on and eye-opening learning experiences that foster authentic connections between participants and host community members, we can empower global citizens who will continue to spread GIVE’s values and ignite sustainable change worldwide.

Ethical Impact

Exploring the world with GIVE is all about responsible travel, but what does that really mean?
Mindful Tourism + Community Partnership = Economic Growth & Community Empowerment.

Part of what makes GIVE trips so special is being fully immersed in the cultures and communities we visit. However, we take extra steps to ensure we minimize our influence and always respect local cultures. We prepare all participants before travel and ensure they understand the culture and how to dress appropriately.

Program Highlights

  • Zipline through the iconic Cloud Rainforest
  • Be surrounded by rainforest wildlife such as sloths and exotic birds
  • Support food security of indigenous communities through permaculture
  • Embark on a 2-Day Whitewater Rafting Journey
  • Immerse yourself in the rich Costa Rican culture

Program Reviews

4.95 Rating
based on 40 reviews
  • 5 rating 95%
  • 4 rating 5%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.95
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.9
  • Value 4.9
  • Safety 4.95
Showing 9 - 16 of 40 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

No Regrets This Time!

In 2017 I traveled abroad for the first time through GIVE to Tanzania and words can not describe the time I had in the community on Zanzibar Island. My one regret on that trip was not doing the add on to hike Kilimanjaro, so id be lying if I said I hadn't been eyeing the Nepal and Everest Base Camp trek when it was first announced. In a last minute spontaneous decision I booked the trip to Nepal and the rest is history!

From the moment we landed it felt like I had known our group for years. I could not have asked for better guides to help us feel welcome and at home during our time in Gorkha as well as on the trek, our head guide on the trek quickly received the nickname "Dad" because of his kindhearted and caring personality. The trek to EBC while challenging, was a highlight of the trip. Throughout the trek our group continued to grow closer helping each other along the way telling stories and singing god awful commercial jingles. Our EBC legs and EBC bodies did not fail, while I might not have made it to EBC (one trek short, yak milk got the best of me) I have no regrets! I only wish I could go back to spend more time in such a special place.

What was your funniest moment?
On our way to Lukla to start our trek we hopped in a van at 4am and drove on some cliffside roads, which wakes you up to say the least. After arriving at the airport ready for our 20 minute flight to Lukla some weather rolled in on the mountain leaving us sitting at the airport longer than expected. Our group passed time by playing hour long games of eye spy, BS, speed and making friends with others waiting for a flight, we even saw the same guys throughout our trek! We made the best of the situation and ended up taking a helicopter ride instead! (which honestly? totally worth the wait).

While most people might not have enjoyed sitting outside in 90 degree heat for 5 hours waiting for a flight that might never come, I can honestly say those 5 hours were some of my favorite from the whole trip.
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Experience with GIVE

I hadn't heard of GIVE volunteers until I saw a flyer on my desk one day at school. From there I researched GIVE's website and, despite still not knowing much about the company, decided to sign up for a trip to Nepal. It was without a doubt one of the best decisions I've ever made. I was incredibly impressed with the relationship GIVE had built with the local communities in Nepal and how well all of the trip logistics were planned.

I'm so glad I got to experience both volunteering in the Gorkha district as well as the Everest Base Camp trek, as both of these experiences allowed me to see two completely different sides of the same beautiful country. Everyone we met along the way was extremely welcoming and friendly, in fact we even referred to our lead guide for the EBC trek fondly as "dad" because of his extremely caring nature. Being back home now just makes me realize how special the trip was and how badly I want to go back!

What was your funniest moment?
The day we were flying into Lukla to start the EBC trek, we had a very early wakeup call to drive a couple hours to a remote airport. While waiting outside for our plane, a goat came up to our group and started trying to eat all of our food, and in my early morning sleep-deprived state I just remember laughing as one of the guys in our group kept trying to wrestle the goat away from our food!
46 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Tibetan Frontier review June 2019

I came on this trip as the only British citizen in the entire group - being an American based thing, which for some people might be scary. But for me, I thrived on this difference.
On this trip, I met some fantastic people ranging from the GIVE staff who supported me during my worst moments on the trip to the amazing locals who inspired us with their harrowing stories of the 2015 earthquake.
With GIVE, it feels like you are re-born as an entirely different person, which is fitting given that the Buddha was born here! The food was incredible, the accomodation the entire trek was welcoming, and the views along the way were honestly awe-inspiring!
I would thoroughly recommend coming to Nepal and volunteering with GIVE. And the points stated above, are the reasons that I am very much considering coming back to do the Tibetan Frontier (again), Everest Base Camp, or both!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Wear lots of suncream. Because you are at higher altitude, there is therefore less cloud to shield from the sun (and also you are very close to the equator).
50 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

GIVE Nepal Excursion

I had no idea what to expect when I first arrived in Kathmandu. I had traveled abroad before, but never to this extent, so obviously I was nervous. However, upon landing and meeting with my GIVE group, those nerves were all but gone. The staff was very friendly, helpful, and I can happily say I've made some lifelong friends with my fellow volunteers. For all of it's beauty, the people of Nepal were what truly made the country special. They invited us, total strangers to them, into their lives and homes, fed us and treated us like family. I will never forget them, or this trip and I recommend it to anyone and everyone with a passing interest in travel.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Make sure to prepare for the journey, both physically and emotionally. You're going to be doing a lot of trekking, it's going to be a real difficult trip if you're unprepared.
50 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Nepal ~Langtang- Give

I had an experience in Nepal that will always be a part of me! The staff were very nice and supportive and the Nepal people were very nice. The kids were amazing so fun and cute. If your looking for a change, something new to do and something to be proud of try this excursion! If you love nature, exploring or hiking this is perfect! But anyone can do it! Not going to lie if you never hiked Before or have asthma then you may get very tired easily! But that did not stop me! I still was able to do it and I'm so proud of myself for that! It's definitely a once in a life time experience!

What would you improve about this program?
The description of the program. Just so I knew exactly what was going on before hand.
49 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

What an adventure!

Joining the Give family was the best decision I ever made. This really was immersive travel at its finest. Meeting the beautiful local people and working alongside them, eating with them, staying with them and getting to know them was a real privilege that I am forever grateful for.

One of the biggest things I got from this trip was how much I learnt about being a global citizen and how a few simple changes can make all the difference, but also it really highlighted the effects that we have on the planet just by how we live our lives day-to-day. I now make more conscious decisions about where I'm shopping, what I'm buying and the impacts my life is having on the world and the people who inhabit it. You cannot go on a trip like this and come home unchanged.

This trip really allowed me to challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone, it was unlike any trip I'd been on before. I don't do much hiking, we don't have any mountains nearby so the first mountain I ever climbed was a Himalayan peak!! I overcame so many challenges that I never ever thought I'd be able to do, but I did. None of this would have been possible without the support of my group and our amazing guides.

This was a trip unlike any other and I would go back and do it all again in a heartbeat.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don't doubt your abilities.
If I'd known what was in store for me before I went, I never would have signed up because there is no way I'd have thought I could do it. I'm an inexperienced hiker, I have asthma, I was so paranoid about bugs and germs and yet I still managed to do everything. After day one, I really hit my stride and realised that maybe I was a stronger person that I had realised, I'd just never given myself a chance.
49 people found this review helpful.
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Once in a lifetime experience

Traveling with GIVE to Nepal is something I’ll never forget. From start to finish I felt safe and trusted my guides, all while being encouraged to step out of my comfort zone. GIVE leaves a positive impact on the places they visit while being intentional about sustainability and respect for the locals and their culture. I have always been concerned about “voluntourism” and doing more harm than good while traveling but I was extremely reassured by GIVE and saw that they do everything in their power to avoid these negative consequences.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Talk to everyone you can! Guides, locals, trip members, etc. Make connections!
46 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Nepal Trip 2018

I absolutely loved the Nepal excursion, being on the first group to go to LangTang the whole trip was surreal and eye opening. Between the hikes and the volunteering you really experience something that will make you grow as a person. The leaders and members all became family instantly. The whole organization is amazing and is something I think everyone should experience at some point in their life. It is physically challenging so I would be sure that you are capable of an intense trek, but it is all worth it in the end.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would not get hurt. And stay for the entire trip.
43 people found this review helpful.

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