  • Peru
1 - 4 weeks
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Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Hotel Lodge
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Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation
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Feb 23, 2024
Nov 06, 2019
21 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Students who join us in Peru have the opportunity to scale glaciated Andean peaks, explore ancient Inca ruins, enter the depths of the Amazon Jungle, and work alongside villagers in rural communities. Students partner with local organizations to understand some of the area’s most significant challenges, which include access to clean water and education for girls. Outside of service, Peru offers students a variety of outdoor activities, such as hiking, rafting, zip lining, mountain biking, and more.

Whether it’s the mountains, the beach, the rainforest, or valley towns, every view in Peru is breathtaking. Meet hardworking people in remote villages, contribute to service projects that make a tangible difference, and leave the country feeling refreshed and inspired. You’ll want to return as soon as you leave.

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Sacred Valley Service

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 27 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
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  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.85
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.65
  • Value 4.85
  • Safety 4.95
  • Growth 4.9
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.4
  • Safety 5
Showing 17 - 24 of 27 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Rustic Pathways Sacred Valley 2015

This was hands down one of my favorite memories from the summer of 2015. If you are thinking about doing this trip, DO IT. I promise you it was worth every penny and this is coming from a girl who had to pay for this trip herself (My parents covered the plane ticket). However, you get the opportunity to live right next to the locals, meet a handful of people from all over the world, and visit Machu Picchu! Our trip project was helping the locals dig a mini trench where we then began to lay down the pipes for their water system. I thought that it was very rewarding because I don't get to do that when I volunteer in my community. Overall, push yourself out of your comfort zone, just have fun, and learn about everything that you see or hear. I guarantee you that you will have a blast and make lifelong friends and memories!
Extra tips:
-a refillable water bottle is a must
-hiking shoes are great and I love them
-bring a fleece jacket and a nano for the nightnighttime
-a journal & pen to write and reflect on your trip
-flight delays SUCK. Carry your charger in your backpack ALWAYS.
-Don't rely too much on your phone, WiFi is hard to access most of the timetime
-Don't worry and have fun!

What would you improve about this program?
I wished there were more volunteer days because it was really fun getting to know and work side by side the locals.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Sacred Valley Service

I went to Peru this summer as my first trip with Rustic Pathways and everything was amazing. We did a service project that was so great and meaningful. We worked on building a new water pipeline to bring potable water to different communities in the area. Tthere was also a lot of exploring and learning about Peru and the culture. We spent time in multiple different towns and communities and we went to Machu Picchu. All the kids on the trip were amazing and we all got along so well. The trip leaders were also extremely nice and helpful. They really knew what they were doing and made the trip so much better. I would recommend this trip to any teenager whether you've never done a trip like this or you're more experienced.

What would you improve about this program?
The start of the trip was a little hard just because we flew in at 1 am and the next morning had to fly out again from Lima to Cusco. It was all a bit hectic but it was honestly necessary because it would've been a waste of time to take our time in the beginning. But overall the trip was amazing and not much could've been changed to make it better.
24 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Lake Titicaca Service Adventure

My experience with Rustic in Peru was absolutely amazing. The country itself is diverse and beautiful, and touring with Rustic was a great match for me and what I was looking for in a trip. The group leaders were amazing people and I always felt that if I needed help with anything I could ask them. The group dynamic was unmatched even by the other Rustic Pathways trip I was on. We all meshed so well together and had a ton of fun- even on the planes and busses we had to take. The time spent in Perka Norte in the homestay was something I will cherish for my entire life, and I definitely couldn't have done that on a family vacation. The community service aspect of the trip was meaningful, and I knew that what I was doing was making an impact on the local community. The food was good, just a bit repetitive. I suggest bringing Cliff bars or another filling snack. On my trip we went mountain biking, hiked Machu Picchu, visited the floating islands on Lake Titicaca, cliff dove, and visited a ton of cities within Peru that we could shop and explore on our own. Overall, this Rustic trip was a great experience for me, and I liked it even more than my Fiji trip!

What would you improve about this program?
Although impossible to avoid, one hard aspect of the trip was the amount of travel. This trip travels a lot throughout the trip, and although the bus rides gave the group bonding time and time to catch up on sleep, it was definitely a lot. We took 2 planes and various bus and boat rides within Peru. You see a ton of Peru with the travel, though. Another disclaimer is about the altitude- although I personally didn't get sick on the trip, 2 of my group-mates did get ill from the altitude. That is relatively normal according to the staff, usually at least one person gets sick. Pretty much everyone was okay, but one girl was sick for the whole time at Lake Titicaca. The other girl was sick but acclimated within a couple days. Hydration is everything in Peru!
20 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Peru-Great trip

My 14 year old son went to Peru on his first Rustic Pathways trip. He had a great time, and learned a lot both about his own independence and about helping others. As soon as he got home, he started talking about what trip he wants to go on next year. Overall, a great experience.

What would you improve about this program?
Coordinate the travel. Airfare was very expensive and did not include travel from our home to Houston. Our son's luggage was lost for two days, with the connection from the US to Peru.
21 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Rustic Pathways - Sacred Valley Service

Peru was absolutely phenomenal. For our service we were working on a clean water project that will eventually benefit over 1,000 individuals around the area. My group was the inaugural group, so our job was digging the lines that another group would later come through and insert the pipes. Working alongside the locals was an amazing experience you don't get to try anywhere else. The Peruvians were so hardworking and grateful for our hard work as well.

What would you improve about this program?
People in the Lake Titicaca group said they would improve there food. I WOULD NOT CHANGE THE FOOD FOR THIS TRIP. The Sacred Valley chefs did a fantastic job. Typically I am a very picky eater but every meal I was satisfied and never hungry. Everything was delicious.
21 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience in the world

My trip to Peru with Rustic Pathways was better than I ever could have imagined. The program leaders are incredible and always kept us busy. Favorite experiences included hiking Machu Picchu in time to see the most beautiful sunrise in the world and spending time with a homestay in a local village. We were able to make a real difference for the people of this village by making greenhouses that will supply them with fresh vegetables even at a high altitude.

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked more service work.
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My favorite part of this program was building the greenhouse and staying with the host families at Lake Titicaca. I loved helping in the community and getting to know the family that I stayed with. I also really enjoyed seeing Machu Picchu. The hike to it was amazing, although difficult, and once we got there it was spectacular. The other kids on the program were great and so were our leaders!

What would you improve about this program?
If I were to change one thing, I would change the amount of time we spent traveling. I thin too much of the time was spent on a bus when we could have been doing something more beneficial.
20 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Literally the best experience of my life

As the headline suggests, going to Lake Titicaca was the best experience of my life. Learning about a new way of life by engulfing yourself in the culture while also having fun at the same time is what makes this trip so special. We made countless unforgettable memories from late night chats, to dinners with the locals (mmm yuca!), to building greenhouses and celebrating your birthday with people you just met 5 days ago! It truly was a once in a lifetime experience and I name-drop the fact that I've been to Peru at least 3 times a week with a casual "So this summer, I went to Peru.." because I wish so much that I could go back and relive the amazing two weeks I had!

What would you improve about this program?
If I had to change one thing, it would be to make it a three week trip just because two weeks went by so quickly and it was so sad to say goodbye to people you had gotten so close with in such a short amount of time.
21 people found this review helpful.

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