  • Sri Lanka
1 to 24 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Guesthouse Hostel
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30) Large Group (31+)
Travel Type
Budget Solo Women


Starting Price
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
Sep 06, 2023
Mar 31, 2024
98 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Volunteer in Sri Lanka with Plan My Gap Year – an award-winning, international volunteer abroad organisation with programs based in Sri Lanka. PMGY provides safe, trusted and affordable programs overseas with a wide range of volunteer projects in Sri Lanka including Childcare • Dog Rescue • English Teaching • Medical • Mental Health & Turtle Conservation opportunities.

PMGY Sri Lanka is located in Ambalangoda. The Sri Lanka programs start on the 1st & 3rd Saturday of every month. Our projects here run across the year and participants can join us from 1-24 weeks. Volunteers in Sri Lanka are provided with an extensive pre-departure support service, airport pick-up, orientation, meals, accommodation and local support.

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Ethical Impact

Plan My Gap Year is committed to providing ethical volunteer opportunities that truly benefit the local communities. We have personally vetted all of our Volunteer Programs in every destination. We support a small network of Volunteer Programs abroad that we have specifically chosen due to their efforts being sustainable for our volunteers and the local communities alike. We work closely with each of our local teams to ensure we are assessing and adapting to ensure quality experiences for all involved.

For this reason, PMGY does not provide volunteer opportunities in orphanages in any of our locations. Research and studies have shown that visiting and volunteering in orphanages has the potential to generate an industry that separates children from their families. In turn, putting children at increased risk of neglect and abuse. Therefore, we do not support these institutions with our volunteer network.

Instead, we focus on offering alternative childcare volunteer opportunities whereby children come to and from the placement setting each day. In other words, our local teams collaborate with childcare projects which do not offer any form of residential care. These are safe, responsible, and vetted projects, where participants continue to provide valued assistance supporting local staff.

Program Highlights

  • Most Affordable – PMGY’s programs are accessible to everyone who wants to make a difference, through low fees and high-impact projects.
  • Best Support – Our international and local teams provide extensive around the clock services to assist you every step of your PMGY adventure.
  • Safety Prioritised – With safety a PMGY number-1 priority, we have taken all necessary precautions to ensure our programs are as safe and structured as possible.
  • Extraordinary Experiences – With PMGY, you have the opportunity to truly immerse yourself in amazing cultural and travel experiences, ensuring you leave with unforgettable memories.
  • Friendships for Life – Your PMGY experience not only opens up a doorway for new experiences and exciting memories, but also life-long friendships when meeting new people from around the world.

Popular Programs


On this uncrowded, exotic and developing island there are many vulnerable children in much need of volunteer's care and support.


Get involved in making a real difference to the lives of street dogs in Sri Lanka. Help do your bit to ensure they have a bright future!


Teach novice Buddhist monks or children displaced by the Tsunami. English is a valuable skill that will greatly enhance their future career prospects.


Gain invaluable medical experience, an opportunity not to be missed in this gorgeous part of the world by those pursuing a career in medicine.


Using a combination of lectures, meditations, consultations and community projects, further your awareness of mental health in a new culture.


Help protect and rehabilitate at-risk sea turtles whilst also taking part in community development projects. Experience a different side of Sri Lanka.


Our top destinations mixed into one trip! Don’t miss your chance to sample and a make difference in sleepy Sri Lanka, inspiring India & beautiful Bali!

Program Reviews

4.89 Rating
based on 125 reviews
  • 5 rating 89.6%
  • 4 rating 9.6%
  • 3 rating 0.8%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.65
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.85
  • Value 4.8
  • Safety 4.95
  • Program Selection 5
  • Pre-departure Help 5
  • In-program Support 5
  • Impact on Student 5
  • Value 5
Showing 81 - 88 of 125 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

An amazing experience

Travelling to Sri Lanka with PMGY has been one of the best experiences of my life. The program was ideal for me as I was apprehensive about travelling alone, and I was given more support from the coordinators than I could ever have expected. When I booked my trip there was less than a month until departure so naturally the stress was on to get it organised. I was given such brilliant support that my trip was fully organised within a few days.

The people who are a part of PMGY made my experience unforgettable. By the end of my trip I really felt like I was around close friends and it was difficult to say goodbye. The coordinators are such hard working and positive characters, which I think creates a great atmosphere for the volunteers. Through working and living with the other volunteers you quickly become closer than you could have ever imagined and I have made some amazing friends.

The projects gave me an opportunity to get to know the Sri Lankan way of life, which I doubt I would have really found if I wasn't volunteering. The teaching projects In Sri Lanka are an incredible opportunity which I would recommend to anyone. Being around the children was energizing and it surprises me how much I miss them already. I hope to take the positivity I learnt from them with me. Sri Lanka is a beautiful country full of beautiful people, and that's how I'll remember it.

What would you improve about this program?
No improvements necessary.
48 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Definitely Not What I Was Expecting, But It Was So Much More

Thinking back on my experience as I am writing this review is giving me nostalgia. I spent my time observing at a private clinic where I learned many functions that goes on in a hospital setting. I also received a certificate to show for my time there. I spent my time teaching kids English as well which was very fulfilling because I can tell that I will positively influence the children for a better future. Also the kids were all really awesome which made my experience more enjoyable as well. But I believe what made my trip so awesome was the people. The volunteers as well as the coordinators were all amazing people. The coordinators were always there when you needed them and you can tell that they really love their jobs which made it easy to talk to them and you can have fun with them as well. There were always things to do from finding other ways to volunteer or exploring more of the culture of Sri Lanka. Leaving this place was one of the hardest things I've ever done but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything else.

What would you improve about this program?
I believe everyone in this program did everything to the best of their abilities. If there were to be any improvements, it would be just the curfew at 10:30 which I wish was a bit later but for safety reasons I can totally understand.
45 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Best thing I have ever done. Can't wait to go back and do it all again!

No words can explain how much of an extraordinary time I’ve had in Sri Lanka with the PMGY team over the last 3 months. I cannot thank you guys enough for all of the pre-departure support, information at orientation, advise about transport and weekend activities, and for just being there for me everyday. I truly did feel like family and couldn’t have asked for anything more. The staff, people I met along the way, and children I taught at the teaching projects and at the temple, really did make it the experience of a life time and I urge anyone who is on the fence about applying to do it! It could quite possibly be the best and most rewarding thing you ever do. The kids at the schools are incredible and so social, and the young men at the temple are clever and very eager to learn. It was a pleasure to meet and teach them all. It felt as if we really bonded! I have fallen in love with Sri Lanka and a lot of that is down to how amazing the team is, I miss them everyday and am already planning my next visit to see them all. Bring on the reunion!

What would you improve about this program?
No improvement needed, I loved this experience exactly how it was.
44 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Sri Lanka Experience

Amazing trip! Such a welcoming and genuine group of staff and other volunteers that made the month zoom by with unforgettable experiences, from the baby turtle release and elephant bathing to hanging out with everyone at the house! It really did become home away from home. I would also highly recommend doing the real experience as well as volunteering, it is 2 extra weeks and you see so much of the country and learn a lot about the culture! Definitely not something to be missed.

42 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Sri Lanka

This trip was amazing, I was in Sri lanka for a month. I started with the real experience(which was incredible) I did that for two weeks, during those two weeks I learnt so much about Buddhism and there culture and how they live in this life. We traveled all over Sri Lanka, stayed in hotels which had unbelievable views and I got to make connections with the other volunteers that I would had never got the chance to make anywhere else. We climbed Sigiriya which was so rewarding when I got to the top, and the view, you could see for miles. The first two weeks were life changing in a different sense than being in Ambalangoda which is were you start your volunteering. Once you get to the volunteer house you have so many options to choose from to start volunteering, either with elephants, sea turtles, teaching in the orphanage, some monk teaching, and great opportunities with medical. Everything is great opportunity and the staff here are wonderful. They are so supportive in everything you do; you can really tell that they love their job, they will do everything in their power to make your stay there the most spectacular. The volunteers are all so welcoming, you get to make all these new connections with different people from all around the world. The culture in Sri Lanka is breathtaking, you can truly tell that you are in a different world when you go to Sri Lanka. The food! It was amazing, the Sisters(women who take care of the house) were absolutely wonderful, they make the best food and they work their butts off to make it. We went to at least ten temples throughout my stay there and each open was more amazing than the last. I felt so safe at all times during the trip, and if I didn't it was super easy to get in touch with one of the wonderful coordinators and they would reassure you and make sure you felt safe. Once a week you have the chance to release baby sea turtles into the ocean, we have a turtle race, go, go and do it they are so cute and those little guys move fast. This trip has changed my life forever, I wouldn't have had imagined Sri Lanka to be like this. I would definitely go back to Sri Lanka in a heartbeat. I wish that they do well and this will be the start of something stupendous, you can feel the love that all the staff have for their jobs and for all the volunteers who come and go into their house. My absolute favourite part of the whole month was just chillin out at the house with all the volunteers and singing and dancing and just enjoying each others company with no judgement from any of them. One tip I can give to future volunteers, just do it, don't think about it, don't have any expectations for the trip because you can't imagine what you'll be doing or seeing. Huge thank you to PMGY for this spectacular trip and experience.

41 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Sri Lanka experience!

After recently arriving back from 2 weeks of the elephant project, I have grown as a person more than I can imagine well with PMGY in Sri Lanka, creating some of the best memories of life. This was my first experience away from home so naturally I was apprehensive however this soon went with the overwhelming help and support provided by the team before I flew out to Sri Lanka, which was unmatched by any other company offering similar experiences, answering all my questions (which was a lot) I had quickly and clearly!

On arrival to 'London house' which is the accommodation I stayed in well on my project, my nerves were settled with how welcoming not only all the staff were but all the other volunteers currently staying in the house. The friendly environment made the house feel like home with in no time and the great atmosphere allowed me to make so many close friends with in a short period of time.

My project was focused around looking after elephants who were freed by PMGY on mini holidays from there normally hard working days, which involved ;cleaning there bedding area; taking them for a walk; giving them a bath and feeding them. Within the 2 weeks I also got an insight on the turtle project after doing it as a day pass inspired from the turtle release which is open to all volunteers and a very fulfilling experience seeing the baby turtles scuttle into the sea. With the Elephant project we also visited Udawalawe Wildlife Park, this was amazing seeing numerous wild Elephants close up as well as many other animals with in there natural habitat.

In addition the Staff and coordinators do exceptional job of providing you with things to do well not on your project such as putting on events or recommending locations to explore with in the Sri Lanka.

After having such a fantastic time in Sri Lanka, wishing I could of stayed longer, I am already planning my next trip with them PMGY with in the near future.

44 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience in southern Sri Lanka

I have recently completed 4 weeks with PMGY in Sri Lanka (2 weeks elephant, 2 weeks turtles)

The online handbook and correspondence prior to arrival were very helpful in answering most questions and queries that I had and the staff in Sri Lanka itself were all incredibly helpful, friendly and hospitable.

The newly built volunteers accommodation 'London House' is a safe and comfortable place to stay, with delicious traditional Sri Lankan food provided. The inexpensive tuktuks take you from the property to town and the beach and are a fun way if getting around.

I had originally gone to Sri Lanka to just do the elephant project, but having seen a turtle release, I liked the look of the turtle project and thought that it would be a great idea to have another experience in caring for the turtles.

As well as caring for elderly elephants, I was able to visit Udawalawe Wildlife Park where we viewed many wild elephants amongst birds, buffalo and crocodiles. This was a real highlight for me.

The tasks at the turtle project were varied. As well as preparing the fish and feeding it to the turtles, I administered medicine to those needing it, buried eggs, released babies into the wild, cleaned the beach area and helped with maintenance of the property. I loved spotting the massive Water Monitor Lizard that hangs around by the beach.

Aside from the projects, the southern coast of Sri Lanka is a beautiful region and I enjoyed trips out to neighbouring towns (such as Hikkaduwa, Galle and Mirissi) after project and on weekends.

Furthermore the PMGY do a brilliant job of arranging group events. During my stay we played Badminton and Cricket, and watched traditional dancing, with many of the dances originating in the local area.

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience, met some wonderful people (volunteers and staff) and explored a beautiful country.

43 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I couldn’t have dreamed of a better experience

I really couldn’t have dreamed of a better experience. As my first time out of Europe I was nervous but PMGY were extremely helpful from beginning to end.
Before I travelled I was constantly ringing Josh with all sorts of questions and he always had time for a chat and to give me all the information I needed. The team within the house are amazing and make you feel at home straight away. They make sure they get to know all the volunteers personally meaning there is always someone to chat to. Cultural nights, weekend trips and the projects themselves give you plenty of ways to make new friends while in Sri Lanka.
While I was in Sri Lanka with PMGY I did the orphanage, elephant and a day pass on turtles. All of these projects are truly inspiring and so well organised. The orphanage has really opened my eyes to how other communities live around the world.

What would you improve about this program?
No improvement needed.
43 people found this review helpful.

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