  • Thailand
1 - 4 weeks
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Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Age Min.
Age Max


Price Details
Costs vary depending on program and does not include international airfare.

Students traveling from the United States will travel on our escorted group flight from the United States, international participants can choose to take our group flight from the USA or arrange their own airfare.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Jan 09, 2023
Nov 20, 2019
79 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Rustic Pathways first offered Thailand programs in 1999, and the country has since become the hub of our Southeast Asia operations. We have an extensive team of incredible local staff who are experts at ensuring our students have authentic, transformative experiences. Thailand offers the widest range of Rustic programs, from gritty service trips and animal conservation programs to outdoor adventures and immersive cultural experiences.

Known as the Land of Smiles, Thailand will immediately welcome and captivate you. The local people are incredibly friendly and deeply enjoy sharing their Buddhist culture, spicy food, and love for laughter. There is a peacefulness about the country, and the scenery is always entrancing.

Video and Photos

Popular Programs

Student on thailand beach

Southern Thailand is home to idyllic beaches, pristine waters, rainforests and limestone karsts that have made it a world-famous destination. While popularity has brought international renown, this influx of tourism is starting to negatively impact the marine environment in popular places. Learn about the challenging dynamic between the industries that sustain local populations with the conservation of these fragile habitats, home to wondrous creatures that call these waters home.

Students visiting with buddhist monks

Prepare for the ultimate adventure of climbing, hiking, and exploring the natural beauty of Thailand and Laos. Discover beautiful waterfalls and keep your eyes out for monkeys and birds as you trek through the dense rainforest outside a hill tribe village. Go on a scavenger hunt by bike to temples, walk across a bamboo bridge, zip line in the forest canopy, and enjoy a swim at the beach, rock climbing, and snorkeling in this jam-packed, adrenaline-filled program.

Student washing elephant

How does it feel to walk with giants, the earth trembling under foot? A grassy, musky smell fills your nose and mouth. And a pair of deep, grey, knowing eyes pierce your heart.
You are a mahout — an elephant trainer. Actually, a junior mahout. It takes a lifetime to become a real mahout. This proud tradition is passed down, generation to generation in Thailand and for a short nine days you will take part in the rich history, traditions, and customs of this world.

Thai village view

Join a service expedition through remote Thailand to disconnect. You’ll have one carry-on-sized bag with a change of clothes, toiletries, medicine, and no more than five personal items (we’ll also give you $50 to buy the rest of what you’ll need during your program). Start in Chiang Mai before continuing into the mountains and jungles of Northern Thailand. Visit three villages for 4 days each and expect beautifully simple living conditions.

Program Reviews

4.96 Rating
based on 103 reviews
  • 5 rating 99.03%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0.97%
  • Impact 4.9
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.8
  • Value 4.75
  • Safety 4.9
  • Program Selection 5
  • Pre-departure Help 5
  • In-program Support 5
  • Impact on Student 4
  • Value 5
Showing 89 - 96 of 103 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Hill Tribe Orphanage

This program is amazing. I met some really good friends on this trip while being immersed in the Thai culture. The trip provides you with many opportunities to see the Thai lifestyle: I went to a village overnight, taught at a school, and went to local markets. It was just awesome in general.

If you are looking for a fun yet enriching program, do this.

What would you improve about this program?
I really can't think of anything right now
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Hilltribe is my other home

My experience at the hilltribe orphanage could not have been better. The small group really bonded with each other and with the Thai students. You are always doing activities and have many opportunities to spend time with the natives. Everyone on my trip wished the trip could have been long. Amazing experience!

What would you improve about this program?
Some safety discrepancies between US safety standards and those abroad. For example: washing our hands with gasoline after painting a school
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Trip of a lifetime for my daughter

My daughter went on the Come with Nothing trip to Thailand last summer, between her Junior and Senior year of high school. She went not knowing anyone, with only a small backpack on her back. When we said good bye to her at JFK airport she also had 102 degree fever but she wasn't going to let that stop her from embarking on this trip. This was not an easy trip, it was more of a journey, 3 weeks of discovery about other people, places, and what you are made of.
This trip challenged her intellectually, emotionally, and physically. To be completely immersed in such a different culture than your own and to be able to work alongside the villagers was such a growth experience. She got to live and work in 3 remote villages and also spent 2 weeks at an orphanage in Thailand.
I have another daughter, twins, who went on one of the India trips last summer as well. I wish they had taken the trip with Rustic earlier in her high school years so they could have done a couple trips.I wish they would do these trips for parents! I would love to take one too! These trips were life-changers, the company is fantastic, and my daughter have made friends that they will stay in touch with for life (my daughter has already visited two friends from these trip on her college visits).
I have recommended Rustic to anyone who will listen and I would send my kids anyone without a moments hesitation.

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Adventure of a Lifetime!

My trip to Thailand with Rustic Pathways changed my life. But I guess you really can’t to go on such an extraordinary adventure and experience so many amazing things from half way around the world, and expect to return the same as the person you were when you left. There is so much to learn from different cultures and people that I feel I have truly grown as a person from experiencing them. It has given me a love for learning that I never had before; I am so interested in the world around me and want to do all I can to make a difference in it!
I met many great people and made close friends from all over the world while on my trip, and I still keep in touch with them today. I didn’t know anyone going into my trip, and I’m so grateful now, looking back, that I chose to go alone. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and I made new friends that I wouldn’t have if I had gone with my friends from back home. It has been especially helpful for me this year as Student Body President of my high school because I’ve already learned how to meet and talk to new people and find ways to serve them. I have learned what true leadership is, and that I can accomplish great things in this life! Traveling with Rustic Pathways has given me confidence in myself and a passion for service. I’ve found that I’m much happier when I’m helping others and thinking of their needs rather than my own. This has been useful as President to get other kids involved in serving so that they can feel the same great feeling that I do. It has inspired me to find ways to have an impact on other’s lives through serving them and being a positive role model.
One of my favorite things about Rustic Pathways is how well they combine meaningful service with a vacation of a lifetime! My trip was a perfect mix of service and adventure. You see what life is like for the people who live there as you work and serve among them, instead of just watching it through the eyes of a tourist. Rustic Pathways gets you into the natives’ homes, planting rice with the local farmers, and cooking meals for the elderly and sick. I have a whole new perspective of the country and culture through serving the people. I learned more, felt great about the work I was doing, and made a difference in others’ lives. For me, a service trip was the best thing because I didn’t want to travel all that way without doing something meaningful. I left a part of my heart in Thailand and I feel more homesick for Thailand than I did for home!
I have to say that of everything I miss about Thailand, the thing I miss the most is a seven year old orphan named Pah. We had the chance to visit and teach at a boys’ orphanage and work with the cutest kids in the world! We gave them balloons, which were a big hit, but probably not the best idea because soon I was being mobbed by thirty kids whacking me with balloons! I still look back on that day and can’t help but laugh. Pah and I were best friends from the moment we met. He was either in my lap, on my back, or hanging on to my legs the entire time we were there. I still think of him and wonder how he’s doing.
My Rustic Pathways trip was well planned, and gave me unique opportunities that I wouldn’t have had anywhere else. It was organized, but not overbooked. I can’t believe all that I got to do in just three short weeks! Reading about places in a textbook can only get you so far, but experiencing them for yourself is unlike anything else. Rustic Pathways has the BEST leaders who truly care about each student! They go above and beyond to get to know each student personally and make their trip extra special, just as they did for me. They are responsible and fun and I felt completely safe the whole time I was away from home.
My trip with Rustic Pathways gave me a new found confidence in myself and opened many new possibilities. It just plain made me pumped about life! Whenever I get down on myself and think I can’t do something, I just remember, “Wait a minute, Emily! You went on adventure half way around the world without knowing anyone. You got this!” I absolutely loved my trip with Rustic Pathways and I promise you that you will too. Thank you, Rustic, for taking me on the greatest adventure of my life!

What would you improve about this program?
Hmm, the only thing I think would change about my trip would be our travel days. Traveling across the world is long and tiring anyways, but our layovers and connecting flights were sometimes 12 hours long. On the way to Thailand, we arrived in the Singapore airport at 2 in the morning, and sat on the airport couches for 7 hours waiting, with nothing to do because everything was closed for the night. I understand how many flights they're arranging, but if they could find a way to make travel time run smoother, that would be great!
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Beyond the best experience

I went on the Thailand Come With Nothing trip this summer and it was literally the best experience of my life! I loved that we were truly able to immerse ourselves in the culture and live with the locals. I loved that we saw parts of the country that were not normally seen by tourists and that we were able to serve each village separate depending on their needs. I do wish thought that each service project in the villages were a little bit more organized. in our first village, we built something that resembled a bridge for the community and i felt that the community need something much more worth while. I also wished that we were educated a little bit more on each of the places we visited so that we could make every new experience worth while. I also spent 2 weeks at the Hill Tribe Orphanage! I loved that we were able to live amongst many amazing karen children from the surrounding villages and chat and hang with them in close quarters. the group dynamics were great and we were truly able to connect through team building activities. I don wish though that we had less down time and more scheduled activities with our Thai buddies, although I had a great friendship with my Thai buddy after the two weeks, it did take some time and since many kids are only at the orphanage for one session, it would be worth it to add some other activities to help everyone get to know each other. While I was at the orphanage, i was able to teach tap lessons to the kids at the school. That opportunity truly meant the world to me and I cannot thank David Elbot and the teachers at the Bann Rai School for helping me make that dream happen.

What would you improve about this program?
If I had to change anything it would be to give us less down time, especially at the Hill Tribe Orphanage were there should be organized activities to really help us immerse with out Thai buddies. Also, from session to session there should be some variety of the orientation activities because it gets repetitive for both the returning students and the Thai kids and i noticed that the Thai buddies started to just run through the motions probably because the had just done the same this the past week.
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What will your experience be?

My trip to Thailand was the greatest experience I could have ever had!The Rustic Pathways staff were so funny and I felt welcomed by them. I made so many friends from all over! Age, size, and color did not matter on this trip. We were able to express ourselves.I've never laughed as much as I did in Thailand. In the program we did a whole variety of different things to greater the community.We helped plant rice in a rice field, helped deliver food to local Thai people, went to the local schools on many occasions to help teach English like signs on a road and little sayings. We also helped teach swimming and helped the school by painting a mural! The most exciting part was in the boys orphanage. I have never seen so many happy little boys in my life! They were right when when they said Thailand is the land of smiles.I learned a lot about myself as well as others and a lot about Thailand, the land of smiles.

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Thai Elephant Conservation Project

For my Sweet 16 present, I got to go to Thailand with Rustic Pathways for 10 days and train elephants! It was the most amazing experience and I would recommend it to anybody! My goal in wanting to travel to a different country was to learn a new way of life and see how other people in the world live since I feel like we take many things for granted here in America. I got exactly when I was looking for when I got to Thailand and I loved every single minute of it. From the amazing new food and culture, to the elephants, which were absolutely amazing, to the living arrangements, which were cabin-style dorm rooms, I had the best time ever. I made lifelong friends and the counselors that were with us were all amazing and they all had great stories to tell. At the Elephant Conservation Camp in Lampang, we would wake up every morning at 7am, put on our mahout suits and go into the mountains to get our elephant and then would would ride them down into the lake to bathe them. This was my favorite time of the day because it was refreshing for us and you could tell that the elephant absolutely loved it too! We would then ride them to the main camp and we would do a different activity each day whether it was going to the elephant nursery or hospital, or even the elephant show to watch them paint and play music! Each day was a new adventure and it was the most fun I have ever had! I would do it again in a heart beat!
If anyone has any questions about the program or anything, feel free to email me at julz0896@aim.com! :)

What would you improve about this program?
There was nothing I would change about this program except for the length of it. Since it takes one day to get there and one day to get back, if the program was longer, then we could have had many more days of adventures and fun with the elephants!
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I believe that RP has changed my life forever and those two years that I was able to experience the beauty of Thailand were the best summers by far. I'm proud to have gone on these trips and will cherish them forever. I would also like to add that our groups leaders, and our local staff were incredibly amazing. I was with Go Tha for both summers and he is one of the most funny and helpful people I have ever met. Also Kevin Connelly has been such an inspiration!!!!! Because of him, I've dedicated my time to taking pictures, mainly portraits, of people from all over the world. I would like to some day work at National Geographic and he is someone who will definitely have helped me get there. Thank you Rustic Pathways!-Eva Olaya

What would you improve about this program?
maybe we could include a more different view of things, like some nightlife of a country that we've never been to before because that would be so different and incredible to compare.
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Questions & Answers

This trip is very safe! Base houses are owned by RP, so it's is completely RP-Staffed. Trips that are not in base houses are still very safe and there will always be RP staff with you. I have never felt unsafe on any of my Rustic Trips.