  • Zimbabwe
Project Types
Conservation Teaching

Program Details



Starting Price
Price Details
Programme cost includes accommodation, meals, return transfers from Harare and activities while on Imire. Excursions, drinks, travel insurance and flights are extra.
Apr 29, 2019
Apr 06, 2018
1 traveler is looking at this program

About Program

Contribute to a long term, sustainable conservation programme focusing on the ongoing protection of Zimbabwe’s wildlife, especially the black rhino. Volunteers will be involved with a variety of conservation projects including; working with our black rhinos and elephants, studying and learning about their behaviour; assisting in the daily activities required to run a game park and undertaking anti-poaching patrols to ensure the continued safety of the animals.

This is a unique opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at life on a 10,000 acre privately owned game reserve, experiencing all its challenges and joys, and live amongst African animals in the heart of the Zimbabwe bush. We have four of Africa’s Big 5 game - lions, elephants, rhinos and buffalos and a huge range of plains game including sable, kudu, waterbuck, wildebeest, crocodile, hippo, giraffes and zebra. With 150 species of bird plus numerous snakes and lizards, Imire is truly an animal-lovers paradise.

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 10 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.9
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.9
  • Value 4.8
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 9 - 10 of 10 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Imire, an amazing experience!

Having previously volunteered with another project in Africa, I was excited at the prospect of returning and looked into several projects trying to find my best fit. I was interested in a project that involved conservation, community work, as well as the opportunity to work closely with animals. Imire not only met these expectations, but went above and beyond in what it offered.

From the moment I arrived at Imire, I felt welcomed. The staff working with the volunteers, the animal handlers, as well as any other staff member I met along the way went out of their way to make sure I felt happy and comfortable the entire time I was there. Between the staff and other volunteers, I was able to meet some truly wonderful people, and made lifelong friendships.

No matter what job we were asked to do, I always felt that it was something that needed to be done, and we were truly being helpful. In addition to working with the elephants and rhinos, we had many other jobs, ranging from painting fence posts to keep termites away, using machetes to chop down the invasive Jacaranda trees, working in the vegetable garden, and helping out at the local school - I enjoyed every job we did. The people at Imire made sure that every job was fun, making some of the tasks I wouldn't normally think I'd enjoy (removing fences, chopping Jacarandas) into some of the most fun jobs I did while I was there.

Imire is a truly wonderful place and I have nothing but great things to say about the time I spent there. I was able to experience and learn so many amazing things, including swimming with the elephants, riding the elephants while they learn to track poachers, hand feeding the rhinos after work and taking a trip to see Victoria Falls (Imire staff booked the whole trip for me). I've only been home a few weeks, and I already miss Imire immensely. It's hard to describe how wonderful my time there was, and I can't thank Imire enough for the amazing experience they provided me; I know my memories will last a lifetime.

I would recommend this program to anyone. So if you're considering going to volunteer there, all I have to say is.....GO!!
I know i'll be going back!

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Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

The wonderful world of Imire

Early 2014 I spent a month at Imire and when the time came to leave, I couldn’t. That in itself should tell you all you need to know! However, for want of painting a slightly bigger picture, I’ll go on.

Having been fortunate enough to be part of a fair few different volunteer projects around Africa I can safely say that Imire has taken top spot.
Spending your days up close and personal with some of Africa’s most beautiful animals, getting to know their wonderful handlers, watching incredible sunsets over the dam, singing dancing and playing with the truly delightful children at the local school whose smiles put that of the Cheshire Cat to shame and game counts on horseback all make for what will become some of your most precious memories. Couple that with sharing these experiences with new found friends that you can no longer imagine not having in your life and I think it’s easy to begin to understand the magic of Imire.

How many people can say they have slept with rhinos in their back yard? Used elephants to herd a particularly stubborn rhino to bed? Woken up on their birthday to a breakfast with ellies and later on a swim with them too? Sang and danced to traditional Shona songs? Tasted the horrific local brew that is Chibuku? And stared up at an incredible night sky whilst fireflies played merrily in the dark and a full moon rose bright as the sun, glowing red as it did?

At Imire, a truly inspirational family are pulling together to create a truly inspirational place. If you are in any doubt whatsoever if this is the best way to spend your time in Africa then I beg you, trust this total stranger and sign up. I can promise you, you will not regret it.

To all the team, a heartfelt thank you for making me feel part of the family and for some of the best weeks of my life. You are all wonderful people and I hope to see you again very soon.

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