  • China
    • Beijing
    • Shanghai
    • Hangzhou
52+ weeks

Program Details

City Exploring
Academic Year Fall Spring Summer Winter Year Round
Host Family Hostel
Primary Language
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
- $300-$800 program fee depending on the regions:
Zone1((UK, Ireland and Oceania): $300
Zone2(Euorpe, South Africa): $500
Zone3(North America): $800
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Airfare Meals Tour Guide Travel Insurance Visa Wifi
May 20, 2024
May 26, 2024
91 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Nǐ hǎo! LoPair offers an award-winning cultural exchange program which enables you to become fully immersed in Chinese culture, learn Mandarin, make fantastic friends from across the globe. We'll provide you with a 3-12 month placement in a major Chinese city living in a homestay with a lovely Chinese or Expat family.

Your adventure starts with arriving in Beijing, Shanghai, or Hangzhou! You'll get professional Mandarin classes per week, fascinating cultural courses etc. You will assist host family with live-in educational childcare and some light household chores up to 30 hours a week — you'll get a room of your own, meals, insurance and international round way flight tickets! On top of this, you will have plenty of chances to explore on your own, with other au pairs and with your family while receiving pocket money per month!

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Program Highlights

  • FREE round-trip flights, homestay accommodation and insurance
  • FREE Mandarin lessons per week
  • ¥2000 pocket money per month
  • Choice of host families all located in metropolis (Beijing, Shanghai. Hangzhou)
  • Cultural activities

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Program Reviews

4.52 Rating
based on 95 reviews
  • 5 rating 60%
  • 4 rating 35.79%
  • 3 rating 1.05%
  • 2 rating 2.11%
  • 1 rating 1.05%
  • Housing 4.75
  • Support 4.35
  • Fun 4.45
  • Value 4.5
  • Safety 4.7
Showing 65 - 72 of 95 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Goo expierience

你好!我叫Michael!I am currently living in 杭州中国(Hangzhou China) as an Au Pair through Lo Pair. When I looked t this program I was immediately attracted to it because of the Chinese language and culture class that is included, and Lopair的中文课是很好!So I have not been disappointed! Living with my host family has also been a treat, I play with my host children and teach them English, and get to practice my Chinese with Ayi and my host parents! I think Lopair found me a good family to stay with and can do the same for you too.
Daily life as an Au pair here is good. I get the morning to get out and explore, study, or relax, and in the afternoon and in the evening after dinner I teach the children english. With Betty we play, and draw, and even sing a little bit! When I’m teaching Joe we will talk, read, play games in english, and study out of his english books. I do have to say, the parent’s pay quite a lot for me to come and have this experience, And for their children to learn. Don’t worry, be friendly, talk, have fun with the kids, but take it seriously. The more you and the children are speaking back and forth in english the happier the parent’s will be! Also eat your veggies In front of the kids
Speaking of food, it’s probably quite different from anything back home. I really like the food here though, plus chopsticks are quite fun to use. Enough said I think.
Chinese class is good, you get to spend time with the other au pairs nearby and I’ve gotten plenty out of the classes I’ve had so far. The teacher’s are nice, and should be happy to answer any Chinese language related questions you may have. Once a month you’ll get to go to a cultural class as well. Some examples are; painting umbrellas, or learning the traditional way to make tea, or practice tai chi.
All in all I think this program is very good. If you keep in mind that the children will probably be hard to deal with sometimes, the parents have high expectations for you, and the culture is very different from what you’re probably used to, you should be fine. Bring positive energy, curiosity, and an open mind, and you’ll have a wonderful time!

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Loving Life in Beijing!!

I've been in Beijing for a little over 5 months now and my 6 month stay will soon come to an end. I don't want to leave yet because there is still so much I want to do. I have enjoyed my new lifestyle and daily routine that I have perfected. I've been lucky to have been placed with a host family in Beijing. The city really has a lot to offer, it is beautiful, and such a great place to make friends. My stay with a host family where I teach their four year old boy has really been a new and enriching experience for me. It gave me the opportunity to build such a great relationship with my host kid as I taught and played with him. About 9 months ago, I looked into this program and thought it would be the best way for me to travel, learn a language and culture. The process was very quick and easy that before I knew it I was having interviews with host families and then all of a sudden I found myself on a plane flying to China. I've gone a long way in a short period of time and I'm glad that I went through LoPair because it is great program! They provided us with orientation from the first day of our arrival which was a very helpful transition into being an au pair. My local coordinator was absolutely amazing, easy to talk to, and so much help. Also, I gained amazing memories and friendships that I will forever cherish. From this experience I also learned more about myself and developed as a person. By being part of such a unique culture, immersing myself, learning the language, and teaching a language has made me realize that China, specially Beijing will be a place that I will find myself coming back to....very soon.

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My time in China

I am for 6 months in China. My boys are 1 and 5 years old. And the beginn of my half year in China they were shy and didn't want to do anything with me. But after some weeks they realize I am not their teacher. I am their sister. And it is amazing to become a part of a new family. I see the boys how they grow up and learn a new language. They can communicate with me.
In the evening we watch tv and it feels like a real brother-sister relationship.

My best moment was when the one year old boy his first English word said. "Purple".

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Yes, I recommend this program

Just do it!! China is waiting for you

Living in China is an adventure! Everything is completely different from home! I am so happy to have chosen this program, it is great, I think all the family are chose really good and really accurately by lopair ! All the stuff help you step by step, the orientation is a good beginning for understanding the life here in China and to let us know more about chinese people! Lopair program gives you the opportunity to get close to the china culture! I learnt so much about China, the food is amazing, the people are always super nice and having the opportunity to learn chinese is always fun and interesting!! I really suggest this project!! Just do it don't be afraid China has so much to give to foreigners!!!

57 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Happiness that never ends

I had been aupair in China from January 2016 till July2017. I loved every single day of my stay. I had been completely happy with my experience and I was extremely sad when it came to a end.
Being in China helped me not only to learn more about an amazing culture, but also to lore more about my self. I did incredible things and had amazing adventures. I saw beautiful places and meet people that I can call friends for all my life on.
I had a great time with my host family, with whom I still talk at least once per week, and I miss a lot my little monkeys, my two little host brothers. They really made me feel part of their family and I am really thankful for all the good things they shared with me. It had been an honor to be their aupair, and they still make me fell really loved when they say that is so hard for them to had an aupair after me because we were really the best match both of us could ask for.
I learned a lot about Chinese culture and Chinese language during school lessons, I had a great and funny teacher that pushed me in the right way and make me learn the most in my short stay, and I am so happy because now when I meet a Chinese person I can have a basic conversation with them and I am still studying the language because she made me love it.
I really hope to able to come back to Beijing one day, see my wonderful host family and all the friends I left behind.
As I said leaving had been really hard for me, I was really sad. That's why when LoPair offered me the job as OR I Italy I couldn't believe my luck. I miss be in China, but be here to help people have an adventure as good as the one I had make me really happy. I start to be happy in China and I am still as happy heling people go there as aupairs.
Thank you LoPair to let my happiness never end.
BE an aupair in China is not easy, is not for everybody, but if you have a big heart and you are open-minded, China can give you so much. It is worthed every second, and you will never forget your time there.

What would you improve about this program?
This program is new and being inside now I see better how it is already imroving day by day. LoPair stuff is doing a great job creating a program always more near aupair and families needs. So I don't have big suggestions, just keep on doing what are yu doning, because is working.
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Great Program!

I was an au pair with LoPair from January-July 2014 and my experience changed my life. I gained perspective on a whole new level through my experiences in China, all thanks to LoPair and their amazing staff. They became like family. I made an incredible bond with my former host family and still continue to be in contact with them until today. We visit each other every year and the children will forever be my little brother and sister. Now, I am happily recruiting my other classmates and friends who are interested in a once-in-a-lifetime journey, like au pairing in China. Highly recommended!!

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Read my full story
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My host family are amazing! They've made things so convenient for me. We recently went ziplining and mountain climbing, and that was so significant for me, cause it helped me confront my fear of heights. I've had loads of fun, and really bonded with them, and I'm dreading to leave. China is Amazing. The beauty of its lakes and mountains always seem to leave me in awe. An amazing opportunity. I would definitely do it again.

55 people found this review helpful.
Response from LoPair Culture Exchange

Dear Michael,
It's great you bonded so much with your family and that you are enjoying China. We know you will be leaving soon, so we wish the best with everything and hope to see you soon here in Hangzhou.
LoPair Team

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Yes, I recommend this program

Being a part of a Chinese family

I've always wanted to go to China. Since I was a little child I've been interested in China, it's culture and history. So becoming an Au Pair, living with a host family, was the best decision I've ever made.

China is complete diffrent from any western countries. But the people here are so friendly and I am happy that I matched with my wonderful hostfamiles.

I spent the first 6 months in Hangzhou. My host sisters were adorable children although, especially the little one in the very beginnging, were sometimes naughty. And I wished her older sister would have been more motivated learning English. She hated Englis and couldn't speak any English words although she had learned it for two years at school. But they both learned while having fun. At least words hey liked like puppy, cute and beautiful. We had lots of fun and many things in common.
Alice, 12 years old, also loved to draw, so we often drew on her blackboard. I loved it when she told her 'dog stories'. She gestured all of the time because she didn't know how to express herself. In the end of the 6 months she tried to speak as much English as she could and even translated for her grandma (But she still said: 'Grandma shuō' instead of 'grandma said') and didn't hate English any more.
Connie, 4 years old, was the more active learner and loved to Play 'puppy' and bulding tents with the curtains. She also loved to draw and write her name in English (always in the wrong order, no matter how often I corrected her) and simple words like 'cat'. We sang a lot of Disney songs like 'Let it Go' and 'Be A Man'.
My host parents and I got very well along. My host mum and I chatted a lot and she always had to translate for her husband and her parents.

When I look now at the photos they make me cry and laugh (especially our selfies) at the same time because I miss them so much. They became a second family

I loved to Explorer Hangzhou and the nearby cities with my friends and my host family.

I extended 6 more months with another family in Shenzhen. Form the very beginnging I wanted to extend nd I'm glad that it worked.

My current host family has two Boys. Both speak very good English although they're still in primary School. When I arrvied at Shenzhen Airport my host brothers welcomed me with Posters they wrote and they even wrote it in German, my mother tongue. The first Thing they told me in the car was that they fight often. And they do. They even fought about who can show me which room of their flat first.
Henry, 8 years old, always thinks he has to correct my pronunciation because he learns American English at School and I speak British English. He can be very stubborn and whe he's in a bad mood he avoids me. But when he's in a good mood he is so funny, likes to Play games with English words, Ludo and creating Power Point presentations.
Terry, 6 years old, loves to planes, Lego (currently we build about one new Lego set per week) and he loves to ride his bike very fast. He often daydreams and writes Chinese characters in the air when he actually should eat his meals or listen to what the adults saying.
Terry loves to teach me Chinese words and Henry's always surpised when I understand them talking in Chinese. When Henry and I Walking in the park we often have good talks.
All of my host family members are very nice. I played badminton with my host mum and often try to speak with the Ayi in Chinese.

I have now three months left but already know that I will also miss them very much. Especially the kids hugs.
And I hope I can keep in touch with them for a very long time.

What would you improve about this program?
Maybe telling the host family when they want some improvment of/complaining about the Au Pairs that they can tell the Au Pair first directly and of course telling it to local coordinater. It's more personal and I think it helps better for boths sides.
57 people found this review helpful.
Response from LoPair Culture Exchange

Dear Fiona,
The little details of your everyday life stress how much you care for your host family and children. This also proves the great relationships you can establish through the program. We always consult with families and make sure the behaviour of both sides, host family and au pairs, leads to an harmonious permanence. We understand that avoiding to be straightforward can sometimes be a characteristic of Chinese families, but we will work more towards consultation and dialogue in order to meet both the family and au pair needs.
Have a great time over your program extension!
Lopair Team

Questions & Answers

Hi Karlie, I agree with Clara that asking directly Lopair (aupair@lopair.com) is the best idea. I am 99% sure it's impossible to have two au pairs in the same family, but I think you guys can manage to be placed in the same city! The matching process might just take a little bit longer, because you have to make sure you both find your families in the same city. Hope this helped, and let me know if...