  • China
    • Hangzhou
    • Shanghai
    • Beijing
    • Guangzhou
    • Shenzhen
Program Tags
Au Pair Cultural Immersion Language Immersion Learning Differences

Program Details

City Exploring
Year Round
Host Family
Primary Language
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals
What's Included (Extra)

International Airfare (We will buy you the flight to China once your visa is ready)
Insurance during program term
Mandarin Classes
Cultural Activity
24/7 Emergency Support

Dec 29, 2023
May 13, 2024
11 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Embark on a cultural odyssey with our Au Pair to China Program. Immerse yourself in a Chinese family, fostering connections and understanding. Mandarin classes elevate your language skills, enhancing communication and cultural appreciation.

Contribute meaningfully through tutoring, and sharing cultural insights. Embrace diverse traditions in a dynamic exchange within your host family. Explore China's wonders through curated cultural activities. From ancient sites to modern landscapes, each outing enriches your understanding of this dynamic nation.

Prioritizing your well-being, we offer 24/7 support for a seamless transition. This transformative journey promises personal growth, lasting connections, and a profound appreciation for China's rich traditions. Become an integral part of a welcoming family and vibrant cultural landscape. Join us in creating memories that transcend borders.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Cultural Exchange: Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Chinese culture, from traditional customs to modern city life. Gain language skills and form lasting connections with your host family.
  • Childcare Experience: Work closely with your host family to care for their children. Engage in educational and fun activities, fostering a nurturing and supportive environment for the little ones.
  • Language Learning: Enhance your language skills by living and communicating with a Chinese-speaking family. This is an excellent opportunity to become proficient in Mandarin while enjoying day-to-day conversations.
  • Travel Opportunities: China's diverse landscapes and historical sites are at your fingertips. Explore ancient wonders, vibrant cities, and breathtaking natural scenery during your time off.
  • Support System: Our program ensures a smooth transition for au pairs, providing assistance with visa arrangements, cultural adaptation, and ongoing support throughout your stay.

Program Dates

Application Deadline
Program Dates

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 14 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Housing 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Value 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 9 - 14 of 14 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Enchanting Hangzhou: A Five-Month Au Pair Journey

Completing my five-month Au Pair China Program in Hangzhou has been nothing short of a captivating adventure.The local host family, though not fluent in English, embraced me with unparalleled warmth and hospitality.
Hangzhou, with its serene West Lake and rich history, became my home away from home. The local host family, though not fluent in English, embraced me with unparalleled warmth and hospitality. Their willingness to share their daily lives and traditions made me feel like a cherished member of their family.
Navigating daily life with a host family that spoke minimal English presented an initial challenge, but it turned into a remarkable language-learning opportunity. Engaging with the kids in English tutoring sessions became a dynamic exchange, fostering not just language development but a deeper understanding of each other's cultures.
For those considering the Au Pair China Program in Hangzhou, my advice is to embrace the unknown. The language barrier may seem daunting initially, but it opens doors to unparalleled cultural immersion. Take the initiative to learn basic Mandarin and communicate with gestures, smiles, and shared experiences.

This program is not just about teaching English; it's about building bridges between cultures, forming genuine connections, and discovering the beauty of human connection beyond words. My five months in Hangzhou have been a treasure trove of memories, personal growth, and an enduring appreciation for the beauty of cross-cultural exchange.

With heartfelt gratitude to my host family, the Yohoo agency, and the vibrant city of Hangzhou,

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
One of the most surprising and delightful moments during my time as an au pair in China was experiencing a traditional Chinese festival with my host family. The family, understanding that I was eager to immerse myself in local traditions, took me to witness the vibrant Lantern Festival.
What started as a seemingly regular evening turned into a spectacle of dazzling lights, intricate lantern displays, and lively performances. The streets were adorned with colorful lanterns of all shapes and sizes, and the air was filled with the sound of traditional music and laughter.
The surprising part was not just the festival itself, but the generosity and inclusiveness of my host family and the community. Being welcomed into such a culturally rich and joyous celebration highlighted the depth of the cultural exchange I was privileged to experience during my time as an au pair in China. It was a moment that went beyond my expectations and left a lasting imprint on my heart.
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A Transformative Journey in the Heart of Beijing

I recently completed a remarkable 6-month au pair program in Beijing, China, and I am compelled to share the profound impact it had on my life. As an au pair living with a local host family and tutoring two incredible kids in English, this journey surpassed all my expectations.

Beijing's rich history and modern vibrancy unfolded before my eyes during the organized cultural excursions. From the Forbidden City to the Great Wall, each outing was a lesson in China's vast and diverse heritage. Exploring the city's hidden gems with the host family made the experience even more special.

Also the agency's unwavering support was evident throughout my stay.
This program has been more than just a cultural exchange; it's been a journey of personal growth. Navigating the challenges, embracing new perspectives, and learning to adapt to a different way of life have left an indelible mark on my character.

In retrospect, my au pair experience in Beijing has been a transformative chapter. Beyond the beautiful landscapes and historical wonders, it's the laughter with the kids, the warmth of my host family, and the friendships formed that make this journey unforgettable.

I wholeheartedly recommend the Au Pair China Program to anyone seeking not just a job but a life-changing adventure in one of the world's most captivating cities.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be open-minded and embrace cultural differences. China has a rich and diverse culture, and your experience will be much more rewarding if you approach it with curiosity and respect.
While Mandarin might seem challenging, learning some basic phrases can greatly enhance your experience. Locals appreciate the effort, and it can be a valuable tool for daily interactions.
Form strong relationships with your host family. Engage with the kids beyond tutoring; participate in family activities, celebrations, and daily life. This will create a more meaningful and enriching experience.
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A Heartfelt Journey of Growth and Cultural Enrichment

As I reflect on the incredible chapter that was my au pair experience in China through your esteemed agency, I am compelled to express my deepest gratitude and share the profound impact this journey has had on my life.

From the outset, your pre-departure orientation was not just informative but transformative. It equipped me with the cultural understanding and language basics that laid the foundation for a seamless transition into my host family's home. The meticulous preparation and guidance provided were instrumental in ensuring a positive and enriching experience.

Living with my host family was an absolute delight. Their warmth, kindness, and willingness to share their daily lives and traditions created an environment that felt like a true home away from home. The bonds forged during my stay are not just memories but lasting connections that I will cherish forever.

The Mandarin classes offered by your agency were not only educational but also a gateway to deeper cultural understanding. The ability to communicate with my host family in their native language opened doors to meaningful connections and a more immersive experience.

Contributing to English tutoring was a fulfilling aspect of my journey. It provided not only an opportunity to give back to the family but also a chance to learn, grow, and share my own cultural perspectives. It was a reciprocal exchange that added a layer of richness to my overall experience.

I am immensely grateful for the continuous support and guidance provided throughout my stay. Your commitment to the well-being of au pairs is truly commendable, and the sense of security knowing that assistance was just a call away was invaluable.

If I were to relive this experience, I honestly can't think of a single thing I would change. The program exceeded my expectations in every aspect, and I am leaving with not just a wealth of cultural knowledge but also a newfound confidence and a global perspective.

Thank you, Yohoo , for orchestrating a program that goes beyond being just an au pair placement. It's a transformative journey of personal growth, cultural immersion, and lifelong connections. I wholeheartedly recommend your agency to anyone seeking an enriching and unforgettable au pair experience.

With heartfelt gratitude

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
During my au pair experience in China, one of the most unusual yet fascinating culinary adventures was trying "Century Eggs" or "Pidan." These are preserved duck eggs that undergo a unique fermentation process, turning the egg white translucent and the yolk into a creamy, dark green or grayish color. The eggs are known for their strong flavor and distinctive aroma.
Despite initial reservations about trying such an uncommon delicacy, I embraced the opportunity to dive into the local food culture. The Century Egg, often served with pickled ginger and soy sauce, offered a surprisingly rich and complex taste that challenged my taste buds in the most intriguing way. It became a memorable part of my culinary exploration, highlighting the diversity and uniqueness of Chinese cuisine.
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A meaningful way to experience China

If you are the sort of person who wants to see more than tourist sites and souvenirs, staying with a Chinese family is the best way to gain thorough insight insight into the Chinese society and make lifelong friendships. During my 2-month stay I was provided with a family who pampered me, and also provided me with opportunities to explore Hangzhou as well as some beautiful sites on trips together. Speaking English with their little boy challenged me to develop my teaching skills, and it was also a joy seeing him improve and develop. It was great having Yohoo around to actively support me and facilitate meetings with other students.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I’ve never been given a plate of duck tongues before. It was delicious
  • Understand china
  • Build friendships
  • Develop teaching skills around children
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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly recommend participating Au Pair in China through Yohoo.

Just finished a four-month Au Pair program in China through Yohoo, in a city called Hangzhou. The city is incredibly beautiful, and the people in China are very friendly. Throughout these four months, the Yohoo staff provided me with meticulous care, and my host family was wonderful. Every month, the Yohoo team took me to experience Chinese culture, and they also organized fun activities with other Au Pairs in the city. My host family frequently took me to visit other cities as well. I truly love China and highly recommend others to come to China as Au Pairs through Yohoo.

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a fantastic experience for me

Translation into English: This has been a fantastic experience for me. The staff at Yohoo are incredibly professional and assisted me in understanding China and the city I was going to before I even arrived. They helped me purchase my plane ticket, and my time in China was truly wonderful. I had the opportunity to immerse myself in Chinese culture, and I also explored various cuisines with fellow au pairs from different countries. Thanks to Yohoo for making it all possible.
Love from Nuria

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