
Gotoco FUNDED TEFL Adventures (Bali, Thailand, Colombia, Europe, SE Asia!)

Why choose Gotoco FUNDED TEFL Adventures (Bali, Thailand, Colombia, Europe, SE Asia!)?

Interested in FUNDED/FREE and short-term TEFL adventures abroad? We provide a global immersive experience to give you TEFL,teaching experience, cultural exchange and travel opportunities that cannot be rivalled. Our projects allow you to flourish and explore, while contributing to our mission to make a positive social impact.

What you get:
- Free/funded placement service and access to support network
- Funded/funded TEFL training and certification
- Free/funded accommodation and meals during your project
- Free/funded visa and flight assistance

- Check out our Instagram @gotoco_ for highlights, key info, and competitions

Our prize-winning work has been recognised by various awards, including the prestigious China Social Impact Awards 2019, an award granted through the United Nations and British Chamber of Commerce in China.

Gotoco is a social enterprise focused on boosting cultural exchange and international adventure. Gotoco works with over 40 programmes in 10 countries. Join us!



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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience ever

Such a rewarding experience working with gotoco in Vietnam. I made loads of friends and learned so much about Vietnamese culture and their way of life. I got to learn some Vietnamese and gain valuable experience in teaching. One of my favourite things to was trying all of the new cuisine Vietnam had to offer, such as pho and ban mi, and we learnt how to order in Vietnamese which was useful. But the best thing by far was the children, it was so rewarding seeing them learn English and being able to help in their educational journeys.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would go for longer
  • Friends
  • Cool area
  • Food
  • Activities
  • Language barrier
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Yes, I recommend this program

gotoco vietnam 2023 (3 months)

What an experience living like a local for 3 months in rural vietnam teaching english to these adorable kids. The work was for a charity supporting marginalized women Vietnam, providing free English classes for children of single mothers. It was super fulfilling and eye opening to be a part of this, and I am forever grateful for this opportunity! Not only did I feel like I was able positively impact the lives of the kids, I connected with such a wide range of people, adopted a entire new way of life and pushed myself out my comfort zone as a result. Highly reccomend GOTOCO to anyone seeking to do a fully funded TESOL training course. Tôi yêu Việt Nam!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
It was my primary school's sports day- an extravagent event where the kids dress up and perform to their classmates. I had to prepare a song (with a dance) and speech, and perform it infront of the whole school! This was 2000 students. I am not a confident public speaker but found that looking at my students, who I had already built relationships with, and seeing their beaming grins seeing me on stage definitely helped me overcome the nerves and do a good job!
  • Fully funded!
  • Great way to meet people for onwards travels
  • Great experience for if you want to go into teaching
  • Some lack of organisation (got evicted from our homestay)
  • Some people have better placements than others and there is no telling which you will get till you are there
  • Vietnamese people work very hard, may be less intense to do the thailand or bali placement instead
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No, I don't recommend this program

** BE WARNED ABOUT THIS COMPANY (Updated as of May 2024) **

If you are intending on teaching English abroad and gaining a TEFL/TESOL qualification, PLEASE do yourself a favour and do not go through Gotoco. I'm writing this review to make people aware of what you're getting yourself into if you decide to do a TEFL/TESOL program through Gotoco based on my experience.

I completed Gotoco's Vietnam program from October - December 2023 and purely speaking on the experience itself, I really enjoyed the opportunity to live and teach in Vietnam on a funded program. It was reassuring to be based with people in the same position, getting to travel and experience Vietnamese culture was amazing, and I am very grateful to have been a teacher to kindergarten/early primary-aged kids. However and though I cannot speak on behalf of other participants' experiences, I heard some really awful situations that participants had on my program (in terms of school placements, living situations, and other problems like visas not even being sorted before arriving in Vietnam).

The biggest problem I experienced is receiving my TESOL qualification, which has arguably been the worst and most problematic experience I have ever had with a company (not an exaggeration). To put it into perspective, I completed all of the TESOL requirements before my program ended (back in December 2023), and at the time of writing this review (May 2024), I still have not received my official TESOL qualification or remaining deposit.

Gotoco's is extremely unresponsive and their communication is the worst experience I have ever had with a company. They will take weeks and months to respond to emails. I even contacted Citizens Advice because this has gone on for so long and I genuinely did not know what else to do. Gotoco do not provide a phone number on their webpage and so the only method of communication is going through email. On my program, they did not provide ANY feedback to my TESOL assignments whatsoever and being a first time teacher, it would've been really helpful to have had feedback whilst I was teaching to get a sense if what I was doing for my assignments was on the right lines or not. Then in January 2024, Gotoco sent out resubmission requirements and I had to re-do and make amendments on almost every single one of my TESOL assignments. The feedback that they provided was incompetent and did not make sense, with little to no elaboration on their requirements, i.e. "We need you to change this, but we won't tell you why we need you to change it."

Furthermore, Gotoco will keep your £100 TESOL deposit until the Ofqual TESOL certificate has been issued. But despite having finished the TESOL during my program, completed their resubmission requirements in January 2024, and chasing them for literally 5-6 months to receive my TESOL certificate, they will still hold your £100 deposit. What's more, you most likely won't even receive your full £100 deposit as Paypal deducts a fee if your deposit was sent to Gotoco for more than a 180 day period.

If you're looking to do a TESOL/TEFL and teach English abroad, please do yourself a favour and go with another company.

What would you improve about this program?
(From the staffing perspective) - being completely transparent and honest to your participants, as well as actually responding to questions and queries in an appropriate time frame.
  • Affordable way to travel, live and work in SE Asia
  • Meeting like-minded people
  • Rewarding teaching placement
  • Extremely unresponsive
  • Unjustly withholding your deposit
  • Length of time taken to receive TESOL certificate
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Yes, I recommend this program

Brilliant and rewarding couple of months

I had such a great time on the Vietnam programme. I enjoyed the teaching, even when being challenged, and it was so lovely to build connections with the kids and the teaching assistants - I miss them lots already. The programme also brings together such a great group of people, and I have come away from this experience with so many great memories and new friends. Gotoco are great at facilitating the programme, answering any queries, and organising the start and end of programme trips! The TESOL and organisation of this could, however, be improved!!

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Yes, I recommend this program

A Pho-nomenal Experience

I volunteered on the 10 week Vietnam programme. It was a great experience from start to finish, I don't believe there is another opportunity quite like it. From all of the amazing people I met, to all of the weird and wacky situations I found myself in, I had immense fun on the programme. I would say that the single best experience was being welcomed into a new culture and given the opportunity to live life in Vietnam from a truly unique perspective. The work-life balance allowed me to enjoy local backpacker trails whilst maintaining a sense of purpose in my travels.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Saying yes to every random opportunity we were given, whether that was going to lunch with our hotel's manager, trying exotic foods (crocodile?!) dancing in front of our schools or building relationships with our teaching assistants.
  • Food
  • Culture
  • Support
  • Communication


Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Molly Hardy

Molly is from South Wales, she quit her job as a bar manager to take up the offer of a TESOL programme with GoToCo in Thailand and absolutely loved it.
Molly Hardy


Why did you choose this program?

The fact that we could travel, teach and gain a worthwhile qualification all at the same time, really spoke to me. I love to travel, experience new cultures and meet new people and I’d never been to Thailand. As a solo traveller on this adventure, Thailand was the best place for me to find my feet and give me the confidence to grow. I have GoToCo to thank for that.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

We were advised what dates to book our flights best for our programme start, we had to book the flights ourselves; but the assistance was there. GoToCo were a great help with our visas too. That was a long process because we weren’t aware of the new paperwork they wanted for our visa but GoToCo were super helpful and made sure we had all relevant documents. All our transport was sorted and at first we really didn’t need to think about anything.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

For me, personally, I wish I had packed lighter. You actually don’t need all the things that you think you might need and there’s so many cool things to buy out here that you don’t want to have no room to be able to take stuff home. So yeah, really think about what your packing, I know it may be a favourite thing but do you really need all those pairs of sandals?

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

When we were placed at our school, we were fortunate enough to have accommodation right by the school which meant we didn’t need to get up super early but the school day started at 7:45 and ended at 3:45. Some days would be full of teaching but some you may only have two lessons, so they were more chilled. When the school day ended we would normally go back to our rooms, chill out and then meet for dinner in the evening. It was pretty chilled.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear?

I guess not knowing where I was going to be placed for my teaching and where I would be living for 6 weeks was a bit mad. But in actual matter of fact when I got here, I was kind of in the mindset of what will be will be. Like just take everything in your stride, there’s not a lot than can be changed now. So just be grateful
Write and answer your own question.

How did you find living in a different culture?

Honestly, I loved it, I’m a pretty laid back person anyway and this trip just solidified it, you just have to accept things as they are. After all it’s a completely different culture to what you’re used to, you’re not here to change the culture and you must remember that, you’re here to embrace it. Once you’re in that mindset you’ll have the best time.