  • Ecuador
    • Quito
Fall, Spring
Subject Areas
Art History Biology Christian Programs Communications Cultural Studies Digital Media English Global Studies Hispanic Studies Linguistics Marine Biology Nursing Pre-Med Public Health Religious Studies Service Learning Social Work Theology +8

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level
Apartment Host Family


Starting Price
Price Details
You will need to check with your college or university for exact costs. However, in most cases, if you are a student at one of our partner schools a semester in Ecuador will not cost you more than what you are currently paying for school!
Cost Includes: Trip to the Galápagos Islands, Trip to the Amazon Jungle, Homestay with an Ecuadorian Family, Cultural Experiences, All In-Country Food during program events (about 50%), Lodging, and Transportation, Internship Experience (for credit option)
Does Not Include: Airfare, Passport, Visa, Immunization, Personal expenses like shopping, personal needs or personal travel.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Classes Meals SIM cards Transportation Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Visa
Jul 28, 2023
May 03, 2024
13 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Based in Quito, Ecudor, this semester program offers students the opportunity to experience a variety of new cultures, gain a global perspective, and participate in the joys and challenges of serving God in a cross-cultural setting. Students will earn college credit, and intern in a field related to their studies. During the semester you'll live in Christian community, participate in homestays for four weeks, engage in a local internship or service learning project, and go on many amazing multi-day excursions to the Amazon Jungle, the Galápagos Islands, and more!

Our program is designed for students to engage in the culture and community. This is done through local internships, shopping and making meals together, weekly chapel, and abstaining from alcohol in order to show respect for the primarily catholic culture, all this is to create an environment that focuses on personal well-being & development.

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Program Highlights

  • Christian Community
  • 12-18 college credit courses
  • One Month Homestay
  • Discipline-specific internship
  • Excursions to the Amazon Jungle, Galápagos Islands, and more.

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 42 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.35
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.75
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 17 - 24 of 42 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Experience Ever!!

For years I was off and on trying to muster the confidence to study abroad (I knew I wanted to but didn't know how, where, or when!!). Once I found out about Living & Learning's program, I couldn't stop thinking about what a life-changing experience it would be, and sure enough, it exceeded expectations!!! Each staff member of Living and Learning cares deeply about each person that comes down to Quito and makes for an experience you won't forget!!! I'm telling you... this is an opportunity to make memories and learn in a way that is UNFORGETTABLE!!

What would you improve about this program?
I can't think of anything I would change!! Loved it
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An Experience-Rich, Culturally-Appreciative Program

I love my program. I didn't know what to expect when going to Ecuador, but I was nervous about taking such a big step. The Living and Learning International staff met me where I was, supported me, taught me to have a more open and loving perspective in intercultural interactions, gave me some of the best adventures of my life, facilitated incredible friendships, and challenged me to grow as human being and a person of faith. I'll expand on two of those. L&LI led my cohort and I on some awesome adventures. As an experienced-based program, there is a focus in L&LI on getting to know all of Ecuador. The staff all have a special place for the country and culture in their heart, and they want us to, as well. Second, L&LI challenged me to recognize my assumptions and to perceive a culture with an open mind and heart. They wanted me to understand and appreciate Ecuador as well as to learn about the harm that a prejudiced mindset can cause. This challenging was done with a balance of respect, care, and uprightness that forced me to confront those hidden thoughts in myself that were so much easier to avoid. I am so grateful for the love and persistence with which they did this.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I could do it all over again, I would spend more time investing in relationships with Ecuadorian locals, and I would do it early on. As my time progressed, I did start to get to know local baristas or the family that owned my frutería. However, I think it would have enriched both of our lives if I had been intentional about asking questions sooner, rather than holding back out of nervousness. The people I met were warm and welcoming, and I think it would have given me an even more wholesome picture of the culture to know their stories.
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Best Internship

I had the most life giving internship. I got to work in a coffee shop downtown, learning from the locals and having good conversations. This made me feel like a part of this city and not just a tourist. As a senior, I was able to work on my capstone project while in Ecuador. This exemplifies how flexible, creative, and accommodating the LLI staff is. I worked alongside both the director of Youth World and of LLI to come up with a comprehensive business plan for a coffee shop in Quito. This was an incredible experience.

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Exceptional experience

Truly an exceptional job building community and encouraging personal development. I felt very invested in, from the other students and the younger staff all the way up to the directors and top leaders. Everyone is willing and able to make time for you and your growth. Also, so much fun!! The housing was comfortable and perfect for what we needed, life was easy and fun in Quito. There are a bunch of provided opportunities and opportunities you can create. Theres never a dull moment if you are willing to go look.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Explore the uniqueness of Quito more. I wandered around a lot, but I wish I had looked more carefully for specific events and opportunities.
83 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Semester Ever!

This semester abroad was definitely one of the best experiences of my life. I saw so many cool things and places, ate amazing food, and made some of the best friends ever. It was also a great opportunity to improve my Spanish. Living with a homestay family really helped with that. And I absolutely loved my homestay family! I will never forget this semester. And I have to say, the staff really made the experience so much better. It definitely would not have been the same without them. They are incredibly supportive and some of the most amazing people ever! 10/10 would recommend.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
The most unfamiliar thing I ate was guinea pig and alpaca. They were both really good and unlike anything I've had before. Especially the guinea pig which is served with the entire body intact.
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My experience was really great. They do a great job of helping us to see Ecuador. We traveled around a lot to different places like Baños, the jungle, Peru, Macchu Piccchu, and a place where we got to go zip lining. The most unique thing about my year was that this was the only year they had major riots, but we were perfectly safe. I would go back again if I could. The staff were really nice and it was overall a great trip. If you go, you have to go to Carlos and the lady who sells calzones. They’re great

What would you improve about this program?
The academic side was super easy. But I think that could be because we did have so many activities they were letting us do.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Semester Abroad in Ecuador Spring 2019

My time in Ecuador is one of the most treasured and precious times in my life. It was full of adventure, learning, and being stretched to new levels of myself. One of my favorite days in Ecuador was when we went to Banos. It was towards the beginning of the semester when I still was not completely comfortable with everyone around me. We went and explored this little town and went horseback riding, saw volcanoes, did a natural mud mask from a river, went to the swing at the end of the world, learned about coffee and chocolate, and drank natural fizzy water. We slept in a large house in the forest all together, and bonded while playing games, karaoke/dance battles, and killing bugs (haha). It was a great experience to get us all comfortable with each other, and helped build what was my favorite part of Ecuador...the community. The staff is so amazing, and the people that you get to know and live with are so excited to live life together. This semester is one of my most precious memories, and I wish I could re live it again and again. If you have the opportunity, go go GO!!

What was your funniest moment?
There were many funny moments while I was abroad, especially in regards to language. There were many times that I said the wrong word, and people were always willing to correct in love and help me to know what I was saying and what I wanted to say. My homestay family was amazing, and laughed with me through the somewhat painful first few conversations until I became comfortable. I went in to the semester barely knowing anything about Spanish, and came out knowing so much more and being able to hold a whole conversation.
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Homestay Memories

One of my favorite memories from my semester in Ecuador was a spontaneous day trip with my homestay family. We woke up early in the morning and took a day trip to the largest mountain in the world (Mt Chimborazo) ! We spent the entire day stopping at the different towns and trying fun, new foods (like plantains with cheese!). Our host parents we very generous and loved to show us the variety of cultures and traditions within the country of Ecuador. We ended the long day traveling to different parts of Ecuador back in a cozy little restaurant in our home city Quito. It was one of my favorite days, not because of the adventurous things and places we went, but because of the deeper connections we made and laughs we had with our homestay family:)

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I would advise future students to spend your free days exploring the city with friends! It can be nice at times to stay in and watch a movie with your housemates some days, but remember that this will be the only time you are able to explore Quito outside of this semester!
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