  • Germany
    • Freiburg
Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Summer
Subject Areas
Business Cultural Studies Ecology Economics European Studies History International Business International Relations Liberal Arts Political Science Sociology +1
Need-based funding, Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, BIPOC funding
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Contact IES Abroad or see website for details: www.IESabroad.org/freiburg
What's Included
Accommodation Classes Wifi
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Airfare Visa
Nov 27, 2023
Jan 07, 2024
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About Program

Study abroad in Freiburg, the sunniest and warmest city in Germany. It’s easy to take advantage of the sunshine and hike up to the Schlossberg tower for the view or explore the many Black Forest trails that are easily accessible. Immerse yourself in the vibrant student culture of this friendly and welcoming city, where students are one-sixth of the population.

Freiburg and the surrounding regions will be your classroom. Can you imagine traveling to the Rhine River Valley to take samples and observe local ecology, or visiting the European Parliament and discussing current social and political issues with EU officials, or discussing German theater and then seeing a local production that evening? Welcome to study abroad! Wherever possible, your courses take you outside the classroom to give you hands-on experience and to take advantage of all that your study abroad location has to offer.

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Diversity & Inclusion

LGBTQIA+ Support

Today, and every day, we celebrate who you are and who you will become. We take pride in simply getting to know you, and look forward to adventuring through this incredible world with you.

Studying abroad as part of the LGBTQIA+ community can present unique opportunities and challenges in exploring a new culture, so we have compiled resources on sexual orientation, gender identity, and allyship to help prepare you and support you along the way.

Neurodivergent Support

Going abroad, whether this is your first time or your umpteenth, can be a trip both literally and figuratively. Seeing something new or being someplace unfamiliar has its own challenges, especially when it comes to mental health and physical accessibility. With IES Abroad, you won't handle these concerns on your own.

We have not only compiled resources on mental health, physical health, and self-care to help prepare you and support you along the way, but we also have a dedicated Student Affairs staff that are available for you to contact from the United States and once in your host country.

Accessibility Support

Going abroad, whether this is your first time or your umpteenth, can be a trip both literally and figuratively. Seeing something new or being someplace unfamiliar has its own challenges, especially when it comes to mental health and physical accessibility. With IES Abroad, you won't handle these concerns on your own.

We have not only compiled resources on mental health, physical health, and self-care to help prepare you and support you along the way, but we also have a dedicated Student Affairs staff that are available for you to contact from the United States and once in your host country.



As part of IES Abroad's Global Good Commitment, IES Abroad employs sustainability measures in the following ways:
-Moving toward more sustainable Headquarters and Centers abroad
-Producing printed materials mindfully
-Hosting events and conferences in LEED-certified buildings
-Purchasing carbon offsets for staff air travel
-The formation of the IES Abroad Sustainability Team - a dedicated group of volunteers responsible for implementing sustainable practices across our organization. The team comprises of members across our Centers, departments, teams. It is truly a global effort, and we are better for it.

Popular Programs

students gathered around a professor looking at soil in the forest

This English-taught program allows you to explore topics in Environmental Studies, Forest Ecology, and Sustainability while living in Freiburg, a well-known center for environmental innovation. Courses are organized as a series of three-week modules that focus on the sustainable management of natural resources, with a special emphasis on the adaptive management of forests, ecological processes in ecosystems, and human effects on the environment.

group of students lead by an IES Abroad professor trekking through the hills of the Swiss Alps

Taught in English, the IES Abroad European Union Program gives you the chance to study Politics, Economics, Business, and International Relations like you never have before. The program features an integrative seminar that incorporates approximately 21 days of field study to travel to numerous countries inside and outside of the EU. As you visit each new country, you develop your understanding of the European Union, its history, and its institutions

cute, quiet cobblestone street in Freiburg lined with white, yellow, and tan buildings

Ideal for students interested in rapidly improving their German language skills, the IES Abroad Freiburg Program offers you IES Abroad and university courses taught in German by distinguished local faculty. You can also participate in an internship, which includes time spent working at your placement and an academic seminar that helps you contextualize what you're learning.

group of four students standing in front of the ocean with little building behind them

Based in Freiburg, Germany, the European Union Summer Program takes you on extended field study trips to Turkey and the Western Balkan states for an intensive study of the European Union and its relationships with its neighbors to the east. This program challenges you with a unique Integrative Seminar and with a variety of elective course options.

Program Reviews

4.90 Rating
based on 115 reviews
  • 5 rating 90.43%
  • 4 rating 9.57%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.3
  • Support 4.7
  • Fun 4.55
  • Housing 4.7
  • Safety 4.95
Showing 65 - 72 of 115 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

A New Experience Everyday

One of the memorable experiences this program allowed me and the rest of those on the program to have was a trip to the European Parliament building in Strasbourg, France. On the surface, this was going to be a trip to an institution that certainly lacks popularity and overall importance if you were to ask the average citizen in the European Union. But, the European Parliament has accomplished a lot and is extremely significant (when you go on this program you will learn more than you need to know about this institution). When we got there we learned that we may actually be able to hear Chancellor Merkel of Germany and President Hollande of France speak to the Parliament, which was an historic occasion. So we went through security and got into the viewing area but unfortunately had missed Merkel's speech. Luckily, we got to hear the last 10 minutes of Hollande's speech and the responses by Parliament members. While listening to Hollande's speech, we were allowed the "pleasure" of also hearing Nigel Farage, of UKIP in the UK, make remarks towards Hollande. Hollande proceeded to tell those that are Eurosceptics and against the European project as a whole should just go ahead and leave the Union. Now those were some strong words. I will never forget listening to that and being able to listen and see those important government officials.
Overall, the program is incredible. The travel is extensive and exhausting but provides you with numerous memorable experiences that may not seem as memorable to others but to you will have special significance. Being able to go back to Freiburg after the week-long trips is great too. Freiburg quickly became one of my favorite cities in the world and while it may seem small, has so much to offer.

What would you improve about this program?
Access to the library in Freiburg would be awesome because the lack of a great place to study like that was slightly annoying.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Semester in Freiburg

Freiburg im Breisgau was an absolutely amazing city for my study abroad experience. The city is extremely vibrant and filled with an immense amount of history and life. It was always easy to find things to do and to move about the city. I personally rented a bike during my first week and used it every day I was there. Almost everyone bikes in Freiburg and there are bike paths present everywhere in the city. I found this to be a great way to get around and explore as it was often much faster than taking the tram and the weather was perfect for biking almost every day. Additionally Freiburg presented me with tons of opportunities to practice my German language skills and as a result I improved A LOT. The locals were extremely nice about the language learning process and were always willing to help you if you had any questions. The rooming situation was also a big help for learning the language because you are placed in a dorm living with native Germans. The classes were also all taught in German and dealt with very interesting and applicable topics. The teachers were also very willing to help at any time and were very good about promoting an environment in the classroom where everyone wanted to speak and participate. I spent lots of time in Freiburg with friends in the beautiful local beer gardens, biking through the city, and hiking through the black forest. This experience is one I wont forget and I recommend it to anyone looking to learn about the German culture and greatly improve their language skills.

What would you improve about this program?
The orientation process was very long and often included information that I thought was either useless or belonged in an information packet for students to read at their discretion. Additionally I think more help should be provided in helping students manage money, as I know many students struggled at first.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Studying and experiencing the European Union

The IES European Union program gave me the most exciting and unique experiences of my life through education, cultural understanding, and plenty of time for tourism as well. This program allowed me to see and experience the culture in 13 European countries, meet diplomats, CEOs, party leaders, and high government officials during our multiple week long course excursions. Visiting the Member States and Institutions was an invaluable experience that truly supplemented all of the work we did in the classroom. The importance of the European Union and the relevant courses offered by the program kept us students informed and active with the issues, and propelled discussion well after class was dismissed. Discussing the current issues of the migration/refugee crisis and the environmental issues as the nations grapple with the issues proves to be a great learning and philosophical experience.
Living alongside German students from the University also proved to be crucial cultural immersion. Cooking, laughing, and singing with these students proved to be some of the most cherished memories from my experience abroad.
The supreme location in the Black Forest with both France and Switzerland at your fingertips, I was able to experience and learn from so many different ways of life. I have never had a more exciting four months in my life and I would do anything to get to relive this experience again. Swimming in the Aegean Sea and skiing in the Swiss Alps within the same week was one of the many many unbelievable experiences this program offered me and it is with a smile on my face that I would recommend it to the next generation of Study Abroaders.

What would you improve about this program?
The program could have released class and event schedules earlier to allow students to plan visits and travel abroad ahead of time to avoid any conflicts and extra expenses.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Four Months!

Studying abroad was most definitely the best four months of my life filled with traveling to 20 European cities, making a home in Freiburg, visiting European institutions and organizations, and creating endless memories with the people on my program.

There are about four to five residential buildings that the 70some of us on the program all lived in. It is about a 20-30 minute tram ride between the different dorms which does separate people at first, but eventually students would travel to other dorms together. Living arrangements vary from 5-8 suitemates—who are generally University of Freiburg students. My suitemates were very friendly and welcoming and were genuinely interested in my experience in Germany. Getting to know your suitemates is a great way to interact with local students and immerse more into the local culture. Note for the students studying abroad in the Fall: the university students do not usually arrive until mid to late October—so things are quieter and slower at first, but once they arrive things start to pick up!

There are not enough words to describe how great of a city Freiburg is. It’s a small to medium sized university town where you can easily get around, by foot or the convenient tram, and be comfortable with your surroundings. I felt safe and comfortable adjusting to the city and while I did a lot in the city throughout my four months there, it is a big enough city where there was still a significant amount of things I did not get to do.

The IES EU Center is a nice and comfortable building…that we spent A LOT of hours in...to study, hang out, and for classes. The seminar is based on your previous political science classes and focuses on a more in-depth knowledge of the European Union institutions and their workings. A German class is required but previous German knowledge is not needed. I had taken four semesters before studying abroad and my language did improve by hearing locals speak and talking more than usual but due to this being an English speaking program, personal effort is necessary to progress your language ability. The other three courses are electives—the great thing about these are the local field trips and lectures you attend (during course excursions) relate to the material learned in class. The Model EU at the end of the program effectively summed up the program. We were able to take everything we learned throughout the semester and apply it to relevant policies.

Course Excursions:
The field trips were the highlight of the program—it makes it a unique program and take you to places, like the European Commission, European Parliament, various think-tanks, academic experts and more, that normally one does not have the opportunity to experience. The meetings and people we met with on these course excursions allowed us to see how the “experts” of the European Union deal with the current events. The excursions are well-planned out and the days are busy filled with meetings but there is still time to enjoy the cities.

I would highly recommend the IES EU program for many reasons—especially to those who are interested in aspects of politics and economics, as this program is heavily focused on these academic areas. I’m already counting down the days till I can go back and explore more of Europe and especially visit Freiburg again!

What would you improve about this program?
-The amount spent in the classroom/IES center, while understandable due to our days spent traveling, did get tiring.

-I would have appreciated more activities during orientation to bring the students closer together.
44 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

An Outdoor Classroom

Studying in Freiburg was life changing in the best of ways. Students are immersed in a society of outdoorsy, friendly, green-living people. Classes are starkly different than their American counterparts: a module system allows you to focus entirely on one subject for 3 weeks before moving onto the next. Although the classes broach challenging subjects, their interactive, discussion-based style allows for easy absorption of material (and many class days spent applying knowledge in the field while hiking!). Minimal work was required outside of class which allowed us to wander the cobblestone streets, throw potluck dinners and bonfires, and explore Europe.

Aside from introducing you to the green lifestyle and educating you on international forestry subjects, this program offers guided excursion and the perfect location to travel on the weekends (or a plethora of hiking trails and cool places to explore within walking/biking distance!). I've returned home with a new perspective on forestry, diversity, and international relations, along with German conversational skills. More importantly, I made life-long memories and friendships.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing I can think of that could be improved is the opportunities to meet Germans. Aside from an optional tandem partner, interactions require a lot of self-motivation to mingle (and not stick with the American crowd). That being said, you'll still need to be willing to put yourself out there to meet new people anyway!
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Yes, I recommend this program

It's All Possible!

I had an amazing time in Freiburg and the region. My German language skills improved, thanks to formal instruction and casual conversation. My travel skills improved, thanks to excursions in the Black Forest, Munich, Berlin, France, and Switzerland. The program office was very supportive and helpful as I adjusted to life here. I built connections to the people, organizations, and places in Freiburg.

The most important experience so far was learning about and participating in a green lifestyle. Freiburg is renowned for its sustainability and environmental awareness. My locally and internationally based course content was supplemented by real-life actions: using the extensive bicycle and public transportation networks, purchasing fresh local food, participating in climate-conscious events and rallies, meeting community leaders, experiencing sustainable urban development. I was able to prioritize how I spent my time and energy.

What would you improve about this program?
I was one of the first people to move into a new student housing building, so my apartment was lonely for the first 3 weeks. However, my roommates joined soon enough and I had the other American students.
47 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Learning by travel

I had a really great experience with IES in Freiburg. The highlight of the program is definitely the travel trips. We got to see many countries while going to informative meetings and getting to know the culture. We always had a guided tour of the city we visited which was very helpful in getting around and learning about the way of life. The professors really care about you and want you to succeed. Also, learning about the European Union while living in the midst of international crises and debates is incredible! Freiburg is the perfect home base for study abroad. IES connects you with activities in the city as well as in the surrounding area. It really was a fantastic experience!

What would you improve about this program?
If I had to change one thing, I would ask that all students in the program live in the same area. It was sometimes difficult to see each other when the trams stopped running.
45 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Very European Experience

I know I will sound like a broken record but deciding to study abroad in Freiburg on the European Union program was one of the best decisions of my life. The program incorporates everything I possibly could have looked for in a study abroad. I got a chance to break out of all the comforts I know from the US and live somewhere completely new. When I got there I was probably about as nervous as I’ve been for anything in my life. The minute you check in though the IES staff is already taking amazing care of you. Day 1 the office administrators are already completely invested in making sure you have a fantastic time abroad. The way they make you feel welcome and included from the first day to the last is truly very remarkable.

As for academics I would say the teachers you learn from are about as qualified as it gets. IES brings in experts from various political or economic backgrounds to teach these courses. Not only do these experts really know what they are talking about but they are also super approachable. If you ever need help or are interested in learning more beyond what you are learning in class, they are happy to engage with and guide you. By the end of the semester your professors will go beyond being your teachers and become mentors for more than just academic work. I met with almost all my teachers at least once outside of class to hang out and get to know each other better either as a class or individually.

The value of this program goes well beyond the classroom though, culturally and socially Freiburg is an awesome place to be. As a middle sized college town in south west Germany you get lots of incredible authentic experiences such as the Weihnachtsmarkt (world famous German Christmas markets that are pretty much a constant source of merriment once they start up). In terms of daily life there are loads of amazing pubs or restaurants to go to where you can meet locals or just relax and hang out with friends. In particular, the Irish Pub O’Kelly’s is an awesome spot. As for the food in the restaurants I could go on and on forever but what I will say is that it is incredible and very affordable. I got hooked on several things there that I have mild to moderate withdrawals from now.

One of the most unique features of this program is the academically integrated field study trips. Throughout the semester there are a few day trips and three week long trips to various member states and institutions in the European Union. Not only does this mean the program organizes all the travel with all of your friends from the program for you, but you also get to hear from people actively working with the concepts and within the structures you are learning about. Not to mention that since Freiburg is so centrally located with easy access to an airport travelling in smaller groups on the weekends is incredibly easy to organize. I went to 14 countries (including multiple cities in a couple of them) 9 of which were with the program. Basically if you are looking to see a lot of Europe this is a great program to do it. Plus, you learn stuff about the places you are going to that would be very hard to do on your own.

I will wrap up with a little more about the community IES sets up on this program. Beyond being friendly the staff at the center does a great job taking this huge group of students from all over the US with different backgrounds and bringing us together. By the end I felt really friendly with almost everyone on the program and there were 69 of us so that’s saying something. Over the course of 3 and a half months being there I not only learned a ton about the European Union but had an amazing time making fantastic memories doing it. The program is pretty politics heavy academically, but if you can go on this program I highly recommend you do. Freiburg and the people I met there will always have a special place in my memory. I grew in many ways I never would have expected when I left but am so happy I was able to. If you choose this program and go with an open mind, I will basically guarantee you will have a magnificent time too!

What would you improve about this program?
Missed classes often get rescheduled from 6:15-7:45 if they could try to avoid this time period for class that would be great. It is hard to focus when class is exactly when you would normally be eating dinner. I often got very hungry and couldn't really focus or they could provide food so that we weren't hungry all through class. However this is a very small complaint because this program is excellent.
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Questions & Answers

In order to apply, you must be at least 18 years old and have a 2.75 GPA or higher.