Multiple Locations +2
  • Italy
    • Perugia
  • Austria
    • Salzburg
4 - 12 weeks
Classroom Audience
Elementary Middle School

Program Details

Job Type
Classroom Audience
Elementary Middle School
Apartment Guesthouse Host Family Hotel
Age Min.
Age Max


Salary / Benefits
All training, accommodation, main meals and transport costs between camps are provided by The ECC. See a new town every two weeks throughout Italy, Austria & Germany!
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare Airport Transfers SIM cards Travel Insurance
Feb 05, 2024
Oct 19, 2023
246 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Teach English in small towns throughout Italy & Austria during Summer 2024. It's the perfect summer experience for students or recent graduates, especially in the fields of education or languages and/or who want to enhance their teaching experience. The English Camp Company, L.L.C. organizes English Summer Camps in Italy & Austria for 6-14 year olds. We offer an enjoyable, interactive atmosphere where children can use everyday English and improve their knowledge of the English language in a fun, relaxed summer camp environment, using games, songs and activities.

Spend a month not only teaching children, but see different parts of the country, meet new people, and immerse yourself in new cultures while staying with local host families in small towns during the camps. An unforgettable summer experience making memories that will last a lifetime!

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Full cultural immersion
  • Accommodation, main meals & transport between camps is provided
  • See a new town every two weeks!

Program Reviews

4.98 Rating
based on 41 reviews
  • 5 rating 97.56%
  • 4 rating 2.44%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Benefits 4.85
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 4.95
  • Facilities 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 9 - 16 of 41 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Teach English in Italy and Austria Summer 2019

This summer, I worked for ten weeks as a Tutor with the English Camp Company. I completed five two-week camp sessions, spending four weeks in Italy and six weeks in Austria.

Working with the English Camp Company was the most eye-opening, enriching, incredibly fulfilling, and life-changing opportunity that I have ever undertaken. Without a doubt, this was the best summer of my life. The English Camp Company exceeded my summer job expectations. My only regret is that the summer and my time as a tutor with the English Camp had to come to an end -

Thank you to the company co-founders/owners Ashleigh and Nate Poerio.

Ashleigh and Nate are the head of The English Camp Company. They hire the tutors and directors and greet them when they arrive in Italy for orientation. They are very kind, amiable, and caring individuals. Ashleigh and Nate run orientation training themselves. They make tutors and directors feel welcome and appreciated from the start. Throughout my entire summer experience, I felt entirely supported. Ashleigh and Nate were there to answer any questions or concerns that I had. Communication throughout the whole summer was nothing but excellent. Ashleigh and Nate work tirelessly to ensure that tutors, directors, campers, host families, and everyone involved have a positive summer camp experience. It is evident that they are incredibly passionate about the work that they do. I can't thank them enough for making my summer 2019 so memorable.

Tutors and directors attend a (very fun!) one-week intensive orientation where they meet other E.C.C staff and learn everything there is to know about the English Camp. English Camp orientation is well organized and in-depth. Tutors are placed into a multitude of different groups comprised of people that possess diverse experiences and personalities. In these groups, tutors work as a team to perform a variety of tasks and activities. As part of orientation, tutors and directors have the opportunity to complete a mock-camp day at a local primary school.

After orientation week, I felt confident and well prepared to go into my first day of English Camp.

Every two weeks, tutors and directors change camp locations and host families. No two places are the same, and often each different work location is with an entirely new group of people than the last. Therefore, each camp is incredibly unique and a new experience every time. The success of each camp is vital to the communication and cohesiveness of the staff. In this position, you are always collaborating with a team. You will meet amazing people from all over the world who will teach you so much and who will bring diverse ideas and viewpoints to the table.

Adaptability and flexibility are critical components of this position. Tutors are responsible for preparing English lessons for their class of children. In this position, tutors must continuously adapt and adjust to the different levels, needs, and interests of every student in their class at each different camp. English is taught through interactive games, songs, and activities. Creativity and enthusiasm are essential to making English learning exciting for the campers.

You will be amazed at how much your students will grow and become more confident in speaking English as the camp progresses. On Friday of the second week, your class will perform an original musical play (created by the tutor) for their parents. The most rewarding feeling in the world is watching your students nail the performance that they worked so hard on.

The relationships that you will form with your students are priceless. Saying goodbye at the completion of each camp will hurt every single time.

The English Camp Company places tutors and directors with Italian and Austrian host families. Most times, each staff member will have their own host family. Host families will go out of their way to make you feel at home and like a member of their family. They will take you to the coolest local places, show you amazing scenery that a tourist would miss, bring you to family events, and feed you some of the best authentic foods that you will ever taste. Host families are so excited to share everything there is to know about their culture with you and will want to learn about yours as well!

As an English Camp Tutor/Director, you will be working with youth Monday-Friday from 9-5. Additionally, you will be living with children from the camp in your homestay. This job can be demanding and tiring at points. You must genuinely love working with youth and bring that passion and energy to the job. If you are invested in the values of the program, it won't ever feel like work.

If you are seeking a fully immersive cultural experience that leaves you speechless, breaks your heart every time you have to leave a location, creates inseparable connections between you and individuals from all over the world, and changes you in all the best ways, this is the program for you.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Show up to camp every day with a smile and give your all. Don't take yourself too seriously, be crazy, and most importantly, be yourself! The more silly that you are, the more that the kids will love you and think that you're the coolest human on the planet. Have a go-with-the-flow attitude. Always say YES to trying new things and be eager to gain new knowledge about the world. Show gratitude for the little things and persevere through any challenges you may encounter along the journey. :)
128 people found this review helpful.
A lovely 10-hour layover in Dublin, Ireland
Yes, I recommend this program

Another Unforgettable Summer Dream Job With ECC part II

My 2nd Summer experience with The English Camp Company (ECC) ... Another Amazing Adventure!

I'm so appreciative of the opportunity to be able to come back and work with ECC. 2015 was my first year, fresh out of university and I was eager to experience an incredible teaching/travel program in southern Europe. Look no further than ECC! This summer I got to experience Italy and Austria, and both countries are so unique and amazing. You experience host families who offer a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the Italian And Austrian culture. If you're looking for an resume booster, you won't be disappointed. You work people from all over the world, eat great food, and the sights.. breathtaking to say the least. This is an amazing organization that will send you to places you never thought imaginable.

Camp days are long! Please don't underestimate that statement. This is not the Summer for you to spend the day sitting around looking at your phone. There's so much you can teach the students, and much more that they can teach you. This job is for creative people who are energetic, enthusiastic, FLEXIBLE, patient, and have a passion for working with youth 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. It's very important to have multiple activities and games for your students. Don't forget that many of them spend all year in a classroom, so PLEASE get them up, out and moving around. Not only is this your summer vacation/job, but it's also their summer. There are so many resources available online that will help you. Remember that English is a second language to your students. It's imperative that you speak slow, and like the italians do best, use your hands and body when you explain anything, they will certainly appreciate that. Embrace your own culture and traditions. Use games and activities you played in your youth. Walk around your class and always check on individual progress. Bring stickers and candy if you can! You'll have many supplies at your camp, so for example, if you're teaching numbers to ages 6-8, find cards or something else creative to help your students. Some students are kinesthetic learners, others audio or visual. Do your best to use creative methods to teach lessons. Most camp days are HOT!! Always always always...bring plenty of water.
Remember the tutors you work with are all different ages and come from all over the world. A successful camp requires a team effort. You won't always agree or get along, and plans will change. But at the end of the day it's not just about you. Come to English Camp for the children first and foremost. You're in an absolutely beautiful country (Italy and Austria) and you are fortunate to work with amazing people.

Appreciate the time you have with your host families. They go out of their way to ensure you have a memorable experience. The food is amazing, the sights, breathtaking, and the people heartwarming.

Prepare for an awesome Summer. You will work hard, and be rewarded at the end of the day. I'm so glad I came back for another Summer with ECC. I wouldn't have applied to return if the management and communication weren't great, and they were!

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Yes, I recommend this program

The best cultural immersion! I highly recommend

I originally came across this program when I was looking for an experience in Europe that was both affordable and culturally immersive. Little did I know how much I would grow and learn in such a small period of time with ECC. This was my first time travelling abroad to a different continent alone and I am really glad I did it to work with ECC. You get to meet fantastic people who are hungry to explore and learn. Please keep in mind that this is a job, and although it may seem like an adventure, it is still a paying job. Even though I was working, I had a blast. I recommend this opportunity to anyone who is flexible, adventurous, and really open to anything, but please do not be lazy. Working with children can be challenging if you have never experienced it before, and this is not a paid vacation. Keep in mind that if you are willing to give these kids a great time at camp during the day, you will have a lot of free time to explore real Italian towns with real Italian families. The owners of the camp are fantastic people who are very easy to communicate with. I am so glad I was blessed with this opportunity because it was easily the best summer of my life.

96 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Wholesome & Incredible Summer Experience

Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who wanted to have an impact on kids and travel in a meaningful way as well as being welcomed with open arms by incredible host families... I could not even begin to explain how much of a positive impact that this wholesome experience had on me!!!! IT WAS THE ABSOLUTE BEST. Doing something like this teaches you about people. It reminds you that time means nothing with regards to how close you can get to someone. It shows you that even with a language barrier, communication can exist and that you can still form a connection with another person.

Overall, it was incredible to have people make you feel so at home wherever you are. As an example, since we were located in very small villages and towns, tourists were nowhere to be found. Therefore, people were so excited to meet me wherever I went and to learn about my life in Canada and who I was as a person. These strangers went miles out of their way to ensure I felt safe, comfortable and was happy being there. I’m so thankful for all of these individuals who have become family in such a short time frame. Plus, the teachers were so lovely and we all shared so many beautiful memories together. I recently went to California for a reunion with some of the people that I met... it's only been 6 months til we seen each other last aha!

I shed so many tears while here because I was so grateful and happy. The world feels a bit smaller and just brought me so much joy to share parts of my life with people across the world from where I live and for them to do the same with me. Gosh, and everyone’s food was so INCREDIBLE! Another thing to be so thankful for!

I highly recommend this experience to anyone who has an open mind and an adventurous spirit!

56 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Experience of a life time

I am extremely grateful for the amazing opportunity I was given in 2018 as camp councillor in both Italy and Austria. Honestly, it was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Firstly, the compassion and dedication of Nate and Ashley is amazing. They pour their heart and soul into the camps to ensure both the kids and tutors are left with positive experiences. It must be so much work and a huge commitment but they are have the perfect amount of energy and enthusiasm for the job!! Upon arriving in Assisi for orientation I was slightly nervous as I had no idea what to expect. I was quickly reassured at how amazing this opportunity would be the second I met Ashley and Nate and the other tutors.

One of the things that make this program so unique is the opportunity to stay with host families! I had some amazing experiences which ranged from eating delicious gelato to attending a concert in the Austrian alps! The families I was with were so welcoming and caring and quickly became home. They allow you to see a side of the country that isn't experienced as easily by tourists.

Working with kids may be hard work at times especially as you have the language barrier which may make it hard to communicate. But if you have positivity and enthusiasm the kids will really enjoy that and you can have so much fun mucking around and playing games with them.

Lastly, I am so grateful for the connections I have made with the other tutors. So many of them I would call lifelong friends and I am still in contact with them. They are by your side every day and quickly become more like family. It isn't every day that you have the chance to work alongside people whose passions and energy motivate and inspire you to strive for any goals you may have.

If you are thinking of applying for this program I would seriously recommend you go for it. Not because every day will be easy (because it can be exhausting some days) but it will be incredibly worth it. Even if you are tired remember where you are. Because it'll go by in the blink of an eye, and before long you'll be wishing you were back in the beautiful Italy and Austria.

What would you improve about this program?
If anything I'd recommend having some experience in the area of teaching. It isn't essential and many of us weren't teachers (myself included) but it can definitely come a long way, especially with keeping the kids engaged with what you're teaching.
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Favorite Summer Ever!

Spend the best summer of my life working at TECC! Camp directors were amazing! Other tutors were amazing! Host brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers really take you in as family and provide you with everything you may need! Camp is so much fun. I loved having my own classroom to make fun lessons. The afternoon activities were a riot as well. Honestly, an amazing experience and I recommend all to apply! The final shows are so much fun to write and to direct. The kids love making costumes and rehearsing all week to show their parents how much English they have learned. When you apply, make sure to be completely honest, prepared, and ask loads of questions! It is a once and a lifetime opportunity and you will never regret this decision. I was so nervous traveling on my own, but by the time you leave you will be a professional at taking trains, and using your hands to communicate to the locals!

51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Summer!

I went into the program not knowing anyone and traveling alone for the first time. It was amazing from day one. The tutors were all awesome! Nate and Ashleigh were some of the nicest people ever and it was a pleasure working for them. I had amazing host families at every camp i was sent to. Life with host families was new to new but they all immediately made me feel welcome and like one of the family members from day one. When you leave its like leaving your parents. The food was also amazing both in Italy and Austria, whenther your host families cooked, ordered takeout, or went out to restaurants. I made some lifelong connections along the way. Teaching the Italian and Austrian kids was also a blast. They were all lively and excited about camp. I also had amazing directors who were on top of it. If there were ever any problems, the directors, Ashleigh, or Nate were always quick to solve them. The weeks flew by and before I knew it, camp was over. I'm definitely applying next year!

What would you improve about this program?
As long as you're open to change and adventure, everything will run smoothly. Only apply if you really like kids. While the entire experience is amazing, at the end of the day you're working with children and at times work can be hard.
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best summer of my life

I have to start by saying that Nate and Ash Poerio are without a doubt two of the nicest people I've ever met. Having not known them at all before this experience, they were not only amazing bosses but vital resources and great friends. I entirely expect to visit and catch up with them in the future. They are genuinely good people and do whatever they can to help. Since I was a director at three camps and a tutor at one, I was able to see how hard they work to ensure the summer goes smoothly for tutors, directors, host families, and of course, campers. I can only describe the work they do with the most positive superlatives.

Every single one of my host families was sweet as could be, adorable, and did anything and everything within their power to ensure I was having the best time. Of the four I stayed with, I keep in frequent contact with three of them, and message one of them at least once a week. I even plan on visiting them in the winter. The only unfortunate part of being in a host family is having to leave them, which I promise is a much harder thing to do than you can imagine. I really felt like I was part of the family after my time with each one.

While I had no idea what I was getting into this summer, I never thought it would be as all-around great as it was. I got to fall back in love with a country I adore and its people then explore one I don't know nearly as well from a local perspective, all the while teaching adorable kids and making sure they had a great summer. I don't know that there is a better job in the world.

Do not hesitate to reach out to me on Facebook (Andrew Boas) to hear more or ask questions about this truly incredible experience.

What would you improve about this program?
If anything, I think the only way to improve your summer on this program is to make sure you really take advantage of all the possibilities and fun activities your host family presents. Never decline to do something if you're tired or just uninterested, I promise it's far more rewarding to participate!
49 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Usually between 18 and 35 but we are happy to receive applications from anyone over 18.

No you don't. We are happy to read applications from anyone.

Each tutor plans their own lessons based around topics in the books that we have at the camp. Each age level has a suitable level book.