  • Japan
    • Tokyo
    • Osaka
    • Fukuoka
    • Sapporo
    • Nagoya
52+ weeks
Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Middle School High School

Program Details

Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Middle School High School
Age Min.
Age Max


Salary / Benefits
Your experience in Japan will set you apart from your peers. When you teach in Japan, you will find that there is much more to be gained than a regular paycheck. In fact, your experience will shape your future by providing you valuable career experience, experience living in a different culture, and the lifestyle of freedom and growth you have been waiting for. As an Interac ALT, you will most likely receive a gross annual salary of approximately ¥2.4 – ¥3.0 million Japanese Yen per year.
Price Details
There is no charge to apply to Interac.
What's Included
Activities Visa
What's Not Included
Accommodation Airfare Meals
Jan 09, 2024
Apr 23, 2024
170 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Interac teachers enrich the lives of thousands of school and children in Japan every year by delivering interactive and exciting English lessons. Commonly known as ALTs, which stands for assistant language teacher, Interac’s instructors, enrich children’s lives by sharing their knowledge of English and communication skills and giving insights into other cultures.

As an ALT at Interac, you will work in nursery school, elementary, junior high, and high schools throughout Japan. These are our clients. Your job is two-fold: language instructor and cultural ambassador. These two aspects are inseparable, and you, as a successful Interac ALT, will become an expert in both.

You can expect to teach classes on your own, with a Japanese teacher present to help manage the classroom. Although there are variety of Japanese schools, you can reasonably expect to teach in at least two. The company also provides training programs to support those without experience as an English teacher.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Start things off right with an intensive (paid!) initial training and orientation session.
  • Work Mondays to Fridays with scheduled teaching hours between 8 am and 5 pm.
  • Attend on-going skills development and training programs.
  • Become an important part of your school and local community.
  • Take advantage of Interac’s Staff Preparation Program (SPP) and build portable skills you can leverage in the classroom or take with you into a potential staff position like recruiter, head teacher, trainer, or even office staff.

Popular Programs

Wide, open Hokkaido

Interac North Company is in charge of the Hokkaido and Tohoku area which is the largest area of Japan in terms of land mass. The kind of person who typically comes to Interac North has a more self-sufficient outlook on their time in Japan, compared to other areas. They are looking to get a “real Japan” experience for several years.

See Mt. Fuji!

Interac Kanto North Company covers the area known as the “Kanto-Koushinetsu” region, which is a large span of prefectures to the north and west of Tokyo, the nation’s capital. In this part of the country, there are many hidden towns and an abundance of nature, including hot springs, mountains with upper slopes famous for skiing, and many other delights for you to discover.

Active Yokohama

Interac Kanto South is centrally located in Yokohama, the largest city in Kanagawa Prefecture. Just out of the Tokyo metropolis, Kanagawa is a metropolitan prefecture. Everything is only minutes away from the city centre by train, making it the perfect place to start your teaching career in Japan.

Full of Tradition

Interac Kansai & South Central covers a large part of the central region, based in Nagoya with offices in Hamamatsu and Osaka. There are a wide range of placements and school styles for teachers in Osaka, with many positions being in rural areas or suburbs. The kind of ALT we are looking for within the Kansai area is a teacher who will be looking to get involved in the local community and isn’t just requiring a ‘day job’.

World Heritage

The West Company area is one of the largest across Interac. It encompasses 16 prefectures ranging from Hiroshima to Fukuoka, including Saga and Okayama. This means there is a huge variety of activities and places to visit for anyone looking to teach English in Fukuoka or further!

Program Reviews

4.37 Rating
based on 71 reviews
  • 5 rating 46.48%
  • 4 rating 49.3%
  • 3 rating 1.41%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 2.82%
  • Benefits 4
  • Support 4.6
  • Fun 4.25
  • Facilities 4.3
  • Safety 4.75
Showing 9 - 16 of 71 reviews
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Christy Lauren
Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing First Year

To begin, I've been teaching in Japan for a year now. It's incredibly satisfying to see learners faces light up as they learn something in English. I always do my best in everything I do. I currently teach at Hirono Town, Fukushima. I now oversee Junior High School, Elementary, Kindergarten, and the Community Center. Yes, I teach English in a community center with students of various ages. I consider it unique because I tried different strategies and assessed students' learning styles. It is rewarding to watch how they improved. In addition, I spent about 5 months teaching at JFA Academy. Teaching English to aspiring soccer players was very exceptional. They are full of energy, competitive, eager to learn, and enjoyable to be around. I don't know much about soccer, but they did teach me part of it. I did my best to provide lessons that were closely related to soccer because that is what they were interested in. In addition, I write articles for Hirono Town magazine on a monthly basis. I wrote about my experiences in Japan and the Philippines, as well as my cultural background. It was a fantastic school year. I am excited to learn and explore a variety of things.

For the future participants, learn more and enjoy the journey. Keep going!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
The most surprising encounter I had was when my grade 6 pupils sang me a happy birthday song and presented me with Meguro Ren, Taishi Nakagawa, and Kento Yamazaki masks. It was very unforgettable for me. Also, my JFA academy students from first to third year sung Happy Birthday before entering the room. It was such a great day because, even though I had only known them for a short time, they made me feel important by remembering my birthday.
  • It helped me reminisce about my first year in Japan.
21 people found this review helpful.
Response from Interac Japan

Hi Christy,

Sounds like you've had a busy first year! It's great to hear that you've had such a wide range of expereinces and opportunities to teach in various scenarios. That really does give you the chance to expand as a teacher and gain a wider range of teaching skills.

You have a great attitude and I think that's necessary for successful teachers. Keeping positive and putting effort into ALT work is the way to being the best at Interac.



Interac Head Office

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Yes, I recommend this program

Go deeper than just visiting Japan

Working and living in Japan is a wonderful and challenging experience.
I have lived in Japan for 11 years. I started by studying abroad and then a few years later started teaching as an ALT. I have taught English through two different programs and have lived in Okinawa, Honshu and Hokkaido. It has given me a wide view of how similar and in some ways, different Japan is. Yet, the heart of Japan is unique. I have found many people to be warm hearted and very hard working. The Japanese take work and play very seriously. Sometimes to the point of exhaustion. It can be surprising and challenging to adapt to this routine when people first arrive.
Working and living in Japan gives you a much deeper chance to get to know the land and people better than just traveling. In my experience, the core Japanese education is very good and students enjoy learning. Living in an area gives you many chances to explore the local area and return again to favorite places.
I have also enjoyed the chance to become part of the community taking part in local festivals and groups. Making a community has been a key to my well being. I have found people with the same passion for the outdoors, photography and sports. I am also married to a national and have two kids. We have chosen to make Japan our home.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
There is a big difference between living and working in a place compared to visiting a place. Be aware of the stages of living abroad and how to move through them. They are not always in order and can repeat more than once. Take care of yourself. I know I sound like a dad (I am) but eat well, set a healthy sleep pattern and exercise. Most ALTs are placed in the country side and are surprised at how rural they work area. Often it is possible to catch a train to a more urban setting if desired. Living in the country side also gives you a chance to visit less known places and a chance to become part of the community better.
Put concentrated effort into learning Japanese and the culture. As a general rule of life, you get the good or bad of what you put into anything. That includes work, studies relationships and so on. So, enjoy your time and work and play hard. Your co-workers are a great way to learn about Japan but also spend time making friends outside of work. If you have a hobby/ passion from your home country you might be able to find some people here that enjoy it too or start a new hobby. Making friends outside of work really helps the overall experience. Even if you arrive to Japan with little or no Japanese ability don`t let this perceived barrier hold you back but do your best to communicate and little by little you will pick up it up. It will also make you a better communicative teacher for your students.
Last, if you choose to teach in Japan I highly recommend staying for more than one year. I have heard many people say that when you live and work abroad, you spend your first year learning the job and then from the second year you can really do your job. That being said, come with an attitude of always learning and improving you work and self. It will benefit you and those around you.
Enjoy Japan!
  • Working with children is rewarding and keeps you young at heart
  • Get to visit many famous and less known locations in Japan on time off
  • A unique chance t go as deep into the culture and language as you like or can
  • Raise and bonuses even after a tenure are not possible
  • Low pay compared to western standards
17 people found this review helpful.
Response from Interac Japan

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your fantastic review. I'm very happy to hear that you've been able to make Japan home and develop your life here. Interac is a way to achieve these goals, and I always admire the teachers who take full advantage of the opportunities presented by living in Japan.

You're right about how the Japanese go all-out when they are into a hobby or sport. It's great that you've been able to make connections with people who have similar interests. I think that makes living in Japan a lot easier.



Interac Head Office

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Yes, I recommend this program

The Change I Needed!

Nobody wants to be somewhere where they are invisible. While my location is remote and away from the nightlife movement, the peace and value I feel here is incomparable. I have met many friends outside of work who truly care for my wellbeing due to my interest in fitness. I could not ask for more. On my work scene, my opinion is highly valued and it makes me comfortable to engage other colleagues. I am a people person by heart, but the beauty of my work environment encourages even more conversation.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I have always wanted to go fishing. So, living here where the fish is freshest, I bought a tackle box and headed to the sea. And yes, I did catch fish. I won't tell you how many though. Just know it was more than one. Nowadays, I have put my filleting skills to good use by buying whole unscaled and ungutted fish from the market and to do it all by myself. What a lovely experience!
  • Fresh seafood
  • Peace and quiet
  • Nice community
  • Need a car to effectively experience the place
  • 2 1/2 hours to the city by train
21 people found this review helpful.
Response from Interac Japan

Hi Roark,

I'm interested in the "peace and value" you've found in your area? I know what it's like being outside of the urban hustle, and being in a small rural town does make it possible to feel invisible.

It's great really that you've made connections with local people because of fitness. I think that fitness is a key to having a balanced life, and that is probably what helped with the situation at work where you are valued as a team member.



Interac Head Office

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Yes, I recommend this program

Go ahead

“As many languages ​​you know, as many times you are a human being ." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Since childhood, I have been fascinated by three things: languages, traveling and teaching. When I came to Japan, I was blessed to fulfill all my dreams. Japan is a very diverse country, there are mountains and the oceans, and ….there is also an opportunity to work in a school as an AET. To tell the truth, this is not one of the easiest jobs, and being completely honest it’s not that much highly paid job either but thanks to it, I can really delve into Japanese culture and even understand such a difficult Japanese language. To answer the question what I like most about my job? Well…. I would answer - students' energy, ability to learn while working, school lunches, socializing with other AETs. What is the hardest part of my job? Perhaps, keeping students’ attention and curiosity on the lessons all the time. You must be extremely creative. Additionally it might be uneasy to find a common language with all Japanese colleagues, because our mentalities are polar opposite and our random behavior may be perceived as extraordinarily for Japanese. Speaking about the country itself, Japan is the safest place I’ve ever visited. And of course I can’t but mention about Japanese food: sushi, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, ramen, etc .
The disadvantages of living in Japan are primarily earthquakes and garbage sorting. But at the moment, Japan has become my home.
Sometimes while speaking to my Japanese neighbors or coworkers I even consider myself as half Japanese because you remember: “As many languages ​​you know, as many times you are a human being ." :-)

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Natto. Natto. Natto. It’s a unique Japanese food which is made from fermented soybeans. It has sticky slimy texture, it smells like old socks but tastes like… I’ll not tell you, you have to try ☺️
  • Safety
  • Food
  • Advantages
  • Earthquake
  • Language gap
  • Hot summer
25 people found this review helpful.
Response from Interac Japan

Hi Iryna,

I'm very happy to hear that you're able to achieve your dreams as an Interac ALT. I agree with you that the students' energy is the greatest part of teaching, and yes keeping their attention is a challenge.

You mentioned the advantages of living in Japan, and I totally agree that it is safe and the food is great. As for the disadvantages, earthquakes we cannot control, but the issue of garbage sorting for me is one that makes a lot of sense, since it allows us to take a regular step to recycle, reuse, and help the environment.



Interac Head Office

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Yes, I recommend this program

A Life Changing Experience: Living & Teaching in the Land of the Rising Sun

Your decision to take this next step will enrich your life in a personal and professional way that no review can delineate. I've experienced living and teaching English in different cities across Japan through Interac for 6 years. My experience has been fulfilling, positively challenging, and, most importantly, self-actualizing. My arrival and settling in Japan were very smooth with the support of Interac. 

The Japanese culture is well known and admired by many, but being fully immersed in their way of life and witnessing it firsthand has exceeded my expectations. One of the most rewarding things has been the wonderful relationships I've cultivated with students and the positive impact I've had on their lives (and theirs on my own) through cultural exchange and English language education. 

English language education and cross-cultural understanding continue to grow and impact so many lives across Japan, and it has been an honor to be a part of the Interac group, which has significantly contributed to this. 

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Come with an open mind and a willingness to adapt to the way of life in Japan.
  • Impactful: You will immensely impact the lives of so many students, their outlook on other cultures and societies, and their interest in learning English. 
  • Lifelong Relationships: You will acquire so many meaningful relationships with people from all walks of life.
  • Language and Culture Acquisition: You will learn how to speak Japanese and acquire some of the most positive attributes of cultural immersion.
  • Language Barrier: This can be difficult, especially when dealing with more serious matters outside of social settings.
  • Isolation and Homesickness: The language barrier and being miles away from family and your own culture (especially the food for me) can lead to feelings of isolation and homesickness.
  • The "unspoken" rules/culture: This may be a challenge, depending on your cultural norms and how well you can adapt.
19 people found this review helpful.
Response from Interac Japan

Hi Regina,

I'm glad you've had a good experience with Interac the last 6 years, and thank you for your hard work and contributions to local communities. We're very happy to have you on the team.

Many teachers say that the students and their interactions with the students are the best part of the job, and I agree 100% with that.

The photo above is really lovely. Where is this? I love sakura season.



Interac Head Office

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Yes, I recommend this program

ALT LIFE ( Sapporo branch)

I have been with Interac for 2 years and it has been a great experience. I have been through a lot last year may it be personal or at work, my company (Interac) has helped me to get through it. They always provides their assistance and support. The staff were very kind and friendly and always motivates us.
There were always have a work life balance since the job was very light. Time schedule were too light where you can still travel and have fun while working. I must say that my experience here so far are outstanding!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I had a chance to travel and experienced the Ice drift walk in the eastern part of Hokkaido when my company had sent me to substitute to one of the school.
  • New experience
  • New environment
  • New people
  • It was too cold
  • Its quite far
12 people found this review helpful.
Response from Interac Japan

Hi Jeraldine,

Thanks for your review. Very glad you've had a fufilling time the last 2 years. Although I'm not familiar with the struggles you've faced, I do know that our staff does all that they can to support teachers as much as possible.

I agree with you as well that the work-life balance of the ALT lifestyle is really great. It's one of the most attractive parts of living in Japan and working as an ALT.



Interac Head Office

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Yes, I recommend this program

Being an ALT in Japan

I've been an ALT since 2018, with Interac. Being an ALT is being a cultural ambassador. Aside from that, I'm assisting the JTEs in the class, I also create games for the students in order to have more engaging and fun learning experience. Which I thought that's all of it. But with Interac, there's a lot to explore. We get to expand our knowledge and experiences. We get to improve our lesson planning & teaching skills which was learnt from our training sessions. And we get to establish rapport with HRTs and JTEs.
That's why with Interac, you are not alone. You can get the support that you need in your ALT journey/life.

What was your funniest moment?
The time when I was dispatched to a school with a little knowledge of Japanese words... I ended up gesturing every words with the Japanese teachers.
  • Culture awareness
  • Learning new language
  • Safe environment
17 people found this review helpful.
Response from Interac Japan

Hi Richard,

Thanks for the review and for your hard work in schools since 2018. I agree that there's a lot more to explore as an ALT and that doesn't get enough attention.

I agree that our support network is the best in the business, and I think that's one of the reasons for Interac's continued success in schools.



Interac Head Office

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Yes, I recommend this program

Go deeper than just visiting Japan

Working in Japan is a wonderful and challenging experience.
I have lived in Japan for 11 years. I started by studying abroad for one year and then came back have taught for 10 years through two different programs. I have lived in Okinawa, Honshu and Hokkaido. It has given me a wide view of how similar and in ways, different Japan is. Yet, the heart of Japan is similar and unique. Japanese are warmhearted and hard workers.

Working in Japan gives you a much deeper chance to get to know the land and people better than just traveling. In my experience, Japanese education is very good and the students enjoy learning. I have also enjoyed the chance to become part of the community taking part in local festivals and groups. I am married to a national and we have two kids and have made our home here.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
There is a big difference between living and working in a place compared to visiting a place. Be aware of the stages of living abroad and how to move through them. They are not always in order and can repeat more than once. Take care of yourself. I know I sound like a dad (I am a father of two) but eat well, set a healthy sleep pattern and exercise. Most ALTs are placed in the country side. For someone that likes to be outgoing it is great.
Put concentrated effort into learning Japanese and the culture. As a general rule of life you get the good, or bad, of what you put into anything. That includes work, studies, relationships and so on. So, enjoy your time and work hard and play hard. Your co-workers are a great way to learn about Japan but also spend time making outside of work friends. If you have a hobby/passion from your home country you might find some people here that enjoy it too or start a new. Making friends outside of work really helps the overall experience.
If you choose to teach in Japan, I highly recommend staying for more than one year. I have heard many people say that when you live and work abroad you spend the first year learning and then from the second year can really do your job. That being said, come with an attitude of always learning and improving your work and self. It will benefit you and those around you.
Enjoy Japan! 
  • Working with young adults and children is fun and rewarding
  • Get to visit many famous and less known locations in Japan on time off
  • A unique chance to go as deep into the culture and language as you like or can
  • Raise and bonuses even after a tenure are not possible
  • Low pay by western standards 
15 people found this review helpful.
Response from Interac Japan

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the review. You're in the long-term category so your experience is very valuable. I'm glad that Interac has been able to be a part of helping you create a life for you and your family here in Japan.

I agree with you that the Japanese are warmhearted and getting to know them by living here is a better way than by just travelling. Being a part of the local community also helps a lot.



Interac Head Office

Questions & Answers

Hi Jodie, Thanks for your question. We do have positions occasionally in Nagasaki Prefecture, as well as other locations in Kyushu. We cannot promise a position exactly in Sasebo, since the placement situation is fluid each season, however if you choose to make an application and express a desire to be placed in or near the area, we will make an effort to find a position you'll be able to agree...

Hi John, Thanks for your question. We do not have tenure limits, so you are welcome to stay as long as you like. There is also a career system within Interac for advancement within our organization into administrative positions such as Head Teacher, Management Trainee, Trainer, and Managing Consultant. Regards, Interac Head Office Tokyo

Hi Belinda, We do not set a certain number of years of teaching experience as a requirement. Having teaching experience of any kind will definitely help you in the application process, but we have teachers without any previous experience who are excellent in class. We provide thorough initial training so you'll feel confident about standing in front of students. If you have any other questions...

Hi Belinda, The requirements to apply as an Interac ALT are: -Be a native-level speaker of English -Have received an education conducted in English for at least 12 years -Have at least a bachelor’s degree in any subject from an accredited university -Be a team-player that is professional, flexible, cheerful, and energetic -Be under 60 years of age We welcome people with teaching experience of any...