  • Thailand
    • Hua Hin
    • Chiang Mai
120 hours
Training Type

Program Details

Teaching Practicum
Job Placement


Starting Price
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Transportation Wifi
Aug 03, 2022
Nov 02, 2023
4 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

XploreAsia offers a one-month, internationally accredited TESOL / TEFL and Cultural
Immersion Program, a strong peer network, and job placement across Thailand. Based
in the beautiful beach resort town of Hua Hin, just three hours south of Bangkok, the
program includes a 120-hour internationally accredited TESOL / TEFL course
specifically geared to teaching English in Thailand. Students receive comprehensive
training from teaching professionals, gain valuable teaching experience through a two
day teaching practicum in a Thai school, and learn about Thai culture through an
in-depth and exciting week of cultural excursions, Thai language lessons, and
classroom lectures by experts in Thai culture, politics and society. The XploreAsia
TESOL / TEFL and placement program ensures students make a smooth transition into
living and teaching in Thailand. Our network of thousands of students in Thailand also
ensures you always have a supportive and nearby network of likeminded teachers.

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Program Highlights

  • Gain a qualification to allow you teach and travel the world
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the theories, concepts and principles of teaching English as a second language
  • Immersion in Thai culture through many active-learning cultural excursions, such as Thai cooking, Muay Thai, volunteering in a stray animal rescue organization, dharma talk and meditation with a Thai monk, and self-empowerment workshops
  • Enjoy 24/7 in-country support throughout the stay
  • Earn an internationally recognized 120 hour TESOL certificate accredited by Accreditat

Program Reviews

4.94 Rating
based on 47 reviews
  • 5 rating 93.62%
  • 4 rating 6.38%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Benefits 4.85
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 3.45
  • Facilities 4.2
  • Safety 4.95
  • Instruction 4.75
  • Support 4.85
  • Value 4.75
  • Academic Rigor 4
  • Job Assistance 4.85
Showing 17 - 24 of 47 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

Life-changing Experience Learning TESOL in Thailand

The XploreAsia 120 hour TESOL in Thailand was absolutely fantastic. From the moment I was picked up from the airport in Bangkok, I knew I was in good hands and would be surrounded by awesome people. The program, set in the beach town of Hua Hin, began with a one week orientation followed by the 3 week TESOL program. During that time we met elephants, took an art class, went to a pineapple farm, had Thai language lessons, met a Buddhist monk in an oceanside temple, and so much more. Our class was about 30 people from the United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Wales, and it was amazing! It was my first experience meeting so many people from other countries, and I loved learning about each of their countries just as much as I enjoyed learning about Thailand. We instantly became friends and had the most incredible month together. With the help of the XploreAsia staff, we were able to plan weekend trips to night markets, temples, and waterfalls. One trip we took was to Pala-U Waterfall, which was one of the happiest days of my life. Myself and two others from the program decided to leave our bags and cellphones in a bush (fingers crossed monkeys wouldn't snatch them) and hike up 15 waterfalls with just ourselves and the beautiful Thai jungle. We kept telling ourselves that we'd turn around after climbing just one more waterfall, but ended up making it as high as we possibly could. It was so extremely rewarding, and I will forever cherish that day...even though on the trek down I slipped and landed straddle split on top of a pointy rock, but hey, the crying and blood cleanup lead to a cringeworthy, hilarious bonding experience with my new friends. To create memories like that was the main reason I chose XploreAsia. Other programs offered online TESOL classes, but having that first month to make new friends and become comfortable in Thailand was essential to my success overseas.

What would you improve about this program?
While I was very pleased with my experience with XploreAsia, I would like to see the placement process become more transparent. We had a few meetings with the placement team where we were asked our preferences, but most of us didn't end up in locations or in schools in line with what we requested. While I fully understand not everyone can be accommodated and they did say that not all requests could be accepted, I would have appreciated knowing how decisions were made since placement seemed almost random. I ended up quite satisfied with my location and school, but it was certainly different than what I expected. Prior to my departure I was shown pictures of beautiful islands and beaches "in my town", but they actually ended up being several hours and multiple modes of transportation away from me. This ended up being fine with me, but having more accurate information about my town would have made the transition easier.
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Yes, I recommend this program

It was far more than I had hoped for or expected.

I desperately wanted to teach in a foreign country and Thailand was very appealing for this idea. Making this dream a reality on my own felt extremely overwhelming and deterred me from chasing this dream. Luck would have it that I found XploreAsia.

I was told that XploreAsia is a company that offered a cultural introduction to Thailand, a Tesol course and assistance in finding a job as an English teacher. What I received from XploreAsia was far greater than this.

The cultural excursions that were offered to us were educational, fun and turned out to be the best possible way I can think of spending my first week in the country. The friendships built in this first week between myself and the other Tesol course attendees was something I had not anticipated but had occurred I believe due to the awesome excursions that were offered to us.

The Tesol course itself was very informative to teaching English in Thailand and fully examined how we should go about teaching to the different age and speaking levels of the children. Our teacher "Zach" was able to answer just about any question no matter how strange it was and used his own teaching experience and stories to aid us in our learning. Knowing the staff had all been through the Tesol course themselves and had taught around the country really helped settle the initial nerves I had, also boosting my belief in what they were saying.

The staff at XploreAsia are AMAZING, its as simple as that. It felt far less like a company and more like a family. I felt bloody lucky to be welcomed into this family even if it was for a short three weeks.
The placement team will work tirelessly to find teaching jobs for everyone! They seemed to genuinely take into consideration the preferences and desires of each individual.

Long story short what i received personally during my time with XploreAsia was far more than i could of ever hoped for. Its almost impossible to truly describe what I experienced so instead ill say take the risk and sign up for the next possible intake. I'm sure you will just as I have come to understand that this may be one of the best things you will do in your life.

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Yes, I recommend this program

XploreAsia is great!

Though I didn't complete the 120 hour TEFL course, going through XploreAsia was the best decision I made when choosing to teach English in Thailand. The staff were very supportive, friendly and knowledgeable from the very beginning.

Everything was very well organized and informative. My week-long orientation was a great way to begin my journey in Thailand. The staff provided me with very helpful classes including Thai language and culture and would answer any questions that I had with no hesitation.

The placement process was very quick and efficient though a bit overwhelming because you have little time to prepare before you head out. But, the staff did a good job with explaining where I would be placed and the different attractions that would be nearby. They also made me feel comfortable enough to be able to ask any additional questions about my placement or agency and voice any concerns that I had.

Also, we got to immerse ourselves in the culture and experience what life would be like at our placements which I really liked. We were able to go on many outings during the orientation week and each outing was better than the next.

XploreAsia also helped me fully realize why I came to Thailand. I realized that I was taking a spiritual and mental journey as well as physical and I was able to reflect and release my fears.

What would you improve about this program?
I would like for placement only participants to have more time to be able to prepare to move to their new towns before they had to begin teaching so that we would have more time to adjust.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Supportive, friendly team for placement-only program!

I only completed the one-week orientation and job placement aspect of the XploreAsia program, so I can't speak to the quality of the TESOL course. I had already completed my TESOL course (online through a different program), and just needed the job placement assistance.

The one-week orientation was really helpful to learn more about Thai culture, and also to make a few friends in Thailand! The XploreAsia staff is awesome - they're all incredibly understanding, compassionate, and personable. Even though the placement process is quick and a bit overwhelming, I felt like they really listened to what I wanted, and I ended up being placed in a city that is a great match for me. I think that what sets the XploreAsia program apart is the openness of the staff - they're quick to share their own personal stories, and they talk about teaching in Thailand as not only a job, but also a sort of spiritual journey. I found myself wishing I had signed up for the TESOL course, just so I could learn more about Thailand from them!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Live it!

Well here I go.

I came over here looking for n adventure, and boy did I get one. I have been to Thailand before, but for other reasons. this time I got to meet people from all over the world, with the same intentions s me.

First of all, I cleared my head of anything that I thought was going to happen. start with a clean slate as it were. sometimes you think something will happen one way and it takes a 180 and brings you down a road that is not what you wanted, but is equally if not more charming. you think things aren’t good? step back and look where you re. you have a beautiful beach, booze everywhere and all at a fraction of the cost of wherever you my come from. Shure you will run into problems ie language barrier, traffic, and so on. Don't think that you don't have problems at home. These are problems in a different form is all. They will let you redefine yourself as a person concerning these issues. You will grow as a person.

I’m from Canada, and I thought that we were nice. Not even in the same ballpark as the Thai. These people will literally take hours out of their day to accommodate what ever issue you have trouble with. I have never seen a group of people so happy just to wake up every day. In saying that, don't sweat the little stuff, and it is all little stuff. Their kindness will rub off, and the mount of dopamine in your system will flood. Sort of a state of nirvana if you will. I got this my first week at the school.

If you’re scared, that is good! I think you should be out of your comfort zone! Who wants to be another sheep in life? If you came for n adventure, this is the place to do it. I said to myself good or bad, I just want an adventure. So far, because of my mind set it has been all good, and will be a beautiful chapter in my memoirs.

Be open minded, be bold, be afraid! These re all natural emotions. Don't think this isn't like home and get pouty!! This isn't like home. If you can’t find happiness in Thailand, you will never find it anywhere. live it, marinate in it, soak it up boys and girls! Have the best time of your life, you will never forget it.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience with XploreAsia and as a teacher in Thailand!

I completed the one-week orientation with XploreAsia before heading onward to placement. From personal experience, becoming an XploreAsia member and teacher guarantees a support team, credibility, ongoing guidance, and the opportunity to create lifelong friendships. Beyond the many activities and excursions offered, the XploreAsia team took the time to listen and work with me to place me in the best position seen fit. I was placed in the south of Thailand, just as I hoped for, and it couldn’t have worked out better. I’m the only foreigner in a small town, living with the director and his family on school property. This may seem unappealing to some, and at first, I was skeptical too. However, that changed almost immediately as I was warmly welcomed into the family and into the community. I am so grateful for how the placement turned out and I wouldn’t change a thing. I am fully immersed in the Thai culture, the language, the pace of life, the community and family events, and the overall reciprocal generosity and kindness of the Lumthap community. At my school, I teach a lot of students in a span of a week, which at first, was nerve-racking as I thought it would be an impersonal experience and extremely difficult to remember any of my students. This is so far from the reality of it. The students are all so unique and silly with such strong personalities and big hearts. Even the mischievous students will win a special place in your heart. They are impossible to forget and you will quickly develop a bond with many of them. Of course there are tough days and tough classes and tough students and this will make you second-guess why you ever made the decision to teach in Thailand. But then the littlest occurrences happen, like your host family or coworkers bringing you your favourite mangoes, or a student making you a key chain or a bracelet, or the moments of pure joy when the students understand what you’ve taught them or their excitement when it’s time to play a game, or even just walking down the street and noticing all the excited smiles and “hello’s” you receive. These little occurrences will happen and immediately reassure you that you not only made the right decision but possibly the most rewarding decision of your life.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly recommend XploreAsia!

I can honestly say that going through XploreAsia and having their awesome staff guide me through each process has helped me incredibly in regard to adapting to Thai culture and teaching here. I was somewhat uncomfortable about the idea of moving to Thailand and teaching, because I have never done something so bold before. The staff welcomes each person into their course and close-knit family with open arms, making the transition not only comfortable, but super exciting and fun too. Their TESOL course offers so much variety to help you get assimilated more easily, including fun excursions, Thai language classes, and very helpful teaching lessons and materials. If this is something you are considering doing, I highly suggest that you take a chance and go through them. This has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life so far.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Take a chance, Try something new!

So I just completed my TESOL course with XploreAsia in December 2015, and started my placement in Prakhon Chai, Thailand. The whole process start to finish was well structured and organised. (The first part of the process for me was go through Gap360, another reliable and friendly company) Prior to arriving in Thailand I received helpful emails and guidebooks with information from XploreAsia and there was someone there to pick me up from the airport to. I was then taken to Hua Hin where I met some amazing people who I would be living with for the next month while doing my course. The course has definitely improved my confidence as we were doing lots of presentations (it might sound scary but everyone's in the same boat) the placement team at XploreAsia are also great, they try their best to answer your questions and support you even after you have finished the course. I would say the best thing about XploreAsia is their willingness to share previous experiences and prepare you not only to be a good teacher but also to deal with the culture shock many people face whilst living in Thailand.

What would you improve about this program?
In the first week, we did loads of excursions and learned a lot about the culture. We also had culture talks which were great, but more of these would have been something I would have liked!
45 people found this review helpful.

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