  • Ghana
    • Accra
1 to 52 weeks
Health & Safety

Program Details

Age Min.
Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Host Family


Starting Price
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
Aug 03, 2023
Aug 23, 2021
48 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

At Projects Abroad, we’re passionate about travel with a purpose. Since being founded in 1992, more than 125,000 volunteers have traveled to over 20 destinations around the world.

Our programs will make you step out of your comfort zone and engage with your new friends from around the world. These are long-term projects, led by local people and aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. By taking part in our programs, even for a short time, you will be contributing towards a sustained effort to support the communities that host us!

Our most popular volunteer programs in Ghana include: Childcare, Teaching, Medicine, Sports, and Human Rights projects. Choose a project you are passionate about and whichever program you choose, you’ll be supported by our dedicated staff and partners.

Ready to make a difference? Follow the link below to visit our website.

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Travel with purpose! Projects Abroad champions responsible adventures, connecting you with communities through low-impact volunteer work. Ditch tourist traps, build rainforests, empower children, safeguard wildlife, and much more. Make meaningful journeys that leave a lasting positive impact - explore sustainable travel and become a global changemaker today!

Visit our website to learn more about our pioneering approach to sustainability.

Ethical Impact

Join Projects Abroad, a force for good connecting volunteers with communities. Build green futures, fight inequality, and empower locals on impactful adventures.

Visit our website to learn more about our impact worldwide.

Program Highlights

  • Choose a project you are passionate about that fits your interests
  • Select your own start date and duration
  • Get 24/7 support from the local staff and head office team
  • Make a difference where it is needed most
  • Have fun exploring the country and its culture over the weekends

Popular Programs

Building Volunteer Work in Ghana

Get your hands dirty and assist with hands-on construction work while volunteering in Ghana. Great for people who want to see a tangible result of their hard work!

Volunteer Football Coaching in Ghana

Live in West Africa and get coaching experience by helping local children improve their soccer skills.

Volunteer Teaching English in Ghana

Gain practical experience teaching English to children in the more rural areas of Ghana.

Medical internship in Ghana

Great opportunities for young adults aged 16 and over to gain practical experience in Medicine and Healthcare in Ghana. As an intern, you’ll have an opportunity to work alongside medical professionals in various capacities: general medicine, nursing, dentistry, public health and more.

Projects Abroad Ghana high school program

This summer, Projects Abroad offers exciting projects for 2, 3 or 4 weeks and involve teens in issues like Human Rights, Medicine & Healthcare, and Child Development.

Program Reviews

4.77 Rating
based on 48 reviews
  • 5 rating 83.33%
  • 4 rating 14.58%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 2.08%
  • Impact 4.6
  • Support 4.7
  • Fun 4.6
  • Value 4.65
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 9 - 16 of 48 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Most Memorable Experience!

The idea of volunteering abroad has always interested me at a young age.There were several organizations out there, but none of them really spoke to me until I came across Projects Abroad. I was thinking about becoming a nurse, so when I heard about the High School Specials Medicine program, it immediately sparked my interest and I started researching. There were a handful of countries that I had in mind before choosing Ghana. It took my parents a lot of convincing to send me onto this trip and I will forever be grateful to them for letting me go because it was the most memorable two weeks of my life that I will never forget.

I first arrived in Accra and was met by the airport coordinator, Nyame, who immediately greeted me when I walked out of the airport and was very welcoming and kind. He gave me my Ghanaian name, Akosua, which corresponds to the day I was born. We then waited for three other volunteers, who were from France (and on the same flight as me!) and then drove to the Pink Hostel. After a long night in the Pink Hostel, me and two other volunteers drove three hours to Cape Coast, where our project placement was.

Our three hour drive to Cape Coast was filled with bumpy roads, church music, random police barrier stops, and naps. We finally arrived at our host family house and was warmly greeted by our host mother. We also met another girl in our program, who had been there for two days prior. Our host mom showed us to our rooms, and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. We had our own toilet and shower, which became very convenient. Our host family was very large, there were always several family members around, who were always welcoming and friendly towards us. Our host family also gave us large portions, even though there were only four of us, so we never went hungry.

Our trips to various communities was the highlight of my trip. During our community outreaches we would test for blood pressure, BMI, blood grouping, hepatitis B, blood sugar and malaria. The people in the communities were always so kind towards us, even though we were the ones pricking them!
Once a week we went to the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital where we were able to choose which ward to shadow, I chose the Pediatrics. Being from Canada, I was able to experience some of the best healthcare in the world. Seeing Cape Coast Teaching Hospital was a real eye opening experience. Some of the kids admitted had malnourishment, malaria, and sickle cell anemia. To learn hear and learn about a disease is one thing, but to see it in real life is another. The nurses also helped and taught me how to do vitals, back home things like heart rate and respiratory rate were measured by a system, but in Ghana it was done manually.
We also went to a leprosy camp once a week and helped clean and bandage wounds for people. It was quite frightening to clean the wounds at first, because some of them were fairly large and shocking, but once we got used to it, and practiced a lot it came to us easily.

As the trip was coming to an end, I didn’t want to say goodbye to my new family in Ghana or the new friends I had made. We had done everything together for two weeks and spent so much time together. There is no doubt that I wouldn’t have had an experience this amazing if it weren’t for the staff there, Eric and Victor. They were always very positive, friendly, and kind towards us. They made sure we were well taken care of and treated us like family. Saying goodbye to them and my new friends was one of the most emotional and upsetting goodbyes I’ve ever had to do. The people I met during the outreaches, hospitals and leprosy camps also made my experience in Ghana more memorable. They were all very friendly and always wanted to start conversations with us. I can definitely say that my two weeks in Ghana truly changed my life and it is an experience that I will never forget. Two weeks was too short and I wish I could’ve spent more time there. I hope my story and experience will inspire you to go to Ghana because it is truly a remarkable country that I know I will visit again someday!

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Projects Abroad Ghana

I can confidently say that my three weeks in Ghana with Projects Abroad were three of the most transformative weeks of my life. To know a little bit about me: I am an 18 year old year from Manhattan starting at the University of Pennsylvania for undergrad with the hopes of eventually attending medical school. I spent my three weeks in the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital on three wards: pediatrics, OB/GYN and the delivery suite. Each department changed me in its own way. I bonded with patients, nurses and doctors. I still stay in touch with many of the people I was working with at the hospital. The most memorable nights of my life were my night shifts at the delivery suite. I was able to watch natural births, cesarean sections and other vaginal procedures. I fell in love with every baby I saw. The Projects Abroad staff in Ghana was incredibly approachable: I had every staff member on Whatsapp and felt comfortable reaching out to any of them for anything. I lived with a family who truly made me feel like I was part of their family. One thing to note is that anyone considering this trip has to be willing to really leave their comfort zone, but know that it is completely worth it. By that I mean you must be willing to talk to new people and explore new areas in order to make the most of the trip. To anyone considering traveling with Projects Abroad to Ghana, go for it! I promise you will not regret it. 

What would you improve about this program?
I seriously cannot think of many ways that I would change this program.
68 people found this review helpful.
Response from

Dear Eliza: Thank you for sharing! We are glad to hear your experience in Ghana was so rewarding - hopefully, it will help you get into Medical school in the future! It does sound like you have a true passion for medicine and for helping others. Congratulations on getting out of your comfort zone - this is also a very important life skill that we are sure will help you achieve your goals. Hope to see you again soon!

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Projects Abroad Christmas Special

I took part in one of the projects abroad care and community Christmas programs volunteering in Ghana. It was an absolutely amazing experience. I got the chance to work at an orphanage teaching English, organizing activities, fundraising, and just spending time with the kids. I made some really good friends from around the world and got to really submerge myself in Ghanaian culture. My host family was so great and the projects abroad staff were very helpful and kind. Overall an unforgettable 2 weeks.

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Project Abroad- a trip to remember!

My trip with Projects Abroad was definitely an experience I will never forget. I decided to travel to Ghana and volunteer in the medicine field because that was the field I was interested in. When I arrived to Ghana in the Accra airport, it was definitely a whole different culture than what I am used to in America. However, I was able to settle into my placement smoothly with the help of the Projects Abroad staff. There were staff sent by Projects Abroad that took me to my placement in Cape Coast, which was 3 hours from Accra, making the journey safe. When I arrived in Cape Coast at my host family's house and warmly welcomed by my host mother, brothers, and sister. At that time, I had no idea how much of a family they would feel like to me by the end of the trip. I also knew that all the other volunteers were staying in the same house and did not know where they were even coming from at the time.
However, I have to say my 2 weeks volunteering in Ghana was an amazing experience for so many reasons. Although I came into this trip not knowing who I would be volunteering and living with, but everyday working with the other volunteers made everything seem more comfortable and smoother. I definitely would not have made such amazing friends from all over the country if I had not applied for this program. Not only did we bond through our volunteering, but also through our evenings together at home in the dining room playing games and talking to each other. Another huge factor in our evenings were my host brothers and sister, they made us feel at home and treated us like true brothers and sisters. Every night with them was definitely not boring, but filled with fun and laughter. Additionally, I learned an incredible amount about the culture and volunteering during this experience. The Projects Abroad directors and supervisors made sure that we had a very enjoyable stay in Ghana, and I am very thankful for that. I very much enjoyed volunteering in community outreaches, as well as the leprosy camps, and the Projects Abroad supervisors also played a huge role in making the work enjoyable. They were there to help guide us in our work, but also treat us as one of their friends instead of teacher, and they added joy and thrill to the trip as well.
Projects Abroad has made my first trip to Africa one of the most memorable experiences in my life, and opened my eyes to what life is like in places like Ghana. This journey has made me appreciate my lifestyle more, and it also made me want to come back to Ghana in the future.

59 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

A Summer To Remember

Hi, I am a returned projects abroad volunteer. I volunteered in Accra, Ghana at the basketball coaching placement. My experience in Ghana was one of a lifetime and I constantly reflect on my time with projects abroad. The application process was easy and informative. From the moment i arrived in Ghana to the moment I left, I always had a very good support system. I stayed with a host family that was located close to my volunteer placement (20 minute walk). My host mother made my experience so much better and she was very helpful. The fact that you can get the chance to live with a local family is outstanding. My time spent at the placement was like no other. Through my weeks volunteering, I became friends with all of the children and really enjoyed my time spent with them. The in country staff at the placement were also very nice and helpful. By volunteering with PA, I really gained a new perspective in life and it left a positive impact on my life. I enjoyed volunteering in Ghana so much that I am planning on returning. I highly recommend volunteering abroad to anyone who wants toes the world and make a difference.

What would you improve about this program?
I feel like the price could be less expensive, besides that, it is great.
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Ghana Spring Break

My name is Emily and I attended a spring break trip to Ghana, Africa with Projects Abroad. The memories I made will last a lifetime. I made so many friends from all over the United States and the world. The other volunteers and I worked in schools, orphanages, and communities for public health. We bonded while volunteering and while eating our host aunt’s (amazing) meals. The staff made the anxiety of being in a foreign country disappear, and I was very anxious. Everything was taken care of and therefore, I was able to concentrate on enjoying the country and volunteer work. Richard, the staff member we volunteered with, was like a tour guide for the country. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.

What would you improve about this program?
I can't think of a single thing that could've made my experience better
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Projects Abroad in Ghana--- Adventure of a Lifetime

In May of 2016, I spent 4 weeks in Ghana with Projects Abroad. My project was being a veterinary intern at La Veterinary Hospital in Accra, Ghana. Overall, my experience was a fantastic one and I wish I could’ve stayed longer.

All of the people I had the pleasure of meeting from my host family to the other volunteers to the people I worked with through Projects Abroad and the hospital were extraordinary. The people really do make all the difference in a good trip and a great one. Be sure to make the most out of the time you have with them because it goes by so quickly and before you know your time abroad will be over. The projects abroad team members are very invested in what they do and I was surprised to find how often that they check in with you and make sure everything is going okay. Not only do they help with any issues that could come up with your project or your accommodation, but they organize fun activities such as language lessons, dance lessons or even just getting the group to have a nice meal together. So not only do you get to volunteer in an incredible place and gain experience like no other but you leave having new lifelong friends and endless stories to tell. Not to mention these friends that you make are from all over the world and learning about their culture as well as the culture of the country that you are in, is a learning experience that you would never be able to have in a classroom.

My project, like I said, was a veterinary intern at La Veterinary Hospital. The veterinary technicians and veterinarians were amazing. It was definitely an eye-opening experience coming from America where we are a bit spoiled when it comes to the resources that we have available to us. Innovation is extremely vital to success in places such as Ghana whose resources are not as abundant as other wealthier places. The only thing about my particular project that was a little misleading was what animals I would be working with while there. From the website and My Project webpage, I was under the impression that I would be working with domestic pets, livestock, and visiting zoos and wildlife sanctuaries. However, while I was there it was predominately dogs, a few cats, and a few small farm animals like goats and chickens. We did make one short visit to a resort that had some wildlife and exotic animals which was extremely cool! I basically just thought we would be doing more of things like that, so it was slightly disappointing. But besides that I have no complaints! The people were great and I learned a lot about the veterinary profession from the cases I assisted with while there.

You just can’t put into words how this kind of experience impacts your life and your future. And you also can’t put a price on this kind of adventure. If you are looking to volunteer and make a difference while meeting extraordinary people along the way, I highly recommend traveling with Projects Abroad.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Public Health Project in Ghana

Over winter break, I participated in a 3-week public health internship in Dodowa, Ghana assisting the nurses of the Shai-Osodoku District Hospital by weighing and vaccinating children 0-24 months at child welfare clinics and administering first-aid (treating malaria, ring worm, cuts/sores, etc.) to school-aged children during school and orphanage visits. I really enjoyed this project because it was very hands-on. I really felt like I was learning a lot about public health outreach in a developing country, all the while giving back to the community that was helping me learn these lessons. The experience has motivated me to pursue a nursing degree upon college graduation.

I stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Armah and their four children. The family took very good care of me. Despite frequent community-wide power outages, the accommodations were adequate and comfortable. I also very much enjoyed meeting and spending time with fellow volunteers from across the world, and traveling independently across southern Ghana on the weekends. My favorite places were Kakum National Forest, Cape Coast Castle, and the Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary!

60 people found this review helpful.

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