  • Thailand
1 - 4 weeks
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Age Min.
Age Max


Price Details
Costs vary depending on program and does not include international airfare.

Students traveling from the United States will travel on our escorted group flight from the United States, international participants can choose to take our group flight from the USA or arrange their own airfare.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Jan 09, 2023
Nov 20, 2019
79 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Rustic Pathways first offered Thailand programs in 1999, and the country has since become the hub of our Southeast Asia operations. We have an extensive team of incredible local staff who are experts at ensuring our students have authentic, transformative experiences. Thailand offers the widest range of Rustic programs, from gritty service trips and animal conservation programs to outdoor adventures and immersive cultural experiences.

Known as the Land of Smiles, Thailand will immediately welcome and captivate you. The local people are incredibly friendly and deeply enjoy sharing their Buddhist culture, spicy food, and love for laughter. There is a peacefulness about the country, and the scenery is always entrancing.

Video and Photos

Popular Programs

Student on thailand beach

Southern Thailand is home to idyllic beaches, pristine waters, rainforests and limestone karsts that have made it a world-famous destination. While popularity has brought international renown, this influx of tourism is starting to negatively impact the marine environment in popular places. Learn about the challenging dynamic between the industries that sustain local populations with the conservation of these fragile habitats, home to wondrous creatures that call these waters home.

Students visiting with buddhist monks

Prepare for the ultimate adventure of climbing, hiking, and exploring the natural beauty of Thailand and Laos. Discover beautiful waterfalls and keep your eyes out for monkeys and birds as you trek through the dense rainforest outside a hill tribe village. Go on a scavenger hunt by bike to temples, walk across a bamboo bridge, zip line in the forest canopy, and enjoy a swim at the beach, rock climbing, and snorkeling in this jam-packed, adrenaline-filled program.

Student washing elephant

How does it feel to walk with giants, the earth trembling under foot? A grassy, musky smell fills your nose and mouth. And a pair of deep, grey, knowing eyes pierce your heart.
You are a mahout — an elephant trainer. Actually, a junior mahout. It takes a lifetime to become a real mahout. This proud tradition is passed down, generation to generation in Thailand and for a short nine days you will take part in the rich history, traditions, and customs of this world.

Thai village view

Join a service expedition through remote Thailand to disconnect. You’ll have one carry-on-sized bag with a change of clothes, toiletries, medicine, and no more than five personal items (we’ll also give you $50 to buy the rest of what you’ll need during your program). Start in Chiang Mai before continuing into the mountains and jungles of Northern Thailand. Visit three villages for 4 days each and expect beautifully simple living conditions.

Program Reviews

4.96 Rating
based on 103 reviews
  • 5 rating 99.03%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0.97%
  • Impact 4.9
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.8
  • Value 4.75
  • Safety 4.9
  • Program Selection 5
  • Pre-departure Help 5
  • In-program Support 5
  • Impact on Student 4
  • Value 5
Showing 17 - 24 of 103 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Travel to Thailand, It's Worth It!

One of the most lifechanging experiences a person can have is traveling. Traveling has the ability to open your eyes to the diversity of the world. Traveling gives you the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and revel in the beauty of nature. Traveling allows you to meet new people and discover new ways of life. Traveling lets you explore and have adventures, and escape your ordinary day-to-day life.
My trip to Thailand with Rustic Pathways allowed me to do all of those things, and more. I feel as though I am a more well-rounded person having traveled with Rustic. I feel I am a more globally educated and connected citizen, and a more environmentally conscious human being. Not only that, but I had the time of my life and made new friends whom I still talk to every week, even several months later. There's more to tell, but it's best to discover it yourself by traveling, too!
Rustic Pathways has many different fantastic programs to fit all types of travelers. They do a fantastic job with risk management and safety, hire caring, intelligent staff, and give their students the best of the best experiences. I am so, SO glad I traveled with Rustic to Thailand, and hope to take more Rustic trips soon!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If you are traveling far, be very intentional with what you pack for the long plane rides....those are exhausting and it's critical that you've got everything you need! :)

Some specific items I'd reccomend: eye mask, comfortable clothing, earplugs, snacks, headphones, a neck pillow, and a book
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Importance of travel and learning outside the classroom

My name is Madelyn Jenkins and I am 17 years old. I went on the Rustic Pathways “Ultimate Asia” trip when I was 15 years old. I had been on two other trips to Costa Rica and Hawaii with another company, but I had been dying to see different parts of the world and their cultures. My trip took me to China, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. It was the best 3 weeks of my life and the best decision I have ever made. I walked the Great Wall of China, taught students English in Thailand, worked with Elephants in Laos, and biked through the Angkor Wat temples in Cambodia. Those are just a few examples of the amazing experiences I had on my Rustic trip. There were only 2 other girls on my trip, and 6 guys. We were a smaller group, but that allowed us to bond so much better. I was the youngest on my trip, which was intimidating at first. But instead of my age being a hinderance, the students on my trip made it seem like it was an advantage. I got to learn from my peers who were older than me, and it allowed me to mature in a way I’m not sure would have been possible in a group of peers my own age. The girls became like my older sister and the guys like my brothers, we all became a big family by the end of the 3 weeks. I also got some of the best trip leaders I’ve ever had. Mary and Josh were my main leaders, and they helped us through every tough time, and encouraged us to get out of our comfort zones and try new things. I tried foods I never thought I would, and participated in activities that would have otherwise terrified me. I learned leadership, confidence, and independence. It was such a comfortable and safe space that I could be 100% myself without judgement, which is a huge deal when you are in high school. I urge anyone who is looking for the adventure of a lifetime to seriously consider Rustic Pathways. I will say these trips aren’t for everyone though. I would recommend an open mind, flexibility, and easy going spirit. At the end of the day you are a part of a team and community, so being able to thrive in a group is crucial. If those characteristics fit you, then Rustic Pathways is the place for you.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My only advise to future travelers would be flexibility, an open mind, and living in the moment. It is so important to be flexible because depending on the weather or other elements at play, the schedule can change in an instant. Often times those are some of the best memories of the trip though because it leads you to improvised adventures that create lasting memories. An open mind is key because at times you will be challenged to step outside your comfort zone, wether that pertains to food, activities, or even connecting with people who don’t share your same views or values. That is such an important aspect of the trip though because it pushes you to grow and change as a person. I know I learned more about myself through the tough experiences than anything else. Finally, at the end of the day, these trips are meant for students to have fun an enjoy themselves in a different environment than their everyday lives. It is so important to soak in every moment and opportunity even if it isn’t something you are looking forward to. An activity that you don’t think you really want to do often times opens up a whole new door of passion you never knew you had. So live in the moment and enjoy every second, because before you know it, you will be back at home wishing you could relive those last 3 weeks.
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Ricefields, Monks, and Smiling Children Rustic Pathways program

This trip was incredibly impactful, not only on the communities we were serving, but on me as well. Going to Thailand has always been on my bucket list, so when I saw that Rustic Pathways, a company I had previously traveled with to Australia, I was so excited. The base house we stayed at was in a rural village outside of the city Udon Thani, so we got to experience village life in our own compound. This trip was extremely rewarding. We completed different service projects every day (except for the weekend when we went to Laos for some fun) alongside of native Thai children and adults. If you go on this trip, be prepared to work, but it will be the most rewarding, impactful, and life changing experience. You play in Thailand as well with a huge pool at the base house, playing soccer with the local kids, mall excursions, and a muy thai lesson. Some of the service projects we did were building concrete walkways for monasteries and schools, cooking meals for families in the village and at a hospital, painting the walls outside a monastery, and teaching kids and teens English. To me, the most eye-opening service we did was bringing food to a hospital for the families of sick people to eat while they take care of their loved ones due to the deficit of doctors. The grateful looks I received from those people is something I will never forget. In the moment on this trip, you may be challenged and tired, but this trip will change your view point and leave you with a newfound gratefulness for the life you live.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
The most unfamiliar thing I tried was a kabob with all of the insides of a chicken on it. Our leaders gave us this during a game we played called "No Reservations" where we tried different foods that were staples among the rural Thai people.
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This summer I went on a trip to Thailand. I was 14 and incredibly nervous I had never done anything by myself whatsoever. Immediately after leaving my state and meeting up with the traveling group in the airport I made friends, like good friends. Friends who even though we only spent 36 hours together hugged me and asked how my trip was when we were coming home. Never before have I felt so at home and comfortable with people. My trip was honestly the most amazing experience of my life. I fell in love with Thailand and I can’t wait to go back I highly recommended Rustic Pathways. My trip was the Thai elephant conservation and Amazing Thailand which I believe is now one trip. I loved working with the elephants, they’re so human like and you can tell they feel emotions. Amazing Thailand was also incredibly fun focused mostly on traveling g around Northern Thailand visiting temples and site seeing.I think it’s a perfect way to start off your travels.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don’t worry about traveling by yourself there will always be other people traveling alone. Also pack lightly you can always do laundry and you will buy a ton of cute clothes there.
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My amazing rustic experience

Well my rustic trip « the Mekong expedition » was actually my best experience abroad. I still have contacts with all my rustic group and consider them as true friends. To me, during the trip, the most important thing was that we grew up together. Indeed, we matured a lot and we learned much from Thai and Lao people we met, from our program leaders ( who were awesome by the way loved them !! ) but also from each of us. Moreover, I was really amazed to see the everyday cheerfulness of all the Thai and Lao people. It made me realize our fortune to live in developed countries as USA or France. I know it can appear as a paltry act but now I really try to be happy ( and SMILING :) ) and enjoy every moments of my life.
To you, future young rustic travelers, I have one advice : ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY ! If you are open minded, ready to discovering new people ( and culture !) and having fun as never before, the Rustic trips are made for you ;)

What was your funniest moment?
I think that was when my trip’s sister ( she became a real sister to me, when I say that the trip created true friendship, that’s absolutely right ) and I were chilling in our host family’s home after service. Our host family wasn’t home yet so because we were really excited and happy ( and alone ) we decided to put music on my phone. We began to dance and sing on « take on me » of a-ha in front of the fan ( we were so hot you can’t imagine lol ). At one moment, our host mom came home. When she saw us, she started to laugh so hard that she had to sit down lol. It’s one of my best funny memory but I lived a lot of moments like that ( when we imitated a « cow who was jumping over the moon » for example 😂).
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Annie Schaffler

This trip has changed my life and I will never forget it. The people who I was lucky enough to accompany on this trip truly had the drive to help others in need and to learn about Thai culture, just as I had. The staff was incredible, as we had teamed up with Thai tour guides to make the trip as authentic as we could. I would literally do anything to go back. No complaints whatsoever! Thai food is great, so many different flavors that I would never be able to find in the u.s. The Thai people are on a whole new level of kindness; I felt welcome the whole time and everyone seemed to be willing to make a friend. The base house was such an amazing place to stay and get to know the workers so I’m very sad it will no longer be in use the next year

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Probably just the language in general because it’s so different than English and they have different characters so sometimes the barrier could be a little tough but nonetheless Thai people are so hospitable and could not have made me feel more welcome!
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The Impact of the Children's Home and Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand

I went to Thailand in 2018 and was exposed to a completely different lifestyle. Not only were these experiences enlightening to what privilege meant, but also that it wasn't necessarily that important. When I visited these rural communities I was greeted with huge grins and helping hands, they were the nicest and most inviting group of people. They helped us build walls for their new school and encouraged us to use their bathrooms, they were welcoming in every aspect. This was something that was so unique for me, especially coming from America where people are hesitant when it comes to helping others. The most important thing to remember while visiting these communities is to be thankful and appreciative of anyone's help because they are not obligated and are doing it out of the kindness of their hearts.

What was your funniest moment?
The funniest moment was when we were at the elephant sanctuary and we went river rafting. The group really bonded during the thrilling rapids and the calm water in between. So many good laughs were shared and memories made during that adventure.
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Elephants and Amazing Thailand

This trip was amazing. I made friends from all over the country, got to experience a new culture, try new food, and work with Asian elephants hands on. The program leaders were all amazing and so supportive, making the trip a lot more fun.The first part of your trip you are at the elephant conservation center, you start your day by getting your elephants from the jungle and giving them a bath, and the end the day the same. You are able to do many activities that the mahouts (elephant caregiver) do on a daily basis. Being able to work with elephants, in their own environment, is something many people don't get the chance to experience. The second part of your trip you travel around Thailand, trying new food, seeing their beautiful temples, and getting the chance to walk through some of their markets. If you love animals, especially elephants, and want to experience a new culture by traveling around a new country, this trip is perfect for you.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing I would change about this program would be making the elephant conservation part a little longer.
51 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

This trip is very safe! Base houses are owned by RP, so it's is completely RP-Staffed. Trips that are not in base houses are still very safe and there will always be RP staff with you. I have never felt unsafe on any of my Rustic Trips.