  • Spain
    • Madrid
    • Granada
    • Córdoba
2 - 4 weeks
Need-based funding, General grants/scholarships
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Dormitory Host Family Hotel


Starting Price
Price Details
Program fee includes college credit, meals, lodging, all program activities, in-country transportation, health insurance, and experienced group leaders.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation
What's Included (Extra)

Certificate of completion, Health insurance

What's Not Included
Oct 12, 2023
Aug 14, 2023
11 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Begin your Experiment in Spain’s capital, Madrid, exploring the famous sights, museums, and neighborhoods while trying authentic foods such as paella and pulpo. Take a day trip to Toledo, the “Imperial City,” known for its 2,000+ years of history, before continuing on to the province of Andalucía in southern Spain, where you will dive into intensive Spanish language classes.

Your Spanish language immersion continues with a stay in an Andalusian town, where you will enjoy home-cooked meals and visit local markets, beaches, and cafés with your friends and host family. Experience Spain’s outdoors with activities in beautiful natural landscapes.

Video and Photos

Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

Diverse identities and experiences are essential to intercultural exchange. We are committed to recruiting and supporting participants of the broadest socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, and geographic diversity of any high school exchange program in the world.

LGBTQIA+ Support

Diverse identities and experiences are essential to intercultural exchange. We are committed to recruiting and supporting participants of the broadest socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, and geographic diversity of any high school exchange program in the world.



Environmental sustainability is a key component of all programs. Participants minimize their environmental footprint by using public transit, eating local food, and participating in community service projects in collaboration with, and according to, the needs of local communities.

Ethical Impact

Social and environmental responsibility is more critical now than ever. We are committed to delivering programs that support and are respectful of the diverse communities and ecosystems that host our programs.

Our programs are developed in close consultation with local and international partners and with a critical understanding of the communities and regions we visit.

Program Highlights

  • Improve your Spanish with language training and daily practice with your homestay family.
  • Learn about the culture and history of Spain through visits to renowned museums and sites, such as Plaza de la Encarnación and the historic Hapsburgs District.
  • Go on language-based excursions throughout the city with the guidance of your local teachers.
  • Explore the surrounding area with your group and enjoy a range of activities, from hiking nature trails to kayaking at a reservoir.
  • Join cultural activities, such as flamenco classes with local teachers and a visit to Alhambra.

Program Reviews

4.91 Rating
based on 23 reviews
  • 5 rating 91.3%
  • 4 rating 8.7%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.8
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.85
  • Housing 4.6
  • Safety 4.85
Showing 9 - 16 of 23 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Without a doubt the best month of my life.

During my time in Spain I was deeply immersed in a culture which held little in common with what I had been living my whole life. This allowed to both my mind and my heart to open in ways that could not be possible by staying in the United States forever. The country itself was almost as beautiful as the people living within it who opened their arms to me without a second thought. I was overwhelmed by the mesmerizing scenery, the fascinating history, and the intricate language which filled every street. My group leaders never once failed to give me and the rest of my group anything less than an awesome experience. The in-country partners were just as organized and intelligent, enabling me and my group to receive education and inclusion way beyond what we would ever get as simple tourists. My host family were incredibly kind, caring, and funny, and my time with them flew by. Never did I have doubts or feel unsafe during this trip. Every single aspect and every single detail allowed me to grow and form new appreciation for the world and for life. Because of this trip I now feel as though I have a second home and a second family, neither of which I will ever forget.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
GO FOR IT! Take chances whenever you can. Try everything and talk to everyone. The more people you meet and connect with the more you grow and learn and become better. Also; don't be afraid to pack some cute clothes because I didn't and I regretted it big time.
85 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Becoming One With The Culture

My experience was unique because I learned how to live in the moment and let myself be a part of the culture instead of only observing it from a distance. Because I let myself be emersed into Spanish culture it allowed for me to have a stronger bond with my host family. I began adapting to their household norms and behavioral norms such as the cheek to cheek kiss greeting. If I were to give any advice to any newcomers to the program would be to stay away from your phone as much as you can. You will see beautiful views but sometimes it's better to just observe the scene through fresh eyes instead of through a camera lens or phone screen. I also recommend giving yourself time every day to reflect on your journey and journal about it. I found that writing down what I did each day very helpful because I have a horrible memory and it will be something you can always look back on in the future. Applying for this program was one of the best things I could have done for myself so I highly recommend traveling with The Experiment of International Living.

What would you improve about this program?
If I were to improve one thing about this program it would be the social scene within the group. I think that frequent changes within groups that break off for dinner and such would be more beneficial for the social aspect of the trip because the students get to become closer with the entire group instead of just a few people. I think this would prevent anyone from feeling excluded and isolated from the rest of the group.
67 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Trip

Activities were very enjoyable and helped the group become closer and work together. The classes we took were pleasant and fun. The host family made me feel comfortable and included me in all of their activities and made me feel as if I was back in Florida. They made me feel comfortable. The group leaders made me feel safe and made sure I was feeling okay considering my dietary needs. My overall experience could not have gone any better than it did.

What would you improve about this program?
My experience couldn't have gone any better.
69 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Summer Ever

Going to Spain with the Experiment was the best decision of my life. Not only was I able to understand the Spanish culture and language but i was also immersed in courses where I learned Spanish, ceramics, and flamenco dancing. I was able to do tours of authentic places in Spain where the tourist population is minimal to none. I felt like doing this i was able to have a better experience and understanding of the Spanish culture and improved my Spanish because I was forced to communicate by speaking only Spanish. I was also able to make friends who are now like family to me and I consider like my brothers and siblings. There is nothing I would want to change about my experience and the program.

What would you improve about this program?
This program can be improved by the group leaders giving more heads up of what the day's activity would be so that a student can dress more accordingly to the activity.
72 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Experience of a Lifetime!

This program was so much more than a simple trip abroad. From living with a wonderful, caring, and supportive host family to making countless connections with locals and fellow Experimenters alike, this experience was truly one that I will never forget. Despite previous travels abroad, this experience allowed me to completely immerse myself in a foreign culture more fully than any opportunity that I had had before. It was truly amazing to be able to meet local Spaniards and create unique, memorable friendships with them while learning about Spain’s beautiful language and culture. However, I still believe that the best part of this experience was the ability to live with a host family for an entire week and a half. Although the availability of this aspect of traveling abroad is harder to find nowadays, it is, in my opinion, what made this trip so unbelievable. During this time period, my Spanish skills improved remarkably and I made unforgettable personal connections with my host family and their friends which will undoubtedly last a lifetime. All in all, my participation in this program has provided me with indescribably precious memories and friendships that I am sure to treasure for the rest of my life.

70 people found this review helpful.
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Life Changing

Going abroad by itself can be lifechanging, but the ease of transitioning and the help of my group leaders is really what helped me be as open and excited as I was. Not only were leaders there to teach us life skills and skills for abroad, they also were emotionally there for us when the reality of situations hit. Being with The Experiment, I never felt unsafe or out of place wherever I went. The bonds I've made and people I've connected with exceeds any other group experience I've had domestic or abroad.

What would you improve about this program?
The only issue I had was finding my way around the airport
46 people found this review helpful.
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"Por favor ayudame"- A piece of cardboard held between tired hands grabbed my eye. A woman, maybe late 30's, held out this cry for help, asking pedestrians for spare change. Her sign then continued to describe how she has 2 children in need of food. Unfortunately, during my time in Spain, I saw this too often. "How are they allowed to beg?" I asked. Arturo, our in-country advisor, had a solemn look on his face and explained how homelessness is a big issue in Spain. It seemed to me that asking for change was legal and often ignored. As well as sleeping on benches, ledges, or anywhere you can lay your belongings down. I had never seen something like this before. I knew homelessness was a problem, but I have never realized it was to this extent.
In my hometown of Key West, begging is not tolerated. So this situation was something extremely odd and foreign, but to Arturo, it was something sad and typical. In Granda, as we took our hike to where we would have our language classes, we stopped at "La Mirador de San Nicholas" A viewpoint overlooking La Alhambra. There sat an older woman, next to her, boxes of castantes. Shell-shaped clappers connected with string. As people passed by she looked longingly. As if praying for someone to look at her product. As someone would walk by, she would play the castantes.
This woman stayed in my mind throughout the day, as we began to leave the school, I saw her again still playing her castantes. Then almost every day on our way to school I would see her. It bothered me so much I began to not even look at her. But as we pass more and more people without homes, I saw others do the same. Too ashamed to watch and to distracted to care. I then saw how instead of becoming the solution, I was ignoring the problem.
Over 40,000 people in Spain are homeless,1.5 million families are living in shelters, and over 100 million people are homeless worldwide. As these statistics continue to rise, so does the rate of unemployment. These events have unexpectedly made me realize that because of my actions I might have affected someone's life. I was feeding into these statistics without even realizing it. Although I might not be able to help them financially, I could help with my body expression and what I say. Sometimes just being kind to someone can change an attitude. Or perspective.
Too many times have I seen mothers with their children hold just a little bit tighter while passing by someone less fortunate than them, or see someone looking down at them because of their situation. Unfortunately, people are put in that position of being homeless because of being laid off at work, addiction, etc.…
Since my Experiment in Spain, I've found myself being kinder. Saying hello instead of silently judging, or offering a warm smile while passing by instead of moving away. I believe that people follow by example. I am now a senior in high school and have learned that what I do is seen by others. Therefore what I do or say can influence people positively or negatively. I want to be that change that people see in the world. I am a leader and a role model to the younger generation. I believe that educating people on the statistics of homelessness and showing how to be kind to people can help better the future and help create a more peaceful world. This program has enlightened me in so many ways that I could go on forever about my experience. I've chosen this story to talk about to show that actually experiencing the country does not always mean rainbows and butterflies. This has opened my eyes to an issue that I otherwise would have never thought about and has made me realize that I can influence change from the knowledge I've learned in my experiment abroad.

What would you improve about this program?
I believe this program is perfect the way it is.
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My Experiences in Spain

I must say that my trip to Spain was all that I expected and more. Throughout the trip, I was taught the Spanish language through complete immersion, and I learned more than I thought possible. I think it's important that future participants realize that this trip is a learning experience designed so that any Spanish language background is fine. This was most emphasized by my lack of in-depth knowledge because of the few language classes I had taken prior. However, it is essential that I state, that this lack of knowledge, though troublesome, was efficacious in altering the experiences I had. Through my struggles with the language barrier, my trip was made unique. I forced myself out of the so called 'comfort zone' and into the unique country of Spain. I learned the names of foods in Spanish by simply eating them and figuring out what I ate after, and I learned subjunctives through the explanations of kids my age in Spain. Overall, I must say that this trip was a learning experience, and any future experimenter should know that the best way to learn in Spain is full immersion. No matter how little Spanish you know, it's good to meet locals and just talk to them.

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