Multiple Locations +5
  • Spain
    • Madrid
    • Barcelona
  • England
    • London
  • Italy
    • Milan
  • United States of America
    • Washington D.C.
  • Hungary
    • Budapest
City Exploring Kayaking Sightseeing

Program Details

Program Tags
Cultural Immersion Educational Internships
Group size
Medium Group (16-30)
Travel Type
Apartment Hostel Motel


Starting Price
Price Details
Local team support in host site
Travel health insurance
Housing accommodation (with at least one roommate)
Pre-trip support & training from our Washington, D.C.-based team
Daily breakfast + three or more group meals weekly
Weekly weekend excursion
Public transit card
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Classes Some Meals Tour Guide Transportation Travel Insurance Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Some Meals
Feb 28, 2020
Aug 15, 2018
3 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

The Beacon Fellowship is a global consulting program for undergraduates & post-grads interested in business.

During the 1-4 week program, Fellows work full-time under the guidance of McKinsey/BCG/Bain alumnus on a real project for a client and receive dedicated training in key consulting skills.

Our alumni have received offers from prestigious consulting firms like McKinsey, BCG & Booz Allen Hamilton, and top companies, like Deutsche Bank, Citibank & EY, across banking, entrepreneurship, & corporate finance. They frequently attest to our MBB Project Leads as being incredibly impactful for their professional paths. This past summer, 8 or our 9 MBB Project Leads came from Harvard’s MBA program.

Our Fellows come from a variety of majors & universities around the world, including 28 of the top 30 colleges in the US. We have programs in lengths of 1, 3, & 4 weeks long over winter and summer breaks, in London, Madrid, Barcelona, Budapest, Milan, & Washington, DC.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Mentorship & guidance from a full-time MBB consultant
  • Training in core consulting skills like PowerPoint, Excel, frameworks, & communication
  • Ambitious, driven teammates with whom you'll forge lasting friendship and connections
  • Real impact for a client on their complex business problems
  • Weekend excursions to destinations nearby

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 4 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing opportunity to develop business skills

The Beacon Fellowship is four weeks of developing business and consulting skills under expert guidance (consultants come from Bain, McKinsey, etc.) for a partner organization in Madrid. For me, the international exposure and opportunities to travel were fantastic additions to what would have been, even in the US, a very helpful intensive internship environment. Fellows worked on meaningful projects for the client organizations, and several Fellows even received return offers from the clients. I would recommend the fellowship to those considering business and consulting seriously, with the lone caveat being that in many cases, you may have to fundraise to afford the cost.

What would you improve about this program?
Additional help with fundraising through resource referral, etc. would be fantastic!
149 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly recommended for the motivated and adventurous!

I was so impressed by the drive, enthusiasm, and knowledge of the other participants and was inspired by them to take my own pursuits to the next level.

Meeting with leading business people in Madrid offered me some international perspective and insight on business, consulting, and finance. Travelling is not only good for broadening personal horizons but professional ones, too. There is something about being in a foreign setting that stirs imagination, creativity, and innovation.

In an increasingly globalised world, it's essential to have international experience. Thanks to the Fellowship, our visits with business leaders as well as our cultural excursions were well organized, which made it easy for us to learn a lot in a short, intense period.

125 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Elevated Fellowship for Ambitious Students!

Any venture in business, consulting, or finance which fails to recognize that these endeavors are ultimately about helping people flourish is inherently myopic. I know of no other fellowship that appreciates and builds upon this principle better than the Beacon Fellowship for Business.

This fellowship aims to elevate the individual by recognizing that we are intimately connected to our communities and the world. Consequently, Beacon first aims to bring together a group of individuals who are diverse in thought and experience, yet united in ethics and virtue. The group is then submerged in a community abroad which simultaneously encourages unity and individual exploration.

The foreign cultural element is absolutely essential to this program, because exposure to diversity equips the observant mind with new insights into the human experience. These lessons help fellows embrace new cultures, as well as their own, which ultimately empowers them to be more effective servants of humanity through business, consulting, and finance.

Beacon accomplishes so much in just a few weeks due to synergy among ambitious fellows and insightful instruction from foreign professionals. As the world becomes increasingly international, American students have much to learn from foreign professionals who have engaged in international business as a matter of necessity for many years. These insights are invaluable to rising young professionals who posses the desire and character to be future leaders in business, consulting, and finance.

141 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


I usually don't give 10/10 ratings as there is almost always something that could be improved, but quite frankly the Beacon Fellowship left so little to be desired that demoting any rating category to a '9' just wouldn't be fair.
When the opportunity to embark on the Beacon Fellowship presented itself to me, I was hesitant at first – primarily because I was so late to the game, and had to make a go-or-no-go decision in a matter of a few days. Beyond vague generalizations, I had little idea what to expect, and still less confidence in my ability to thrive in the program and turn it into a truly positive window of personal and professional development. But with Emerson’s famed exhortation in my mind’s ear – “Do what you are afraid to do” – I punched my ticket to Madrid.
Writing this memo the week after the trip, I can say without hesitation that I made the right call.
I harbored admittedly few concrete expectations, true; but my adventure in Spain could have shattered expectations ten-fold greater than my own. Together with my peers in the Beacon program, I was able to experience the local culture on every level: from the way daily life is carried out and how the world is viewed, all the way down to the rich history of the place – captivatingly expressed through the very art and architecture that permeates nearly every line and angle of the public space. Add to this the occasion to sample the uniquely delectable local cuisine, and it becomes a nigh-irresistible proposition.
But these are elements which would be present in most any variety of international travel. What stood out to me as an unmistakable advantage of the Beacon Fellowship specifically was the opportunity for professional growth and maturation. We came face-to-face with a new market possessed of its own singular economy, and were forced to think outside the one-dimensional framework necessarily instilled in a person – no matter how smart – when confined to the sphere of their own country for too long. We connected with and learned from top industry professionals across the board – including partners of the boutique wealth-management firm Zechman Capital and representatives of the MBA programs at Instituto de Empresa (IE) and Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE), respectively the second- and third-ranked business schools outside of the United States.
In all these remarkable aspects of the program, it would be easy to overlook the one advantage which may yet surpass all those prior: the Beacon Fellows themselves. Your comrades in this program, the young professionals with whom you share your adventures, will invariably be highly ambitious, extremely motivated, surpassingly intelligent, and riotously fun. If this sounds like the type of professional colleague and personal friend you’d like to have, there is no better environment to find them than from among your Beacon Fellowship peers, and the unforgettable overseas excursions which you share together present the ideal furnace in which to forge your friendship.
Needless to say: I’d do it again.

133 people found this review helpful.

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