An Elevated Fellowship for Ambitious Students!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Any venture in business, consulting, or finance which fails to recognize that these endeavors are ultimately about helping people flourish is inherently myopic. I know of no other fellowship that appreciates and builds upon this principle better than the Beacon Fellowship for Business.

This fellowship aims to elevate the individual by recognizing that we are intimately connected to our communities and the world. Consequently, Beacon first aims to bring together a group of individuals who are diverse in thought and experience, yet united in ethics and virtue. The group is then submerged in a community abroad which simultaneously encourages unity and individual exploration.

The foreign cultural element is absolutely essential to this program, because exposure to diversity equips the observant mind with new insights into the human experience. These lessons help fellows embrace new cultures, as well as their own, which ultimately empowers them to be more effective servants of humanity through business, consulting, and finance.

Beacon accomplishes so much in just a few weeks due to synergy among ambitious fellows and insightful instruction from foreign professionals. As the world becomes increasingly international, American students have much to learn from foreign professionals who have engaged in international business as a matter of necessity for many years. These insights are invaluable to rising young professionals who posses the desire and character to be future leaders in business, consulting, and finance.

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