TravelBud - Teach English Abroad


Why choose TravelBud?

At TravelBud we have all taught abroad before and have walked the very path that lies ahead for you. We all passionately believe in the life-changing power of the teach abroad experience, both for those we place and for the students who gain new mentors from around the world.

We provide the most all-inclusive and holistic programs when it comes to teaching abroad, which includes comprehensive and award-winning pre-departure support, guaranteed job placements at vetted schools, in-depth cultural orientations, 24/7 in-country support, TEFL certification courses tailored specifically to the country you'll be teaching in, and so much more.

Something we're extremely proud of is our comprehensive support system. There is always someone just an email or phone-call away to answer any question you might have, no matter how big or small - we've always got your back through the incredible journey of growth and adventure that teaching abroad provides!



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Yes, I recommend this program

Costa Rica-TravelBud

Coordinating my trip with TravelBud was an easy and smooth process. From my very first inquiry back in 2019 to actually making it to Costa Rica in 2022. There was a lot that happened globally and they did a great job navigating the steps. I was able to have all the documents needed for my arrival in San Jose. Also, being able to have support through the TESOL course to receiving my job placement. The transition was easy to navigate. The team was always there for support and guidance while I was living in Costa Rica.

Response from TravelBud

Dear Alyssa,

We are so glad you had a fabulous time in Costa Rica! It was such a pleasure working with you and we really appreciate your review and honest feedback about the program. We look forward to following all your future adventures.

Your TravelBud Support Team - always here for you

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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching in Hanoi

Travelbub helped to organise a lot of those important details that stress anyone out when they are moving to a new and unfamiliar country. They were always helpful with communication between the school where I was offered a position and myself. The post-move is where Travelbud helps the most as their partner in-country team takes over once you have landed in the country. The post-move included lots of official documentation which can get pretty intense if there is not someone to help out. Overall a great experience.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
For me, the most nerve-racking movement was finding an apartment. There were all these worries and concerns like what if I couldn't find one in time or what if because I am a foreigner they would charge crazy prices. Overall, I would recommend reaching out to a real estate agency that works with foreigners. It's how I found my current apartment which is a perfect travel distance from all of the schools I teach at. I worked with Property People Hanoi and they managed to find a apartment that I liked within my budget and got me moved in in 3 days after signing the contract, which they also helped with.
  • The assistance with documentation for visa work
  • The orientation meetings to go over important information
  • The 24h responce time and assistance when needed
Response from TravelBud

Dear Annalies,

Thank you for taking the time to share your fantastic experience with Travelbud! We're delighted to hear that our services played a significant role in alleviating the stress of relocating to a new and unfamiliar country like Vietnam.

It's heartening to know that our team was able to provide seamless communication between you and the school and that our in-country partners were there to support you every step of the way, particularly during the post-move phase.

Finding accommodation in a new country can indeed be a nerve-wracking experience, and we're thrilled to hear that you found a solution that worked perfectly for you with the help of Property People Hanoi. Your recommendation to reach out to a real estate agency catering to foreigners is invaluable advice for future teachers embarking on their teach-abroad journey.

Your praise for our assistance with documentation, orientation meetings, and prompt responses means the world to us. We continuously strive to provide comprehensive support to ensure our participants feel confident and prepared for their teaching adventures abroad.

It's wonderful to hear that your experience in Vietnam has been fulfilling, and we're grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your journey. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance or have any questions. Your success and satisfaction are our top priorities.

Wishing you continued joy, growth, and unforgettable experiences in your teaching endeavors and beyond.

Warm regards,
Charlotte and Travelbud Team

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Yes, I recommend this program

Helpful and fast response!

When I first started thinking about traveling to teach English abroad I was very intimidated. Luckily I found Travelbud and the amazing people there made my experience and preparation so much easier and less stressful than I could have imagined. This is an amazing and life changing experience! It changed my life for the better and all of the reps were super helpful whenever I had questions! Kim especially was always helpful and kind when I needed help! Korea has been an unforgettable experience! Good food, great people, safe area, good accommodation, fair pay. There are also so many amazing places to go and sites to see. I highly recommend trying this if you’re looking for a new experience or life change.

  • Amazing country
  • Good food
  • Unforgettable experience
  • Language barrier
Response from TravelBud

Hi there Isaias,

Thank you so much for sharing your incredible experience with Travelbud! We are thrilled to hear that your teach English abroad journey was made easier and less stressful with our support. It warms my heart to know that your time in Korea has been unforgettable, filled with good food, great people, and memorable experiences. Hearing about your fun-filled experiences thus far, takes me back to my time in Korea and reminds me of all the fun I had there :)

Your kind words about our team, especially your support coordinator Kim, are truly appreciated. We strive to provide the best assistance, and it's wonderful to hear that we could make a positive impact on your adventure. I am delighted that you found the overall experience life-changing and that you would recommend it to others seeking a new and transformative journey.

Should you ever have more questions or if there's anything else we can assist you with, please don't hesitate to reach out.

We at TravelBud all wish you continued joy and success on your teaching journey and any future adventures.

Safe travels and warm regards,
Chelsea & the Travelbud Team

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Yes, I recommend this program


The programme has been very useful in providing everything I needed for my teaching career abroad. They provide excellent customer service, and their employees are some of the kindest people I've ever known. They will actively go out of their way to help with any difficulties, and are very knowledgable about the entire process. Saskia has been incredibly helpful, and has made the whole experience a lot less stressful and straightforward. I would definitely recommend this programme to anyone considering teaching abroad.

Response from TravelBud

Dear Callum,

Thank you so much for your review and your wonderful recommendation.

I am so happy to hear that your experiences with Saskia and the team have been so great and that their knowledge and kindness have made the journey of teaching in Japan so easy and enjoyable for you.

Your kind words continue to motivate our team to continue to deliver these amazing experiences for all of our teachers. Please feel free to share any specific highlights from your trip with the team.

I hope you continue to have many more fantastic experiences ahead.

Warm regards,
Ben & The TravelBud Team

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Yes, I recommend this program

What a way to learn yourself in the most accepting place of peace

I think I had the right idea coming here with little to no expectations. I did not realize how much pressure we had in the States to be or not to be many things on a daily basis. I was fueled by appreciation from the start based on overcoming so many odds as a woman of color doing something this crazy, like moving to another country. I chose Costa Rica based on the support from Travel Bud from the very beginning. I want to take this moment to recognize Kim as a huge part of why I continue to let the Pura Vida lifestyle guide me as I learn myself in the most accepting country of inner peace. Another shout out to Adam for his vulnerability in his journey allowing me to know at that time of my life when I needed clarity, the high mountains on this island would give me the perfect view to do so. I can not tell you all of these perfect things that are amongst the forests' green trees and clear waters, the peculiar creatures that you MUST learn share a space with and the amount of rice and beans you will eat, because sometimes it has not been perfect at all. However every day that I wake up in this small town I feel the spirit of the simple life I was told about and no it is not always ideal to not have one-day Amazon shipping for hair products or CHIPOTLEEE, God do I miss those things, BUT I have never been able to understand myself more than I have all my life. From the small precious moments tucked away in Pura Vida in the classrooms to the solitude with the waves, to the bright smiles of women in the local sodas, or the gentlemen that let you cross the road in these crazy streets or the giggles from your little students when you pronounce some Spanish wrong. It really has brought out the best versions of myself and for that, I get the chance to say I know how to live in gratitude every day because of this experience. If you don't believe me, you'll just honestly have to take a chance and come see for yourself. I promise the country won't disappoint you.

  • learning the langauge
  • networking
  • new hobbies
  • school options limited
  • communication
  • limited housing options
Response from TravelBud

Hi Keey,
Your heartfelt review has left us deeply touched and immensely grateful for sharing your Pura Vida experience with us. We are thrilled to hear that your decision to embark on this adventure has brought you closer to understanding yourself and appreciating the simple joys of life.
Your recognition of Kim and Adam's contributions to your journey is truly heartwarming. We are honored to have them as part of our team and your experience and sharing this with us continues to motivate the team to push and make sure all our travelers have these experiences.

We understand that your experience in Costa Rica wasn't entirely perfect. There have been challenges and you have embraced and adapted and that is important in any journey. You pushed yourself to understand working in a multi-cultural working environment and that is something to be proud of. While there also may be moments of longing for familiar comforts like Amazon shipping and Chipotle, the irreplaceable experiences you've gained far outweigh any temporary inconveniences. Your words beautifully capture the essence of Pura Vida – the appreciation for the simple things, the connection with nature, and the warmth of the Costa Rican people. Thank you for choosing Travel Bud as your partner in this journey of self-discovery. Your review serves as a testament to the profound impact that immersing oneself in a new culture and embracing its unique way of life can have. We are humbled to have played a role in this enriching experience.
As you continue to navigate the Pura Vida path, we encourage you to hold onto the lessons learned and the connections made. May your next journey be filled with continued growth, gratitude, and Pura Vida!

Best regards,
The Travelbud Team



Displaying 1 - 9 of 9

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.


Why did you choose this program?

I chose this program because as a teacher I wanted to learn as much as I can about the country, their language and culture. I saw it as a great opportunity to learn how schools operate, about their classroom environment, class management, how students are and how different their education system can be. This program gave me the insight on education and their beliefs when it comes to education.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

My program provider was very helpful when it came to finding a job. He helped me to get on contact with the recruiter in South Korea. He would provide me with information that I needed while applying for my visa, he would give me contact information on people that can help me with my documents and inform me of everything that I needed to do and send to South Korea.

The only thing that I needed to organize was where to apply for my visa and my plane ticket.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

My advice for anyone applying for this program is to do research on your destination. I did some research and I'm glad but there are somethings I do wish I knew. If you like to explore and travel make sure to know what you need beforehand and plan your route so that it is easier to get there without getting lost. Maps on your phone will help a lot. Do research on their culture and behavior to make sure that you don't offend them. For example when I was in South Korea I learned that some people will push you out of the way to get to their destination, for Koreans it's not offensive. Try to be prepared as much as you can so that you know how to react to certain things.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

An average day during the week would be to work and do things you like to do after work. Your working hours will differ so what you do before or after is up to you. In South Korea people love their night life so you will see a lot of people our late at night. Most of the stores are open until late so I usually did my shopping after work. Everywhere I went in my town/city I would walk. It is very safe and most places aren't that far.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear when I was teaching in South Korea was traveling from one place to the next and eating out. I overcame my fear after testing out the bus system on weekends. I used maps on my phone with navigation and would test out different busses to go to places. I would start early to make sure that if I get lost that I have enough time to make a plan. Most of the people are kind so I would try and ask for directions from stores. When it came to eating out I would usually go out in a group or order at a fast food joint. My director showed me how it works and some restaurant have only Korean menus so I made use of a translator to choose but in some cases I would point to a picture if they have.

What did you do on vacations?

On my vacations I would try to go to different places. One time I went to the beach with my sister and some of our friends. We went to Sokcho and it was a lot of fun. The one funny thing that happened was when we went to one of the restaurant and ordered spicy chicken. I was sharing with one of my friends, we did warn her that it would be very spicy but she didn't care. After taking one bite her face switched between red and white. We laughed because of the face she was making. I had to eat all of it on my own.

Anything else you wish to add?

In the beginning it was very hard because most Koreans are very small. I would sometimes get a shirt from E-mart but most of the time I had to buy clothes from H&M. I think that most of the time foreigners will have to buy online.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.


Job Title
Enrolments Coordinator
Nooru is one of our enrolments coordinator's here at TravelBud. Her role is to advise and facilitate individuals who have a zest for travel to explore one of our amazing teaching and volunteer programs worldwide. Nooru recently traveled through Europe and returned with a refreshed sense of respect for different cultures.

What is your favorite travel memory?

Tough one. I firmly believe that a 'holiday' doesn't end when you return back home, back to everyday life, but rather remains with you for a lifetime in the form of memories, pictures, videos, tags snaps and posts.

My favourite travel memory consists of a group of things I have experienced; when looking back, the ones that stand out the most is definitely eating one of the local delicacies in Saudi Arabia, only to find out that I was actually eating camel liver, getting to see Mickey and Minnie at Disneyland Paris and surviving the Tower of Terror, being thrown sideways while riding the dunes in Dubai, meeting the locals in Turkey and breaking language barriers in Spain.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have learnt that sharing my own travel experiences can help our applicants who have maybe never independently traveled before be more open to different possibilities; giving of yourself can mean so much to the next person.

I have grown and developed to be more open in sharing my love for travel with those who may be able to fall in love the same way.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

How they never believed that they could take on a new job, a new country with no friends or family beside them or without the comforts of the Western World and how they survived the challenges and bumps and came out even stronger believing in themselves and how they will continue to grow and develop because of their experience abroad.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Our wildlife conservation program in South Africa. I have been on the program before and would return in a heartbeat; once you've been bitten by the South African Big 5 it will forever remain close to your heart.

I have learnt so much about the Big 5 and conservation in general while on this program, but more so I have learnt to go beyond my comfort zone. Never in my wildest dreams did i think I would survive one month in the middle of the South African bush so close to nature, which was truly an amazing experience.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Our company is unique because we are a group of like minded individuals who have either taught aboard or volunteered aboard before. We are able to relieve our experiences with our applicants each and every day and ease any anxieties they might be feeling, knowing that they have a team behind them every step of the way.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

The biggest success factor at TravelBud is having a team so passionate about what the organisation does, having people who care about people and making sure that the hard work you put in never goes unnoticed.

Also, for ensuring the success of a company, one needs to trust that self-belief and hard work will earn you success.