Gap Medics was a wonderful opportunity for me to not only gain valuable medical experience but to make life long friends. These friends I hope to stay in touch with long into the future. I would recommend this trip to anyone who is interested in not only medicine but also dentistry and midwifery.
On placement I learned about the differences in medicine in the UK compared with medicine in undeveloped countries. The Global Health Tutorials were fantastic in broadening my understanding of current conditions affecting lives in Africa. I was then able to apply this when on placement.
Extract of information gained from teachings on Malaria.
Public health problem
Parasitic disease usually affecting red blood cells caused by plasmodium (species)
Carried in the blood
Most research says male does not suck blood they suck juice
Fever-most common symptom
Types of plasmodium
Mia common in uk plasmodium fasupa
Second - plasmodium ovale
Third - plasmodium Vivax
Fourth - plasmodium Malarie
Severe malaria
RMDT - test 20 mins
Clinical malaria conclusion is reached through history and physical examination - proven
Non severe malaria
Features of malaria - non severe
Patient present history or present fever
Loss of appetite
Joint pain
General malaise
Features of severe form
Can present with all non severe as well as -
Ataxia- aggressive
Prostrations- severe ill cannot walk or stand or sit without support
Coca cola colour urine - damage to kidneys
How to diagnose -
MRST - 20 mins
Similar to pregnancy test , has a control point and a subspecies, when it is reactive means you have malaria parasites, if you have all plasmodium then three lines plus control line comes up
Microscope - 30 mins
See photo for names
Banana shape - gametocytes
Nucleus is pinky
Cytoplasm is blueish
Sometimes you can see all structures but sometimes you can just observe one strain - antigen antibody reaction
How to treat malaria -
Non severe : use alu actimeta + lumefantrine- 2 drug combination ( treat in combination because these microorganisms because they can mutate, when relying on one type not affective) / use tablet 2 drug / antibiotics / painkillers
Severe form
Injection used atimeta
Quinine injevtion - tablets for non severe and injection for severe form
Treated insecticide Nets
Clean environment + windows should be protected with nets to prevent Mosquitos entering
When pregnant should get prophylaxis of malaria
IPT intermittent preventive treatment
Spray with deet
All pregnant should be taking folic acid as they affect red blood cells and so prevent anaemia
Genetically Africans have a greater tolerance to malaria
Can cause liver damage
Can cause anaemia then aterferia then lung collapse
Can cause accumulation of fluid in lungs so pulmonary oedema