Gap Medics

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best experiences of the Summer

The whole experience was incredible. I was nervous to go, as I didn't know anyone and wasn't sure what to expect. But as soon as arrived I didn't want it to end. The people you go with are amazing, the staff included. They offer you everything at the placement and back at the house. The placement's showed me operations that I couldn't see in the UK which made a big different. The activities back at the house were really good and allowed you to relax after placement. The safari trip was stunning, living up to my expectations and got some great photos. Plus, you get a weekend away with your friends in the amazing national park's of Tanzania. I couldn't have asked for a better time, and was the best experience of the Summer by far. I really recommend going, not only for the medicine but also for the overall experience.

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No, I don't recommend this program

Pre-nursing experience in Thailand

Shame on you gap medics!! Your company advertises well organised trips for young people to help them gain experience in a structured environment. Unfortunately after paying nearly £300 just to register and then £800 for flights and a further £1100 for the placement itself, and further costs for scrubs, goggles and face masks, I feel really let down.
The hospital was practically empty and I saw only a handful of patients all week. I spent most of the time sitting around doing nothing. There were other students who felt the same way. I could not complain to the programme manager as she was 'away in Malaysia' until later in the week. My father also rang headquarters on two occasions to voice our concerns about the poor experience / placement.
After discussing the situation with another member of staff who said I would be able to get a refund for the second week I decided to leave and spend the second week travelling. He even helped me to book internal flights to Bangkok.
On my return to England I contacted gap medics. They assured me they would look into my complaint and would ring me back. They failed to do this and I had to ring them many times to try and get a refund.
They now say they have fully investigated the matter and I am totally at fault as their staff were not informed I was unhappy with the placement and I've been called a liar for saying I was told I would get a refund.
I saved so hard to be able to go to Thailand with gap medics and despite not delivering what they promised, they refuse to give me a refund. So I repeat - shame on you gap medics for not having the decency to hold up your hands and admit you got it wrong

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No, I don't recommend this program

Focused on profits

Gap Medics has a very professional and misleading website. The website states that there is English speaking staff and that there is 24 hour security on the premises. They definitely defied the definition of "English speaking." When we landed in Phitsanulok, we were greeted by a woman who spoke very little English and could not communicate well with us. It was at that point that I got a feeling that the program could go poorly. When we arrived at the house, the security guard was fast asleep on the hammock and I knew that this program was a sham. It was Sunday night, and dinner was not served. So we had to find a place to eat our first night in the city, which by the way, has no good dining options. Now let's get to the food... Breakfast consists of rotten bananas and bread, they stock the fridge with a few yogurts a day and you need to wake up early to nab them. Dinner usually has two meat options, and the quality of the meat is absolutely appauling and made me sick. It is left uncovered and totally swarmed by mosquitoes. The rice is the only edible thing. One week costs 1800 dollars here, they can definitely afford an indoor eating area or at least nets for the outdoor one. Why aren't they in? Because the company is concerned with their own pockets! We pay almost two thousand dollars, and they make is do our own dishes. Food doesn't belong outside!! The chef also does not wear gloves and it's absolutely digusting. Getting to the hospital is terrible. The transportation is a 1980s Toyota Tacoma that has two benches in the bed. They can easily afford a cab, but again, profits are paramount. Global health tutorials are interesting and mandatory, which is totally fine. However, they make you sit on the floor infested with ants. Why can't they put in seating? Because they care about their pockets more than the students. On Thursday night, we went out and they made us pay for transportation... It wasn't much, but the fact that you have to pay after paying nearly 2 grand is appalling. The scrubs cost 5 times more than normal scrubs. We had to pay to get back to the airport. They totally nickel and dime you. The idea of a medical internship in Thailand is cool, but it is executed horribly by this company and its basically a scam. So disappointed and I STRONGY urge anyone interested in this to look into work the world instead.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Morogoro- Gap Medics 2015

I decided to undertake a medical placement in Africa in March 2014. I didn't embark on this trip until August 2015, and I am so glad that I waited! Placement was 08:00-13:00 everyday apart from the weekend, this meant that in the afternoons we had the option to go to the orphanage, wood shop, town or just lounge by the pool. Placement is very interesting and I would definitely recommend thinking carefully about the placement that you wan to do else you will find it boring and will not gain the most you can from it!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Good Trip

The generic thing to say is that this trip will change your life and stuff. Honestly however after seeing an entirely different culture and way of life you can only be changed after experiencing such things. You will come out with friends, memories and a new found awareness about the world around you. This trip regardless of the money will be worth every penny and more, and I hope that whoever reads this heeds the words I'm typing and decide to go on the trip of a lifetime.

What would you improve about this program?
I wish I would have had more time.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Helping me decide my future.

Throughout my secondary school education, I have always been a bit undecided on what to do after I graduate. I always knew I wanted to go into a career which is science based, it is my passion. Originally I decided on a Biomedical course, but after my experience of shadowing doctors in a hospital, I have decided to study medicine in college. All of the doctors in the hospitals in Tanzania were willing to answer every single question I had regarding any patient. The doctors fully explained each patient they were treating, also one of my mentors in Sokoine Health Centre gave my group lectures in different tropical diseases each day. It was life changing to learn about the tropical diseases and also to see patients suffering from these diseases.
The friends I have made on my trip, were amazing people. They are people whom I hope to stay in touch with. The staff working in Tanzania were lovely and inspiring people, they could not have been more welcoming!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Two Weeks Of My Life

I recently have just returned from a two week placement in Morogoro, Tanzania. I can honestly say that it was truly the best two weeks of my life and I cannot put into words what I have experienced because of it. The programme is extremely well organised and all of the staff at the house are so lovely and friendly, they are always there to help. Not only has my trip provided me with invaluable experience in a hospital setting but I have also been lucky enough to make life long friends. I would recommend this experience to anyone who is even remotely considering a career in the medical world.

What would you improve about this program?
I genuinely wouldn't of changed anything about my two week placement apart from staying longer!!!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Friends for Life

Gap Medics was a wonderful opportunity for me to not only gain valuable medical experience but to make life long friends. These friends I hope to stay in touch with long into the future. I would recommend this trip to anyone who is interested in not only medicine but also dentistry and midwifery.

On placement I learned about the differences in medicine in the UK compared with medicine in undeveloped countries. The Global Health Tutorials were fantastic in broadening my understanding of current conditions affecting lives in Africa. I was then able to apply this when on placement.

Extract of information gained from teachings on Malaria.


Public health problem
Parasitic disease usually affecting red blood cells caused by plasmodium (species)
Carried in the blood
Most research says male does not suck blood they suck juice

Fever-most common symptom

Types of plasmodium
Mia common in uk plasmodium fasupa
Second - plasmodium ovale
Third - plasmodium Vivax
Fourth - plasmodium Malarie

Severe malaria

RMDT - test 20 mins
Clinical malaria conclusion is reached through history and physical examination - proven

Non severe malaria

Features of malaria - non severe

Patient present history or present fever
Loss of appetite
Joint pain
General malaise

Features of severe form

Can present with all non severe as well as -
Ataxia- aggressive
Prostrations- severe ill cannot walk or stand or sit without support
Coca cola colour urine - damage to kidneys

How to diagnose -

MRST - 20 mins
Similar to pregnancy test , has a control point and a subspecies, when it is reactive means you have malaria parasites, if you have all plasmodium then three lines plus control line comes up

Microscope - 30 mins
See photo for names
Banana shape - gametocytes
Nucleus is pinky
Cytoplasm is blueish

Sometimes you can see all structures but sometimes you can just observe one strain - antigen antibody reaction

How to treat malaria -

Non severe : use alu actimeta + lumefantrine- 2 drug combination ( treat in combination because these microorganisms because they can mutate, when relying on one type not affective) / use tablet 2 drug / antibiotics / painkillers

Severe form
Injection used atimeta
Quinine injevtion - tablets for non severe and injection for severe form

Treated insecticide Nets
Clean environment + windows should be protected with nets to prevent Mosquitos entering
When pregnant should get prophylaxis of malaria
IPT intermittent preventive treatment
Spray with deet
All pregnant should be taking folic acid as they affect red blood cells and so prevent anaemia

Genetically Africans have a greater tolerance to malaria

Can cause liver damage
Can cause anaemia then aterferia then lung collapse
Can cause accumulation of fluid in lungs so pulmonary oedema

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Yes, I recommend this program

Gap Medics, Morogoro, Tanzania

Firstly, this program changed me as a person and completely changed my outlook on life. How? Well you have to experience it to understand it but some of the things you will see in the hospital will make you appreciate being alive. Having said that, my placement in Morogoro was the best two weeks of my life without a doubt. You will fall in love with all of the staff in the Forest House, with all of the friends you will make and with the country! The staff go above and beyond what they are required to do to enable you to have an awesome time! One stag member spoke to an old friend and made arrangements to get me an iPhone charger (not an easy ask in Africa!) when mine broke! Do not underestimate how much you will love the staff and other students. I cried for half an hour straight when everyone left for the airport (I was on a flight the next day).

Next, you will become so so so close to everyone there. You all see some horrific stuff together and also have the best time together - you will feel like you've known them for your whole life.

The Forest House in Morogoro is gorgeous and the food is fantastic! You will go in the pool at least once a day it's the best thing to do after a tiring morning at placement! Going into town often is a must too, and make sure you go to the tailors in town.

If you want a life-changing experience where you'll meet some of the most inspiring and amazing people and will also get a pretty nice tan then this is the place for you! Also it helped me realise that I want to do medicine and has made me much more confident in everything that I do! Don't be scared, jump in and you will have the time of your life!!!!

Email me and questions/worries I'm happy to answer :

What would you improve about this program?
I wish there hadn't been so many extra HIDDEN costs- they should include a quote for the cost of vaccinations and malaria tablets and also the transfer back to the airport isn't included. Scrubs also have to be bought seperatly. Basically, budget around £200-£300 more than it says on the website when planning your saving up for the trip!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Tanzania - Morogoro

After deciding I wanted to start a career in medicine I undertook several work experience placements in England. But after this I was unsure whether this was really the career for me. A friend told me about gap medics and I looked into all of their placements. I saw there was a trip to Tanzania and immediately decided that I wanted to go as it sounded like a once in a lifetime experience and from the minuted I arrived at the airport I was right. The staff were so friendly and funny, they really make the trip the great experience that is. At the hospital you see much more interesting cases than you would see in England but at the same time the doctors/mentors teach you so much and make it such a freak experience for everyone involved. Every night there are activities to take part in which can be really rewarding such as going to the local orphanage or even just fun like playing football against the local university team. Finally you will make life long friends when you go there! Your only there for two weeks but you do everything together every day that you are there and the experiences you share will never forget! If you are really interested in a career in medicine or even if you just want to experience something amazing this is a trip I certainly recommend, it is a once in a lifetime experience!!!

What would you improve about this program?
If there was one thing I could improve it would be to view more departments in the hospital on your trip