Arcadia Abroad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Go to NZ!

Going to New Zealand was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The Arcadia program was a wonderful choice for me. The program director, Jane, and all of her staff are amazing. Everything I could need, I could depend on Jane to help with. If she couldn't help, she found someone who could.

The classes at Vic are good. I was disappointed that I couldn't get into a class that I really, really wanted to take (New Zealand Sign Language- I was a Deaf Cultural Studies Minor). However, the classes that I took were good. Students should know that grading in NZ is not the same as in the US and you shouldn't expect to get an A without going above and beyond the level of work that is expected.

The social life in Wellington is pretty good. I found that people that go Vic, or even just people that live in Wellington, like doing things. Everything you do can be a social experience because people are so nice and willing to socialize.

I liked where I was living. I had five flatmates, but we all got our own rooms. We shared a kitchen and two bathrooms. Two of my flatmates were Kiwis and the other three were study abroad students from the US. It's nice that Arcadia gives students lots of choices of living situations, so there is something for everyone.

What would you improve about this program?
I didn't really know what I was doing when I decided to go to Vic. It worked out for me, but making the choice between Auckland, Wellington, Otago, and Canterbury is a big one. I think there could be a little more emphasis made on that decision.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Program

I went to University of Edinburgh because it was one of 3 programs offered for my major so I did not know what to expect, but the University, city, and people more than exceeded my expectations. The Arcadia staff thinks of everything you could need like a historic Scotland and rail cards, which come in very handy. They are always available and provide awesome events to get to know students studying at other programs throughout Scotland. There is always so much to do and the city is so beautiful I never got tired of walking around exploring the sites.

What would you improve about this program?
If I had to change one thing I wish that the program explained more about the grading system and what is expected of students. Much of the orientation was about adjusting to the culture and location and expectations with the schoolwork (especially the grading conversion) would have been useful before starting classes.
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A Wonderful Semester Abroad!

My semester in London was probably some of the best few months of my life. I was lucky enough to intern with Simon & Schuster UK in the editorial fiction department, and being able to learn about the inner workings of a publishing company solidified in my mind that I want to work in one after I graduate. I worked closely on the publication of dozens of books, and it was amazing to get that kind of experience. My classes were all interesting, and I loved how our professors were encouraged to utilize London in their teachings. Two of my professors gave walking tours instead of lectures on different days, and we visited a museum in another of my classes. I lived in Earl's Court, which is a beautiful area, and we even had a maid that cleaned a few times a week. It was such a wonderful experience.

What would you improve about this program?
The class and project that went along with our internship was pretty pointless, and everyone else in the program that I talked to agreed. The professor that held the class (which thankfully only met a few times) didn't really do anything to help me with my internship or my work environment, because by the time we had the class telling us how the British workplace worked, we'd already been in it for a month.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Could not have been happier

The living situation was perfect, living in Carlaw, a student apartment complex everything you needed was provided for and everyone was so friendly. The location of Auckland is perfect to allow you to travel through out the whole country. And the Arcadia staff was FANTASTIC! Could not ask for better advisors.

What would you improve about this program?
I was very happy with everything
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Yes, I recommend this program

Study Abroad + STEM Research

Great study abroad/ research hybrid experience!
Allows time for independent exploration of culture but also group excursions were well planned, interesting, and worthwhile.

Spanish classes were rigorous and focused on conversational skills.

Research mentors were extremely helpful and kind. I learned a lot about the research process.

What would you improve about this program?
More STEM students!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Worthwhile, Lovely Experience

I really enjoyed this program-the professors are very passionate, concerned about giving you a good education but also great people and laid back (for example, we went out to the pub after our last exam.) I lived in Earls Court-the facilities were nice although the only downside was sharing rooms due to there being 6 of us. We had a basement flat in a gorgeous building, swanky area (Chealsea borough) with only about an 8 minute walk to the tube and a 5 minute walk to the nearest bus stop. I took 3 classes in addition to the internship (first with Street Kids UK) The Prince's Trust-I had an issue with placement about 2 weeks in and when I mentioned that it wasn't the experience I anticipated/I didn't think I'd get as much out of it, the staff were very helpful in helping me acquire a different, more suitable placement. As an anthropology major, working with a nonprofit organization was really great; it was a privilege to work for The Prince's Trust since it's so well-known and helps a lot of young people in the UK become employed. I love the work environment in the UK-pleasant people, lots of tea breaks, after work pub time with coworkers and a relaxed attitude. A few trips/events were offered by Arcadia such as Oxford for the day, Wales adventure weekend, Thames River Cruise and Tower of London visit. The interns also had a pub quiz night and farewell night where everyone got 2 free drinks which was nice.

What would you improve about this program?
I think that it would have been more beneficial if the interns all lived in the same building. As it was, I lived with 5 other interns in the basement flat and the whole rest of the building consisted of Freshman. This setup was a bit odd and since some of the housing was about 40 minutes away by tube, it made it a bit more difficult to visit other interns in the program. Additionally, the required Internship project class was a bit pointless. The person who taught it didn't really provide any information that assisted us in assimilating in British culture or the workplace. We collectively decided that it would be infinitely more helpful if it was based on that type of information rather than just facts about British employment etc.
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The Roman Rediscovery

While people often say that studying abroad is a life changing experience, before going you don't fully understand what they mean. However, my study in Rome, Italy completely changed my future, and has made me a far better person. The daily classes immersing you in the many cultures in Rome showed you different perspectives that you would not encounter upon a short visit to a place. For example, the volunteer opportunities with the poor in the city, allows you to recognize the amazing blessings in your life, and it helps you to understand why giving back is so important. Also, the travel to other cities with your class teaches you about the culture of areas far beyond Rome, and expands your thinking to those of so many different cultures. Finally, the Fridays off and the week long study break allow for time to travel on your own, and to make memories that will last a lifetime with other Americans, Italians, and many other European natives. While study abroad programs are all beneficial, Arcadia in Rome really opened my eyes to so many things, and for that I am forever greatful.

What would you improve about this program?
The separation of students in housing can be quite annoying when you want to hang out with friends who are at least a 15 minute walk away from you.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Never Wanted to Leave

Uni Salento has figured it out. You don't study abroad imagining that the classes will be one of the best parts of the trip but for 4 hrs a day, I did nothing but laugh with those hilarious, amazing professors, who managed to sneak in an unparalleled—and I mean unparalleled—education at the same time.

Classes are very conversational—just a bunch of us sitting around a table talking through the lessons and as a result, learning to speak naturally, without having to mentally translate before speaking. An ancillary result of this style that I couldn't have expected was that our entire class became a family. We'd have lunch together, go on weekend excursions together, take cooking and art classes together, etc. I have made lifelong friends on that trip that today I can't imagine life without.

Aside from all that, the food, climate, and beauty of southern Italy is everything you've heard it to be. The one downside of visiting Lecce is that when you return home you'll only wish you had more time there.

What would you improve about this program?
Maybe I just caught a good year, but there is nothing that could have made that trip better.
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Yes, I recommend this program

All about working to live

7 months later, and I still get incredibly emotional thinking about never being in the same time and place with the same people at Bond Uni. Within my first week of being on campus, I realized when you read "Will respond in 24 hours" at the end of the email, it really means "maybe you'll hear back in 2 weeks". I needed to relax and bond taught me to do this. It taught me to look around at my settings and take every moment in. For the first time, I was encouraged to do what makes me truly happy. Not do what will make me happy in 10 years. Bond is a small community that provides everything you need right on campus: housing (rooms get cleaned every week plus your sheets changed), lounges, cafeteria ("the bra"), gym with free classes, swimming pool and hot tub, great study spaces, and beautiful outdoor space. I literally had "no worries". During club sign-on day, I seriously thought I was in the movie "Pitch Perfect". Everyone was so happy, and it was cool to be there (this is not normally at my school). I had classes 4 days a week: 1 long lecture per class per week and 1 small discussion ("tut") per class per week. Rarely had homework. Instead each class normally had a paper, midterm, and final. While you had to be more independent and manage your time well, I was significantly less stressed about school work. Australian Popular Culture is a great and fun way to learn about the country (mostly an American student class). Every week we watched a movie including "Crocodile Dundee". However, it was my classes with more Australian students (like Sport Development and Food, Nutrition, and Health) that I really got a great sense of Australian culture and perspective. But class was not my main focus and also did not take up the majority of my time. I spent most days catching the bus to Broadbeach or Burleigh Heads Beach, exploring different farmers markets, or just going to the pool to relax and play beach volleyball. I could spend every moment outside in the sun and heat, so this was a perfect place for me. Weekends were for traveling. No Friday class made this incredibly easy, and Bond's location (central on the east coast) made most places very accessible. I made it to Byron Bay (twice!), Morten Island (my favorite), North Stradbroke Island (free with Arcadia!), Brisbane, Mount Tamborine, Melbourne, and Cairns. The majority of these trips were either through Arcadia or the travel agent on campus (Student Flights). They provide great weekend trips that are mostly all-inclusive (HUGE bang for your buck and makes life easier). Australian GroupOn also had great trips. All were super easy and filled with adventures like hiking, surfing, kayaking, learning about Aboriginal culture, and more. Overall, Australia is a place were you learn to have the mentality "work to live" (not "live to work"). It has this beautiful appreciation for life and your surroundings. If you like outdoor adventures and don't want an intense cultural shock (although sometimes you will think they're speaking a different language), this is a great option. The best part? I still talk to my abroad friends (there were only 15 people on my program) almost everyday. They are my family, and I wasn't expecting to gain that.

What would you improve about this program?
I knew I was going to go abroad to Australia for 5 years and had extremely high expectations. Even though Bond completely surpassed these expectations, there were still parts I would change (although very hesitantly). Here they are.
1. Orientation was pretty boring and some of our activities got cancelled because of bad weather. Arcadia takes you to a small beach town outside of Melbourne, and you just sit through meetings. It was a nice and easy transition for having such intense jet lag, but some other programs go to really cool places (like Cairns or Sydney) and do more iconic things.
2. I didn't met a ton of Australians. I lived with everyone on my program, and Bond has a very high international student body. Furthermore, most Australians live off campus (I lived on campus). Well this was a disappointment at first, I ended up making great American friends that I still see and stay in contact.
3. Campus is kind of isolated. You have to take the bus to get pretty much anywhere (beach, more restaurants, shopping, night life). Except The Hub, a block off campus, is the best restaurant/cafe ever (check out their instagram). But you get used to it. Get a bike on sign-on day...they sell used ones for $40 (I regret not doing this)!!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Overall Good experience

The program was an overall good experience it could use some work. The teacher I had for photography was great, took us around the city to see different exhibits. Housed well and lived very comfortably. Class was not far from the station as well as housing and they helped teach you how to get around.

What would you improve about this program?
I did not feel fully immersed into the culture. Mostly because all of the students were American also and sometimes we felt lost on where the good places to go out were and not just the tourist things that we had read about. It would help if there were people that lived in the area our age that would have participated in the program or may be have been ambassadors of some sort to help us figure things out rather than just the faculty.