
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Experience of my Life!

The decision to teach abroad is so empowering! The love from the students is validating and the ability to prove to yourself that you can leave everything familiar and comfortable to you and still overcome all challenges is the cherry on the cake. Adjusting to a big move like this is never easy, but I am so thankful to have gone through Greenheart Travel because they were incredibly supportive during those hard times. Everyone is genuinely there to help and support you through this journey because they KNOW what it's like to be in your shoes as they've all experienced the same endeavor. I think that is very important and key contributing factor to what makes them so amazing! I highly recommend taking on an adventure like this through Greenheart Travel! <3

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If you choose to be in a more remote area, be prepared not to meet many foreigners that you can relate to and use that opportunity to really delve into the culture. If you're shy like me, allow this opportunity to help you get out of your shell. Otherwise you WILL miss out on amazing experiences and adventures. It's okay to be uncomfortable sometimes. That's how we grow.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Definitely would go again but...

I would definitely would go again. However, they failed to take me on the excursion just because I was the only one that volunteered that week. Although there was barely any one that spoke English, I had a good experience. I loved my host family. Everyone I met seemed really nice and taught me a lot. I would recommend knowing how to speak Spanish fluently in order to go on this trip. I would also like to say this was my first time going abroad by myself and I was 14 years old. I could of used some more people that spoke English.

What would you improve about this program?
Make sure they include everything you are paying for.
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Yes, I recommend this program

TESOL in Hua Hin

I went through Greenheart Travel's TESOL course in Thailand in December 2018 to January 2019. The course was in Hua Hin, Thailand. This part of Thailand has plenty of adventure activities to do on the weekend such as waterfalls, temple caves, and elephant sanctuaries. However, this location is a town for foreign westerners looking for a beach town in good relation to Bangkok and southern islands. So western accommodations were available, but it is not authentic Thailand. With that being said the TESOL course prepares you for what teaching in authentic Thailand is like. This is an intensive and amazing course that could prepare you for teaching in any Asian country. I highly recommend getting your TESOL if you want to earn money while traveling and I suggest doing it through Greenheart Travel in person at one of their locations.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
The most surprising thing I did was on a free weekend our group decided to go on a weekend excursion to the local waterfalls. We were able to go at our own pace as there was only one path and five different waterfalls to check out. I was able to stay in the back and found a group of local Thai people in which they taught me the right spot to jump off into the waterfall. They also taught me how to swim with the catfish in the waters.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Placement in Myanmar

I am currently teaching in Myanmar through the help of Greenheart travel. I love my school and my experience so far. I highly recommend the group and country to anyone interested in teaching abroad. Greenheart Travel was able to provide me answers before arriving which was very reassuring. They also suggested Myanmar to me, which was a country I never heard of before arriving. They were still able to provide answers even though this country is not as well known and I had a different case compared to other participants. The placement week in Myanmar gives you a basic understanding of the culture and things to do. It is a very relaxed country and it is up to your placement group and team to decide on the activities and how involved you want to be in the placement week.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to future travelers is that Asia is not about efficiency it’s about making sure everyone involved in a decision is happy so finding a placement and getting answers can take time, so learn to have patience.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Such a great life experience!

I had a great experience with Greenheart for my TESOL program in Thailand! I felt very guided throughout the process including Visa paperwork, arrival information, and general support, leading to my arrival in Thailand.
They partner with an organization in Thailand called Xploreasia so when we arrived, we earned our TESOL through both organizations.

I chose Greenheart Travel because it was the only program I came across that provided the opportunity to do the TESOL course in Thailand, as opposed to online or the US. I am so glad I did this because after a week of cultural orientations, we studied and prepared for the TESOL certification while living in Chiang Mai. This allowed me to already have lived in the country for a month before I began teaching- an experience I couldn't imagine doing differently. It gave me lots of insight into life and expectations in Thailand and I don't think I would have been able to do it without Greenheart!

As far as my placement and actual teaching goes, I feel so incredibly lucky to be teaching the students I do. I teach Kindergarten ESL in Trang (the south of Thailand) and am loving every second of it. Controlling all those little munchkins and navigating life in a work environment where most people don't speak English is absolutely challenging, but extremely rewarding. I fully believe that anyone who is motivated to join an organization like this and start a new life abroad can, but it takes a lot. Long days and cross-cultural frustrations are the norm, but I know that once I return home (eventually..) I will be incredibly grateful for all of the experiences I've had. I would 100 percent recommend this life changing opportunity!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Do not say no to anything! Often times I've found myself worried about an experience that I've been presented with, but am pushing myself to say yes to each experience at least once. Because of this, I've joined volunteer beach cleanup organizations, got toured around my city by some Thai friends and saw caves and beaches I never could've found on a map, made good friends with Thai co-teachers at my school (plans to visit her house and see her pet sugar gliders soon!), learned about sustainable organic farmers markets in my town, and so much more.
Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable Experience

I gained so much during my experience with GHT in Spain - I improved my Spanish language skills, learned about the culture and history of Spain, developed lifelong relationships with my host family, and gained a lot of confidence in myself.

Living in Spain with a host family helped me learn to be more independent, flexible, and increased my passion for learning about other cultures.

Staff from Greenheart Travel were very helpful during the entire process. I even got to meet one of their staff members when she was visiting Spain. I was fairly close to other people participating in the program, and we would often meet up to hang out/travel together.

The application process is straightforward and there’s is always someone available to help and answer questions. I definitely recommend this program.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
The most surprising thing about my experience was how close I got to the host family. They really became an important part of my life and I still talk to them regularly. I’m also planning to go back and visit them this summer!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing experience

I studied in Spain for 5 weeks during the summer and it changed my life forever. I learned so much Spanish, met incredible friends from all over the world and most importantly gained life experience that will help me forever such as not giving up when I tried something for the first time, learning how to take care of myself since my host mom was pretty much solely an in-home guardian and my teachers solely in-school guardians. I did always feel safe however and knew I could reach an adult at all times if I ever needed to but for the majority of my tile I was having to look after myself and keep myself entertained, engaged, and safe which has been immeasurably useful in my everyday life as I no longer feel nervous having to do anything alone. I also learned how to make the most out of every situation and find the silver lining in everything! My trip abroad was the best five weeks of my life. Of course I had my ups and downs (especially when I saw a cockroach for the first time since I live in Alaska and we don’t have any and of course it was in my room), but I learned from every experience and truly believe I became a much better person for it.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I could do this all over again, the only thing I would change is that I would speak Spanish all the time, not only when I had to. Since most of the people I met through the program in Spain were students who were either from the United States or who spoke English, whenever we weren’t in school or communicating with the locals, we would always talk in English. I know I would have learned a lot more Spanish if I had solely spoke in Spanish my entire time there.
Yes, I recommend this program

Best Decision Ever!

My experience with this program was amazing! I loved every second of living and working in Argentina! I loved getting to meet different people at my hostel placement. I loved learning about the culture of Argentina while getting to live it! I will never forget the connections I made during this program!

My experience with this program was very positive because GreenHeart Travel was very helpful in making it a simple process to move to a foreign country.
This experience really helped me strengthen my Spanish skills which is something I now know I definitely want to continue to strengthen and use in the future. Living and working in a hostel in Argentina has proven to be a great way to learn, speak, and improve my Spanish skills.

I would definitely recommend this program to anyone looking to travel, and make new friends abroad (maybe even move abroad).

Working in Argentina is one of the best decisions I've ever made (and, I'm glad i chose a company like GreenHeart Travel to help me in the process).

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don't be scared to speak Spanish! This program will test your confidence because you will want to speak to your co-workers and other guests, but some of them will only speak Spanish.
You don't need to be fluent before you arrive (you'll have free time to take classes), but even if you only know a few words, USE THEM! Don't be afraid of messing up (people know you are there to learn), so LEARN!
At first, it will be tiring (to think and speak Spanish everyday), but in the end, it will be worth it because you will be more confident (not only in Spanish, but also in yourself).
Yes, I recommend this program


Going through Greenheart was an excellent decision! Working with their team was pleasant and stress free. They were very helpful and kind. I had a easy transition into Thailand and got a teaching position easily. I loved living in Thailand. I taught 2nd-5th grade. I was well prepared to teach to the students. I also helped teacher the other local teachers English! One morning I was about to start class and an elephant walked by our school! Love the kids and the people in my small rural town. I learned some words in Thai quickly that helped me get around. I enjoyed working at my school and had an opputnity to travel as well. Besides traveling around Thailand I also travel to Lao and Cambodia. I recommend Greenheart if you want to travel stress free and be happy!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Stay relaxed! Have fun and don’t have too many expectations!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Beyond helpful and supportive

When I decided to move halfway across the world and change careers, I was looking for company that would provide me not only guidance but nonstop support in the move. Greenheart gave me just that and much, much more. They provided me with pre-departure information. They provided me with knowledge I could use upon my first arrival in Thailand. They would notify me if there was any change in the process to get the visa for Thailand . They gave me a community throughout this experience of past, current and future particiapants. They made it a family; a place to ask questions, big or small, and a place to meet people in my same position, making a huge move! Greenhearts continues to be their for me and gave me a place to call family! I’ve been beyond gracious and happy to have gone through Greenheart Travek!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be ready for the unknown. Thailand is notorious for telling the foreigners last. You won’t always know when an event is being help, or when/how grades are due. You need to prepare yourself to “go with the flow” and never be told anything. This was the hardest thing to learn.