My host family were so wonderful, their food, lifestyle and culture was such a gift to be shared with me - I could not be more grateful to them. Also my camp was so brilliant, I learnt so much about myself through teaching and from the children! The kids were so funny and individual and I was so proud of all the progress they made over our time together.
It definitely improved my confidence so much and just making me more patient and positive too! believe it has made me a much better and effective teacher as I brought more positivity and exciting energy to my classroom and it was reflected in my students. It also really pushed me out of my comfort zone with my host family and I'm so glad it did.
This was helped by our amazing training in San Remo where I learnt everything I needed and made friends genuinely for life.
The progress itself was well explained, easy to follow and felt like it was well-informed. I felt safe and trusted the company and knew I could get in touch with Gotoco at any point should I have needed to. Costs were great, a bargain really for how wonderful the experience was!
The end of program group trip to Turin was so fun! We all got to hang out again and celebrate finishing the program - we got our hostel & meal together paid for too over the weekend and just was such a brilliant note to end on.