The Intern Group

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Definitely worth doing

It was such a once in a lifetime experience because of the people you meet and share it with. I think what made my internship worth while was the people I was placed with. I have made real friendships with the people I was with. The actual internship was a strange experience as my boss wasn’t entirely helpful while I was there. She sort of just left me to my own devices most days. But as i was the first intern to be placed with her, i can’t blame the intern group for that. Honestly if it was a little cheaper I would definitely do it again.

What was your funniest moment?
Most of the moments with my flat mates
  • Meet new people
  • Live in a different country
  • Homesickness
  • Living with other people who don’t have the same lifestyle
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Giorgia Silvia
Yes, I recommend this program

My personal point of view

In the beginning, it was challenging to get used to my different customs, especially in the working environment and relationships with colleagues, which put me outside my comfort zone. However, this experience changed my life, helping me overcome my insecurities and gain confidence. It gave me the chance to have a clear idea of who I want to be in the future and understand which will be the next step to achieving success. I would suggest anyone looking for motivation and change apply for an interview with the provider and be open to what the experience brings to you.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Had the best overseas internship experience of my life!

Choosing the Location
Applied in Jan 2024 to The Intern Group's 6-week Tokyo program that began in April 2024. Initially took a week to decide which location I would go to but after that, the decision making process was done quite fast including deciding to withdraw my interest for the first job offer hoping that, the next offer would better suit what I would like to learn. I would say, go for a bigger company if you are undecided and would like to enjoy perks that could include free snacks, more clubbing, more drinking sessions etc. Choose a small company (less than 5) if you are certain on what skill set to learn and can see yourself implementing your ideas at, independently.

While in Tokyo
Erika has been my main go-to coordinator and she has done a superb job at organising weekly meetups, checking in on us via text or having one-on-one dates and being the best guide around Tokyo! Many occasions, she'd be the link between us interns and the locals and I truly find her a lifesaver. Wouldn't have been able to order my favourite orange juice without her! I hope future interns will get to meet someone like Erika when they are miles away from home.

Wrapping Up and Future Plans
I wish I could stay in Tokyo for longer. It is my last week here and I am wrapping up my project and applying to full time roles in Japan and back home. I will remember the connections that I've made and the skills I've gained which will continue to shape my career.

  • Safety
  • Affordable food options
  • Meeting people from different backgrounds
  • Non-paid however, you may get to claim food/transport depending on company.
  • People don't mind waiting in line for hours for food but you know the food will be worth the wait.
Response from The Intern Group

Thanks so much for sharing about your experience in Tokyo. We are glad to hear that our Experience Coordinator, Erica, has been such a supporting figure on your journey!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly recommend experience

I did the full 6 months in Madrid for my year in industry as part of my Bachelor's degree and I loved every second of it. From the second I landed in Madrid, I felt so exceptionally supported by TIG from the private driver to take me to the amazing Flat to the invaluable support from Laltia and Nikte. I had the pleasure of befriending numerous individuals from a multitude of countries that will last a lifetime. Every week Nik organized so many different amazing events ranging from essential Madrid experiences to uncovering hidden local gems, you'll never find yourself with nothing to do in Madrid and I would like to thank Nik for her hard work :)

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Even though I was there for 6 months it still felt like 6 seconds, so I would recommend taking advantage of every second of free time so you can make the most of your experience in Madrid.
  • Getting to make new friends from people arround the world
  • The organised event from Nik
  • Support from Nik and Lalita
  • Price
Response from The Intern Group

Hey Suleman, we are glad to hear that you have had such a memorable semester abroad in Madrid! Thrilled to know that Lalita and Nikte have been such a positive influence on your experience.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Interning in Madrid - The Intern Group

Interning in Madrid was one of the best experiences of my life, and has left me with lifelong skills, memories and friends. My two months felt like just two seconds, but were packed with so much fun and learning. The Intern Group was amazing in organising my work placement and accommodation, and ensuring that my time in Madrid was enjoyable and safe.
This program allows for professional development and first-hand industry experience alongside cultural immersion and the adventure of travel, and if you have the means to participate I highly recommend you take the opportunity!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take advantage of the opportunities from the very first moment! Madrid offers so many things to do and see, and Madrileños are so friendly and always happy to share their recommendations for the best tapas spots or bars.
Response from The Intern Group

Hey Zoe, thanks for sharing your thoughts about Madrid! We are thrilled that you have had such a memorable experience.

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Yes, I recommend this program

I finally tried something I always wanted to do

I finally got to try working in a new country. On top of that, I got to get involved in so many things I would never do as a regular tourist. I got to meet a lot of people through my sharehouse accommodation and through the many meet ups and excursions organized by the intern group (Thank you Erika!!!!) It was a great 10 weeks. Japan has excellent public transportation so it was also very easy to visit and explore other cities and prefectures. Everything I ate was delicious and so many public spaces are beautiful and inviting.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
These little dried baby crabs. But I love seafood and they were delicious
  • Cheap food
  • Safe city
  • Trees everywhere
  • Language barrier
  • Conservative lifestyle
Response from The Intern Group

Thank you so much for sharing your experience Jack! We are glad to see that your time in Tokyo has been so memorable. Looking forward to seeing where life takes you next.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Life-Changing Experience.

My internship experience in New York was undoubtedly a life-changing journey. From the moment I arrived in the city that never sleeps, I was immediately engulfed by its fast-paced rhythm and cultural diversity. However, over time, this challenging environment became the perfect backdrop for my personal and professional growth.

Working in one of the world's most significant cities allowed me to immerse myself in a top-tier business environment. My responsibilities as an intern ranged from operational tasks to more strategic projects, enabling me to gain a holistic understanding of the inner workings of the company. Each day was a new adventure, filled with challenges that pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me develop essential skills such as problem-solving, time management, and effective communication.

One of the most enriching aspects of my internship was the opportunity to work with a diverse team of professionals. I learned to collaborate and communicate effectively with people from different cultures and backgrounds, which not only enhanced my ability to work in a global environment but also provided me with valuable insights into different ways of thinking and conducting business.

In addition to work experiences, living in New York offered me the chance to explore a vibrant and bustling city. From strolling through Central Park to attending Broadway shows, every moment of free time was an opportunity to immerse myself in the rich culture and urban dynamics of the Big Apple. These cultural experiences not only enriched my personal life but also influenced my professional perspective, encouraging me to think more creatively and openly.

The network of contacts I built during my internship in New York is another invaluable asset I took from this experience. I met mentors and colleagues who provided me with guidance, support, and opportunities for growth in my career. These connections have continued to be a source of inspiration and advice even after my return home.

Reflecting on my time in New York, I can confidently say that it was a transformative experience. I not only challenged myself and developed key professional skills but also grew as an individual. The city taught me to be resilient, to adapt to new situations, and to embrace diversity in all its forms. As I move forward in my career, I know that the lessons learned and experiences gained in New York will continue to be a source of strength and motivation. In short, my internship in New York was much more than just a job: it was a journey of personal discovery and professional growth that has left an indelible mark on my life.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Go with friends or make friends in the internship, because social life in NYC is lonely.
  • City with a lot of opportunities
  • World-Diverse Culture
  • Rich experiences
  • Unsafe Dating Apps
  • Lonely social life
  • Expensive in money and TIME
Response from The Intern Group

Thank you Stefano for sharing your thoughts! We are glad that you have had an enriching experience and we look forward to seeing where your career takes you.

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Yes, I recommend this program

An adventure in the coffee country

My experience with the intern group in Colombia was both exciting and educational. This is the first time I have ever left the country and it was very scary when I first arrived. I never took any Spanish classes in school so unfortunately I was going into this journey without any knowledge of the local language. Don’t worry though I’m here to tell you that if you are in the same situation as I was you’ll be okay. Without the intern group and the help of our advisor Maria I would have been lost. Luckily they are there with you the entire time assisting in anyway possible. They have Spanish classes providing you with the basic information necessary to get by on your own. You will pick up so many new words and phrases simply just from existing so don’t worry if you’re Spanish isn’t the best or Is just a little rusty, you will get plenty of practice and quickly become confident going out in public. The city of Medellín is one of the most amazing places on earth and there are so many cool places that are a must see here. The intern group generously hosts events for you throughout the time your here. My favorite tour was the trip to Guatape! There is an enormous rock with stairs taking you to the top for a spectacular view of all the different lakes and mountains in the landscape. Later you tour through the city after eating a delicious local lunch. Finally you go out on a relaxing boat ride to end the perfect trip. There are also many different towns outside of Medellín that are absolutely stunning and worth visiting if you have the chance. Jardin, la cascada, salta del buey, cascada el hato, and puerto triunfo are all some of my favorite places that I visited outside of Medellín. Aside from all of the fun and exciting things to do here, I have had a very wonderful experience in helping me to decern my future career path. I came to the intern group looking for an international experience to learn new cultures and just a different part of the world. I also came looking for help in finding an internship that could teach me the necessary skills to move forward in my career. I can confidently say that I will be leaving my internship not just properly prepared for the next step in my career path but also well traveled! I will never forget the many amazing people I have met through this internship and will cherish these memories forever! I highly recommend this amazing fun adventurous trip to everyone. Thank you so much to everyone on the intern team for making this possible! Especially thank you to Maria for being the support we all needed every step of the way!

What was your funniest moment?
There’s of course several funny/embarrassing moments I have experienced here. One of the best I had was when I went to lunch with some co-workers and the server asked what I would like to eat in which I replied “nada hoy” this quickly became an inside joke between my colleagues and I.
  • New culture
  • New language
  • New skills from internship
  • Foreign country so your away from family
  • I don’t have my car here so it can be inconvenient traveling to places
  • Getting lost in the big city
Response from The Intern Group

Thank you Daniel for sharing your thoughts! We are glad that you have had an enriching experience and we look forward to seeing where your career takes you.

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Yes, I recommend this program

3 month internship in Colombia

The experience in Colombia with the intern group was by far the best experience I’ve had in my life. I’ve only ever lived in the UK, so moving across the world to Colombia for 3 months was daunting. But Maria, the programme coordinator, along with the other interns on the programme, made the experience better than I could’ve imagined. Whenever one of the interns had a problem (for whatever reason, big or small) Maria was always so supportive. There were many times she came down to Indie to talk to us in person which made the whole experience a lot easier because I always felt reassured. I’m so glad I had the experience with intern group rather than on my own. The internship was such a valuable experience and helped me to learn so much. I felt so supported the whole way through and have left with such special connections.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I was working in the government but because it’s such a big building with so many people working there, I never expected to meet the governor. However, I was able to travel a lot with the governor and the press team to different towns and was introduced to him. I was able to have a short conversation with him which was really cool.
  • Support with every and anything
  • Ability to travel such a geographically diverse country
  • Activities organised
  • There were some issues with Indie
Response from The Intern Group

Thank you Helena for sharing your thoughts! We are glad that you have had an enriching experience and we look forward to seeing where your career takes you.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Tokyo 6-week internship

T.I.G made me feel welcomed as soon as I landed at the Narita airport. Shuttle service delivered and the accommodation was more than I expected.
Erika has been an ABSOLUTE GEM! She has made this experience so memorable and ensured that we were all entertained and safe throughout this entire journey. Alisha was also exceptional, I just had more dealings with Erika. If we needed anything from keeping warm, to helpful traveling tips to making sure that all of well-being was dealt with promptly. T.I.G excursions were very authentic and memorable that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

THANK YOU ERIKA and I wish you an ABUNDANCE of BLESSINGS for the future.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Go to EVERYTHING that you can experience. T.I.G really give you the BEST experience and most luxurious.
  • Erika
  • Excursions
  • Environment
  • Earthquake
  • Missing Family
Response from The Intern Group

Thank you Christal for sharing your experience! We are glad that you have had an enriching experience and we look forward to seeing where your career takes you.