Thoroughly glad I did it. Travel Grad are a genuine, down to earth & trustworthy company. Super dedicated and helpful throughout a difficult and complicated covid period as well. They helped me change, free of charge to Thailand from China due to late covid changes.
The experience was fantastic, the country is as beautiful and crazy as it is made out to be, with so much to do, Thailand is huge! Lots of friendly, like minded graduates there too.
Work life is very relaxed compared to the UK with free time during the day too. The students and the teachers are fascinated by you (especially if you’re 6’4), always wanting to talk and take photos with you or of you.
The pay is great locally, and cost of living is incredibly cheap, my beautiful accommodation was £60 a month & I rented a brand new motorbike for £60 a month, a tank of fuel is £2…. I did almost everything I wanted to do in Thailand and was actually able to save around £1600 over 4 months!
Would recommend to anyone as a gap year & would certainly recommend going anywhere with Travel-grad, they will take good care of you!
What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I lived in ban kruat, buriram, as i asked for the most authentic / rural / ‘real Thailand’ experience I could get.
I would wake up and go to the local market where there was 2 actual shops (a small 7-11 & a ‘Lotus’).
Sometimes I would go, and like you or I would jump on a bike, or in a car to grab some milk or bread…. There was a man who would ride his elephant to the shop.
The elephant would be ‘parked up’ next to the motorbikes patiently waiting outside for him to get his sandwich, no one batted an eyelid.
He would nonchalantly jump back on with his bag of snacks and ride his elephant home like it was just another day