Day 1 -
Welcoming tour + very amusing presentation. Nice (small) and cosy room. Sinks in closets :)
Trinity hall mug looked great so I got one.
Day 3 -
Catapults in engineering class. Worked great in testing. Not so well in actual demonstration -__-
Day 4 & 5
6 hour straight of time dilation (among other things). Interesting, but extremely exhausting. I wanted to sleep then but learnt some interesting stuff though. My friend did sleep for two hours.
Next day we went to observatories and telescopes for lesson + a lecture on negotiation. China's fake markets trained me well ;)
Couldn't sleep that night. Dance and music lesson just across from my room. Yay.
Day 6 -
Stratford upon Avon (Shakespeare's Home). My friends and I ended up grabbing some McDonalds and eating most of the while. I think the view was better than the house.
Went to Warwick castle after. Card Games with friends on the bus. Maybe it sitting in the backwards chair was a bad idea...
Eagle show + Jousting. How much more medieval can you get???
Another friend bought a metal sword there. Fruit ninja in the dorms that night :O
Day 7 -
Much Ado About Nothing... MEXICAN EDITION in the Glove Theatre London.
Another game of cards. Some friends promised to teach me 52 pickup on the bus. You have NO idea ;)
Got a free watermelon from the cast (they had them in the scene and I was at the front of the stage. Yummy!)
Modern Art museum definition = big building with coloured squares, sand Carlos and Sainsbury receipts. Huh.
Pizza express dinner :P
Day 8 -
"School day" again. D:
Electromagnetism. I think the highlight of the day was punting, and I nearly got catapulted (literally) into the water when the punt got stuck and was going under the boat :/ It was fun :)
Day 9 -
Charity auction
Free Higs for 73 Pounds? SOLD.
DONUT Eating competitions too :)
Day 10 -
Leaving party? I think my diary I wrote before is messed up. ANYWAYS. Disco :D
I'm not big on it, so I played lots of card games with friends. Banker ended up having to write "check". I had over 20000 money. :)
It wa great fun, and I was sad to leave. I wished I had chosen the four week course instead.
Written by "God" (as dubbed by my friends. I had everything they needed when they need it most ^^ )