  • Guatemala

Program Details

Spring Break Summer Winter
Host Family Hotel
Medium Group (16-30)


Starting Price
Price Details
Program Fee includes:

Airport pick-up and drop-off.
All ground transportation between sites.
Medical Insurance
2 meals during clinic days and 1 meal during recreation days
In-country orientation.
Program Manual.
24-hour staff assistance.
All medicine, equipment, supplies, and professionals needed to successfully perform on clinic days.
Evening group activities.
All recreation activities listed in trip itinerary.
Border and customs fees (when applicable)
Statement of Service Hours
Certificate of Participation. (Letters of recommendation will be assessed on a case-by-case basis)
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Equipment Some Meals Transportation Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Some Meals Travel Insurance Visa
Dec 28, 2021
Jan 17, 2021
12 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Guatemala is the biggest country in Central America. Unfortunately, it also sets a record by having one of the highest disparities between rich and poor as well as one of the highest poverty levels worldwide, with 54% of the population living below the poverty line in 2006 and 54% in 2011.

We currently intervene through three main fields of work: Medical, Dental and Veterinary, which are designed to promote health, ensuring a long-lasting impact while students develop both intercultural & leadership skills in a real-world context.

Vida offers a unique positive learning environment that will completely change your perspective on the idea of serving others. Students have a chance to work with local licensed professionals while providing services to the communities we have partnered with.

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Program Highlights

  • Hands-on experience while working with local doctors, dentists and veterinarians
  • Provide healthcare and positively impact underserved communities in Central America
  • Cultural Immersion

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Program Reviews

4.91 Rating
based on 35 reviews
  • 5 rating 91.43%
  • 4 rating 8.57%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.9
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.55
  • Value 4.75
  • Safety 4.85
Showing 17 - 24 of 35 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing Opportunity

Interacting with the locals and making new friends were wonderful. You walk away with the irreplaceable feeling that you have helped someone, no matter how small the difference. This is the first time I've ever been out of the country and I can't wait to leave again, hopefully on another VIDA trip.

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Life Changing

I was so worried to travel down to Central America and I thought I was getting myself into something I would regret, but as we progressed into the trip in Guatemala, I realized this is something I want to do again. I enjoyed spending time in the clinic helping all of the people that came to get dental help. I liked how the dentists I shadowed wanted to teach me something while I watched what they did. I learned more from the 4 clinic days than I did by shadowing dentists here in the USA. The friendships I made on the trip were strengthened by the experiences that we endured together. Not everything on this trip was perfect, as 8 of my travelers got Salmonella, but this experience makes you realize that there is a whole world out there to be discovered. I am happy to have helped the people I helped. I really feel like I made a difference in their lives because VIDA gave me a chance to interact with them and learn about their lives. This trip has ignited the flame in me to really work hard to get into Dental School so that I may help others in this world.

What would you improve about this program?
More time for interaction with the people and children that come to the clinic, I never got to really hang out with them.
Have places to eat in mind for us, rather than just have us walk around and find a place.
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I had a terrific time on this trip. I learned so much, not only about patient interaction, but about disease and medicine itself. The staff was patient, knowing that each student was at a different level in their education, and always teaching with every opportunity. I felt safe, but not smothered by the trip leader. Every problem that happened on the trip was handled wonderfully by the leader. Activities were planned during our time off so we weren't wandering aimlessly, but free time was also given.

What would you improve about this program?
More time to get to know the staff outside of clinics would have been nice.
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Not What I Expected

I went to Guatemala not expecting much, but what I experienced while I was there was beyond anything I could have imagined. The VIDA staff was wonderful and all of the people that went on the trip were amazing. I arrived there not knowing any of the other volunteers personally and we all left as good friends. I would go on this trip again tomorrow if I could.

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Best Experience of My Life

The only bad part of the trip was when nine students got Salmonella from eating pink hamburgers in Antigua. Also a different student lost his passport. Both situations were handled really well by the staff. The rest of the trip was amazing. It made me appreciate what I have. In Guatemala toilet paper can't be flushed because of the bad plumbing system. I love the people there. They are so much more friendly and accepting than Americans. I had fun ziplining in Panajachel and going to the bars in Antigua. Edo was a great team leader, Luis was a great assistant team leader, the doctors were fantastic, and the interpreters became good friends. If you have a chance to go on this trip, do it, no matter the cost, because it's worth it, even if you don't know if you are for sure going to med school or dental school. JUST DO IT!

What would you improve about this program?
More meals with VIDA maybe, it's hard to find good meals on your own. Also, more time to settle in when we first arrive.
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I came to VIDA with a few goals in mind, but those goals changed by the end of my trip. I used VIDA to possibly make my application stronger for medical school, but when the trip finished my heart stayed in Guatemala. The culture immersion was fun to see and the clinics we went to were very eye opening. It made me realize how comfortable and good we have it in the United States, compared to others living in developing countries. Everyone has their own insights and passion about serving others, but my heart never left Guatemala due to the things I've seen. I am already thinking about doing another trip with VIDA in the next coming up years (if time and money permits). Some areas of Guatemala may be more dangerous than others, but our team leader warned us before doing anything. This is actually a great benefit to the trip, because it shows how living in another area is so different from living in America. Some of the people I served in the clinic made me cry because it's sad to realize how hard they have to work for their food, not to mention their chances of seeing a medical professional for help.

What would you improve about this program?
I wished we had more time to spend with our staffs outside of clinics too. It would be great to get to know them better outside of clinic because everyone was very welcoming. I felt like we didn't have enough time to mingle with the staffs to get to know them at a better personal level.
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My Vida Trip

The trip was surprisingly organized. I felt safe the entire time. I can't explain how much I learned during the clinics, it was well worth every penny! The recreation activities were also very fun, there is something for everyone to appreciate.

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked the clinic days more spread out if possible. Having 3 clinics in a row, twice throughout the trip is exhausting.
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Trip of a lifetime

Traveling with VIDA is one of the best decisions i've made it my entire life. I've met so many new people, expanded my interest in new cultures and languages, and received the most applicable skills through clinic days that I would never have had the opportunity to receive in the States. I love it so much!

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