  • Honduras
    • El Porvenir
6 to 52 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Age Max
Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Small Group (1-15)
Travel Type


Starting Price
Price Details
Upon acceptance to the program, there is a one-time 'confirmation donation' of $160 USD. The only other cost is housing and this is $42 USD per week for the first 6 weeks and then it drops to $35 USD per week moving forward. Note that if you are accepted as an intern or if you are able to stay longer than 6 months, your housing cost can be further reduced.
What's Included
Accommodation Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Domestic Airfare Airport Transfers Meals Travel Insurance Visa
Apr 22, 2021
May 02, 2024
17 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

The Porvenir Enrichment Program (PEP+) teaches English, computers, nutrition, Spanish literacy, art, sports, social skills and more! For children in grades 1-6, this program has 3 designated classrooms within the community. All are walking distance to the volunteer houses. HCA's international volunteers and ‘ayudantes’ (Honduran interns) run classes in teams. We have an excellent curriculum but there is plenty of room for creativity in how you choose to work with your groups. You are encouraged to teach with songs, movement, games and other fun activities. It is not necessary to be fluent in Spanish to work within this program. The activities are planned in advance and you will find that your Spanish quickly improves as you prepare for classes and as you work with the children. PEP+ operates year-round including an extended program in November, December, and January when the children are on school vacation.

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Program Highlights

  • Diverse working team (international volunteers plus Honduran interns)
  • Well-supported and well organized by in-country managers
  • Walking distance to all classrooms
  • Beautiful tropical environment with beach and mountains
  • Creative, progressive, inclusive environment for all!

Program Impact

The most valuable aspect of your work is that it actually fulfills an otherwise unmet need. Honduras Child Alliance educational volunteers provide small group instruction and attention to help children gain the essential skills (English, computers, etc.) that allow them to access opportunities with Honduras.

Volunteering makes a difference to the people you work with, but it also makes a difference to YOU. HCA volunteers always have natural opportunities to connect with the local children and adults, even outside of volunteering. While our housing includes full kitchens so that volunteers can prepare their own meals, we often arrange group dinners in the homes of our community friends or at local restaurants. Volunteer housing is integrated within the community where we work. This helps to support the local economy, as well as give volunteers a more connected experience within the country. As you become part of the community, you will find that in addition to your tangible project, you will also build genuine connections to the people who live in this hard-working and vibrant town.

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 15 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.75
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.95
  • Value 4.9
  • Safety 4.95
Showing 9 - 15 of 15 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Volontaire en Honduras

Translation: My experience in Honduras is one of the most beautiful things that ever happened to me. Honduras is an incredible country and surprising in many ways. El Porvenir is a small village in the Atlantis region. Our daily lives are filled with laughter and smiles of all kinds. It is a real pleasure to spend our days alongside children. I also had a lot of fun teaching adults in the community, sharing and sharing our visions of the world.

To fully live this experience I recommend to future volunteers to stay at least 1 month and a half to have full time to get acquainted with culture and children. Once you have learned to know them you will definitely want, as I could do, to extend your stay here.

Original: Mon experience au Honduras est une des plus belles choses qui me soit jamais arrive. L Honduras est un pays incroyable et surprenant par bien des aspects. El Porvenir est un petit village de la region d Atlántida. Notre quotidien est rempli de rires, mimiques concentrees, sourires et autres betises en tout genre. C est un reel bonheur que de passer nos journees aux cotes des enfants. J ai egalement pris beaucoup de plaisir a enseigner aux adultes de la communaute, echanger et partager nos visions du monde.

Pour vivre pleinement cette experience je recommande aux futurs volontairesde rester au minimum 1 mois et demi pour avoir pleinement le temps de se familiariser avec la culture et les enfants. Une fois que vous aurez appris a les connaitre vous serez definitivement seduit et aurez envie, comme j ai put le faire, de prolonger votre sejour ici

What was your funniest moment?
Voir deux petits garcons se comparaient les muscles du bras
79 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Love HCA

I began working with Honduras Child Alliance in February 2019 as the Healthy Snacks Coordinator. In the past five months, I have felt so safe and supported during my time in El Porvenir, and have had the opportunity to get to know people from all over the world and make a difference working with kids. Honduras is a beautiful country with so much to offer, and our community of El Porvenir is extremely safe and supportive of travelers. The town is situated right on the Caribbean and has a great reputation. The locals are friendly and always interested in what we are doing, and the kids are amazing. Our students are so bright and kind, and once you make the choice to make a difference with them, you're changed forever. I have two more months left in lovely El Porvenir, and I intend to spend the rest of my time continuing to immerse myself in this beautiful and safe culture.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If you're wondering if you should travel to Honduras and change the lives of kids, just do it!
79 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My time with HCA

My time with Honduras Child Alliance was the best experience of my college career. I went the summer before my senior year of college as part of an internship and it was incredible. My favorite part about the work we did itself was the fact that every day was different. Some days you would be teaching kindergarten, youth, and adult English classes and other days you would be out in the community handing out flyers about our classes. Or working on constructing a baño for a family in the community. But no matter what you were doing you were always surrounded by the incredible friends you made with other volunteers and community members! Nights were filled with family dinners with volunteers or long conversations with friends in the community, and sometimes even a quick lesson on how to dance bachata or how to make a good tortilla. You really feel like a part of the community with HCA and that makes the whole experience that much more incredible. I loved it so much I’ve decided to return for a year!

What was your funniest moment?
One night to celebrate the end of a session of our adult class all of the volunteers and adult students put on crazy outfits and had a celebration! We played musical chairs, ate some snacks, and laughed A LOT. It was so much fun to just connect with some of our students, most of who were about the same age as me!
60 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience of my life!

I first volunteered with HCA in 2016 and absolutely fell in love with El Porvenir and Honduras. The town is so friendly and it is perfectly located next to a larger city and also by the beach so it has the best of both worlds. The community in El Porvenir is what makes HCA so special, everyone is so welcoming. HCA works with the community, including employing a number of local interns. Volunteers are from all over the world which means that some of my closest friends are from Spain, Scotland, and America thanks to my time volunteering with HCA. The program works alongside the Honduran school system and classes have a strong emphasis on learning through play. HCA accepts many different types of volunteers, including medical, dental and university workgroups to construction projects. If you're looking for something different from your regular life and off the beaten track in Central America, I can't recommend HCA enough.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would tell myself not to worry about making mistakes when speaking Spanish. All the community members that I spoke with were all understanding that I was learning Spanish and they helped me practice. I wish that I got over my fear to speak sooner because as soon as I started speaking Spanish, it was an incredible way to talk with the kids and community.
39 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A place to call my second home

I volunteered for Honduras Child Alliance and it was unlike any other experience I have had in Latin America because it was the only one where I felt like a part of the community and not just a visitor. HCA has done an amazing job integrating into the community and has become a foundational part of the lives of the kids in El Porvenir. People are welcoming and friendly and as soon as the kids learn your name they will be calling you every time you walk down the street.
You can expect a high energy, high creativity atmosphere with a bunch of really awesome volunteers to share the experience. My co-volunteers were from all sorts of countries and have developed to be lifelong friends. Being part of HCA was one of the best decisions I've made and leaving was one of the hardest.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Baleadas ! I had never heard of them and now I cannot stop the craving !
39 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best experiences of my life!

I arrived in Honduras in February of 2019 to become Honduras Child Alliance's Outreach Manager. I've been here for four months now and I have absolutely loved every single second of my time here. Before coming here I was very nervous about safety in Honduras because being from the United States all you hear is how dangerous Central America is, but there has not been a single time that I have felt unsafe here. The community of El Porvenir is so welcoming to all new volunteers, allowing everyone to make real connections and friendships in the community. I have learned so much from spending time with the children of the community about how to be a more compassionate and empathetic human just because of the fact that life here is so drastically different from the life most people live in the United States or any other developed country. This experience truly has changed my life thus far and I could not recommend volunteering with Honduas Child Alliance enough!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
One of my pieces of advice would be to take advantage of every single opportunity to be a part of the wonderful community of El Porvenir, whether that be watching the soccer game at the local field, or getting food at the local restaurant and chatting with the owners, Iris and Montoya.
37 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience in Honduras

My experience at HCA is really amazing. I have the opportunity to help children of the community and it is very nice to see their happy smile when they learn something. I am currently organising a curriculum with nutrition and business so we can teach them so new notions.
Concerning the safety in Honduras, even if the current political situation is incertain and confusing, we are living in a village near the sea, El Porvenir, and I’ve always felt very safe here.
It is also wonderful to get to know the people in the communities. We have good relationships with people around the town, as the interns that are working with us.
The staff of HCA is also really nice and opened to new ideas, it is wonderful to work with them and I am thankful for this amazing experience!

What was your funniest moment?
The atmosphere between volunteers is very nice and we have a lot of funny moments.
30 people found this review helpful.

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