  • Costa Rica
2 to 4 weeks
Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans
Health & Safety

Program Details

Age Min.
Summer Winter
Guesthouse Host Family Hostel
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30) Large Group (31+)


Starting Price
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
May 28, 2024
Dec 04, 2020
18 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Enter the lush and diverse landscape of Costa Rica, and embrace “pura vida”: the pure life. This epic adventure takes you through the rich highland jungles of the cloud forest to the culturally diverse Caribbean seaside beaches. This cross-country journey includes zip-lining, night safaris, a 2-day white-water rafting trip, and incredible wildlife such as sloths, jaguars, and dart frogs. Push your comfort zone while living on a jungle farm and immersing yourself in the numerous and vibrant cultures of southeastern Costa Rica, all while leaving a positive impact on the communities you visit.

Combine your trip with Nicaragua and save $400! (21 Days)

This program is currently not being promoted on Go Overseas by its provider. Check with GIVE Volunteers for the most up-to-date information regarding the status of this program.

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GIVE's mission is to inspire growth, empower global citizens, and ignite sustainable change worldwide. To truly inspire growth and achieve sustainable travel internationally, GIVE has adopted the Asset-based community development (ABCD) model, a set of proven best practices in sustainable development that mobilizes a community’s assets and resources as the basis for development. Furthermore, through providing hands-on and eye-opening learning experiences that foster authentic connections between participants and host community members, we can empower global citizens who will continue to spread GIVE’s values and ignite sustainable change worldwide.

Ethical Impact

Exploring the world with GIVE is all about responsible travel, but what does that really mean?
Mindful Tourism + Community Partnership = Economic Growth & Community Empowerment.

Part of what makes GIVE trips so special is being fully immersed in the cultures and communities we visit. However, we take extra steps to ensure we minimize our influence and always respect local cultures. We prepare all participants before travel and ensure they understand the culture and how to dress appropriately.

Program Highlights

  • Zipline through the iconic Cloud Rainforest
  • Be surrounded by rainforest wildlife such as sloths and exotic birds
  • Support food security of indigenous communities through permaculture
  • Embark on a 2-Day Whitewater Rafting Journey
  • Immerse yourself in the rich Costa Rican culture

Program Reviews

4.95 Rating
based on 40 reviews
  • 5 rating 95%
  • 4 rating 5%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.95
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.9
  • Value 4.9
  • Safety 4.95
Showing 17 - 24 of 40 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

GIVE Nepal Review

This was an awesome trip, and one of the most challenging but fun things I've ever done before. I loved the guides who were part of our trip, as I think they really made the experience as fun as it was. I feel like I really made some important and lasting connections while here. I would definitely recommend this trip for anyone who wants a good adventure, as there is quite a lot of independence to explore where you are staying. Additionally, the culture component of this trip is really strong, which is something I really enjoyed. I felt like the community really enjoyed our presence and wanted to learn from us as much as we wanted to learn from them. It was overall just an unforgettable experience, and I loved everything we did, even when I felt incredibly challenged.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-wracking moment for me was the hike into Langtang, as it was the longest and hardest hike I've ever done. I was intimidated to start, but after receiving the support from my guides and fellow members on the trip I started to realize that it wasn't all that bad and I was much more ready to climb the mountain.
52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

GIVE Volunteer Tibetan Fronteir

This trip successfully immerses the participants in the culture of the area and provides first hand experience of local community life. The guides do their best to help the volunteers understand the cost of living up in this region, not only in financial expenses but also physical and mental tolls. The region was heavily affected by the 2015 earthquake, history, religious artifacts, families, and livelihood were lost as a direct result and it has been a long four years healing from the impacts. Though there are still very visible scars on the landscape and the people themselves they have not let the effects stop them from pressing on. Their strength is inspiring and I could only hope to one day be like them. I personally hope to return to the region in the future and continue to help them grow, cherish, and maintain their culture.

What would you improve about this program?
Preparation for physical expectations, though there was a section about the hiking trip I felt I would have benefitted from a play by play for the hiking so I could have prepared myself more fully.
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


This trip was better than I ever imagined it to be! Everyone I met throughout this experience was so welcoming, caring, friendly, and it really felt like a big family! The guides were very organized and created an environment where everyone felt comfortable. The relationships they created with the locals was so amazing to see and allowed us to truly get a cultural experience by the lessons taught by the community. Every aspect of the trip, from the transportation to the tea houses we stayed in, was very well planned out and the experiences we had were unforgettable. At each place we had the chance to visit, we were welcomed with open arms and warm hearts! Our group was always laughing, having fun, and getting to know each other while being surrounded by the amazing scenery! GIVE is a one of a kind family that I am so thankful to now be a part of!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to future travelers would be to try everything, get outside of your comfort zone, and really immerse yourself in the experience. For me personally, I have never been an adventurous eater, but throughout this trip my group encouraged me to try new things which allowed me to really experience the culture! I also recommend completely unplugging and really spending time with the people around you and taking in the place you are in because this experience is truly a once in a lifetime!
48 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Trip of a lifetime!

The Tibetan Frontier is a trip I would send everyone and anyone on. This trip was more than I could have ever asked for. Between challenging myself on the hike, loving on the beautiful children, helping with the school, being surrounded by the Himalayas, or the great group of people I met on this trip, I couldn’t be more happy with the experience. Going on GIVE’s Tibetan Frontier trip wasn’t something I thought I would ever do, but now I want nothing more than to go back. The guides were everything you would want when traveling to a new country. They were knowledgeable, friendly, loving and gave me a push to never give up and get out of my comfort zone. I will never forget the memories, the beauty and the amazing people I met. If you want to experience something amazing then do it!

What was your funniest moment?
The funniest moment was just connecting with the rest of the people on the trip. With everyone being out of their comfort zones you talk about some crazy things and share things you never though you would. Also listening to music in the mountains, not having energy to keep walking but we sure could keep singing and dancing on our way.
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Adventurers Paradise

Namaste fellow travelers! My knowledge about Nepal prior to my trip with GIVE, I knew just short of nothing. I knew Mt. Everest was there and jumped at the chance to take on the challenge of a 13 day trek to base camp. However, there is much more to Nepal than Mt. Everest. There is adventure at every bend in the mountain compounded with rich culture and plenty of dhal bhat.

My experience with GIVE is simple: their regional coordinators (cross your fingers for Amy) administered all the transportation to and fro the work site, provided a place to stay, and food to eat, and did an amazing job making sure we had everything we needed, however, Nepal did the rest. It was the diverse landscapes that blew me away, it was the religious tolerance, the beautiful ancient architecture, but most importantly, it was the people-- the people who welcomed us into their homes with open arms, who always greeted us with gratitude and couldn't have been more thankful for all of our shared desires to serve their community.

You WILL NOT be disappointed with this trip, it has truly impacted me in more ways than I can even grasp. I would do it over again and again. Hell, I probably will. Happy traveling!

What would you improve about this program?
I know that this is usually a really important section for review boards so that companies can improve, however, I had such a good time on my trip that there isn't anything that I would change, nor is there anything that I would want the organization to change.
57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Nepal Tibetan Frontier

This experience was far beyond incredible. Through GIVE, I learned about what it means to be a global citizen, and all of the beauty and magic it entails to be immersed in a culture different than your own. I learned about ecotourism, and the importance of "voting with your dollar." This concept is one in which volunteers are encouraged to support the different "ma and pa shops," so to speak. Supporting local businesses is essential in a place that solely relies on tourism. I will take these lessons with me the next time I explore the world, and in every day life as they can be useful in any place.

The culture in Nepal is truly like no other. Never have I ever gone somewhere and instantly felt comfortable and became family with the locals. Their genuine kind souls inspire me immensely. I will never forget their playful hearts and all the hugs and love they gave us. It's rare to find a community that has been devastated by so much tragedy and yet still stands so tall, and still spreads optimism to whoever may cross their path. The locals often exclaimed, "long life!"

What was your funniest moment?
My funniest moment had to have been laughing with one of the locals. We had been trekking for hours. It was a hot day under the Himalayan sun. And all the sudden, I started to giggle. It created a ripple effect amongst the group, and one of our local guides joined in on the fun. We laughed for a while, without having any reason to. Just simply being present and filled with happiness that we both got the opportunity to experience something like this filled our hearts with joy to the point where our bodies couldn't take it anymore, and we burst out into giggles. "Laughing is healthy!" he exclaimed. We continued on our trek that day with a little more pep in our steps, and smiles spread wide.
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

This Trip Taught Me What's Valuable In Life

Withhold all of your expectations and assumptions about volunteering abroad, because in reality a trip with GIVE will likely blow them out of the water. Not only do you get to make a positive difference in the lives of those less fortunate, you get to connect with people who share your views about the world, partake in one of your life's grandest adventures, as a solid team, and return home with enough insight and passion flowing through you still that the benefits make their way into your personal life. The single greatest effect my two weeks in Nepal had on me was the chance it gave for me to feel truly grateful for what I am given as someone living in a developed world. It is one thing to know you were lucky where you were born, but it is quite another to immediately strip away these luxuries for an extended period of time and try to make do with good company and a unifying mission.

I can still clearly remember my thoughts of excitement and distress leading up to the trip last June. There was a part of me that wanted to stay home where it was safe, but another that wanted to take the risk, get out of my comfort zone, and undergo an experience that would let me see the world for what it really is. The staff at GIVE greatly aided me on my journey to discover what kind of person I want to become. They never made me feel unsafe in my surroundings, provided great structure to each day's schedule, held nightly conversations about the impact we were having, and encouraged me to learn and have fun at every corner. GIVE does a great job of rewarding its volunteers with adventure days too In Nepal we spent two whole days whitewater rafting, and even had time to go on a safari and visit all the major cities of the country.

The people you meet when you go on a trip are not just average people living average lives. From staff to volunteers to the people you assist overseas, it is far too common to find smiles on their faces, their minds engaged, and their arms outstretched. I recommend this trip to anyone that is trying to discover their true calling, wants to meet amazing people, is in a rough patch, or simply wants to experience tourism from a intimate, hands-on perspective.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
bring enough medicine and gear to stay happy and healthy
dont worry about connecting with everyone. this is your trip.
55 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

GIVE NEVER Disappoints!

GIVE's Nepal program is one of the best out there. After every GIVE trip, I feel more and more complete. You'll meet wonderful people, do meaningful work, and see a part of the world that people rarely get to see and feel. If you have the opportunity, take a trip with GIVE. The Nepal program will always have a special place in my heart.
You arrive in Kathmandu and immediately have a feeling to explore. You can go with new friends to see the sites in Kathmandu; see shops, visit the largest Buddhist monument in the world, or grab some food and see the views of the capital of Nepal.
The group travels to Pas Lang outside of Ghorka and all stay at a comfortable hotel which is owned and operated by welcoming and generous people. While working in the village of Pas Lang, I met great people who were eager to learn about me as I was eager to learn about them. You'll create such a close bond that you'll never want to say goodbye!
Luckily, the adventure part will keep you busy. I had so much fun on the white water rafting trip. I was laughing and feeling the rush the whole way. I also get to say I've seen Mt Everest face-to-face, during the base camp trek add-on.
If you feel anxious about going on the trip, don't be. The guides are knowledgeable and reliable, the people of Nepal are wonderful and trying new things and new food was worth it. Don't miss out!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Have you ever seen a mountain as tall as the highest clouds in the sky? Neither did I until seeing Mt. Manaslu at your accomodations.
52 people found this review helpful.

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