  • Peru
    • Cusco
2 weeks

Program Details

Host Family


Price Details
What's included in the program fee?
- Registration fee: 100 USD
- Volunteering Program: High quality volunteer program in a local grassroots organization.
- Volunteer residence accommodation: Volunteers will stay with a host family in a single or shared room (depending on availability).
- Three meals a day: The host family provides three daily local meals - breakfast, lunch, and dinner from Monday to Saturday.
Apr 27, 2016
Aug 24, 2018
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About Program

Awaiting Angels focuses on painting, decorating, repairing, and renovating infrastructures in the field. Groups of Volunteers will be improving the infrastructure of public schools, local health clinic, orphanages, child care centres, poor kindergartens, sports field, arts centre or community centers. The project also offers volunteers the opportunity to explore the local area and visit the famous citadel of Macchu Picchu.

Program Reviews

4.60 Rating
based on 5 reviews
  • 5 rating 60%
  • 4 rating 40%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.6
  • Support 4.4
  • Fun 4.4
  • Value 4.4
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Totalmente recomendable!

Al principio estaba un poco asustada por irme tan lejos, un país diferente... pero la experiencia no ha podido ser mejor. Desde el principio Kelly, Jenny y Felipe han estado pendientes de nosotros, nos han ayudado con el transporte y nos hemos sentido seguros con sus orientaciones. La ciudad es tranquila y a la vez está llena de cosas que hacer. Las excursiones aquí son preciosas, hemos visitado paisajes realmente únicos. Además, el hecho de alojarnos con una familia local ha enriquecido mucho nuestra experiencia, gracias a su ayuda, comidas típicaa y agradables conversaciones.
Y bueno, cómo no hablar del proyecto! He estado en un centro de salud aquí en Cuzco, en una zona desfavorecida, y he podido aprender muchísimo. No solo académicamente, si no a nivel personal, de un sitema de salud y una forma de trabajar totalmente diferente, del trato cercano, del médico que conoce de cerca a sus pacientes y de improvisar para sacar lo mejor de los recursos que uno tiene por pocos que estos sean.
Así con todo, estoy muy feliz de haber formado parte de esta aventura :)

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Conclusiones y valoración del programa

Mi experiencia ha sido buena en términos generales. Es cierto que no me he sentido tan útil como cooperante como parecía cuando consulté la información, pero eso es normal, dado que aún estoy completando mi formación y el centro de salud en el que he estado trabajando ya tiene personal suficiente para atender a sus pacientes. Aún así, he colaborado en todo lo que he sabido y podido y sí que me ha parecido que he pasado unas semanas enriquecedoras, desde un punto de vista práctico y experiencial. Digo esto porque he visto y participado en situaciones que no había visto antes en mi país, ni siquiera estudiando medicina. Por ello, creo que me he beneficiado en buena medida de haber pasado tiempo aquí y me alegro de haberlo hecho.

What would you improve about this program?
El único aspecto que me gustaría comentar en este apartado es el social. Aunque el primer día de programa se nos dio a conocer el centro de la ciudad junto con los voluntarios que habían llegado al mismo tiempo que nosotros, unas pocas personas, me gustaría que se fomentase también nuestra relación con otros voluntarios que ya estaban aquí o que iban llegando durante nuestra estancia, ya que conocimos a algunos por nuestra cuenta y realmente había muchas personas con las que relacionarse, compartir nuestras experiencias o apoyarse.
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Clinical Experience in Padre Cocha

I was placed in a small clinic in the town of Padre Cocha. As a medical student, I wanted a chance to see what real-world application my studies so far could provide, learn about health care delivery, and build up enough vocabulary to communicate with patients in Spanish. Never having been to South America, I can't say I had any concrete expectations or that I was prepared for my arrival in terms of clothing, language skills or clinical experience. Because I was going to go straight from Peru back to medical school in Israel at the end of the internship, I had packed an enormous suitcase full of everything I might need in Peru as well as what I would need for the upcoming academic year. I would suggest packing lighter! Iquitos is a boat ride away, and you can purchase most day-to-day items there.
At the clinic, the staff initially assumed that I had more experience and/or credentials than I did. While slightly unsettling at first, this gave me the opportunity to explain my limitations and learn from them. There, the greatest determinant of my experience was my ability and willingness to ask questions. Having completed only my first year of medical school, my knowledge was sparse and I had plenty of room to grow. While there are very few complicated cases coming into such a small and poorly equipped clinic, I learned an enormous amount in only three weeks. Clearly, this was not at all limited to medical knowledge. I became much better at understanding and communicating in Spanish and I learned a lot about health care delivery in a somewhat isolated area. I was able to see firsthand how social, political, and geographical circumstances affect people's ability to access and benefit from healthcare.
The experience was more than an internship, though. People inside and outside of the clinic were friendly, interesting, and open. The family that we stayed with was wonderful and included us in some of their social events, whether it was a party or just walking around town after dinner.

What would you improve about this program?
More specific instructions pre-arrival would be useful. For instance, clearly stating that participants are responsible for arranging accomodations except during the exact dates of the internship, what kind of supplies are needed at the clinic, etc. These things didn't directly impact the quality of the experience after arriving, but they could have made arrival and settling in go more smoothly.
My case was a bit more confused than others, because I applied along with someone else who did not pass along some of the pre-arrival information. In the future, it would be safer to assume that if a participant does not receive information directly from Awaiting Angels, s/he has not received it at all.
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Winter in Cuzco

I had the opportunity to volunteer over the christmas break in 2010 and my experience with Awaiting Angels was amazing!! I volunteered as an english tutor with less fortunate children in one of the markets. I was very touched by the experience and I loved it so much that I will volunteer again this year.

Jenny and her family made me feel like at home, for a very comfortable price. The neighborhood is safe, the food is delicious and the amenities will make you feel at home.

Cuzco is an amazing place, beautiful ruins and history behind the area. The people is very warm and welcoming, the weather is cold and the altitude might be hard on some folks, but in general is a beautiful place. There everything to do, jut make sure you take a rain coat and hiking boots (just in case).

PS. spending Christmas and New Year's there was a lot of fun.

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Amazing opportunity with Awaiting Angels

I volunteered for a month and a half in a medical clinic in Cusco. It was one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences I have ever done. I was given lots of responsibility and trusted among the staff to pull my weight. Definitely highly encouraged to speak close to fluent Spanish, because it makes it much easier to lend a helping hand and work independently. I loved my host family and plan on staying in touch with them and hopefully visiting them again!

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