  • South Africa
    • Cape Town
1 to 52 weeks
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Program Details

Age Min.
Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Host Family
Travel Type
Older Travelers


Starting Price
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
Aug 09, 2023
Dec 28, 2021
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About Program

Volunteer in South Africa with Projects Abroad in the beautiful city of Cape Town. You’ll support local communities through our ongoing development programs.

There are several different volunteer opportunities in and around Cape Town. You can support early childhood development at disadvantaged care centers in the townships, or work as an intern with grass-roots organizations.

Cape Town is a traveler’s dream! During your free time, you can visit the iconic Table Mountain or go see the Big Five on a weekend away safari!

This is a beautiful country and we're proud of the work we're doing here.

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Travel with purpose! Projects Abroad champions responsible adventures, connecting you with communities through low-impact volunteer work. Ditch tourist traps, build rainforests, empower children, safeguard wildlife, and much more. Make meaningful journeys that leave a lasting positive impact - explore sustainable travel and become a global changemaker today!

Visit our website to learn more about our pioneering approach to sustainability.

Ethical Impact

Join Projects Abroad, a force for good connecting volunteers with communities. Build green futures, fight inequality, and empower locals on impactful adventures.

Visit our website to learn more about our impact worldwide.

Program Highlights

  • Choose a project you are passionate about that fits your interests
  • Select your own start date and duration
  • Get 24/7 support from the local staff and head office team
  • Make a difference where it is needed most
  • Have fun exploring the country and its culture over the weekends

Popular Programs

Volunteer with Children in South Africa

Do volunteer work with children in South Africa and focus on supporting early childhood development.

Volunteer with Animals in South Africa

Gain practical experience with animals and support staff at a shelter or help rehabilitate seabirds at a rescue center.

Volunteer Teaching IT in South Africa

Teach computer skills to disadvantaged children and adults while experiencing life in vibrant Cape Town.

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 30 reviews
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  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.85
  • Support 4.8
  • Fun 4.8
  • Value 4.75
  • Safety 4.6
Showing 25 - 30 of 30 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Care and Surfing Projects in Cape Town

I volunteered at a creche for kids in the morning in Vrygrond, a township in Cape Town, where parents frop there kids during the day while they work or look for work. The kids were absolutely amazing we had fun introducing games such as duck duck goose, watching movies, doing writing exercises, singing, and playing. the kids were ages six months to six years old and everyday you were greeted by an enthusiastic "TEACHER!" from all of the kids. In the afternoons I hopped on the train for a quick ride to Muizenberg where I taught surfing at the Surfing Project where kids would get free surfing lessons in the afternoon. We led them trough warm ups which included building sandcastles they would practice turns on and practicing paddling on surfboards drawn in the sand. Then we would take to the water for some fun in the waves! Afterwards if time allowed we could play some wave tag before the kids had to wiggle out of their wet suits and head home.

On the weekends and at night we got all of our fun touristy things in I was able to go skydiving, shark cage diving, hike Table Mountain, visit Robben Island, visit Seal Island, hike out to Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope, watch a soccer match at the world cup stadium, watch a Western Province rugby match, go on a sunset cruise, go to an ostrich farm, and go on safari!

An incredible trip overall; if you're looking for a place to go with plenty of adventure and a phenomenal volunteer experience then look no further than Cape Town!

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Projects Abroad changed my life.

I volunteered with Projects Abroad in their PAHRO (Projects Abroad Human Rights Office) department in South Africa as a part of the two-week special volunteer programs that Projects Abroad offers. As a minor, this was by far the ideal volunteer situation for me. I felt extremely safe and welcomed into the home of my host mother, and placed in this home with two other volunteers in the same program as me, so we were able to commute to work in the mornings safely in a group.
To be entirely honest, the work we were doing was not top-notch or life-changing for the individuals in Cape Town's townships that we were 'aiding'. The woman in charge of our group was distracted, unorganized, and not particularly helpful. However, what I have learned and gained from this program has truly changed my life. The people that we were there to help, the women and children of Cape Town's townships, impacted my life more than I can simply describe. The individuals there shared such a profound sense of community and joy for life, despite their very unfortunate living conditions, and the other young people in my volunteer group shared my passion for helping others and really taught me a lot about life. My host mother is one of the most wonderful people I have ever met, we still keep in touch and she taught me about the South African ideology of "ubuntu", which I have carried with me since leaving the country and this has truly become my motto in life.
Since returning from the trip, I have attempted to continue in this spirit of ubuntu and raise money for the building of a safe house in one of the townships. I still keep in touch with the wonderful members of my volunteer group, as well as my host mother.
In short, it was the people that I encountered, not really the program itself, that truly made this trip as wonderful and life-changing as it was. My entire view of things and take on the central ideology of my life has changed because of this trip.

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Projects Abroad, the Major Factor in the Change of my World Outlook

This was a column I wrote in the summer of 2009, just before I left my placement in Cape Town with Projects Abroad:

It is the middle of winter here in Cape Town. The days are warm and the nights are cold. The city is full of energy, bustling with the sounds of cars and minibuses, music, shouting, barking, laughter, echoes and footsteps. Giant mountains surround the city, majestically towering over the people, breaking the wide and wild sky overhead.

Over the past weeks, I have fallen in love with this country — its landscape, its people, its corruption, its unity. It is nothing like the upper-middle class suburban bubble that I call home. Actually, it is nothing I could have ever even imagined.

The atmosphere at the heart of Cape Town is similar to that of any big cities in the States, such as Boston or Denver. Commercialism is abundant, skyscrapers and beautifully-designed office buildings crowd the streets, lights and neon signs brighten the evening, and a certain level of overall style saturates the area. But just outside of the city, the third-world colors of South Africa truly shine.

Driving down the highway, I see shanties overlapping each other for miles on either side, built out of cardboard, tin, trash, bed springs, wire and rope. My gaze lingers on young children kicking up dust, running around tires, and playing soccer barefoot with large bottles. I watch their older brothers and sisters pace along the roadside with their thumbs up, hoping for a ride that won't come for hours, if it even comes at all. I see mothers with hopelessness and exhaustion etched across their faces. They trudge through the grass on feet worn and caked with mud. I watch them, clutching round-faced infants wrapped in long cloths close to their breasts. This is the hand they have been dealt. This is the life their young ones will unfortunately grow to lead. What other choice do they have? They are stuck in the same merciless cycle one finds in every other third-world country. Without money, there can be no education. Without education, employment is out of the question. And without some kind of job, they find themselves back at square one.

This dark and ever-present reality was part of what inspired me to teach English to first-graders in Cape Town this summer. After months of fundraising, working part-time, babysitting, and pulling my hair out, I was placed at Fairview Primary School through an international program called Projects Abroad. Fairview is a wonderful public school located in Grassy Park, which strives towards a proper and thorough education for each and every student. But for every teacher, there are usually about 40 children, with minimal classroom resources. I am assisting almost 100 children in total, working on sentence building and structure, reading and writing. Each class makes time for storytelling and recreation each day to keep the children's minds open and stimulated. In addition, music and song are highly integral parts of each child's education, as they allow children to learn all kinds of concepts and values in a playful and interactive way.

Fairview Primary School was constructed during apartheid in 1975. During this period of extreme segregation and discrimination against nonwhites, Grassy Park had been a primarily colored area. The school itself was a pre-fabricated building, only meant to last for about 10 to 15 years. Now, 35 years later, the building still stands, although it is slowly falling apart. The walls are only 28 millimeters thick, almost guaranteeing poor teaching conditions for both the winter and summer months. The sports field which is used by around 1,000 children each day was replaced 10 years ago, but is now a field of dust. "There just seems to be no money to fix up the school," Principal Aubrey De Wet says. "Funds have always been such a large problem." Unlike most other countries, South Africa demands a fee for any child to attend any school, whether public or private. In addition, schools already receive very minimal state funding. Therefore, it becomes very difficult for schools to offer any financial aid to their families that struggle to meet ends with the school fees. Last year was the first year Fairview Primary ever had to turn down places for incoming students. And we think our education system has problems.

However, there are some very positive things about this specific school. Firstly, the school offers a range of intramural activities after hours. These activities are taught by gracious teachers who give their time up willingly and refuse payment. Teachers also stay with their same class of students from Grade 1 through Grade 3, which helps to compensate for such a large student-teacher ratio. Furthermore, the school refuses to use physical disciplinary action. Finally, there is always a steady flow of volunteers passing through the school, whether they are placed by Projects Abroad, through other schools and universities around the world, or are independent travelers.

The volunteer work in the school has given me such a strong feeling of personal achievement and satisfaction. Teaching here has also taught me patience beyond what I ever thought I would be capable of at my age.

In fact, this entire adventure so far has been nothing short of amazing. Many people told me "traveling changes everything" before I left and even on my flight, but I never expected just how right they would be. Being out of my comfort zone and experiencing this whole new world has given me a completely different perspective on life. Why did I ever care about what clothes I wore, or what kind of cell phone I had, or who was right in last night's argument?

Here, clothes do not matter. Cell phones are all pay-as-you-go, and are too expensive to use frequently. The internet is a luxury. The train stations are packed with people but at least smell better than the London underground. Cars do not slow for pedestrians, no matter how young or old. Youngsters stray from safety without fear, running across streets, dodging traffic left and right. Stray dogs look both ways before they cross.

At night, it is safer to go through red lights than to stop at them. The marketplaces are alive with locals and tourists. A stranger looking for attention calls out of his car asking where an attractive girl's father is, and does he know she is out? Men wait at intersection stops to sell handmade crafts to people in their cars. Make up is almost nonexistent. Women stick by each other, and are always looking to offer advice. Time means little. Family means everything. A sunset on Signal Hill is a piece of artwork. A sunrise in Nature's Valley is the presence of God. Culture is celebrated. Food is never wasted. Innocence is a gift. Forgiveness is essential. People are beautiful. Struggle is normality. Music is everywhere. Life is for the moment.

If I may offer only one piece of advice from my experience, it is this: explore humanity. Venture out of your little corner and get your hands dirty. Expose your eyes to the wonders of the world we live in. Eat things that disgust you. Try things that scare you. Get to know the kinds of people you judged before you even met them, and reassess. Reach out to anyone who reaches for you. Reach out even when they don't reach for you.

And don't bother planning it all out, because the best plans often go astray. Instead, be spontaneous, and experiment your way through life. The best things happen to us when we aren't looking for them.

About Projects Abroad in South Africa:

Projects was incredible to me. When I applied to the program, I was only 17 years old - one of the youngest volunteers ever to travel to Cape Town alone through Projects, they told me. PA took wonderful care of me from start to finish. Once a week, we had social networking events for all of the volunteers in the city, and the volunteers would all catch a bus from their houses together. However, it was not a program that was so protected that I was sheltered from the culture of South Africa. I definitely experienced my fair share of everyday life while I was abroad. Projects Abroad doesn't hold your hand, but they do help you in every way they can extend their reach to you. There is a certain level of maturity that needs to come along with traveling abroad through ANY volunteer program. Projects gave me an incredible opportunity and did what they could for me, but with every program, it is the STUDENT that creates his/her true and unique experience.

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Junior year of high school I wanted to do something cool and spice up my life. I decided to volunteer in S. Africa. Projects Abroad is safe, responsible and all inclusive. I felt at home and made some of the best friends of my life. I still keep in contact with them and talk to some biweekly. This impacted my life in so many ways, it gave me appreciation on everything that I took for granted before and overall improved my life substantially. PROJECTS ABROAD... DO IT!

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Time in Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town is one of the most stunning cities in the world. It is not just the weather or the scenic views, but the human spirit and the warmth of strangers that makes it so special.

I came to Cape Town not sure what really to expect. The host family I had is one of the greatest host families anyone could ever ask for. I know all volunteers will tell you they had the best, but mine is the real deal. From the moment I arrived, I was welcomed with open arms and I became a member of the family within seconds. They instantly felt like old relatives you haven’t seen in years, but with whom you connect instantly. And like any good relatives, they give you the best cooking you can ask for. I do not think I have ever eaten so well in my life! There was something new, delicious and traditional every night. And if I ever needed help, I knew they would be there for me.

During my first month I was a volunteer at Hillwood Primary School. Hillwood is sadly severely under funded in the community of Lavender Hill. This is the reason why Projects Abroad is involved. For one solid month, I was the physical education teacher and I would not trade that month for anything. I was able to teach grades 3-6 new sports and new games. Being a patriotic Canadian, I just had to bring hockey gear, and I am so glad I did. I have never seen such amazing and beautiful smiles as when the kids saw the equipment: hockey sticks, nets, goalie masks and jerseys. Nor have I ever had such an amazing and fun street hockey experience.

Among the wonderful experiences I had in South Africa are those I had with the other volunteers, who I can honestly say are some of the greatest friends I have ever made. Not only that, but I instantly connected with everyone. The times you spend together at Muizenberg Beach, Camps Bay, Long Street, Observatory, watching a Cricket match live in Newlands, the socials and weekend trips Projects Abroad organizes, going to Table Mountain or where ever you can imagine, you will have a blast. Cape Town has so much to offer. Take it all in. And be sure to do it with your new best friends! Because of these friends, you never really get home sick, as odd as that may sound. You are with them a good majority of your time so you never think about it. Because of this reason you always feel like you are home no matter where you are in Cape Town.

My second month in South Africa was supposed to be one of traveling and seeing the country. Oddly, I never did it. For that, I thank two of the greatest friends I have ever made that were also volunteering with Projects Abroad. They were at Westlake Worship Centre helping run a kids program during summer break. Any day you get to goof around, sing songs, dance, play games outside and do crafts with kids is a great day!

The Projects Abroad team in Cape Town was more than I ever expected. If you need anything, anything at all, any time of day or night, they are there for you. Not only are they there for you, but they go the extra mile every single time. The drive they have for helping to make change is just amazing, and inspires you to do your part.

My second month ended, and I was not ready to come home. I had found a new home! So after several hours of pleading, the Bank of Mom and Dad allowed me to stay for 3 more weeks. Now, I thought, I will travel. Again, I didn’t do it. I couldn’t leave the kids I had grown to love. I spent my last three weeks at Westlake.

I do not regret a single moment of my two and a half months. If you were to give me a ticket to go back tomorrow, I wouldn’t think twice about it. I have every intention to head back. Cape Town has a very special place in my heart. And it opened my eyes to a new world and to what life is all about.

On that note I would like to leave you saying this:
Life is never about what car you drive, how big your house is, or the size of your bank account. It is about who you are, and what you do to make the lives around you better.

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South Africa via Projects Abroad

South Africa is the perfect setting for an internship/study/volunteer abroad program.
For a volunteer looking to broaden their horizons by living with a family and working in the community, Projects Abroad is a perfect choice.

Staying with a host family just outside of Cape Town means exposure to a different lifestyle and way of thinking. The families are wonderful and welcoming. They'll do their best to make you feel like you're part of the family and will always go the extra mile.

The scene in Cape Town is wild. From the clubs to the restaurants to the tourist opportunities, there's never a dull moment. Cape Town is a pretty safe city, despite what you may hear. All it takes to be safe is vigilance and a little bit of foresight. Hike Table Mountain and then have a cocktail on Long Street, then head to the beaches for some people watching. Heading off to Stellenbosch to visit the wine farms for a weekend is another wonderful choice. Cape Point tour is a must. The District Six museum. The V&A Waterfront. The theaters. Kirstenbosch Gardens. If you're feeling adventurous, there's shark diving, skydiving, bungee jumping...If you get time, head down the Garden Route for a relaxing week away.

The train system is wonderful for day transportation, and there are plenty of cabs available at night for your group.

The volunteer projects range from teaching to building, with everything in between. Projects Abroad has a magazine called the Cape Chameleon, which features articles written by volunteers. The people you work with aren't just volunteers, they're often South Africans who are eager to provide insight into the South African experience. You'll see firsthand the devastation of poverty and the artistic natural beauty. You'll come back with an entirely different perspective on race issues. You'll be invigorated and renewed by your work.

The opportunities in South Africa are endless.

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