  • Spain
2 - 12 weeks

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Host Family Hotel
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
5-Week Program: $9,650
3-Week Program: $6,725

Program cost includes: lodging, all meals, transportation during the program, excursions and activities. Price does not include airfare to meet the group at the departure airport (JFK) or the international group flight to Spain.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals SIM cards Transportation Travel Insurance
What's Not Included
Dec 19, 2023
Jan 27, 2024
48 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

LITA is a unique, rural focused language immersion program in Spain. Our dynamic, academically challenging programs offer students finishing 9th-11th grades a different approach to exploring the vibrant elements of Spanish language and culture. Through small groups and individual attention, LITA offers personal, highly authentic immersive experiences to motivated students with a true commitment to language acquisition.

Programs are three and five weeks in length and center around a family homestay in small/medium sized communities in northern or southern Spain. All students take language classes and complete an independent project on a cultural topic of their choice. Five-week program students have the option to participate in a volunteer internship in the community. LITA programs focus on language as it relates to family life, food, music, history, and art. LITA programs are full immersion experiences, geared toward a more motivated and enthusiastic Spanish student.

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Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

At LITA, we stand alongside every student. Our team works closely with families to make sure everyone feels safe and welcome regardless of their ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and physical ability. We recognize that the journey toward true diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is on-going and ever-evolving. LITA is deeply committed to upholding our DEI promise and growing alongside the families and students we serve. Our philosophy is rooted in our dedication to offering students authentic and varied experiences in communities across rural Spain, emphasizing an understanding and celebration of differences.

Program Highlights

  • Rural travel.
  • Dynamic homestays.
  • Personalized programs.
  • Internship and research project opportunities.
  • Small group experiences.

Program Reviews

4.98 Rating
based on 60 reviews
  • 5 rating 98.33%
  • 4 rating 1.67%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 5
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.9
  • Housing 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 25 - 32 of 60 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Very unique and formative experience.

Lita's commitment to complete language and cultural immersion convinced me to go on the three-week South trip. From the moment I got off the plane and met the rest of the students in my group, everything was in Spanish. One of my favorite memories was playing cards with the other students in my group on one of the first nights and hanging out casually, completely in Spanish. The group leaders were not around to nag us, and we still spoke completely in Spanish. This program is very popular among other students who are willing to make a commitment to speaking Spanish for all three weeks, which creates a great environment for learning and full immersion.

The purpose of the trip, to improve the students' Spanish, learn about Spanish culture, and experience authentic Spanish life, was accomplished very successfully. But the many other merits of the trip which I did not expect include a deep relationship with my Spanish homestay family, introspective thinking and discoveries, active activities, and making good friends both in the homestay town and in my group of American students. The group leaders were great teachers: knowledgable, relatable, genuinely fun, and supportive.

My trip was one of the most formative experiences that I have had, where I learned the most about myself (which I did not expect). When the program asked for feedback and criticism to improve the trips, I genuinely could think of anything to give them. On the trip, each time I thought I had a suggestion, by the end of the trip I realized that my suggestion would make the program worse, and its structure and purpose should not change at all.

What separates Lita from other group travel programs is its full commitment to Spanish immersion, and how it allows students to experience authentic Spanish culture because the trips take place in very small towns.

I highly recommend!

  • Complete cultural and language immersion.
  • High quality people: group leaders, homestay families, and other students.
  • Learning about yourself through being in a different culture with different people.
58 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

LITA: two incredible, unforgettable summers

I was a student in LITA’s North program in 2017 after my freshman year of high school and also on the South program in 2019 after my junior year of high school. Having done the program twice, I can honestly say that LITA is a wonderful, fully engaging, indescribable experience and I got a tremendous amount out of it.

I had traveled significantly before having come to LITA but this program changed my perspective on what it means to be a traveler as opposed to a tourist in a foreign country. This program is truly unique compared to other programs in that the only country of focus is Spain. Upon being accepted to the program, I immediately saw that program director Jordan Romm was deeply involved in the process of creating the program and had a strong passion for Spain, its history, culture and people. He was able to place me in an internship that capitalized on my interests and challenged my language ability both summers. Throughout the programs, I truly felt like a participant in Spanish culture and felt welcomed by everyone along the way, which made me want to further immerse myself in the language and culture. LITA emphasizes that the immersion is the prerogative of the student, meaning each student has control over how much Spanish they speak and how much they interact with the Spanish people they meet along the way.

I also have met one of my best friends through these trips and we ended up at the same college together. I am now a second year in college and am pursuing a Spanish major. I will forever be grateful to LITA for the confidence in my Spanish ability the program gave me as well as the many connections and friendships I made along the way.

65 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

LITA — Summer of a Lifetime

When I think back to the summer I spent with LITA, I am reminded of the deep relationships I built with my homestay family and fellow LITA students, the incredible hidden parts of Spain I got to visit, and the enduring confidence LITA gave me in my Spanish.

Relationships: To this day I am still in contact with my host family. We exchange Christmas cards each year and Skype every once and a while to catch up on what is going on in our lives. During my time in my homestay town, my three host siblings, all younger, played a critical role in making me feel welcomed and in improving my Spanish. When I first arrived, my youngest host brother had built my name out of Lego’s and had drawn me a welcome sign. From then on, I grew close to all three of them as they taught me traditional games, let me in on family jokes, and took me to the library to find books of local refrains so I would understand what they were saying.

Parts of Spain: The two other summer immersion programs I completed prior to LITA did not include travel as a part of their programming. My experiences in Galicia, País Vasco, Los Pirineos, and Catalunya are experiences I will treasure for the rest of my life. They gave me a deep understanding of the diversity that Spain has to offer, and have served me well in providing context for literature I have read in my collegiate Spanish classes. LITA’s activities dive deep into the culture of Spain, ensuring students have experiences beyond just what tourists come to see.

Confidence: I came into LITA already a fairly proficient Spanish speaker, but my time with the program left me with confidence in my Spanish that still exists today. I opted to participate in an internship, working at a summer camp for kids during my stay in Castilla y León and my internship taught me to have the confidence to speak up even if I wasn’t sure what I was saying was correct. LITA is unique, too, in that I spoke only Spanish with the other students on the program. In other programs I participated in, I would switch between Spanish and English frequently, but with LITA, even when program leaders were not around I kept speaking Spanish. The consistency of speaking Spanish and the open community reinforced how much more important speaking up is than speaking correctly.

I can not recommend LITA enough. Jordan and the rest of his team do an absolutely FANTASTIC job of leading students in Spain. I cherish and will continue to cherish all of the memories I made during my favorite summer for the rest of my life. If you are considering traveling to Spain for a summer, you would be missing out if you didn’t choose LITA!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
The most unfamiliar thing I ate was percebes or goose-neck barnacles at a restaurant on the north coast. They were salty and rich, almost like a savory gummy bear. At first, I was skeptical that I would like them, but after a few, I was convinced!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Genuinely The Best Summer of My Life

When I was looking for a Spanish Immersion program, I felt as though I was sifting through different versions of the same reviews and programs. Personally, it was difficult for me to choose the program I thought would be a perfect pick. If I could go back and make the decision over again, I would choose LITA every time.
Allow me to take you through my experience from start to finish. Upon signing up for the program, Jordan, the heart and soul of the program, reached out to my family on multiple occasions for FaceTime calls. Here, he got to know me: my interests, my knowledge of the Spanish language, my personality, and so on. This level of care and attention, one that far exceeded all of my expectations, is characteristic of all of the staff with LITA.
Jordan and his team worked to get me an internship at a bakery in my host town after I shared my passion for baking and my desire to meet with people in the community. The internship provided me with experiences and connections beyond what I could have imagined. Similarly, my host family quickly became a second family to me. I was welcomed with open arms. I quickly became integrated into their large network of cousins, grandparents, family friends, and so on. To this day, I remain in contact with the entire family. This branches from snapchatting my host sister, to whatsapping my host mother, to getting calls from my host grandmother on any, and every, occassion. I had plans to go back and visit, but, unfortunately, the pandemic has made that difficult.
Now, potential students may still be apprehensive - what if they don't have a host family as welcoming as mine? What if their experiences with an internship is not similar to mine? That is when the other, equally shiney, bright, stars of the LITA program come in to play. LITA is a unique program as it does not focus on the touristy parts of the country. LITA takes you to all of the hidden gems of the country. They take you to places that tourists do not go. You get the chance to connect with locals and to truly immerse yourself in the culture and love that is present in Spain. Getting my Spain experience through these types of towns and cities made my time radically different than if I were to have stayed in Barcelona or Madrid, and I would not have wanted it any other way.
LITA truly is the best program of its kind. I could not reccomend it highly enough and, if given the opportunity to relive it, I would go back to day one in a heart beat. There are so many fantastic aspects of the program that I have not touched on, the connection you make with the other kids in the program, THE FOOD, the personal growth and maturity you see in yourself, the monitors, the beauty of the country, and so on. Basically, you have been lucky enough to stumble upon the gem of a program that is LITA. Do yourself a favor, and stop your search. LITA is it.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to future travelers on this program is do not get overwhelmed in the first week. Lean in to the discomfort you may be feeling. You are operating in a foreign language and culture. You are surrounded by strangers. It may be scary and it may make you feel like "oh no, what have I gotten myself into?" Don't worry. Everyone is scared. Be kind to yourself and have grace and find peace with the fact that you are learning. Leaning into the experience will leave you with friendships that will last you a lifetime and a familiarity with the Spanish language unlike what you could have imagined.
55 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

LITA: The Best Spanish Immersion Trip Possible

As a half-Cuban growing up on the West Coast in a primarily English speaking household, I had felt distant from Spanish speaking culture my whole life. My father spoke little Spanish to me growing up, but with my reluctance to learn at a young age, it never stuck with me. It wasn't until I was in high school when I felt a desire to really connect and learn the language of my family's culture. The director of LITA, Jordan, visited my high school Spanish class one day, and gave a presentation on what the program of LITA was, and their mission to not only introduce students to authentic, culturally rich parts of Spain, but to also facilitate an environment of independence and complete immersion in Spanish language. I was immediately excited, and that very day went home and made arrangements to go during the summer.

I am confident in saying that it was easily the best summer of my life. Right off the bat, our group, even before going to our host families, immediately stuck to the rule of exclusively using Spanish. Everyone understood that the program was all about getting out of it what you put into it. During that first week, we visited breathtaking parts of Western and Northern Spain, trying new foods, exploring unique towns and buildings, and bonding with each other. It was a perfect introduction, and set us up for the transition to staying in a small pueblo with our host families.

Without a doubt, my homestay was easily the highlight of the trip. I had two host brothers, both slightly younger than me, and two host parents. They were extremely kind and welcoming to me, a nervous high schooler anxious about living in a new family environment for nearly a month. However, by the very next day, I had completely settled in with the family, and started closely bonding with my host brothers especially. Within days, I could feel my Spanish improving at a staggering rate, fueled by my desire to better communicate with those around me, and really fit in. Before I knew it, I was exploring the pueblo with my host brother and his entire friend group, almost feeling like I had been living there for years. Together, we had amazing times chilling at the pool, playing poker at night, and visiting the summer pueblo festivals hosted every year. I even got close to some bull running that is hosted locally. To say the least, my time with the family was one of the most memorable and cherished memories of my entire life.

In addition to my homestay with the family, I also was working near daily at a local artisanal food shop, becoming friends with the guys who owned the business. They sold various local meats, bread, cheeses and more than you could ever imagine. Everyday they would teach me about the intricacies of different products, and I learned a lot from that. I interacted with the customers, who started recognizing me even outside the shop, as the pueblo was very small. All in all, my time at the shop was amazingly enriching, and taught me a lot about customer service, Spanish vocabulary for food and the workplace, and much more.

Overall, I cannot praise this program enough. When I eventually said my goodbyes I returned to the States with a heavy heart, but a cherished memory. Not only had I bonded deeply with a new community of people and a new style of life I had never before experienced, but I also came home with the confidence that I could now speak with my father and the rest of my family in the language I had always wanted to, and I only have Jordan, and his program LITA to thank for it. I hope my review inspires anyone who reads this to give this program a try, you will never regret it.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Most certainly lengua de vaca, or cow tongue. The shop I worked at sold extremely high quality lengua, and while I am an extremely ambitious eater, I was hesitant at first. However, it was simply an amazing meat, rich in flavor and with a great texture. In fact, right after trying that, my daily lunch there became a sandwich with tomato paste, olive oil and plenty of lengua, give it a try!
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

David's LITA Review

I've had the privilege of participating in four international summer camps, and I can say that LITA was, without question, the best in all senses. The program is perfectly structured so that students can quickly develop strong and close relationships—with the Spanish language, with Castilian culture, and with other other people.

1. I learned more Spanish in five weeks with LITA than in five years of classroom education. English was a rarity throughout the course, and I was constantly asked to step up, converse, and stretch my Spanish ability. I now have conversational Spanish abilities, and the difference it's made returning to America is staggering. I feel like a different person, and I've been able to talk with so many more people and take so many more opportunities thanks to Spanish.

2. I now feel a warm connection with Spanish culture; thanks to LITA's numerous tours of museums, castles, and the Spanish countryside, the distinctive three-week homestay, and the utter immersion of the experience, I feel like Spain is a second home. I still miss it today—late-night talks with my host family, seeing traditional folk concerts, extravagant lunches with extended relatives, and, of course, siesta.

3. Finally, the connections I made with the members of the program were some of the strongest I've ever made. LITA's small groups meant that it was possible to make quick friends, and that it was possible to speak out and be heard by the whole collective. Our assemblage of a dozen teenagers was filled with so amazing students fully-committed to the process of helping each other learn Spanish. I would say that the quality of the students was unparalleled and unmatched, except that this would be a lie. It's rare to meet one group of such amazing people, but with LITA I had the privilege of meeting two—the students, and the massive support network. I still text my host parents regularly, who showed me love and attention throughout an intensive and immersive month. All of the tour guides we worked with were excited, passionate, expert Spanish-speakers, and masters of their specific craft—singing, cooking, photography, etc. I miss the banter and rapport of our two group leaders, who helped bridge the gap between Spain and America and kept our group cohesive. And, of course, LITA director Jordan Romm showed immense generosity and kindness before, during, and after the program.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Jump in. LITA is an immersion program; be willing to immerse yourself. Part of what made the program spectacular was everyone's willingness to commit to Spanish, to immersion, and to five weeks spent together. The time truly flew by for me.
86 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Lita is the best summer program!

Lita was not only five of the most fun weeks of my life, but my language skills improved exponentially and I returned with the confidence to approach anyone. Lita pushed me out of my comfort zone by forcing me to talk to strangers, live in a totally different environment, and explore my surroundings. I made countless friends that I remain in touch with, including my amazing host family. The program was the perfect balance of spending time with the Lita group as well as the Spanish community. There was absolutely no English with my host family, which really pushed me to improve. Lita made me eager to continue immersing myself in a foreign language. if you are looking for a small, academically-focused, insanely fun summer program, Lita is the one!

84 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Life-Changing Summer with LITA

I cannot express enough how much this program has influenced me as a person and how it helped to cultivate my passion for speaking Spanish. From the very beginning, Jordan’s communication with my parents and I was seamless and he was always at the ready to answer any and all of our questions. From the minute we landed in Madrid, every aspect of the trip, down to the most acute details, was planned and thought out with such precision and care. Olivia and Ilan took special note to our group’s needs, both individual and collective and made sure that we felt safe while still being pushed out of our comfort zones. One aspect of this program that truly stands out to me that defines LITA and the core of its mission is the homestay. My host family are some of the most caring, genuine and thoughtful people I have ever met. From the very beginning, they instilled a sense of belonging and made me feel like I was truly a member of their family. We still talk frequently and love to reminisce about the jokes and the laughs we shared. Before we arrived in our host town I was extremely nervous to meet my family and live with them for the next 3 weeks. Yet from the minute I stepped off the bus, my host family spotted me immediately and ran over to give me a big hug. We began talking and as soon as I got to know the wonderful people they are, my nerves were instantly put to rest and I knew that these people would always have a special place in my heart. The homestay is the heart and soul of this fantastic program and I cannot recommend LITA enough! I walked away from this experience with a sense of pride, accomplishment, excitement, yet sadness that I would have to leave such an amazing place that helped to foster my love for Spanish language and culture. I cannot express my gratitude enough to such a wonderful program and the truly impactful experience it provided me. I will never forget my summer with LITA and I hope to continue to stay involved in this influential program.

82 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Thanks for reaching out Deedee! It was great speaking with you and your parents yesterday! You see each member of your group everyday, even during the homestay portion of the program. I hope that because clear in our conversation over Zoom. Thanks!

Hi Hannah, Thanks so much for reaching out to us. There are a few programatic differences between the north and south programs, but largely the differences are geographical. And it is certainly hotter in southern Spain than in northern Spain during the summer. I would be more than happy to chat with you and your parents if you would like to do that. You can reach me over email directly at jordan...