  • Spain
2 - 12 weeks

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Host Family Hotel
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
5-Week Program: $9,650
3-Week Program: $6,725

Program cost includes: lodging, all meals, transportation during the program, excursions and activities. Price does not include airfare to meet the group at the departure airport (JFK) or the international group flight to Spain.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals SIM cards Transportation Travel Insurance
What's Not Included
Dec 19, 2023
Jan 27, 2024
48 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

LITA is a unique, rural focused language immersion program in Spain. Our dynamic, academically challenging programs offer students finishing 9th-11th grades a different approach to exploring the vibrant elements of Spanish language and culture. Through small groups and individual attention, LITA offers personal, highly authentic immersive experiences to motivated students with a true commitment to language acquisition.

Programs are three and five weeks in length and center around a family homestay in small/medium sized communities in northern or southern Spain. All students take language classes and complete an independent project on a cultural topic of their choice. Five-week program students have the option to participate in a volunteer internship in the community. LITA programs focus on language as it relates to family life, food, music, history, and art. LITA programs are full immersion experiences, geared toward a more motivated and enthusiastic Spanish student.

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Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

At LITA, we stand alongside every student. Our team works closely with families to make sure everyone feels safe and welcome regardless of their ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and physical ability. We recognize that the journey toward true diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is on-going and ever-evolving. LITA is deeply committed to upholding our DEI promise and growing alongside the families and students we serve. Our philosophy is rooted in our dedication to offering students authentic and varied experiences in communities across rural Spain, emphasizing an understanding and celebration of differences.

Program Highlights

  • Rural travel.
  • Dynamic homestays.
  • Personalized programs.
  • Internship and research project opportunities.
  • Small group experiences.

Program Reviews

4.98 Rating
based on 60 reviews
  • 5 rating 98.33%
  • 4 rating 1.67%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 5
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.9
  • Housing 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 41 - 48 of 60 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

A life-changing experience

This past summer, I went on a 5 1/2 week program to Spain through LITA. When I was researching through all of the programs, I tried to find one with best homestay experience. Fast forward 4 months, and I was on a plane with 11 other people that I knew were going to become great friends. But by far, my favorite part of the trip was the homestay. I got to stay in a small town, and meet so many new people, improve my spanish, but best of all I got to eat tapas EVERY DAY, and believe me, they do not get old. I had a wonderful time, improved my spanish, and made some lifelong friends.

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My experience with LITA

I spent about half of my summer with LITA, but I wish I could have spent more. I had countless new and unique experiences over the 5 weeks that changed me as a person and dramatically improved my understanding of the world and my proficiency in Spanish. I loved every part of it, and am so thankful for the incredible experience I had. The experience was so well organized and personalized and the extra work put in by the directors to get to know the students made a huge difference. I had a few friends that each went on different Spanish immersion programs but none of them said they had anywhere near as good of a time as I did with LITA. I loved my group, my counselors, and especially my host family. The whole experience was truly life-changing and something I will never forget. If you are looking to have a fun summer abroad while also learning so much Spanish, LITA is definitely the program to choose.

What would you improve about this program?
Our schedule was always full, making use of the whole day, which at times was maybe a bit too much. I feel like some activities could have been shorter or skipped, but there were no bad activities and since they were all so fun it would be tough to even think about skipping one.
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Response from LITA

Thanks, Zach! Great to hear from you here. This is definitely a fine balance - taking advantage of the day while allowing for down time - especially since summer days in Spain are so long as it is! We really appreciate your feedback! We'll keep it in mind as we go into this coming summer. Gracias y un abrazo muy fuerte, tío!

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A Fantastic Experience with LITA

Traveling to Spain with LITA could not have been a better experience. The careful planning and detail of the program makes it truly incomparable.

LITA strikes a terrific balance between cultural and language immersion, while maintaining a firm focus on developing an understanding of what it is like to live in Spain. Starting with the ‘casa rural’ where we stayed for a week, I was able to get to know the region better, as well as truly get to know my peers in the program (who were all super interesting and kind people). My LITA group even thought it better to speak with one another in Spanish, making it into a fun game that drastically improved our language abilities. In the homestay, I was able adapt to the Spanish pace of life and practice the language even further. Through my internship at a local bakery, I was able to chat with daily customers, as well as learn traditional recipes. I am not too keen on hiking, but even our three day trek in the Pyrenees was made enjoyable by the LITA group.

Initially I was skeptical about the program, because feared that I would not actually improve noticeably in my speaking ability. However, my Spanish without a doubt improved significantly. Even though many of my peers were at different language levels, we were all able to learn from one another.

This bring me to another notable aspect of LITA, which is the support provided by the program infrastructure. Jordan, the program director, and Michela, the assistant director, were available both before and during the trip to provide ample assistance to all participants. The group leaders, different for each trip, stayed with us and ensured that everything went smoothly. When I encountered difficulties with my homestay (nothing the program could have controlled), my group leader, Olivia, stayed on the phone with me for an hour figuring it out. Even Jordan called from a different town to make sure things were going smoothly.

All in all, a fantastic experience that I completely recommend.

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100% Loved LITA

LITA was a wonderful way to learn more about Spanish culture, make new friends and have fun. After getting a chance to explore Spain with LITA, my Spanish has improved immensely. I am much more confident and feel like I can talk in Spanish for weeks straight, because that's what I ended up doing in with LITA. The way that LITA is scheduled allows for time to experience many different lifestyles in Spain, ranging from rural locations such as in Galicia to some of the biggest cities in Spain such as Barcelona. LITA is an incredible program and I would highly recommend it to anyone with a passion for Spanish and a desire to live the Spanish lifestyle!

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My Experience with Lita South Group 2017

I don't even know where to begin to explain my experience on the LITA trip this summer. It was hands-down the best trip and experience of my life. It's now September while I'm writing this review and I still think about the trip everyday. Nothing compares to the people I met, the foods I tried, the improvement of my language skills, and the beautiful places I got to see. I truly believe there is no other program quite like Lita. Lita focuses on staying in rural areas so students can really focus on improving their language skills. The thought of being somewhere where very little English is spoken was terrifying to me at first, but while I was there all my fears vanished because I knew my Spanish was improving each day and the people were so kind and understanding and helped me any time I needed it. We traveled all throughout Spain and I will never forget the beautiful cities and rural pueblos we visited. I stayed with a host family in a medium sized city in Andalucía called Osuna, and nothing can compare to that experience. I talk to my host sister almost everyday and I'm so happy to have a second family in Spain. They were the most kind, genuine people and wanted me to learn and succeed at Spanish as much as I wanted to. We had a daily routine of going to my host mother's churrería, where I had the best churros of my life, for breakfast and then my host sister would walk me to my internship at the local elementary school, where I was a teacher's assistant and got to interact with the cutest children from the ages of 2-4. After my internship, my sister and I would go home for lunch, have a long siesta, and then go to the pool with friends. Even though we had this routine, some days we would do other things. One day, we spent the night in Chipiona, a beautiful beach town, and other days we would go to my host sister's friends' campos to swim and hang out. I could go on and on about my host family and I'm so lucky that I was able to meet them, and I wouldn't have been able to if it wasn't for Lita. I also have made some of my best friends from around the United States through this trip. I now have friends from Tennessee, Rhode Island, New York, California, Florida, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. I talk to these people everyday still and know they will be some of my best friends for the rest of my life. Despite living from all over the country, we were all united through the Lita experience and I honestly can't recommend this trip enough. I had the best summer of my life thanks to Lita, and would go back to Spain with Lita a million times if I could!

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I can't speak enough about the past summer I spent with LITA. My Spanish improved exponentially in the five weeks I spent there, and I think that's from the structure of this particular program. I loved every single second of my time with LITA, and I think that the part that helped me to grow the most was the people I got to spend them with. We were really breathing, sleeping, and living Spanish the entire time we were there, and everyone was there to support each other: my awesome group, my host family, Jordan, Michela, and my counselors Ilan and Olivia. I especially enjoyed my time in my volunteer internship in a bakery that I got through the program in Benavente for the three weeks we spent there with our host families. It was there that my Spanish was constantly expanding, as I was interacting with people I wouldn't otherwise be interacting with, and learning and seeing so much of the small town culture in which we were immersed. I also formed a really special bond with my host family, who were more warm, welcoming, and helpful than I had imagined they would be. I found this program online after a few weeks of looking through several summer programs, and I'm so glad I did, because I think that everything that goes into it is so unique and makes for an incredible learning experience.

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An Experience of A Lifetime

I got back from my trip in August. It is currently mid September, and my parents have just returned from their week-long trip to Spain. As they describe their trip to me, I almost laugh. They got to see Spain through the eyes of a tourist, I got to see Spain through the eyes of the local. My personal connection I now feel to Spain is all thanks to the strategic planning of LITA. The majority of the trip was focused on the three week home stay in small towns. The lack of commercialization in these small towns is purposefully chosen to make sure that we do not have locals trying to practice their English on us. Each group has its own small town where everyone knows everything about everyone, the kids all go to the pool by day and out for ice cream by night, and the Spanish culture is thick and raw. Sure, my Spanish sister might have helped me once or twice with a word I couldn't remember in Spanish because she was good at English, but other than that she respected my wish to only speak Spanish. My American friends and I also only spoke Spanish with each other. We all thought of it as a fun challenge, and knew we would be excited to show off our skills in the upcoming school year. I left the trip in tears, not wanting to speak English, or leave my new Spanish and American family and friends. I bonded with everyone on the trip, no matter if it was through a friendly conversation with a tour guide, playing childish games in the town pavilion until 2 am, singing with my group, or even chatting with our bus driver, the beloved Manolo! There was not one part of the trip I would recommend to be taken off. From the first week to the very last, I cherished every single moment and wish that I can go back and relive them. I still can't get over what an amazing time I had this summer with LITA, and even more so can't wait to see where I take my newfound love for speaking Spanish in the future.

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Read my full story
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Lita: An Eye Opening Adventure

My wonderful time with Lita can only be described as “alucinante.” Alucinante is a spanish adjective (of course!) that roughly yet beautifully translates to being so captivating and amazing that it is hard to put it into words.
Spending my summers with Lita was easily the best decision I have ever made. As many of the other reviews allude to, Lita is a program that stands above the rest for its level of authenticity and attention to detail. Directors Jordan and Michela truly get to know each and every student on a personal level: their passions, their hopes, and their fears. They are always available and attentive to the needs of the individuals and the group. The attention to detail is very apparent from matching families in charming small towns to making sure students find an internship or class that encourages them in their passions and language abilities. This past summer, I had the opportunity to intern with a local ceramicist. Our mornings included lots of painting and numerous conversations over coffee that opened my eyes to Spain past and present. My spanish improved exponentially over the course of just a few weeks during the homestay and classes. While I came away with a better knowledge of spanish, I also came away with a better understanding of myself and the world around me, as well as a heightened awareness and appreciation for the things that connect us all.
Before embarking on this experience, I truly had no idea how monumental it would be for me going into the future. I truly needed this experience for it pushed me out of my comfort zone, gave me friendships and skills that will last a lifetime, and showed me where my passions lie. While it can be challenging, it is wholly worth the time and effort. This experience will open your eyes and encourage you to keep opening. If you are looking for authenticity: in your relationships, experiences, and yourself, then I highly encourage you to consider this amazing experience!

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Questions & Answers

Thanks for reaching out Deedee! It was great speaking with you and your parents yesterday! You see each member of your group everyday, even during the homestay portion of the program. I hope that because clear in our conversation over Zoom. Thanks!

Hi Hannah, Thanks so much for reaching out to us. There are a few programatic differences between the north and south programs, but largely the differences are geographical. And it is certainly hotter in southern Spain than in northern Spain during the summer. I would be more than happy to chat with you and your parents if you would like to do that. You can reach me over email directly at jordan...