International Volunteer HQ - IVHQ

Program Reviews

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Loved my time in Vietnam

I can not thank you enough for my time shared in Ho Chi Minh City on the food outreach project.
The whole experience was fantastic from start to finish, I have already registered for my next program, that shows just how wonderful things were.
I ate things that were different from the normal things I eat. The strangest thing was a big snail & I liked it!
I experienced a lot of different Vietnamese culture & I especially loved the coffee. (I took two coffee making classes)
I arrived back in the U.K. last night & I am already missing my daily coffees.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I ate a snail
  • Great food
  • Great meeting people
  • Brilliant experience
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Yes, I recommend this program

Medical Volunteer

I was happy to have this experience volunteering in a community outreach program for elders from the Kakchiquel Maya community in Guatemala. I felt that I was able to both use my nursing skills and make a difference in my patient's lives. I believe that I was able to convey that I care about them as well. I would love to return in the future. I was able to schedule some fun side trips on the weekends such as a trip to the Pacific ocean, with a tour through the mangroves; a trip to a nearby coffee "finca," a trip to Pacaya volcano, and a trip to the markets at Chichicastenango.

What was your funniest moment?
For me, fun moments are meaningful. I loved having the experience of caring for elders from the Maya community and learning about their health conditions and concerns. Working together with the other 2 medical volunteers with me, we were able to make a difference in their lives for the better.
  • Medical experience, learning about new conditions
  • Use of Spanish language skills
  • Getting to know other volunteers
  • Stay with family food not sufficient, inflexible meal times
  • Hard to sleep due to noise, fireworks, family dog barking on daily basis
  • Was sick the 2nd week
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Yes, I recommend this program

Grazie Vic Falls

What made my experience great?
First of all, the amazing, motivating and very competent guides. Secondly the extraordinary team, that was always cheerful, helpful and there for us. Third the place. I mean Vic Falls, the energy there is very strong and powerful. You can recharge your power, hopefully for all your life. This experience will make you shine as a person. Im so grateful that I could be a part of it!
I learnt a lot about Fauna and Flora, about living with less and being happy. I was living in the moment.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
The most surprising experience was camping outside with the lions around us. They literally surrounded us. Hearing them breathe and roaring was the best. While getting into sleep with the sound of the nature was also a breathtaking experience.
  • Accomodation, Food
  • Guides very experienced, competent and motivated
  • Team
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Yes, I recommend this program


IVHQ is transparent online and gives a great overview of programs. They were quick and eager to respond regardless of time differences and answered thoroughly and wholeheartedly. I really appreciated their willingness to change my program from teaching english to childcare, it reduced a lot of stress. I felt so safe and cared for especially as a first time solo female traveller at 18! The program had so much support and choose a wonderful company, Maximo Nivel, to oversee everything. Having in country support was vital to feeling comfortable for me! Thank you!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I was so surprised how much of an impact a month makes on kids lives. I wasn’t expecting to impact anyone but i left truly feeling accomplished and struggling to leave!
  • Safety
  • Fun
  • Great friends and travel buddies
  • The meal repetition
  • Shared accomodation
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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteering and Construction With IVHQ

I had the incredible opportunity to volunteer with IVHQ in Ghana, specifically in the field of construction and renovations. From the moment I set foot in the vibrant community, I knew this experience would be transformative, both for the local community and for myself.

The project was well-organized and had a clear objective: to improve the infrastructure and living conditions in the area. The IVHQ team in Ghana provided thorough training and guidance, ensuring that volunteers like myself could contribute effectively to the construction and renovation projects.

One of the highlights of my volunteering experience was the chance to work alongside people and community members. The camaraderie and shared sense of purpose created a positive and uplifting atmosphere on the construction site. It was inspiring to witness the dedication and resilience of the local community, and I formed lasting connections with both fellow volunteers and the people we were helping.

The projects themselves were diverse, ranging from painting, to concreting, to brick making and laying. This allowed me to gain valuable hands-on experience and develop a wide range of skills. The satisfaction of seeing tangible results at the end of each day was immeasurable, and it reinforced the impact that collective efforts can have on a community.

IVHQ's commitment to sustainable and responsible volunteering was evident throughout the program. The projects were carefully chosen to address genuine needs within the community, and the emphasis on collaboration ensured that the initiatives had a lasting impact. Additionally, the cultural immersion activities organized by IVHQ allowed volunteers to better understand the local context, fostering a deeper connection with the people we were there to support.

Accommodations and logistics were well taken care of, ensuring a comfortable and safe environment for volunteers. The local staff was incredibly supportive and played a crucial role in making the experience memorable. Their dedication to the well-being of both volunteers and the community showcased IVHQ's commitment to responsible and ethical volunteering practices.

In conclusion, my time volunteering in construction and renovations with IVHQ Ghana was an enriching and eye-opening experience. It not only allowed me to contribute to meaningful projects but also provided me with a profound understanding of the culture and challenges faced by the local community. I would highly recommend IVHQ to anyone seeking a purposeful and impactful volunteering experience.

What was your funniest moment?
Just the local staff and people I worked with in general!! They were some of the funniest and nicest people I have ever met.
  • Fun
  • You will make new friends
  • Great experience where you really feel like you are making a difference
  • No, real cons.
  • The accommodation is not 5 star, but is clean and what you expect for rural Ghana.
  • Lots of mosquitos (again, to be expected. Just bring spray and a net)
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Experience Volunteering in Kenya

My experience volunteering in Kenya was the best I’ve ever had and I don’t think it would have been as incredible if not for the program and the local team. I felt safe at all times and like I always had someone to call or reach out to if I needed to. I made some friends from around the world and got to experience living like a Kenyan local. I mostly enjoyed going to the markets and picking our produce and driving around on motorbikes and matatus, which are the main forms of transport. The kids were the sweetest things and they were so excited to see us everyday. They, along with the rest of the locals, are so fascinated with volunteers that look different from themselves. I really felt like I was living in a completely different culture and it was incredible. I would definitely recommend for anyone who wants to get out of their comfort zone and do something to help others. It was a bit pricey, but considering what I got out of it, I will definitely be traveling again through this organization! Also, I would definitely recommend going for AT LEAST three weeks. Two weeks will not be enough!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
We went and visited the Maasai village as part of the safari experience and I decided to completely envelope myself in the culture and got branded. I got a permanent burn mark on my arm for a constant reminder of the incredible experience I had.
  • Making friends from around the world
  • Living like a local
  • Helping out in the schools
  • A bit pricey
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Yes, I recommend this program

IVHQ Jamaica was by far my favorite!

I’d honestly recommend IVHQ to anyone interested in volunteer abroad. Both trips came at angelic timing. Jamaica was one heck of a cultural adventure and Guatemala provided lots of solitude and reflection. Both journeys came with great support, especially by program manager Lina, and basically the whole registration process was seemingly smooth and straight forward. I enjoyed the plentiful options that are offered with IVHQ. 10/10! I can’t wait to experience another excursion again especially since I’m connected to the FB page which is encouraging to remain in contact with the community, and I believe that’s a great feature IVHQ offers.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve racking moment was speaking another language 24/7, minimal English and 85%+ Spanish. Having to turn on my creativity cap for constantly adjusting to that cultural difference made it nerve wracking at times more than others. At first, I dived right into the culture, starting small at the grocery store, semi Google translating and asking for things/to be assisted.
  • Gained additional confidence
  • Reconnected with my Jamaican roots
  • Completed healing cycles through my wanderlusting
  • The home stays in Guatemala were not comfortable nor 100% cleanly
  • Máximo Nivel’s local team could highly improve. In fact, field Manager Kayla could definitely repeat training in certain areas that involve leadership and properly/respectfully guiding a group to join her in humanitarian efforts.
  • Maybe include more food in Guatemala’s program since transport to and from Maximo was dependen upon the volunteer as a treat.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Time in Tanzania

I loved my experience with IVHQ and the host team. The application process was easy and the IVHQ staff was very responsive and helped us manage our expectations. The host team was absolutely amazing! I traveled with my husband, and we fell in love with the host team. They were so kind, organized and very responsive. They were always willing to answer questions and check in to see that everything was going smoothly. We really enjoyed working alongside the local people at our job sites. I worked in a local hospital/clinic and he worked construction building a house. It was also fun to work with other volunteers who were from all over the world. The homestay was beyond our expectations and the host mama and her family were very welcoming to everyone who came into their home. We found we loved traveling this way. It was an opportunity to connect to the local people and culture and see more of this beautiful country than we would have otherwise.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be open minded and open hearted. People will be responsive if you are patient, kind and positive. If your expectations aren't being met, you may need to reflect on what may need to be adjusted. Advocate for yourself in a way that is kind and professional. The people of Tanzania have their own sense of time which may be different than yours, relax and enjoy the scenery and/or the people next to you. You never know who you're going to meet.
  • I was able to engage with the people and their culture in a way you may not have been able to otherwise.
  • Public transportation is really crowded, but doable.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteering in Tanzania

I had an amazing experience volunteering in Tanzania that I would repeat thousand times if I could. The local team was so nice and they helped me in everything I needed. I really enjoyed going to my placement and meeting so many incredible children, I learned so much from them and their culture and I’ll be grateful forever! I also made so many friends from all around the world and that was one of the best things of my trip, it was an amazing and life changing experience that I would really recommend!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Go with an open mind, you will experience and see things that you don’t even expect but you will learn so much from that!
  • Make so many friends
  • So nice local team
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable Experience Volunteering with IVHQ in the Philippines

My wife and I had an unforgettable experience volunteering with IVHQ during our honeymoon in the Philippines. The organization facilitated a seamless and enriching opportunity for us to contribute meaningfully to the local community. Our main focus was on mangrove restoration, climate change education for the youth, and participating in beach clean-ups. The projects were well-organized, and the support from the IVHQ team was exceptional, ensuring we could make a positive impact during our short stay.

Volunteering with IVHQ not only allowed us to give back to the community but also created a unique and fulfilling dimension to our honeymoon. The hands-on experience of working on environmental initiatives left a lasting impact on us, and we were impressed with the dedication of the local team and the meaningful projects they have in place. We wholeheartedly recommend IVHQ to any couples considering a honeymoon with a purpose – the combination of giving back, cultural immersion, and the beautiful setting made our experience truly unforgettable.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would volunteer for at least 2-3 weeks minumum. We volunteered for 2 weeks and that seemed like a grand amount of time for our honeymoon, but for our next trip, we are thinking of volunteering for at least 4 weeks in Latin America. This would be sufficient time to have a lasting impact and we had so much fun along the way.
  • Authentic Human Connection
  • Lasting Postitive Community Impact
  • Unforgettable Experiences