Korvia Consulting

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great recruiter

For some years I had been considering taking a break in my studies to teach abroad. I finally took the leap this year, all via Korvia Consulting. People often ask me, "Why Korea?" and the truth is because Korvia was recommended to me and when I looked on the website the application process was so easy!

I really liked that I could put in my preferences for age of students, cities/rural places and the like. Thanks to Korvia I got a job close to a rural area and just down the road from a nature reserve. Even better is that I am not in fact teaching English, but rather subjects related to my field of study.

Korvia guides you through the whole process and makes sure you don't arrive stranded at the airport. They even even send you a helpful arrival pdf (covering things from work hierarchy to how to work your underfloor heating!) and links on how to get a cellphone plan.

The only thing I slightly disliked was that I couldn't compare jobs. I could only accept a job, or decline and move on. However, seeing as I struggle to decide between options, maybe this was a good thing!

I would recommend Korvia Consulting to others and would use them again if I wanted to change schools.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Acorn jelly! (Dotorimuk) Also fresh seaweed. Kelp, to be exact. And fermented soya bean paste (doenjang). There are so many unfamiliar foods in the shops. I still haven't tried out most of them!
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Yes, I recommend this program

You won't need any recruiter other than Korvia

This was my first time trying to teach overseas. After attempting on my own I tried Korvia and it was the best decision. First, a big thank you to Thelma for being the most patient and amazing recruiter ever. All of my preferences were tended to, my personality was taken into account, I was provided clear and thorough information in a timely manner for the entire process, and even taken care of after 3 airline cancellations. It really helped that Thelma always checked on me and was available no matter the question. I could not imagine any recruiter providing so much to not only get you a good teaching position, but being sure that everything else is taken care of after arrival. Just give Korvia a try, and see if you are luck enough to get Thelma as your helping hand.

What would you improve about this program?
Nothing needs improvement. Everything about this exceeded my expectations.
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Yes, I recommend this program


Korvia is by far the best recruiting company focused on Korean placements that I have used (and I’ve used a few).
They were always ready to listen to my questions and concerns and they always kept my preferences at the forefront. Though it took awhile to find a placement, it was the perfect placement. They really care that you’ll be happy in your new position.
I even had a change of recruiter and the person who took me under them really went beyond my expectations to help me.
They respond quickly to emails and are very professional, but also very kind. I’m glad I found Korvia (through a friend) because I don’t think I would have found such a great school and team.
Thanks Korvia!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Trust in the well trained recruiters. They have your best interests at heart.
And if you’re ever scared about making such a big change: be scared, and do it anyway.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Korvia & EPIK

When researching into teaching English in Korea, I came across many recommendations for Korvia Consulting. As a result, I visited Korvias website and I'm so glad I did. Ever since my first email communication with the team at Korvia, till now (moved into my new place in Gangnam and ready to start school!) they have been incredibly friendly and helpful.
Any questions I had, and am still having, Korvia were able to answer quickly and comprehensively.

I'd have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone seriously considering applying to EPIK and wanting to teach in Korea.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Come with an open mind, apply early and enjoy the experience. EPIK is an open playing field and don't be disappointed if you don't get the location you're initially after. You will meet so many great people at the orientation and meet people that will be placed all around Korea, so you'll have no troubles exploring the country and having places to stay when you wish to do so.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Korvia Consulting: Tier 1 Korea Teacher Recruiter

Korvia Consulting is the pinnacle of recruiters for teaching in South Korea. Their recruiting teams are very knowledgable about the process of getting you to Korea and they work with the best Hagwons and school programs. Throughout the entire process, every member I came into contact with had a professional demeanor and an excellent attitude! I personally worked with Thelma and Jessie, who were both essential in finding me the perfect fit as a teacher. I would wake up everyday with 2-3 schools to review and I was contacted by both before each interview. Their response email to each of my questions was fast and always answered the questions and ancillary questions I was going to follow up with. I cannot recommend Korvia enough and if you work with Jessie or Thelma, you are in great hands! 10/10 experience throughout the entire process. I am enterally grateful for the help Korvia consulting gave to me and their relentless effort to help me reach my goals!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Seamless experience

I highly recommend Korvia. I was assigned to Niki and she has been amazing throughout the whole process. I was originally very rushed to find a job due to my graduation and Niki helped to move the process along as fast as possible. I can't thank Korvia enough. The school they linked me to is also incredible, and I'm glad that I went through a recruiter to ensure I was arriving at a real place! I'm also impressed with all of the support you receive once you receive your job offer; Korvia will ensure your safe arrival in Korea and give you any information you need regarding bank accounts, phone numbers, ARC's etc. Also, they send you information packs to help you know what to pack and where to buy things you may need, which was a huge help for me.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Get your paperwork as soon as possible!! I'm not kidding get your criminal record check as soon as you're accepted with Korvia
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Yes, I recommend this program

Korvia is fantastic!

Korvia is actually the first recruiting company to accept me! I had tried through a different one first and had been rejected. I was a little distraught and unsure if I could reach my goal of teaching abroad. I thought, “Try one more time with someone else!” and Korvia welcomed me with open arms.
My recruiter, Niki, was very kind and professional! Our interview was very informative and she was so patient even with my internet connection issues! I received a very fast response that Korvia would love to help me find a place teaching in Korea.
The process was a long one but Niki helped me every step of the way! She never rushed me and always made sure I understood what was happening.
Even after I’ve arrived she still answers my questions!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-racking moment was honestly just seeing my family cry at the airport when I left. “Oh man, this is really happening! I’m leaving everything I’ve ever known for at least a year!”
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Yes, I recommend this program

Korvia puts their passion for people front and center

Korvia stood head and shoulders above their competition when I looked at moving to South Korea to teach English.

Because of all the good reviews and positive feedback on their social media, I decided to take the leap of faith and jump into the abyss that is the red tape and organization needed to move to a different country. Korvia has been there every step of the way, constantly staying in contact. They kept presenting job opportunities to me until I had made a decision on which one suited my needs best.

Once I had decided, they set up the job interview for me, and shortly thereafter contacted me to tell me that I had been hired. They could have just left it at that, they had set me up with a Hagwon which is exactly what they set out to do, instead, they stayed by my side and continued to provide the support that I needed, even organizing assistance at Incheon International Airport when I arrived.

To Ann and her team, thank you, you have made the move a smooth and enjoyable transition, which is more than I ever could have hoped for.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Arriving at an Internation Airport where virtually no staff spoke English. Slowly but surely made my way through the airport and various points, until I met up with my Korvia contact who made it much easier from that point on.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I'm so thankful!

Korvia is everything I could ever have wished for in a recruiting agency. I tried another agency and after 6 months and no job opportunities they just stopped contacting me. Discouraged, but not quite ready to give up, I decided to apply to EPIK through Korvia. Korvia was extremely upfront about all the steps ahead of me and everything I would be required to do throughout the process. There was never a moment where I felt lost or abandoned in the process because they are amazing with communication. My own situation was unique because due to a delay in my documents I did not get in to the semester that I applied for. Even so, Korvia stuck with me and let me know what all of my options were and the next semester I was on a plane to Korea. I did the pre-orientation that they set up, met a lot of English teachers like myself and took advantage of the wonderful resources Korvia provided for us. I've been in Korea for a little over a month, I'm enjoying my time teaching English and can hands down say this was all possible thanks to Korvia. I would 100% recommend them!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would prepare all my documents in a timely manner!!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Korvia Korvia Korvia!

Absolutely LOVED Korvia as a service, and so glad I ended up with them at my side. They have been more than helpful throughout this entire process, and I am currently t-minus one week in Korea so far and love my school, the assistance I've received, my apartment, all of it. Forever grateful for Korvia.

I was assisted in obtaining my medical exam, as well as applying for my ARC card (possibly because my city is on the smaller side) which was extremely helpful. I can't imagine getting it done without Korvia's help. I, at first, entertained the idea of "going it alone" and taking on the entire process myself, but one day I came across Korvia as a service and, to be honest, just had a good feeling about them so I reached out and I honestly am so glad that I did. Doing all of this alone would have been too daunting, and I can genuinely reassure you all who are considering taking this leap of faith that Korvia will truly care about you. You won't just be another number. They actually care and are there for you.

What was your funniest moment?
Funny and not funny. I got locked out of my apartment (to only the fault of my own). Korvia was there for me though, luckily! Even as late at night as it was!