  • Czech Republic
    • Prague
130 hours
Training Type

Program Details

Teaching Practicum
Job Placement
Weekly Classroom Hours
Apartment Hotel
Age Min.


Starting Price
Price Details
Book your course within 14 days of sending in your application and receive a $125 discount on any course of your choosing. Our flexible deposit allows you to change your course date if needed.
What's Included
Activities Airport Transfers Transportation Visa Wifi
What's Included (Extra)

Inclusion in our vibrant graduate community
A supportive staff of over 14 people
Lifetime job assistance
Parties/social events
Housing assistance
All course materials and textbooks
Airport car service
6 hrs of Czech lessons
Graduation gifts
And much more

What's Not Included
Accommodation Airfare Meals Travel Insurance
What's Not Included (Extra)

Housing and visa services are extra

Apr 04, 2024
Feb 27, 2023
52 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

The Language House TEFL comes highly recommended by graduates of their program and is the largest and most popular TEFL course in Prague. What separates The Language House TEFL from the majority of other 4-week TEFL/CELTA/Trinity courses worldwide is their focus on extra teaching practice and their stellar postgraduate community and services in Prague and abroad. TLH is not just a teacher training course, but a vibrant community of staff and graduates that help and support each other. Also, graduating from this program basically guarantees you a job in a top language school in the region.
Aside from expert teacher training, TLH assists with every single aspect of moving abroad (visas, housing, bank accounts...). This attention to their students is what makes them so popular.
The course is rewarding and fun, but be prepared for a rigorous educational experience. In four weeks, they will turn you into a confident teacher and help you find a teaching job anywhere in the world!

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • The most popular TEFL certification course in Prague
  • 30% more hands-on teaching practice than most courses worldwide
  • Our vibrant graduate community means that you will make dozens of friends during your course and while living in Prague
  • Amazing location in the historic center of Prague.
  • Lifetime job assistance with contacts worldwide (many graduates find jobs before the course ends

Popular Programs

Join our course

The Language House TEFL offers a wonderful Job and Guidance Package for teachers who are already TEFL certified and want to move to Prague. Moving to Prague and setting up a shop is hard on your own. This program helps with everything from your temporary housing and job search to the visa and making friends. Most importantly, participants get to sit in on two weeks of The Language House TEFL's course to brush up on their teaching skills. Highly recommended!

Blended TEFL courses in Prague

The Language House TEFL has teamed up with International TEFL Academy to offer a one-of-a-kind blended TEFL course. Sign up for International TEFL Academy's 11-week online course via The Language House TEFL and get the ability to do your teaching practicum with us in Prague. Get the benefits of having the leading providers in online and onsite training in the same course. This is a perfect option for those who want to get most of their training completed in advance.

Language House YLT Course

We offer a great YLT (Young Learners and Teens) certificate for those interested in teaching kids. There are so many jobs these days geared towards teaching children. This 12-hour course will give you specific training in the field of young learners, making you more employable for preschool teaching positions. The YLT course takes place on two Saturdays during our regular course. It is open to all Language House TEFL students and those who already have a TEFL certificate.

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Program Reviews

4.95 Rating
based on 76 reviews
  • 5 rating 94.74%
  • 4 rating 5.26%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Benefits 4.85
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 4.25
  • Facilities 4.75
  • Safety 4.85
  • Impact 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Value 5
  • Safety 5
  • Instruction 4.85
  • Support 4.9
  • Value 4.9
  • Academic Rigor 4.3
  • Job Assistance 4.75
Showing 25 - 32 of 76 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Best Tefl In Prague

The decision for me to go abroad again was the easiest but also the hardest decision. I chose the Language House based off reviews I had previously read but after I met the owner of the program during a visit to Prague, I felt that I was making the right decision and I felt very welcomed. Even before the program starts, there is a lot of support in making the transition to life abroad. The program was difficult and even more difficult than some periods I felt during graduate school. However, immediately you are gaining experience with teaching and have a lot of exposure to Czech students. The days are long and the program is to be taken seriously but at the end, you have have not only TEFL certificate but a community of people in Prague and around the world to connect with. I had friends who did other TEFL programs in Prague and they definitely do not have the support or networking options I have had thru The Language House. Also, I have made lifelong friends. A year and a half later, I am still here in Prague and more than happy with my decision.

47 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Please read this, and go.

Wow, The Language House in Prague. What an experience.

Let me begin with a warning: As others have said, it’s intense. Do NOT take that lightly. I have done a lot of very difficult and challenging things in my life, and this was absolutely one of the most difficult things I have ever done. A number of students admitted to having been in tears at least once. It’s a challenge, to say the least. As one very strong and intelligent classmate said to me, “It’s like they have perfected a formula to push us right to the edge, without quite pushing us over.” It did, in fact, push me over, and at least one other classmate. We both hit a point where we essentially couldn’t function, just overloaded and over stressed. It took me an additional week beyond the course to complete it. The owner of the course met with a few of us at no additional cost, on days he should have been off, to professionally and patiently help us become better teachers. It made a huge difference. The staff here wants you to succeed, and will help you in any way you need, to make that happen.

So, what does this all mean? For me it means I cannot possibly imagine another school doing a better job of preparing you to be a teacher. And sure, it could be difficult even if the quality of the teaching and the methods were not top-notch, but that’s not the case. The TLH staff are outrageously good at what they do. They know their stuff. Because of all this, students that come out of The Language House have an undeniable advantage, at least here in Prague (which, by the way, is amazing!). Prospective employers from English teaching schools have told some of my classmates that TLH consistently produces the best teachers. You will get hired.

Okay, this review is long enough, and I think I’ve made my point. Here are a few key words. To each one, please attach the word “Amazing!” Prague, camaraderie, quality, intensity, friends, endless support, your new family, and challenge.

Am I glad I came to The Language House? Well, I wish the intensity could have been diluted to six weeks instead of four, but yes. And perhaps it’s relevant to note that I am a semi-retired guy of 64, WAY outside my demographic! The typical student here is fresh out of college and still has his or her study skills intact. My classmates (and now friends) were wonderful, supportive, and welcoming. I’m heading into an entirely new life, and it’s exciting. Thank you, TLH!

PS Study grammar before you get here. Really.

What would you improve about this program?
There was a lot of frustration with the onsite computers, available to the students. At times you will need to print something, NOW. And sometimes you can’t. I don’t know what the solution is, but...
47 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Such fun!

The course is very demanding! You'll be at school when you teach from 9 AM to probably 9 or 9:30 PM. It's a lot of information, but you learn a lot. You get 9 teaching lessons, which is more than most schools. You get a really supportive staff as well who can help with the demanding course load. I'd say pay for the extra orientation the weekend before the course starts, and let them do your housing for the course. It's so much easier. Plus the orientation weekend is the time to make friends. It really is a lot of work (sometimes overwhelming), but I left the school feeling really prepared and galvanized to teach. It was hard, but I feel very confident in my abilities to teach.

43 people found this review helpful.
male headshot
Yes, I recommend this program

Starting a new career at 52

I worked in the IT world for over 25 years before deciding that IT work and the cubicle life were not for me. I knew I wanted to explore the world and find a career that would have a positive impact on the lives of others. I did the "Strengths Finder" assessment and it pointed at a career in teaching. I'd looked into teaching English in the past so this all resonated with me. That is when I began researching the best TEFL courses. The Language House in Prague was at or near the top of several different review sites. After watching several of their videos, I knew this was the course for me, so I applied.

I can say that from the time I sent the first email until now, the staff have been super helpful and attentive. Chris Westergaard and the rest of the staff have answered emails at all hours of the day and provided extra hours for review of grammar and teaching methodology. One of the things that they stress on the website and at the school is how strong their graduate community is. I can attest to this being the case. During the monthlong course, a number of alums used The Language House copiers and other materials to prepare lessons and talking with them confirmed the "extended family" sense of community they foster.

As for the course itself, I can say it was the most intense classroom experience of my life. I have a BA in history and I don't think I worked as hard for any of that as I did while working to earn my TEFL certificate. I felt a little "hamstrung" by the fact that I was about 28 years removed from academic coursework. I had to relearn how to take notes and prioritize my nights. But, it all paid off in the end. I've talked to other recent TEFL students from other courses and I believe The Language House offers one of the most comprehensive and preparatory TEFL certificate courses you will find. Many other courses offer up to 6 hours of practical teaching experience. The Language House requires teaching nine lessons with actual students plus teaching two hour long 1 on 1 lessons. This is much more than most other TEFL programs offer or require.

If you really want to earn a TEFL certificate and become an English teacher, this should be your first choice. All of the teachers and observers have passed through the TLH course and so they know exactly how rigorous the course is to go through. They have also spent years in the trenches after the course teaching English here and elsewhere so they know from experience what makes a good English teacher.

Lastly, I would add that Prague is an amazing city and having the course here only makes the whole experience that much cooler. I give the course and the staff two enthusiastic thumbs up.

What would you improve about this program?
The course is already super intense. You teach nine lessons with Czech students over three weeks. You also get to observe one lesson with your first observer. I would have liked to have an opportunity to observe one or two other full lessons outside the course framework.
54 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

A great investment!

I attended The Language House in August 2013 and have since had great success in my English teaching career. Chris and the rest of The Language House staff are very knowledgeable and better yet, they keep an engaging learning environment! The program features a variety of lectures and group-based discussions paired with 13 hours of practical teaching experience. You will walk away with effective teaching strategies and a solid foundation in classroom management and lesson planning. I opted for the Young Learners and Teens extension certificate which opened up more job opportunities for me. Not only does TLH have an extensive alumni network- they are up to date on the trends of the TEFL job market in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Attending TLH in 2013 was a great post-university decision for me. Getting my TEFL certificate allowed me to live in Prague and travel around Europe for a few years before attending graduate school in Edinburgh. I have since worked in developing ESOL programming in Zambia and Scotland and have received offers to teach across the world. I have recommended TLH to a number of people and I will continue to do so!

56 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Worth it!

The course is exhausting, and incredibly intense, but I was prepared for that, and I left the course feeling so prepared to teach ESL. If you're serious about being an ESL teacher, this course is excellent! The staff are all amazing, and put in a lot of effort to make the classes and overall experience fun and enjoyable, even though you're feeling overwhelmed by the course. The extra teaching practice offered through their course is definitely valuable, and it has improved my overall teaching ability. In terms of job support, they've been assisting me with applying to work in Korea since months before I took the course! They put me in contact with a recruiter in Korea almost immediately after I registered for the course, which I was so thankful for! All in all, I highly recommend this course, just be prepared to work hard! ;)

55 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Push You Need

It's easy to take an online TEFL class or find the cheapest place that will certify you, but when it comes to being prepared to actually Teach English as a Foreign Language, The Language House is where to go. It's an intense 4 week course but by the end you feel ready to go out and teach for a living. They still keep it fun by arranging activities and reminding you that you're in an incredible city. TLH takes care of it's students and has a great network in Prague and around the world, there's a constant stream of job offers for graduates. I would recommend anyone looking to teach abroad to get their TEFL certificate at The Language House.

53 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Living the Dream in Prague!

I had an excellent experience with The Language House! I took the TEFL course in May and with their support and assistance was easily able to find full time teaching work in Prague. The course was demanding yet effectively prepared me to begin teaching immediately in a way that no online course ever could. In addition to the instruction, we were also shown around Prague and received assistance with finding housing and other tasks necessary to live in a new country. I remain very close friends with the majority of my TEFL course as well as my instructors. I would highly recommend this course to anyone considering a TEFL program.

43 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hello! Yes, it is possible :) While it maybe slightly more difficult to find a job, there are definitely opportunities for you! The Language House is great about connecting their students with jobs around Prague.

I have been able to live comfortably and travel with my income.

Unfortunately, TEFL certification is not particularly useful in the States. Most schools and companies here don't seem to understand what it is. ESL companies here tend to look for DELTA certification or a teaching license with ESL credential for their teaching staff. However, skills that you acquire during this program (and teaching abroad) are very helpful in persuing teaching at home.

found it very easy to get a job in Prague after the TEFL at the Language House. I had three interviews the first week after the course and I got all three jobs. Most of my friends had a similar experience. Prague has so many language schools and they are usually hiring. This was in mid April. An even better time to look for jobs is in late August/early September, or in January when the terms start...